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Kept by Seduction

Page 5

by Jaymie Holland

“Everything.” He took a big bite of meat pastry and chewed, appearing as though considering his next words.

  Awai couldn’t sit and wait without blurting out her first thought. “Did she kidnap them?”

  “If only it were so easy.” He shook his head. “Then we could and would do everything in our power to retrieve them.”

  A sense of horror swept over Awai. Had their sister killed the children? She couldn’t say the horrible words aloud.

  “We went a decade with no new births in Tarok.” His jaw grew tight. “It wasn’t until the Sorceress Kalina divined the truth—that Mikaela and her legion of psychics, bakirs, had wrought mind-spells on our women, a mind-war of which we had been unaware.” Ty met Awai’s gaze. “Through the spells, they convinced our women they were infertile.”

  Relief flowed through her that Mikaela hadn’t murdered children, but then Awai’s eyes went wide as comprehension dawned on her. “The mind is a powerful thing.”

  He nodded. “Once Kalina discovered the truth, we thought our women would realize they were not infertile, that it had been the mind-spells. But the damage had been done.” He held her gaze as he added, “Kalina foretold that the only thing that would break the spell would be to bring mates from another world who were not touched by the evil magic.”

  “Baby machines.” Awai frowned. “That’s what we are to you.”

  “Never.” Ty shook his head, his expression filled with the desire to make her understand. “We could only bring our true mates into this world. It was and is the only way of our people. We cannot mate with a woman who we are not destined to be with—it is not possible. Our destinies lined up with yours and that is how you came to be in Tarok.”

  What he said meshed with what Kalina had told Awai.

  Yet she still didn’t know what to think. Her thoughts were usually organized and clear, like an outline. This was something her mind couldn’t easily come to grips with.

  “I can’t process all of this at once.” Awai felt like she couldn’t breathe and she didn’t understand why. “Let’s talk about something else. For now.”

  Ty seemed to understand her need to work everything through in her mind, and he changed the subject. While he spoke, she attempted to calm the strange emotions making her feel off balance as if she might tip over.

  He explained to her in more detail about his world. “Clubs encompasses humor, joy, and the pleasure of good things. It also stands for duty and honor.” He went on to tell her the attributes of the other suits.

  He told her how the systems of trade worked between kingdoms, and what the Kingdom of Clubs specialized in growing. Among them were cherries, strawberries, and other fruits, along with vegetables.

  “The fruits and vegetables I’ve seen are strange compared to our world.” She picked up her strawberry tart and looked at it. “How is it you have strawberries and cherries, which are also in our world?”

  He shrugged. “We shared some of our favorite produce and vegetation with your world.”

  Awai’s brow furrowed as she tried to comprehend the countless things he’d shared with her. So many things were mind-boggling.

  As he spoke, his pride in his people and his kingdom shone clearly. Awai found herself admiring him even more, despite her best intentions not to let him get any closer.

  She didn’t feel as hungry as she had been when they first sat down to eat. But she made herself finish the meat pastry, eat the strawberry tart, and drink all of her mead. Who knew what she might have to do, and she needed to keep up her strength. Despite her lack of hunger, she did enjoy the tart.

  After they had finished eating, Ty took Awai by the hand. They walked up the hill, away from the village, and into the sweeping fall of cherry blossoms.

  At first it brought back the memory of her dream, but she brushed it away, not wanting to ruin the day just because she’d had a nightmare. Once she’d tucked it to the very back of her mind, she enjoyed herself.

  They walked through the grove of cherry trees, blossoms raining down and floating on the wind like small flurries of snow. Awai laughed as they caressed her face and landed in her hair. When she saw Ty’s flower-studded hair she gave a little schoolgirl giggle, then clamped her hand over her mouth.

  He drew her into his arms, his expression turning serious, yet sensual.

  “I want to kiss you.” He spoke in a deep, husky voice that made her shiver. “May I?”

  The fact that he asked her, that he recognized her fear of being taken against her will, melted Awai’s heart even further. She placed her palms on his smooth yet rock-hard chest and pressed close to him as she whispered, “Yes.”

  Ty gave her his rogue’s smile that made her want to swoon like a heroine in the romance novel she’d thought of. She closed her eyes when he lowered his face, and he lightly brushed his lips over hers. Awai waited for more, but he took the kiss no further.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw only tenderness in his expression. Awai always took what she wanted in life, and right now she wanted a real kiss from this man. She slid her arms up and around his neck and pulled his face down to meet hers.

  She moved her lips over his and he gently returned her kiss. But as she demanded more of him, his kiss matched hers in intensity. He groaned, sliding his hands from her shoulders and down her arms to her hips where he pressed her tight to his erection. He was so tall and his cock obviously so big that she felt him at her belly button, his hard-on smashing her star charm into her flesh, causing her to feel a sensation of both pain and pleasure.

  Ty’s tongue thrust into her mouth, demanding, insistent, as if he could no longer rein in his desire for her. Awai gave herself up to the taste of him, to his smell, to the feel of his hard body against hers and the heat of his flesh burning through her clothing. This man would be the kind of lover she had dreamed about in her secret fantasies. The man who could tie her up and do the things to her she had only imagined, or the things she had done to her subs.

  With this man, she could be submissive. And she’d be safe.

  No. No, no, no. I am not a submissive.

  Awai broke the kiss and pulled away from Ty. As his eyes looked into hers, that old fear and anger that had been in her heart and soul too long returned to her, thanks to that bastard of an ex-husband.

  If she admitted how much she wanted to make her fantasy of three men dominating her come true, could she forget her past and allow herself to be controlled by one man?

  No, she thought again. She wouldn’t relinquish control to any man. She wouldn’t allow Ty to put her in a position where she was helpless and at his mercy.

  Fantasizing was one thing. Reality was another.

  She stepped farther away from him. “Why don’t you show me more of your palace? I didn’t get a very good look at it last night.”

  He looked at her a long moment, as if gauging how much he should push her. He nodded. “I would be pleased to do so.”

  She let out a rush of air, as if she had been holding her breath. “Thank you.”

  He brushed strands of hair from her eyes. “You are precious, Awai. I only want for you to be happy in my realm.”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. “Just show me your palace, okay?”

  He took her hand in his and they walked side-by-side down the slope to his home.


  WHEN TY AND AWAI RETURNED TO THE PALACE, he took her on the tour he had promised. The tension that had gripped her after their kiss, gradually slipped away.

  They reached the library first, which also served as his den. Like the rest of the palace, it was bright and airy. She marveled at all the books and scrolls the room contained along with odd works of art.

  His desk was messy, covered in parchment with a quill resting on the surface. An inkwell, along with a stick of wax and a stamp with the seal of a club on it, was also nearby.

  She found it interesting how parallels existed between this world and Earth, yet here time had remained in a sort of mediev
al period without the technology that Earth had. From what she understood from Ty and Kalina, some of her world’s things originated in Tarok—the hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs suits of cards, as well as cherries and strawberries, and who knew what else.

  If all of that was true.

  Surprisingly, she realized she hadn’t missed the technology of her world—with the exception of her phone, which had practically been glued to her fingertips. Back in San Francisco, she had used it for appointments, contacts, voice notes, photos, text messages, and at least a dozen apps. She had spoken with clients all hours of the day. Of course, once she had sold her business, all that had changed considerably.

  As far as any social media platforms, she had long ago hired a social media manager to better promote her business. She’d never had much excess time to spend on such things, and rarely looked at her personal Facebook account.

  This world continued to amaze her, as did Ty. For a King, Awai found him unexpectedly modest and humble, despite the arrogance she had also seen in him. She loved his wit and his quick grin, and humor.

  She enjoyed exploring the bright areas he showed her that included bathing rooms and bedchambers, as well as servants’ quarters and the kitchen. It pleased her that those who served the kings did so by choice.

  Living and growing things filled the palace—plants with green leaves, some with red leaves, and still others with blue. Flowers tumbled from small alcoves above and around them, the blooms in shades of white, red, purple, pink, and orange.

  His palace seemed like an extension of the hills around them, bright and filled with undeniable happiness. Servants walked by with smiles and laughter, but always with respect and reverence for their king. Awai was even more impressed because Ty had clearly earned that respect.

  It amazed her that she felt so comfortable with him. He was easy to talk with as he pointed out various amenities in his palace.

  He brought her to a stop in front of a tumble of flowers, and he stared at the wall. She opened her mouth to ask him what he was looking at, when a door silently slid open in what had appeared to be a seamless wall. It was dark and she couldn’t see anything through the open doorway.

  She blinked. “Where does that go?”

  “It is a secret passageway in and out of the palace.” He grinned. “I grew up in the castle in what is now the Kingdom of Hearts, and my brothers and I explored every passageway we could find. I always loved the secrets the castle held, so I had one of my own built into my palace. I had a trusted group of workers put it in after the place was constructed. Only they and a select group of others know about it.”

  Curiosity had her squinting, trying to see into the darkness. “Where does it lead?”

  He looked at the open doorway and it slid shut with a whisper, leaving the wall seamless again. He turned to Awai. “I will take you sometime to see the mysteries that lay beyond.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “How did the door open and close without you touching anything?”

  “One of the many things the Sorceress Kalina worked up with her magic.” He explained that the doors at each end of the passageway responded to thought. “Only a person whose intentions are good can open the door by asking for help. The door will also open for children, because they are innocents. Otherwise it stays sealed.”

  She raised her brows. “So all I have to do is think it open?”

  “If you have need of it.” He touched the side of her face. “I know your intentions would always be good.”

  She responded to his smile before looking at the smooth wall.

  He drew her attention back to him. “Tell me of your life in San Francisco and of your nieces as you knew them.”

  “As I knew them.” Awai repeated the words as she shook her head. “I can’t picture them any other way than how I’ve known them since they were young.”

  He coaxed some of those memories from Awai. “It would please me greatly to know more of them.”

  They strolled along the great hallway, away from the secret passageway, as Awai thought of her nieces. “Because of her weight Alice was bullied, I’m sad to say. Alexi usually made the bullies pay in some form or another, but she couldn’t always be there. The bullying made Alice self-conscious and insecure, yet the strength of her spirit remained. I always thought she would blossom if she found the right person to bring joy to her life.”

  “Indeed, she has blossomed.” Ty smiled as Awai looked at him. “Alice is happy with her life, her mate, and her children. She mentioned missing her family, and was pleased when her sister arrived in Tarok and then her cousin. She hoped to see you again as well, and her wish will be granted.”

  Awai smiled in return. “I am anxious to see Alice, and I look forward to meeting the king she married. As long as he is treating her well, he’s safe from me. If Alexi hasn’t put him out of commission, then he must be a good guy.”

  Ty grimaced. “Alexi greeted me with her temper on the occasion we first met. I did not think my balls would recover. Perhaps I will be unable to father children now.”

  Awai could tell he was teasing, but the grimace had been real. Alexi must have done a number on his crown jewels.

  Ty continued. “My brother, Jarronn, bonded with Alice and I did not believe a happier couple could exist until my two other brothers found their mates.”

  “I still have a hard time thinking Alexi could ever settle down.” Awai thought about her kickass niece. “Her king would have to be one hell of a man to catch and keep her interest.”

  “She met her match in Darronn.” Ty considered his statement. “Or perhaps he met his in her.”

  “Probably both.” Awai laughed before she quieted and felt a wave of sadness combined with pride. “Annie had a rough upbringing but she has always been kind and gentle. The exception was at work as a professor—she could mow down adversaries with little effort. It was in her personal life that she was insecure.” Awai’s eyes widened. “What about Abra? Her cat.”

  “Abra is with Annie.” Ty grew serious. “It is a story to be left for another time, but that small cat saved Annie’s life once.”

  Annie’s jaw dropped. “Saved her life? You can’t just drop that bombshell on me without explaining.”

  “As you wish.” He sighed. “Mikaela attempted to kill Annie, but the tiny creature attacked my sister, allowing Karn to make sure no harm came to Annie.”

  Heat raged hot throughout Awai. “That bitch.” She clenched her fists at her sides. “If I get my hands on her—”

  “Mikaela is dead.” Ty blew out his breath. “At least that is what we believe. No one could have survived the plummet when she fell off a cliff. Yet we never found her body.”

  Some of the fire in Awai’s blood subsided. “For her sake, she’d better be dead.”

  Ty steered the conversation away from Mikaela, and Awai let him.

  They laughed over the stories Awai told, and the experiences he’d had with her family.

  After Ty had shared some things about Awai’s nieces, a great part of her felt left out, not having been with them as they experienced this world, their marriages, and the births of their children.

  The greatest part of her was proud of the three young women and she was pleased they were happy. Her gut told her Ty was telling her the truth, and those instincts had helped her climb to the top rung of the advertising ladder.

  When it was late, after Ty and Awai had eaten dinner in the airy dining chamber, he escorted her to her room.

  They stood just inside the chamber and he cupped her face. “My beautiful Awai.” He brushed his lips over hers, and she sighed into his mouth. His breath warmed her lips as he spoke. “I could not be more pleased than to have you in Clubs with me.”

  She swallowed. “It’s only temporary.”

  He raised his head and caressed strands of her dark hair with his fingers. “I do not believe fate would have brought you to me if you were not meant to remain.”

  “I’m not like my ni
eces.” For some reason a lump formed in Awai’s throat. “I can’t stay in your world. It’s nothing like mine, and no matter its shortcomings, it’s still my home. I only came because I wanted to make sure they were okay. Once I see that they are, I will leave.”


  Awai strolled with Ty along one of the great hallways she had been down several times over the days since she’d arrived in the Kingdom of Clubs.

  The silky robes she wore clung to her figure, showing every curve and the swell of her breasts. She couldn’t very well live in the same clothes she’d arrived in, so she had taken to wearing the robes.

  Today they had enjoyed the pleasant spring air with a walk and more conversation. The more she got to know him, the more she liked him. She didn’t want to like him as much as she did, but it was hard not to because he appeared to be a genuinely good person. Guys who were anything close to Ty didn’t grow on trees. Unfortunately.

  The days were longer here and they had been filled with getting to know him as she waited for her nieces to arrive. Over the past days and nights, her body had hungered for him, but she had refused to give in to his insistence that she become his submissive. He made it clear that their relationship would not become physical until she did what he asked of her.

  That wasn’t going to happen.

  When she was alone in her room, she meditated and also exercised daily. Her workout consisted of a variety of floor and other exercises, as well as jogging in place. The meditation helped clear her mind.

  Her nights were filled with the strange dream…the cherry blossoms in the clearing, the white tiger, and the horrid darkness. She shuddered inwardly and forced away thoughts of the strange recurring nightmare. She thought about telling him about the dreams, but dismissed it as soon as it came to mind. The nightmares were likely filled with symbolisms of this whole experience—maybe the darkness represented the fears she still had of not seeing her nieces and the possibility that things were not as good as Ty said they were.

  She had no idea how much time had passed, and her old life seemed distant now. She frowned. Was she becoming too used to staying in this wonderland?


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