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Topping the Dom

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by Lisa Oliver

  Topping the Dom

  Bound and Bonded, Book 2


  Lisa Oliver

  Topping the Dom (Book Two - Bound and Bonded Series

  Copyright © Lisa Oliver, 2014


  Cover Design by Donna Collier

  First Edition June, 2014, Amazon

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, Lisa Oliver.

  No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without permission from Lisa Oliver. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights and livelihood is appreciated.

  Topping The Dom is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This book contains material that maybe offensive to some people including graphic language, cursing, explicit sex between males, male-male sex, anal intercourse, oral, rimming and a few BDSM elements.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following trademarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  George Washington National Forest


  To my readers who love the stories, and who write and tell me that they do. Thank you for keeping me focused on what is important - the story.


  Chapter One

  Pearson looked at the pile of applications on his desk and then up at the six men who were standing in front of his desk. He was doing his best to maintain his Alpha façade, although it was really difficult when his dick was straining his pants so badly he thought they would split. One of the men in front of him was his mate, but he had no way of knowing which one it was when they all stood in a group like they were, and until he knew, he didn’t want to say anything.

  The men were all seeking membership to his club, Bound and Bonded, and more importantly, refuge in his pack. Pearson took his responsibilities seriously - both as an Alpha and as Master Dom of the club. Before being called in for this meeting, all six men had to undergo reference checks and background security checks. Pearson knew there were many reasons that wolves left, or were ejected from their home pack, but he made a point of not accepting any trouble makers or rogues in his all-male pack.

  The three subs seeking refuge did not appear to be a problem, for the club or the pack. All three men were pretty, apparently submissive, if their behavior in front of the Alpha was any indication, and they had all been evicted from their respective home packs for being gay. In other words they were the typical refuges that sought a place in Pearson’s pack. Two of the men had already got jobs in town, while the third had applied to the bar manager of the club. Wyatt, the bar manager, had told Pearson he would be happy to employ him if the sub was accepted into the pack.

  Looking the three subs over carefully, Pearson quickly noted that none of the three pretty men were his mate. Although they all hosted trim, muscled bodies and tight ass’s, Pearson didn’t get a spark from looking at any of them. Deciding to test out that theory, Pearson indicated to the three smaller men to come forward and kneel before the desk. Standing up, he walked around his desk. Walking behind them, he placed his hand on the nape of the neck of each one, surreptitiously sniffing as he did so. No, that delicious smell of lime and chocolate was coming from behind him, so none of the subs were his mate.

  More than a little relieved, because honestly he preferred a mate who would be more of his equal than a sub, Pearson walked back in front of the kneeling boys and said, “Welcome to the club and the pack. Like all newcomers you are on three months probation. Stay out of trouble during that time and your full acceptance into the pack will be automatic at the end of that time, and your membership to the club will become permanent. If you find a Master or mate during your probation period, please come to me with your partner and we will discuss whether or not your acceptance needs to come any sooner.”

  “Is that likely to happen, Sir,” one of the little blonds asked him, his head still tilted respectfully.

  Pearson allowed an almost lecherous grin to morph across his face. “You are all three very pretty subs and our Masters like to see new faces. I am sure you will find yourselves very popular in a short amount of time. However,” he added firmly, “we have very strict rules in this club about how Masters approach their subs. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, or feel you are being pressured into a situation you don’t want to be in, simply let any of the enforcers or bouncers know, and you will be protected. You are well within your rights to say ‘no’ to any Master in this club even while on your probation period.”

  “Thank you Sir,” the three subs chorused quietly. The darkest haired one of the group looked like he was going to say something, but he glanced at Pearson and then lowered his eyes again. Pearson struggled to remember the young man’s name - Jules, he thought. Making a mental note to talk to the young man later, Pearson dismissed the three men, instructing one of his enforcers to take them to get their membership cards and information packs. Then he went back behind his desk and sat down.

  The three remaining men were applying as Doms. Doms had to be handled a bit more thoroughly. Pearson knew from first hand experience that having an unruly or unsafe Dom in the club - one who didn’t respect a sub’s safeword or who were overly heavy handed with a boy, could cause a lot of damage and grief within the club. Also because of their nature, Doms were more likely to challenge Pearson as Alpha of the pack, and Pearson hadn’t hung onto his pack without being really sure about who he let into his club, and his pack.

  Picking up one of the applications, Pearson scanned it again before looking up at the individual it pertained to. Douglas Johnson was a tall, well-built man with long red hair and bright blue eyes setting off his fair skin. Looking over the man’s application Pearson noted that Douglas had been married to a human, with two children and was originally from Texas.

  “Johnson,” Pearson said curiously, “you are aware this club and pack are for male members only, aren’t you? I see from your application you are married with children. We don’t have women or children in our pack or our club.”

  “I was married, Alpha,” Johnson said quietly. “My wife and children were killed during a raid on our pack. My wife was human and we were not true mates.” The big man blushed and then continued, “It was an arranged marriage and not something I wanted to do, but I did support my wife and family until they died.”

  “So you are gay?” Pearson had to ask because it seemed like Johnson wasn’t going to volunteer anything, and the last thing Pearson needed in his pack was a homophobe from Texas.

  “Bi, Alpha. But I understand that any liaisons while I am here will be of the male/male variety only and I would…prefer that, to be honest.”

  Hmm, Pearson thought, there is more to this story than the man is letting on. Checking the application again, Pearson could see that Johnson was
a beta wolf and had secured a job in town as a chef in one of the hotels. He had originally trained as a Dom at “Damien’s”, the largest BDSM club in the States. A reference had come through from the club stating that the Dom had caused no problems and was well liked by the subs he had taken up with.

  Nodding his head, Pearson indicated that Johnson come forward and kneel before him. He placed his hand on the back of Johnson’s neck accepting him into the pack. He reminded the man that he too was on probation and then sent him out to find Rogers, the enforcer who was taking care of the new memberships for the club for the day. Johnson definitely wasn’t Pearson’s mate which meant that one of the two men that still stood silently in front of him was.

  Looking them over, Pearson knew who he hoped it would be. The two Doms in front of him couldn’t be more different. The first one, Paulo Grier, was a biker wannabe with slicked back dark hair, a narrow face, beady little eyes and a sulky twist to his thin lips. Like all wolves Grier was well built, but there was something about his manner that put Pearson’s nerves on edge and not in a good way. The man was listed as a beta wolf, but Pearson would bet his last dollar that the man had Alpha aspirations. According to his application form Grier had been pack hopping, which was never a good sign, and Pearson had never heard of the club that the man was supposed to have done his training at.

  Looking at the notes that Rogers had made, it seemed that a firm confirmation of the references supplied had not been done - the numbers provided by Grier were all disconnected, although a glowing written reference about Grier’s Dom skills had been provided. But it hadn’t been substantiated. Keeping his face deliberately neutral, Pearson looked at the shifty wolf in question.

  “You have been in a lot of different packs, it seems, Grier. What brings you to my pack?”

  The slimy Dom forced a smile onto his thin face. “I’m looking for my mate, Alpha. I’ve been moving around different packs hoping to find her.” God, even the man’s voice made Pearson cringe. It was as sickly as the man himself.

  “You are not going to find a ‘her’ here, Grier. Why do you want access to this pack?”

  “Did I say her, Alpha? Slip of the tongue I assure you. I’m as gay as you are, flying the rainbow flag and all that.” The man tried to recover from his mistake.

  Pearson didn’t think so - the smell of deceit coming from Grier was so strong Pearson damn near choked on it. Time to put this liar’s gay skills to the test. Pearson looked over to his two enforcers that were standing guarding the door - Phillips and Kyle were on duty today. Phillips was mated so he wouldn’t be any help, but Kyle was a single Dom with no ties to any permanent sub at the moment.

  “Kyle, can you step over here please,” Pearson called. Kyle strode over to the desk, his six foot four bulk of muscles flexing as he moved passed Grier and stood before his Alpha. Kyle was a striking man, with long dark hair and the face of an angel, and more importantly for Pearson’s purposes, an almost permanent hard-on.

  “Fancy a blow job, Kyle?” Pearson asked with a grin. Kyle looked at Grier and managed to keep a grimace off of his face long enough to face his Alpha again. Obviously he wasn’t taken with Grier either.

  “Always, Alpha,” Kyle replied with a neutral expression on his face.

  “Perfect,” Pearson said, his grin getting wider. “Here Grier, this is Kyle, one of my enforcers and one of the Doms in the club. It’s been at least four hours since his last orgasm, so how about you give this poor man some relief and blow him. I’m sure if you do a good job, he can point you in the right direction when it comes to choosing subs in this club.”

  A look of horror flashed over Grier’s face as he tried to come up with an excuse not to do it. “I am trying to keep myself pure for my mate, Alpha. Blowing this fine looking man would just be wrong,” he whined.

  “Rubbish,” Pearson said firmly. “Giving a man a blow job is not being unfaithful to a mate you haven’t met yet. You’re a young wolf so you obviously have a strong sex drive. Come and give Kyle a blow job, and I will set you up with a sub to take care of your needs as soon as you’re done.”

  “Alpha, I just can’t,” Grier’s whining tone increased. “I’m…I’m a virgin,” he said triumphantly, as if that excuse would free him from any sexual act. Pearson’s eyebrows rose at the flimsy excuse and he had to focus on the application form in front of him so he didn’t laugh outright.

  “It says here on your application that you trained as a Dom for three years at your last club. Surely you spent time as a sub during that time?”

  “Er…yes…no…er…yes, Alpha,” Grier stammered as though he wasn’t sure what answer Pearson wanted from him. In Pearson’s opinion all good Doms went through training as a sub when they first started. It allowed them to experience what it was like to be in a submissive position and helped with their training. While Pearson didn’t know if that applied to all clubs, in his place it was something that he insisted on.

  “Well, if you have been a sub then you have given a blow job before. Now get on your knees and service Kyle,” Pearson said the edge in his voice showing through now. Quite frankly, Grier made him feel sick, and he knew there wasn’t a chance in hell this man was his mate. What Pearson didn’t understand was why Grier wanted access to Pearson’s club and pack when he clearly wasn’t gay.

  “You can’t order me to give a man I don’t know a blow job, Alpha. I have to be in the mood,” Grier tried one more time.

  Pearson stood up, his six foot six impressive frame made all the more powerful by the rage he was now starting to feel.

  “You sniveling piss-ant,” he snarled. “You come in here, wanting access to my club and my pack, knowing that being gay is a requirement of entry. You claim to have Dom training that has not been verified, and you have been kicked out of at least six packs that I am aware of. I am the Alpha and Master Dom of this club. You will get on your knees and open your mouth, or you will find out what else Kyle is good at. Do I make myself clear?”

  Pearson rolled out his Alpha power so it bounced off the walls of the office. Kyle and Phillips immediately went into submission mode, although Pearson noted that their only other applicant did not. Interesting, but for now Pearson had to focus his energy on Grier, who had sunk to his knees but was making no move towards Kyle. In fact, he had shrunk in on himself refusing to look anywhere but at the floor.

  Coming to the end of his patience, Pearson nodded to Kyle and said curtly, “take him. Put him in the holding cells. Take Phillips with you. I want to know why he is applying to this club, when he clearly doesn’t fit here. I also want to know why he has supplied false references, and tell Rogers to get in touch with all of the packs to find out where this man has been and why he is looking for a new pack.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Kyle said, apparently relieved he didn’t have to suffer through a blow job from the sniveling wreck on the floor. Kyle picked the man up by his hair and frog marched him out of the office, taking Phillips with him, and leaving the final applicant alone in the office with Pearson.

  Now that everyone else was gone, it was clear that the man before him was his mate. His scent overrode everything else in Pearson’s senses, making Pearson feel so damn horny he could barely breathe. Pearson sat back down in his office chair and allowed himself to really look at the man in front of him - Dante James. The man was definitely worth looking at.

  Dante James was about 6 foot 4, with long flowing black hair and an equally dark beard line that framed a strong jaw. The man’s eyes were so dark they appeared black and they were topped by perfectly formed eyebrows. Dante’s nose was the only flaw, if it could be called that, on a perfect face. It had clearly been broken at least once, but it did nothing to detract from the broody beauty that the man carried so well. Dusky pink lips completed the picture - the top one thinner than the full bottom one that just begged to be sucked on. The man was dressed in a tight muscle shirt that showed an impressive build without being muscle bound, and long lean legs encased perfectly
in black leather pants, capped off with well-worn biker boots. In other words, if Pearson had to dream up a picture of the perfect mate, Dante would be darn close.

  As Pearson watched him, Dante plastered a small smirk on his face, as he discretely adjusted the growing length in his pants.

  “So Alpha, did you need me to suck off one of your enforcers as well, to prove my orientation, or will you take my word for it?”

  Pearson took a moment to appreciate the almost lyrical deep tone of his mate’s voice, before the words registered with his brain. He growled in warning.

  “You know darn well you won’t be sucking anyone off except me. You’re my mate,” he said more forcefully than he intended.

  Shrugging, Dante looked Pearson up and down, his hot gaze obviously pleased with what he could see. Pearson knew he was a huge wolf and one of the biggest men in the pack. His own dark brown hair was not as long as Dante’s, but had more curl to it, and his trimmed beard covered slightly more of his face than Dante’s did. Pearson had hazel eyes that changed colors with his mood, and a scar that ran through one of his angled eyebrows - the result of a flick from a silver tipped whip. Pearson’s face was a little broader than Dante’s, more from age and size than anything else. His lips were probably his best feature - full, with a sweetheart curve in the top, his mouth was built for passion and he knew how to use it. Pearson was both taller and broader than Dante, but Pearson did not see that as a bad thing. He was the Alpha after all, and would be the more dominant one in his mating.

  “Can’t say I’m disappointed,” Dante said casually. “But I think you might be.”

  “What do you mean?” Pearson felt a shaft of pain run through his heart and his wolf whimpered. Surely his mate wasn’t rejecting him at first sight?

  “Don’t get me wrong. I like what I see, a lot. But I’ll never let you fuck me,” Dante said firmly. “Check out my application,” he continued, as Pearson tried to keep the shocked look off his face. “I’m Alpha born, even if I have never been an Alpha of a pack. I am also a Dom. I’ve never bottomed and have never been inclined to try. No mate is going to make me change my mind.”


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