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Loving Her Scars (Loving Her Scars Series Book 1)

Page 12

by B M Griffin

  Shayla laughed. “Yeah, you’re right, but I can live with that if she decides that he makes her happy. She didn’t ditch me, even after seeing me in all my werewolf glory. She deserves to find someone who will be there for her and love her. She deserves her own Adam.”

  Shayla smiled at him shyly, and he couldn’t argue with her anymore. He pulled her to him and gave her a quick kiss. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”


  By the time Jared finished giving Megan a tour of the house, and actually showed up in the meeting room, an hour had passed. Adam had tried to go hunt them down numerous times, but Shayla had stopped him each time she saw him getting too close to the door.

  “What, did you take her to visit The Biltmore or some shit?” Adam asked.

  Jared narrowed his eyes in return. “Very funny, asshole.”

  When Jared pulled a chair next to his own seat and had Megan sit down, every eye in the room was on the two of them. Other than Jared and Megan, Shayla was the only one to smile at the sight. The rest of the members in the room, Lou, Zack, Allen, Chris, Joanna, and Kelly, watched Jared with Megan like they were waiting on some contagious outbreak to occur, and they were accessing their easiest escape route. Adam just ground his teeth together to keep from saying anything else. Despite what he said to Shayla earlier, if Megan was the person for Jared, he’d be happy for his friend, but he was ready to get this show on the road. Kevin Hall was a real threat, and it was time they all started acting like it.

  As soon as Jared took a seat, Adam jumped right in. “Have you considered taking this fight to him, instead of waiting for him to bring it here?”

  “Yes,” Jared said, “but that doesn’t mean I’ve decided on it.”

  “So, we’re just supposed to sit here and wait for him to do whatever he wants?”

  Jared leaned forward, arms braced on the table, and his jaw tight. “Nobody said that, Adam. We need to decide what’s best together—as a pack.”

  Adam felt a hand rested on his arm and knew it was Shayla. He felt like he was letting her down. They needed to put a stop to this threat. The longer they waited, the more time Kevin had to organize against them, and he already had them beat in numbers.

  “Jared, I’d like to help,” Shayla said.

  Adam jerked around in his seat to look at her. Had she lost her damn mind? “No,” he said.

  He didn’t wait for Jared’s response. He honestly didn’t give a damn what Jared had to say about it, alpha or not, he wasn’t letting Shayla fight. He didn’t get the chance to stop her at the house last night, but that was just a couple of Kevin’s cronies. There wasn’t a chance in hell of him allowing her to walk into Kevin’s home to take on his pack.

  Shayla’s glare was downright scary. The whites of her eyes were completely taken over by the fiery purple of her wolf.

  “You won’t allow me to go with our pack. You won’t allow me to fight and defend myself.”

  Every time she said the word, allow, it sounded like she was about to choke on something vile.

  “I might love you, Adam Huff, but you don’t get to allow me to do anything. I finally have the strength to fight and defend myself, and I’m not letting anyone tell me that I can’t do just that. Not even you.”

  It occurred to Adam that he hadn’t said the word, allow, out loud. All he had said was no, but the way she kept repeating that one word, told him she’d heard him say it, which meant she had read his mind without him sharing his thoughts with her.

  “Shay, did you read my mind?”

  Confusion briefly showed on her face, then the angry mask was back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Adam. I’m talking about you saying you won’t allow me to fight in this battle, and you said it in front of everyone here which makes it worse.”

  He rested his hand on her arm. She stiffened, but didn’t pull away, so he would take that as a sign he hadn’t screwed up too bad. “Shay, that’s what I’m gettin’ at. I didn’t say that out loud. The only word I spoke out loud was, no. I thought the rest, but I wasn’t sharing my thoughts with you, not intentionally at least, so you shouldn’t have heard me.”

  Shayla’s expression changed. The hue of her eyes dimmed to an almost normal shade of purple. “Is that normal?” she asked.

  Across the table, Joanna and Kelly started laughing.

  “Honey, we’re werewolves,” Joanna said. “Nothing about us is normal.”

  “So true,” Kelly agreed.

  Adam took Shayla’s hands in his. “They’re right. Some of us are just more exceptional than others.” He winked at her. “I think we’re going to find out you might be the best yet.”

  “You know, it could be because your wolves have bonded,” Jared added.

  “But I haven’t heard any of her thoughts when she wasn’t trying to share.”

  Jared shrugged. “Maybe you have and just didn’t realize it like Shayla just did with you. It’s not often two werewolves wind up together, and even then, they don’t always bond.”

  “He’s right,” Joanna said. “If y’all are bonded you share a connection no one here could begin to understand.”

  Shayla looked at him and he knew that she was hoping he had answers, but she knew as much as he did right then. Besides, they needed to get the conversation back on what was most important right then—stopping Kevin Hall. Apparently, Jared had the same thought.

  “I think we should get back to our original topic,” Jared said. “We’ve got to come to a decision.”

  “Have we gotten any info from the asshole in the basement?” Kelly asked.

  Lou’s eyes locked onto Shayla. “No. He still refuses to talk to anyone but Shayla, and he says it has to be alone. Just the two of them.”

  “Not gonna fucking happen,” Adam said.

  “Adam, if it will help, I can handle it,” Shayla said. “It’s not like he can hurt me.”

  “Hell no, he can’t,” Megan said. She drew the attention of every werewolf in the room like a magnet. It was one thing that Jared had brought her into their business, but her offering an opinion—even a human could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed. It didn’t faze Megan, though, and she took the silence as an opportunity to continue sharing. “Even if that piece a shit tries something, Shayla will just kick his ass.”

  Adam brought his fists down on the table. “It’s out of the question.”

  Shayla shot out of her chair and glared down at him, and he knew she was close to losing control of her temper and laying into him, but Jared cut that shit short before she had a chance.

  “Enough!” Jared’s voice carried over everyone in the room. He hadn’t used his alpha persuasion, but there wasn’t any denying he would tear into anyone who interrupted him. “There’s no point to this argument. I don’t think there’s any reason for any of us to try to pull information from him. He’s made it clear he’s not going to give us anything that might be helpful. Do you really think that Kevin would have sent him if he thought otherwise?”

  Adam knew Shayla wasn’t happy about Jared’s dismissal. He could feel the thick fog of tension rolling off her, but she kept her eyes, which he noticed were glowing, yet again, focused on him as she sat back down. He was definitely sleeping alone if they made it home tonight.

  Jared stood and Adam focused his attention back on his alpha. “I think that Adam’s right.” Jared’s gaze drifted to Adam. Adam was grinning like a baboon. Not because any of this was amusing, but he knew Jared would be washing his mouth out after having to say that he was right. He was sure that Jared’s desire to agree with him landed somewhere along the same lines as his desire to eat shit. They had the kind of friendship where they loved to disagree. Jared looked back to the rest of the room. “I’m not going to allow these assholes to ambush us in our own home. The fact that the S.O.B. downstairs got to one of our own while we were busy fighting among ourselves is a disgrace. We won’t be blindsided again.”

  Adam looked ar
ound the room and everyone was nodding in agreement.

  “There is just one matter we need to take care of before I send you to gather the rest of the pack so we can make our move,” Jared said.

  That got Adam’s attention. What could possibly matter other than taking down Kevin and his delinquents as soon as fucking possible?

  “With everything that has happened the past few days, my unplanned new alpha status included, I haven’t named my beta.” Jared looked Adam right in the eye. “Adam, I want that to be you.”

  Everyone sounded their agreements. Adam was shocked. He’d never expressed any interest in being in a leadership role within the pack, and that was because he hadn’t been interested. However, things had been different under Mike and they’d never really seen eye to eye. Jared was his friend. They might argue, but they also respected each other. He trusted Jared.

  Shayla reached over and took his hand, squeezing it in hers, and gave him a quick kiss, then she pulled away barely an inch from his face and said, “Congrats, babe.”

  He smiled at her, then stood and held his hand out to Jared. “Well, I guess that answers that. If my girl’s in, so am I.”

  Jared rolled his eyes, but took Adam’s offered hand and shook on it, then he turned back to everyone else. “Okay, that’s done. Now I want you all to get the word out. Get the rest of the pack here within the hour. Make sure they know it is mandatory, and to come ready for a fight. We aren’t giving this asshole another day to plot against us.”

  Several “Yes sirs,” rang through the room, then everyone walked out pulling their phones from their pockets to start making calls.

  Adam pulled out his phone to help get everyone to the house, but Jared stopped him. “No, brother.” He motioned toward Shayla. “You two need to get on the same page. If Shayla wants to fight with us, then I’m not going to stop her.”

  “Jared, she…”

  “Adam, I’m not going there with you. Like I said, y’all need to work it out. As your friend, I understand your concern for her, but as the alpha of this pack, I’ve gotta tell you that she is part of this pack now and that means it’s her fight too.” Adam stepped forward to argue, but Jared shut him up. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t support whatever decision you two agree on, but I needed to be straight with you about it. She is strong, Adam. Stronger than any of us most likely and she’d be an asset in any fight. Kevin wouldn’t expect her to be there to fight, and that would give us another advantage. I think she can handle her own.” Jared paused and Adam knew he was waiting for a response, but he was too pissed off to say anything. Right then, he just wanted to rip something apart, so he just didn’t say anything. “Alright then. I’ll leave you to it.”

  Adam watched Jared through a red haze of anger, as he held his hand out to Megan and escorted her to the door. Just before they walked out Megan turned to Shayla and mouthed the words, “You can do this.”

  Adam clenched his fists together and fought the urge to tackle her and Jared to the ground before they finally walked out of the room and left him alone with Shayla.



  Shayla waited for Adam to turn around and face her. He was pissed, there was no doubt about that as he stood there, fists clenched, with his rigid body shaking with the effort it took him to hold his anger in. She could still hear his thoughts, too. Jared had really blind-sided him. He’d expected his friend to be on his side and demand she stay out of the fight. Jared’s declaration that he believed she should fight was like a slap to his face, and the pride he’d felt a few moments earlier at being named Jared’s beta, had turned sour. Shayla knew he was convinced Jared had only given him the title to soften him up, before he stabbed him in the back.

  Although Shayla completely understood why it seemed that way to Adam, she knew that it wasn’t the case. Jared had known he was going to make Adam his beta before their argument about her fighting ever came into question. She knew this because Adam’s thoughts weren’t the only ones she could hear, but that was something he didn’t know yet. She’d picked up on his thoughts first, yes, but it was like his thoughts broke the blockade on her mind free, and suddenly everything was getting through. It was pretty damn overwhelming, and she was going to have to figure out a way to block people’s inner voices, before her mind picked itself up and ran away. What she did already know was that this new gift, or a curse depending on how she looked at it, could be used to their advantage. Eric might not be willing to tell them anything that could help them against Kevin, but if she could just ask the right questions, she could pick the information they needed out of his thoughts. Eric wouldn’t be prepared for that, and neither would Kevin and his pack.

  It felt like days passed by before Adam finally turned to face her. The anger she’d been prepared to see in his face was gone, and in its place, was a despair so deep, she couldn’t just sit there and look at him for another second. She was out of her seat with her arms around his neck in a nanosecond. Adam enveloped her in his embrace and buried his face in her neck inhaling her scent. Several minutes passed and they just stood there holding each other. She could feel his love her pouring out of him, and it broke her heart because she knew she couldn’t do what he was going to ask of her. She’d never fought for herself, and that was going to change right now. She would not stay back and let him and their pack put themselves in danger. She could fight now, and she would. And as far as Eric went, he was her problem. He’d been her problem for years, and this time she was going to face him head on. No more cowering like a scared little girl. She wasn’t that girl anymore. Maybe he needed to learn that.

  “Adam.” She waited for him to look at her before she went on. “I’m going to talk to Eric. I believe I can get something useful out of him.”

  Adam dropped his arms from around her and stepped away turning his back on her. The way he was running his hands through his hair, she was scared he was going to need Rogaine once he was done.

  “He just wants to fuck with your head, Shay.”

  “I know that, Adam, but could you just hear me out for a second, before you dismiss me. I have a plan.”

  Adam was pacing the length of the room, and she waited for him to give her his full attention before she went on. She crossed her arms and stood there waiting for him to look at her again. When he finally looked at her, he cocked an eyebrow and mimicked her stance by crossing his own arms over his chest. She was briefly distracted by how he looked with his shirt pulled tight around his biceps, while he stared at her looking all brooding man. She’d never had the kind of makeup-sex you hear people rave about, and she found herself wanting to find out for herself.

  “You just planning to stare at me all day, or do you want to share this plan of yours with me so I can tell you no?”

  A backdraft of anger shot through her and Shayla got in Adam’s face, shoving her fingers into his chest. “I get that you’re worried about me, but what you need to get through that thick head of yours, is that I’m never going to let a man control me again. We aren’t always going to agree, and you’re going to have to learn to accept that.”

  Adam’s entire demeanor changed. He relaxed his arms and let the anger fall from his face. Lifting his hand to her face, he gently ran his thumb over her scar and Shayla closed her eyes and sighed at the contact.

  “I never want to make you feel that way, but I’d rather have my limbs ripped off one by one than see you get hurt. I don’t wanna lose you, Shay. I wouldn’t survive it.”

  She knew exactly how he felt because she felt the same way about him. “I know you’re just worried, but I can handle this. I am stronger now. Not just because of the whole werewolf with extra powers thing. I’m stronger because of you. Because you have helped me see that I can be strong. I know I can do this, Adam, but I need your support.”

  Adam brought his other hand up so that he was holding her face cupped between his hands. He lightly brushed his thumb over her lips before he brought his mouth down on hers an
d gave her a long, sweet kiss. When he pulled back, he placed his forehead against hers for a brief moment before looking her in the eye again.

  “I can do that,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  “I still don’t think you going down to talk to Eric will do any good. He’s just trying to get under your skin and mine.”

  “I agree, but if I can just get him thinking about Kevin’s plans, then maybe I can learn something that will help us when we go after them.”

  Adam looked puzzled for a second, before his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, and Shayla saw the lightbulb turn on in his head. “It isn’t just my thoughts that you can hear, is it?”

  “No. It took me a minute to realize everyone wasn’t just talking over each other the whole time we were in the meeting. Which reminds me, Jared didn’t give you beta just to soften you up. He had his mind made up about that before our little outburst ever took place.”

  “Yeah, I guess I knew that,” he said.

  “Good. Now can I go see what I can get out of Eric before we’re out of time?”

  Adam nodded. “I’m still going to walk you down there.” Shayla narrowed her eyes at him and he held his hands up in surrender. “I promise I’ll leave so you can try to get him talking, or thinking, you know what I mean.”

  “Thank you.”


  “What’s he doing here?” Eric motioned to Adam walking beside Shayla.

  Adam growled in Eric’s direction. “Don’t worry, douchebag, I’m leaving.”

  “Oh, sounds like somebody’s jealous,” Eric taunted.

  Adam stepped toward the cage, fire raging in his eyes, but Shayla reached out and the second her hand made contact with his arm, Adam stopped in his tracks. Adam turned to look at her, unrest clear as day in his gaze. “I’ve got this,” she said. “Go help everyone upstairs. This shouldn’t take long.”

  Adam hesitated, turning to glare at Eric once more before he bent to kiss her and headed back upstairs.


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