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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

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by Erin Snihur

  The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series

  5 Book Box Set

  Erin Snihur


  Also by Erin Snihur

  About the Author

  The Sheik’s Missing Mistress


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  The Sheik’s Forced Bride

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  The Sheik’s Pregnant Paramour

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  The Sheik’s Forgotten Princess


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  The Sheik’s Beautiful Thief


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Also by Erin Snihur

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2020 by Erin Snihur

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  For my Family

  Also by Erin Snihur

  The Arabian Heirs Series

  The Sheik’s Surprise Donor (Book 1)

  The Sheik’s Bombshell Secret (Book 2)

  The Sheik’s Expecting Bride (Book 3)

  The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series

  The Sheik’s Missing Mistress (Book 1)

  The Sheik’s Forced Bride (Book 2)

  The Sheik’s Pregnant Paramour (Book 3)

  The Sheik’s Forgotten Princes (Book 4)

  The Sheik’s Beautiful Thief (Book 5)

  The Sheikhas of the Arabian Mountains Series

  The Sheikha’s Determined Prince (Book 1)

  The Sheikha's Unforgettable Lover (Book 2)

  The Sheikha’s Seductive Protector (Book 3)

  The Sheikha’s Fierce Attraction (Book 4)

  The Sheikha’s Billionaire Advisor (Book 5)

  Paranormal/Fantasy Romance

  Curse of the InBetween (Book 1 of the InBetween Series)

  Hero of the InBetween (Book 2 of the InBetween Series)

  His Angelic Queen (Book 3 of the InBetween Series)

  About the Author

  Erin Snihur is a proud Canadian Indie Author with a love for reading and writing. While working full-time you can often find Erin writing her next romance novel or hiking with her dog!

  You can follow Erin’s journey via her newsletter! Click here for some amazing deals and giveaways!

  Don’t forget to leave a review!

  The Sheik’s Missing Mistress

  Can a man be too perfect?

  Amelia Jones feels like she’s finally met Mr. Right in Khalid Abdul Majeed, a billionaire mystery man who has swept her off her feet, literally!

  The only thing standing in their way?

  His wedding. To another woman.

  Heartbroken at being considered Khalid’s mistress, Amelia flees, but Khalid doesn’t give up that easily. He has promised to have Amelia, even if it means risking everything from his Crown to his family.


  “You’re not seriously considering marrying that woman, are you?”

  Newly crowned Sheik Kasin Almasi, of the Arabian country Masaret, piped up from behind his spot at the bar. Knocking back another shot of vodka, Kasin snorted in his own amusement, “You always said you would never marry and that your heir would be your brother.”

  “Dareen el-Dib will make an excellent Sheikha. All the advisors say so. Her family ties in the Arabia countries are very strong,” Sheik Khalid Abdul Majeed of Aman protested and ignored his other friend’s admonoration.

  Inwardly, he was cringing at the thought of his younger brother being crowned Sheik of Aman. Maarku wasn’t exactly known for his diplomatic side and instead was more well-known for being a cutthroat when it came to his business tactics. Most of which, Khalid never approved of. No, Khalid thought. He knew the role of Sheik would only rest on his shoulders and only an heir through marriage would be acceptable. It was this reason alone that he had called this gathering with the four men in this room.

  Five of the great Sheiks and Crown Princes of the Arabian Coast were present, including Khalid. Long time friends and allies, the four men seemed to sense Khalid’s reluctance in his voice.

  At their knowing looks, Khalid slammed down his glass and growled, “Fine! I don’t want to marry her, but our families are insisting. They claim there was an agreement put in place when Dareen and I were small children.”

  Snorting, Crown Prince Tariq Abadi of Hattan smirked and waggled his eyebrows at the group, “From what I’ve seen, you don’t have the right parts Dareen has a marital interest in.”

  Pointing at Tariq, Khalid growled, “Don’t go spreading that around. Dareen is embarrassed enough about the arranged marriage, let alone entering into marriage as a closeted lesbian.”

  Tariq snorted once more and downed the rest of his drink before nudging the serious faced Sheik Amoz el-Safar of Elish at his side. “That will be an interesting wedding night. And here I thought all marriages were bad from the start.”

  Kasin chuckled from the bar and downed another shot of vodka which gained everyone’s attention. Amoz queried for the group, concern edging his voice, “Something on your mind, Kasin?”

  Shaking his head, Kasin leveled
their group with a glare as he slurred his words, “None of you have been married before. You don’t know what kind of hell it is.”

  Sheik Malik Al-Mokhtar of Batra spoke first, interrupting Kasin’s drunken speech, “And you do?”

  Kasin paused and his eyes seemed to drift off to another place. Khalid hesitated and almost asked if something was wrong before Kasin pushed away from the bar and made his way to the door of Khalid’s private study.

  “Send me the wedding invitation, Khalid. I’ll be sure to attend,” Kasin said simply, ignoring their words of protest over him leaving before shrugging out of the room with a slam of the study door.

  All eyes glanced at each other, before they all turned on Khalid. Sighing in frustration, Khalid ran his hands through his hair and answered their unspoken question.

  “I’ll be in Toronto for a few weeks. When I come back, I’ll have made my decision about Dareen,” Khalid said, not wanting to discuss it any further.


  Sitting in a hotel bar alone is never fun. Especially when you are a single woman waiting for a blind date. Glancing at her phone once more, Amelia Jones groaned in frustration at the lack of notifications.

  Her blind date, Adam, a real estate broker in Toronto’s downtown district, still hadn’t texted her back. He’d called initially, saying he would text her when his meeting was over. That had been over an hour ago. He seemed urgent on the phone and apologized profusely. Amelia wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Only for her friend’s sake.

  It had been her best friend, Bea, who had pushed Amelia into a blind date with Adam, one of Bea’s coworkers. Bea had never steered Amelia in the wrong direction before. Amelia had to admit, she was nervous about the prospect of dating again. She would much rather be curled up on the couch with a good book and some soft music playing in the background.

  Amelia hadn’t been on a date since graduating from university. It wasn’t that she didn’t think herself pretty enough to date. With her blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and a smattering of freckles on her nose, most men had called her beautiful, but Amelia always had that sense of doubt that she wasn’t enough.

  Besides, her work as a teacher in one of Toronto’s public schools kept her so busy that she only had time for a girls’ night once a week. Amelia snorted to herself as she fingered the stem of her wine glass. Over the last few weeks, she had even been making excuses about not going to girls’ night.

  After making another excuse over last week’s get together, Bea had instigated an all out intervention with their core group of friends in attendance. Everyone voiced their worries about her work taking full focus in her life and even a few worried that Amelia had developed an eating disorder. She had lost weight, but not that much. It was the stress of the job. Between budget cuts and kids with home lives that broke your heart, who had time to eat consistently?

  It wasn’t her fault that she sometimes forgot to eat. Even the little reminders in her phone that told her to eat or drink could be easily ignored if she was too busy. Her students needed her. The school she worked at were underfunded and, thus, the children suffered. She wanted to help these students achieve their academic goals and make something of themselves, no matter the obstacles that were put in their way.

  How was she supposed to do that when her friends were pressuring her to get out, date and essentially live a life she wasn’t sure she was capable of having?

  Amelia inwardly groaned as her thoughts brought her back to her childhood. Growing up in foster care had made her distrustful of new people and self-reliant. She had never had someone truly care for her when she was growing up after her parents passed away. Jumping from foster home after foster home proved difficult. Bea and their small circle of friends were the only ones that fought to keep Amelia involved in their lives. So, at the gentle, but firm, prodding of Bea and the others, Amelia had agreed to this blind date.

  And what a train wreck that’s turning out to be, Amelia inwardly sighed.

  Frowning at how pathetic she must appear, Amelia swallowed the remainder of her wine and checked her phone one last time. With no new messages from Adam, Amelia was determined to take matters into her own hands. So she texted Adam that she had something come up and that they would reschedule. She’d leave the bar and explain to Bea that maybe dating wasn’t exactly in the cards for her. She was only twenty-five. She had her whole life ahead of her.

  Thinking her plan was foolproof, Amelia attempted to stand as gracefully as she could in her high heels, but instantly felt light headed as she straightened. Before she knew it, the floor was careening closer and Amelia realized in an instant she was falling.

  Before she could even close her eyes and brace for impact, two large and well muscled arms shot out and caught her. Gasping at the feeling of being weightless in her rescuer’s impressive arms, Amelia stared, but not into her rescuer’s face. Instead, at his chest. The mysterious man wore a black suit and red dress shirt underneath with the top two buttons open to reveal a small spattering of dark hair and well muscled upper chest.

  The manly chest shifted and vibrated lightly before her eyes, causing Amelia to finally blink, startled at having been caught staring. As she attempted to right herself and pull out of this strange man’s arms, Amelia found herself completely enraptured once more by the man’s eyes. They were a startling green, resembling rich grass after a spring rain.

  His eyes were twinkling at her humorously and Amelia stumbled back at the sight of his white teeth peeking out from behind his full kissable lips. Blushing at the thought of being caught staring for a second time, Amelia tried to straighten her appearance and focus on the man’s eyes, nothing more. It didn’t work. The man’s growing grin revealed a dimple on his right cheek that Amelia ached to touch.

  Startled by her reaction to a complete stranger, Amelia patted her dress down, in an attempt to distract herself, “I’m so sorry.”

  The man shook his head at her apology, grinning at her nervous behaviour, “No apologies needed, Miss⎯,” the man’s silky voice trailed off as he waited patiently for her to answer his unspoken question.

  “Jones. Amelia Jones, though most people call me Lia. And you are?” Amelia answered and winced at how high her voice sounded in the relaxing bar. If people weren’t staring at her because of her near disaster attempt to hit the floor, they were staring now as she embarrassed herself once more in front of this attractive man.

  The man nodded and answered simply before motioning to the bar and her now empty seat. His accent sent warm tingles shooting down her spine as he spoke, “Khalid Majeed. Are you dining alone this evening?”

  Biting the inside of her cheek, Amelia was about to explain that she was just leaving, when she heard Bea’s words hissing in her head. When was the last time you had any fun with a person of the opposite sex? When was the last time you did something spontaneous?

  Blushing, Amelia pushed back a tendril of her blonde hair that had escaped from its loose bun and smiled shyly at Khalid. “Yes, I am alone this evening.”

  Khalid nodded and turned his head behind him slightly. It was only then that Amelia realized he wasn’t alone. Two hulking figures stood behind Khalid, both decked out in dark suits, wearing serious expressions on their faces.

  Their features and skin color spoke of Middle Eastern origin, the same as Khalid, and Amelia instantly blushed as she realized she had never seen men this tall or largely muscular in person before. As Khalid murmured something to them, one of the men nodded and stalked away, his intent clearly for the maitre d’ who jumped to attention at the man’s presence.

  Khalid turned his attention back to her. Face warming under his perusal, Amelia couldn’t help herself, but continued to stare at the lone, serious man who had chosen to remain with Khalid. “Please don’t go to any trouble. I’m sure you and your friends are busy and want to have a private dinner alone. I mean, I truly do appreciate you saving me from the fall, but I wouldn't think to intrude on your dinner.”

sp; Khalid grinned again, as though amused by her rambling words. “My friends, as you put it, go where I tell them to go. Besides, I am looking forward to getting to know you, Lia. Alone.”

  The man who had disappeared to speak to the maitre d’ took that opportunity to reappear and nodded towards Khalid in confirmation. Not even a second later, a waiter appeared behind Khalid and offered to show them to their table.


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