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Kept by Seduction

Page 14

by Jaymie Holland

  She sensed when he was finally behind her. It was a sixth sense, a way of knowing that her man was close.

  The thought more than gave her pause.

  My man.

  Before she could explore the concept any further, he pressed his completely naked body against hers. She could feel his erection rub her tailbone when he moved, the curls around his balls caressing her ass, the light coating of hair on his legs brushing hers. He put his hands on her hips and bent closer so his muscular chest was pressed to her back.

  “Who do you belong to?” he murmured as he nuzzled her hair.

  “I—I belong to you, Majesty,” she replied, then stilled as she realized she meant it.

  She belonged to Ty—body, heart, and soul.

  Her whole body went weak at the knowledge. She was in love with Ty.

  “That’s right, my sweet,” he was saying, bringing her out of her stunned state of mind. “You belong to me. Always.”

  She wanted to say, “Yes, always,” but she was too overwhelmed by the feelings within her.

  She was in such a daze that at first she didn’t realize he’d moved around so he was near her face. She missed the feel of him pressed to her back, but his cock was so close to her now that the sight of it mesmerized her. It was amazing to her, how much she enjoyed going down on him, having him inside her in any way he could possibly take her.

  One of his golden ropes glittered in his hand and then he tied her wrists to the boat railing. “Now you’re going to finish sucking my cock,” he said as he grabbed a handful of her hair the way she liked it and moved his erection to her lips. She sighed as he filled her and began fucking her mouth with slow, deliberate strokes. She closed her eyes and concentrated on applying suction at the same time she swirled her tongue along his length.

  A rope slapped her ass, hard, causing her eyes to pop open. The brief pain felt so good that she was on the verge of climaxing yet again. Lash after lash of the golden rope landed on her backside, drawing her closer to the brink, yet the strikes were varied enough to keep her from going over the edge.

  His body tensed and she knew he was close to orgasm. She sucked harder and at the same time she hummed.

  His roar filled the night as he came, his seed pumping down her throat.

  The sound of his roar filled the night from one end of the lake to the other as he came, and Awai imagined all the people in the village and palace looking at them. The thought of being watched was almost more than she could handle, and she was so close to coming she could have screamed if it wasn’t for Ty’s cock still in her mouth. It still felt firm and huge, even as she milked the last of his semen from it.

  “Enough.” He pulled his wet erection from Awai’s warm mouth. If she did not stop, he was sure he would come yet again and he wanted to take her more than anything.

  He moved around behind her and rubbed her ass with his palms and then spanked her. She cried out, and even as her cry carried on the night wind, he thrust into her, burying himself in her silky heat.

  Awai couldn’t believe how this moment could be even more exciting than all the time they’d spent in his dungeon, trying out every device he owned. No, there was something about this night that went beyond sex.

  He moved in and out of her channel, his hands gripping her hips. She tugged against her bonds as she tried to press herself harder against him. “Please let me come, Majesty,” she begged.

  “Hold.” He drove into her harder, his balls slapping against her.

  She bit down on her lip, hard enough to draw blood, as she fought off her orgasm. The metallic taste flowed over her tongue and a buzzing sensation took hold of her body. The evening’s light show faded as she became completely lost to the sensations filling and surrounding her. She had improved in her abilities to manage her body. Somehow, she held back, and held back, and held back—

  “Climax for me!” he shouted.

  She released her hold on her lip and cried out with relief and with ecstasy as her whole body shook with her orgasm. The colors of the aurora swirled within her vision and they seemed to sing in tune with her climax. Her knees trembled and she sagged against her bonds as the world gradually came back into focus. He kept his grip on her hips and growled as he came again.

  With his magic, he released the bonds from her wrists. At the same time he used his powers to retrieve a thick cushion from below decks and lowered himself and Awai to it. They lay cuddled together, her back to his chest, her firm ass nestled against his cock.

  For a long while they watched the light show overhead, the rare banuk that came and went without explanation. He gently stroked her hair from her face and she gave a contented sigh that made him smile. Water lapped against the side of the boat and a night bird’s song blended with the banuk.

  Awai sighed again, so happy that she didn’t think she could stand to be any happier. She wanted to tell Ty of her revelation, but something kept her from it. She couldn’t quite place her finger on what it was, but it was like one more piece from a work of art had yet to be completed. Perhaps it was that she wasn’t sure about permanently leaving her home, her life, and her career. Perhaps it was because of her scarred heart.

  Instead of worrying about the reasons any longer, she relaxed against Ty, enjoying the magical evening and wishing it would never end.

  Late into the night, he docked the sailboat. After using his magic to clothe them both, he carried his sleeping mate to the palace. He tucked her into his bed, covering her with a thick blanket and brushed his lips across her brow.

  Even as he turned away, he shifted into a tiger and bounded from the room. Frustration seared his veins like molten fire and roared in his head like the most powerful of storms. He tore through the palace and out into the forest, running with no other purpose than to work through the most difficult situation he had ever had to face as a king or as a man.

  For hours he loped through the trees, straying from winding paths into the wilds, his mind filled with what was to come on the morrow. How could he share his woman with two other men? Yet how could he take away the opportunity to make her happy by fulfilling her fantasy? He could tell her she was no longer allowed her dream, but then she might hate him for taking away something that was important to her.

  He damned himself for letting the men touch her, for giving her the choice to begin with. But that’s what it came down to.

  Awai’s choice.

  Ty’s roar echoed through the hills, sounding desperate even to his own ears.


  THE PURE WHITE TIGER ROSE UP ON ITS HIND LEGS, pawing at the last of the fluttering cherry blossoms that were fading away and vanishing with the wind. The tiger lowered itself and seemed to dance with a pure joy that shone like a light radiating from within.

  The tiger paused and stared at the trees. Soon cherries would grow until the sweet fruit was ready for the picking.

  Awai would make tarts. Cherry tarts.

  No, strawberry. Wasn’t it supposed to be strawberry?

  But Awai didn’t bake. Who would make them?

  Why did she even care?

  Alice appeared out of nowhere. From nothing at all. She sat at a nearby picnic table, eating a strawberry tart.

  Strawberry, not cherry.

  A fierce happiness gripped Awai’s heart as she looked at her niece. She wanted to run to Alice, throw her arms around her niece’s neck, and hold on for a lifetime. But all Awai could do was watch.

  Alice laughed as young tigers and cubs played in the clearing.

  The pure white tiger romped with the younger black-striped white tigers. Its claws sheathed, the bigger creature playfully batted one of the youngsters. The cub raised its paw and patted the white tiger’s nose.

  Alice looked up and color drained from her face. The tart disappeared. “No!” she shouted and rushed to her feet. She tried to run to the children but her feet sank into the earth, the ground holding her fast.

  Darkness swooped down, like a cloak ov
er the clearing. Heavy. Oppressing.


  The blackness blanketed the white tiger, melding with the beast until they were as one.

  Terror for the younger tigers and cubs ripped through Awai like jagged blades. She reached for her whip that lay on the ground before her. She stumbled, almost falling, but caught herself.

  She scooped up the whip and faced the dark void that blackened what had once been the pure white tiger. The darkness threatened to swallow Awai, too.

  Small cries came from all around her.

  The children.

  She had to protect them, had to keep the darkness away—

  Awai woke to find the covers twisted around her body and her skin damp with sweat, and that she was alone. Stars glittered outside the window, telling her it was still nighttime.

  Her heart pounded and she tried to slow it by inhaling deeply then exhaling slowly, but even her breathing was uneven.

  “Why am I having these dreams?” she whispered to the dark ceiling.

  The nightmares made no sense. A white tiger, cherry blossoms, tarts, darkness, and an evil so intense it nearly drove her to the ground, as if a giant smashed her under its massive boot.

  This time Alice and her young ones had been in the clearing, the cherry blossoms nearly gone. The white tiger had played with the cubs, something that had never happened in the dreams she’d been having.

  The evil darkness had come again, and this time threatening the children.

  Dear God. What did that mean?

  Awai closed her eyes and tried to let sleep come, this time thinking about her beautiful night with Ty.

  Images of the nightmare kept interfering with the happiness she tried to replace them with. She opened her eyes to keep from seeing and feeling the terror that seemed all too real.

  All she could do was stare out at the stars until the sun rose. When light creased the sky, she finally fell asleep, deep and dreamless.


  Awai slept late. When she woke in the light of day, her nightmares seemed to be just that. Nightmares.

  The palace servants didn’t show up until late morning, when she was up and around and ready to eat. She wondered how they could possibly have known when to deliver her meal.

  Her motions through the entire morning were automatic, her mind on Ty and what was to come. It was happening today. Her fantasy. The secret desire that had taken such a strong hold in her own world and had excited her with such power she’d wanted to make the fantasy become reality.

  Three men at once.

  A cock in her pussy…a second in her ass…a third in her mouth.

  Ty is going to share me with two other men.

  She had no hunger for the breakfast that was delivered after all. Maybe she was simply nervous. She played with her food, pushing the strange-colored fruits around the plate, arranging them in patterns that reminded her of the sunset lightshow.

  Instead of the feelings of joy she’d had last night with Ty, lead settled in her belly.

  What was wrong? It could be her subconscious telling her she was making a mistake by falling for Ty. Maybe it was possible he would end up trampling her heart and soul like John Steele had. That had almost destroyed her.

  She mentally shook her head. She couldn’t begin to compare the two men. Hell, John was nothing more than a worthless piece of trash.

  There was no doubt in her mind that Ty was a good man. Through his domination of her, he had freed her mind and her soul. And maybe even her heart.

  But she felt an unexpected emptiness in her heart and soul. After the beautiful night they’d shared, she couldn’t understand why she felt such an ache, such a void.

  And today she would have her wildest fantasy fulfilled. She should be thrilled, excited, and unable to wait until she was with them.

  What's wrong with me?

  She’d just had the most incredible night with a man she’d fallen for, and now he was going to fulfill her fantasy by sharing her with two other men. Her fork clattered on her plate as it slipped from her fingers.

  She turned her thoughts away and stared instead outside. It was a dark and gloomy day, like a storm rode the skies. It must have come in not long after she had finally fallen asleep.

  In the distance she saw flashes of lightning and raindrops began pelting the windows in quarter-sized drops.

  A knock came at the door, the sound echoing in the formerly silent chamber.

  Awai sighed, wondering who it could be. She wasn’t in the mood for company but still said, “Come on in.”

  Kalina entered the room, seeming more subdued, but as pleasant as usual. Today the dark-haired goddess of a sorceress somehow made Awai feel more unsettled. Normally, Kalina’s presence had a calming effect.

  “I have come to prepare you for your fantasy.” Kalina gestured to the bathing room. “Be assured it is a feeling unlike any other to be with three men at once.”

  Kalina had come to prepare Awai to go to Ty…Kir…and Rafe.

  For some reason Kalina’s words pelted Awai like rocks striking a windshield. If they hit just right, the windshield would crack and soon spider web into something so fractured she wouldn’t be able to see through.

  Awai only nodded.

  While Kalina helped Awai bathe, the sorceress remained quiet, as if sensing Awai’s inner turmoil.

  After Awai’s bath, Kalina sat her on the bench before she applied makeup with her artful hand. Awai was naked and once again, Kalina put the cherry mixture on Awai’s nipples and areolas.

  Awai’s stomach clenched and she couldn’t wrap her mind around what she was about to do. The first time she’d gone to a BDSM club she’d been nervous, but nothing compared to how this made her feel.

  It is just nerves, she told herself. Like the first experience at the club.

  No. It was something more, something far more than just being nervous or having second thoughts.

  Awai allowed herself to be escorted to the dungeon, and then Kalina left her outside the double doors. The white leather dress she was wearing felt too small, too skimpy, too much flesh bared. But that was the idea. She was supposed to turn on three men, all at one time.

  She took a deep breath and pushed open one door and slipped into the dungeon. The door banged shut behind her like a concrete lid sealing a tomb. It was dimmer than usual, with candles flickering around the room, and she had to blink until her eyes adjusted.

  Her breath caught as her gaze rested on Kir and Rafe. Kir stood with his arms crossing his massive chest, and Rafe had one shoulder hitched against the wall as he studied her with obsidian eyes. They both wore leather breeches and boots, but both had bare chests that any red-blooded woman would want to rub her hands over.

  Where’s Ty?

  “Are you ready, milady?” Kir said with a lazy sort of drawl to his voice.

  Rafe just watched her with his dark gaze, as though seeing into her soul, seeing something that she didn’t.

  It came to Awai then. No, she wasn’t ready. She’d never be ready. She wanted Ty and Ty only.

  And what had been upsetting her so badly had been the fact that Ty would be willing to share her in any form. How can he love me if he’ll let other men touch me?

  The dungeon doors swung open, and a white tiger with black stripes bounded through with a roar that rattled windowpanes and snuffed candles. He came to a stop then stalked Kir and Rafe.

  Neither man moved or seemed the least bit concerned. The tiger gave another room-shaking roar and then Ty shifted into a man.

  He stood with his back to Awai, facing the two men. “I will not share this woman,” he growled. “She is my heart, my soul, and she belongs to me.”

  Awai’s own heart pounded in her throat and the joy that had been missing all morning suddenly filled her again.

  Kir bowed and Rafe looked amused. “It is as I expected,” Kir said. “She is your life mate and I must say it took you long enough to realize you could not let us have her in any way.”
  Before Awai had time to blink, both men shifted into wolves. The golden wolf gave a quick howl, then both loped from the room. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought the two of them were laughing.

  Ty slowly turned to face Awai, his chin high, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “I am sorry, Awai. I tried to fulfill your fantasy, but I could not. I love you, and I can never share you with any man.”

  Awai ran toward Ty and jumped up, grabbing him around the neck and wrapping her legs around his waist. She pressed her lips to his, kissing him with everything she had. He buried one hand in her hair while his other hand cupped her ass, holding her tight.

  When she pulled away, Ty stared at her with a shocked look. “You are not angry with me?”

  She shook her head, her hair sliding across her shoulders and onto Ty’s chest. “I can’t be with anyone else. I realized that today.” Her gaze locked with his as she added, “You don’t know how happy it makes me that you feel the same way. I would have been upset if you wanted me to go through with it.”

  The relief that rushed through Ty was so great that he gripped Awai tighter to him as he gazed into her beautiful eyes. “Are you sure, my love? I feared you would be disappointed, but I can never allow another man to touch you.”

  Awai smiled. “I love you, Ty, and you’re the only man I’ll ever want or need.”

  Ty let loose with a roar, then kissed her long and hard, letting her feel all the pent-up frustration and joy he was experiencing at that moment. He held her close while he strode through the still open doors. With his magic he slammed the doors shut behind them as he carried Awai from the dungeon and through the palace. She kept her legs locked around his waist, her arms around his neck. In her radiant smile, he could see the love in her eyes that matched his own.

  While he strode through the palace, intense joy flowed through his heart and soul. Awai had declared her love for him and he wished to shout it so all might hear.


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