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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

Page 39

by Erin Snihur

  “I don’t care what you do, just sit and I won’t have to kill you tonight,” Sophie answered, the annoyance over his presence obvious.

  Collapsing into the sofa, the man grunted and lifted his glass in a toast to her, “Perhaps that is what I want, for you to put me out of my misery.”

  Sneering in disgust at the man, Sophie took a step forward. Closer to the man, but still managed to stay a few steps away, she carefully took a sniff of the air. All she could smell was warm, sandalwood and whiskey. Clearly the man had been drinking for some time.

  Disgusted at the thought of his wishes for death, Sophie glared down at the man as he finished his drink, “Who are you?”

  Snorting, the man turned his head toward hers, finally visible in the moonlight streaming in through the balcony.

  “You can call me Tariq.”

  Tariq? As in Crown Prince Tariq of Hattan? The man I was just about to rob blind!! Karos is going to kill me!

  Staring at the man, Sophie was overcome with emotion. She recognized him completely now. From his grey eyes to his dark hair that concealed a scar through his right eyebrow and tan skin that remained unblemished other than the scar. Gritting her teeth, Sophie let out a harsh sound.

  “You’re not supposed to be here,” she mumbled, mostly to herself, but the man notices and snorts in laughter under his breath. She had watched the man get into a limo and leave the hotel only twenty minutes ago. How could he have possibly returned without her knowing.

  “My father’s favorite sentence,” he murmurs back. Seeming to notice her wide eyed expression and the gun still leveled on his chest, Tariq nods behind her to the ruined painting, “Don’t let me interrupt. Please continue.”

  Scoffing, Sophie eyes the door, her only escape route, “Why? So, you can overpower me or worse, call your guards?”

  Shrugging, Tariq sets his glass on the coffee table and motions to the empty room, “As I’m sure you are aware my guards followed my double. We’re all alone.”

  “Your double?” Sophie asks, stunned at the Prince’s revelation.

  Nodding along, Tariq sighs and places his feet up on the table, getting comfy, “Oh yes. It helps to have a double when you’re seen in the public eye often and you desire a break from life.”

  Opening her mouth, Sophie closed it instantly when Tariq continued as he leaned his head back in the chair and closed his eyes, “Of course, if you were to kill me, I wouldn’t need to worry about having a break. Death would be my permanent break.”

  Stunned by his words, Sophie stiffened when he continued to just lie back in the seat, eyes closed. Curiosity getting the better of her, Sophie asked, “Why aren’t you trying to stop me?”

  Lips curling as he kept his eyes firmly shut, Tariq murmured, “You mean besides the fact that you have a gun trained on my chest?”

  As if just remembering the gun in her hands, Sophie took a step back, away from the safe, making the hardwood floors creak a bit, gaining Tariq’s opened eyed attention.

  “Open the safe, your Highness,” Sophie snarled snarkily and briefly felt a rush of joy run through her at the way his eyes squinted a tad bit when she called him that.

  After staring at one another for a few moments, Tariq shrugged and stood to full height. Inwardly Sophie was stunned by his height. He could easily overpower her. All of Karos training hadn’t prepared her for this. She had always stolen from those that would never catch her. She knew she couldn’t allow the Crown Prince to survive the night. He had seen her face. How could she have been so stupid! Karos is going to kill her. The watch on her wrist vibrated. The telltale sign that gave her only an hour to get the jewels and get back to the safe house to flee the country.

  As Tariq stood in front of the safe and brushed aside the torn pieces of the portrait, he scoffed, “I didn’t realize anyone even knew I was staying here tonight. Let alone that my father had given me the jewels to safeguard.”

  “Just open the safe,” Sophie demanded, “It’s not like your family needs these jewels for the wedding tomorrow.”

  Shrugging, Tariq brushed aside the last piece of the portrait and revealed the large black safe carefully hidden behind the portrait. According to Karos intel, the frame of the portrait had been cemented into the wall. The perfect hiding place for a safe to remain. Inwardly, Sophie snickered, not anymore!

  “There won’t be a wedding,” Tariq murmured softly as he spun the dial on the safe with practiced ease.

  Stunned once more, Sophie stared at the man’s messy, dark hair, “And why is that?”

  “These jewels are a symbol of our family's faith in my sister's marriage and the groom. Plus, they were to be my sister’s dowry. Without it, she is useless to him. Thus, once you have scurried into the night, the wedding will be called off.”

  At the end of his words, a small click sounded in the room and the safe door opened wide. Stepping back, his grey eyes trained on her own blue ones, instead of the gun still carefully pointed at him, Tariq smiled, “Take them and run. Run as far and as fast as you can, allasu alsaghir.”

  Breathless, Sophie whispered, “Why are you doing this? Why aren’t you trying to stop me?”

  Tilting his head, Tariq’s eyes seemed to glitter at her dangerously, “Perhaps you’re not the only one intent on ruining my sister's wedding tomorrow. If the jewels go missing and stay missing, my father’s embarrassment will be paramount. I won’t allow my sister to become chattel in my father’s games.”

  Sophie got his implication. He wanted her to take the jewels. Ruin his sister's wedding and, effectively, ruin his family. Sophie had seen pictures of his sister’s intended. Motioning to the sofa once more, Sophie swallowed, “Sit down.”

  Staring at the jewels that sparkled in the moonlight before her, Sophie only briefly saw Tariq’s form shift away from the couch at the last second and knock the gun out of her hands. Sophie cried out at the feeling of his body pushing her against the suite’s wall as the gun fell to the ground with a loud thunk. Both of them froze in place, Sophie beneath Tariq and Tariq holding her hands by her wrists above her head.

  “The safety was on. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Tariq growled down at her, his eyes glittering furiously, “Obviously you haven’t done this before.”

  Glaring back at him, Sophie raised her chin stubbornly, “Then do the right thing. Call the police or your fancy guards. Throw me in jail.”

  Silence ensued all around them and just when Sophie was sure Tariq was going to pull back and call for security, he did the one thing she, herself, had never done before.

  He kissed her.


  Present day…

  Arriving to work at Aman Industries a few minutes early, Sophie prayed to any god that was listening that she’d be able to sweet talk the security guard into giving her a pass to the upper levels. For the view, she decided would be a good enough reason. Like that sinfully decadent night in Hattan three years ago, nothing went right.

  Nancy was waiting for Sophie in the lobby of the air conditioned first floor and in a flurry, she found herself pushing a cart ladened with desserts and drinks. The older woman claimed an urgent meeting had been scheduled with the board members of the company and these important men needed these sweet treats and fancy drinks.

  Inwardly she hated the stereotypical way she was being treated in this infernal company. A plan in mind, Sophie knew all she had to do was get access to the upper floors after setting up the executive boardroom and slip into the financial sector of the offices. And then she would just disappear! Hopefully from the Arabian Coast forever. Karos had promised this would be her last mission before she could return to a normal life.

  She had never had a normal life before. Growing up as an orphan on the streets of Russia had been hard. Sophie was certain she would not have survived that winter on the streets if not for Karos. He had gotten her an education, a warm bed and good food. All he asked was that her affinity for stealing and spying to be used for his benefit and cause
s. Karos claimed he was a regular modern day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to feed the poor.

  Lately, Sophie had begun to doubt her mentor. After stealing the crown jewels, Sophie had immediately been wrought with guilt. Rumors flew through the Arabian countries, calling the Crown Prince a fool and undeserving of becoming Sheik. There were even rumors that Tariq would be disowned by his father. After that night, Sophie had been certain there would be posters and news coverage with her face splashed across from Tariq’s description. None was ever revealed. According to the Prince, the intruder wore a mask. Video surveillance of the hall that Sophie had used to gain entrance to his room had been tampered with, but not thanks to her. Thanks to Tariq, she had disappeared with the jewels in hand and his sister remained unmarried.

  Despite her inner misgivings, Sophie had kept up to date on the charming Prince. After their meeting and subsequent kiss, it seemed the Prince had returned to his playboy ways, but Sophie could see a tightness around the mysterious man’s eyes. He, like her, was not all he seemed.

  Arriving in the executive boardroom, Sophie let out a soft gasp. Running along the outer wall were tall floor to roof windows. They gave an impressive view of the capital city of Aman. Even more so when Sophie approached the sparkling, clean windows and stared down at the city below. The people rushing here and there on the streets or in cars were like little ants.

  Shaking herself to focus, Sophie set about to accomplish her task. If she set up the refreshments ahead of time, she might just have enough time to sneak into the financial sector and steal the records Karos desired. Sophie hadn’t realized just how nervous she actually was until she began setting the food trays on the table. At the head of the table placing a glass before the imposing chair. She wondered if the Sheik of Aman attended every single board meeting or did he lounge around spending his money frivolously while children starved.

  Snorting, Sophie glanced about the room and nodded at the perfection of her work. That should satisfy Nancy. Rolling her eyes at the thought of satisfying the woman who worked for an arrogant man such as the Sheik of Aman, Sophie exited the room. Pushing her tray ahead of her, Sophie tried to keep her head down and become invisible in the busy hallway. Once in the service elevator, Sophie scanned the pass Nancy had given her this morning and smiled with glee when the button for the financial sector lit up.

  Doors opening, Sophie exits, head bowed as others enter the elevator with their own packages or trays. Keeping her breathing even, Sophie makes her way down the weaving hallway to the server room. Each floor has one. Karos had explained all she had to do was simply slide the USB into the financial sectors mainframe and the device would do the rest. Then she would need to make her escape before anyone noticed. Glancing around, Sophie cringes at the sight of the security cameras littered in every corner of the hallways as she weaved her way through.

  Karos claimed they weren’t all monitored at once. Hopefully he was right. Or else, it would mean her death. Taking the square pass out of her pocket once more, Sophie swiped it over the scanner and watched with bated breath as the red light turned green. The door opened with a click and Sophie sighed in relief. Leaving the tray in the hallway, Sophie rushed in and closed the door behind her with a soft click. Wide eyed, Sophie stared into the now lit server room. Three rows of machines ran down the length of the room. Surrounding them were large, blinking machines. Sophie had never been one for tech and, according to Karos, she was gifted in other ways.

  Swallowing her apprehension, Sophie approached the first row of machines. Grumbling to herself, Sophie cursed in Russian under her breath, “Dammit, Karos, they aren’t even labeled!”

  “Perhaps I can be of assistance, allasu alsaghir?”

  A silky smooth voice questioned from behind her. That voice…Sophie’s inner mind became jumbled. She hated to admit it, but she had dreamt of that voice and the man behind it for three years. Spinning about, the USB still in her hand, Sophie’s eyes widened at the sight of Crown Prince Tariq of Hattan, barely hidden against a set of large boxes that were piled up behind the door. She hadn’t even seen him as she entered the room. Some thief she was!

  Tariq was the same. His piercing, intimidating eyes held hers and the corner of his mouth turned into a knowing smirk. Sophie was sure by the feeling of warmth to her face that she had blushed. It was all his fault. His fault for being so sinfully handsome and, if it was possible, more muscular since the last time she’d seen him in person. Damn him.

  Feigning confusion, Sophie schooled her features and lifted her chin, “I believe you have me confused with someone else, sir.”

  Shaking his head, Tariq pushed away from his spot and stood to full height. Her dreams hadn’t done him justice. Tilting his head slightly, Tariq’s smirk turned into a full-blown smile as his white teeth sparkled at her in the rooms fluorescent lighting.

  “I could never confuse you, Sophie Alexandra Marks. You’ve haunted me these past three years and I have waited for this day for far too long to ever confuse you with any other woman.”

  Full name. Point one to the spoiled Prince.

  Without thinking, Sophie let out a sarcastic snort, “It sure seemed like you’d forgotten.” Inwardly, Sophie winced when Tariq’s eyes filled with mischief as they sparkled, he took a step towards her.

  “Have you been stalking me, Sophie?”

  Shit. Time to backpedal, Soph.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Sophie brushed aside a curl of hair that escaped her bun. At her movement, Sophie saw the distinct flare of desire pass through Tariq’s eyes. Perhaps, like last time, he would let her escape.

  “What do you want, your Highness? Another liaison, perhaps?” Sophie sneered coolly.

  Chuckling deeply, Tariq shook his head, “Not yet.”

  Sophie’s insides clenched. His words spoke volumes. Not yet, but soon, he would have his way with her. Like that night three years ago.

  Tariq continued, his face softening as he clutched the doorknob to the server room, “I have some friends that would like to speak with you.”

  Fists clenched as tightly as her jaw, Sophie seethed, “The police?”

  Tariq motioned with his fingers for her to approach, “Not yet. A few friends who have come to recognize the severity of your work and see an opportunity for your redemption.”

  Skin sizzling with anger, Sophie raised her chin and ignored his offered hand. Storming past him, back into the hallway, she only barely noticed the tray she had left outside the server room was gone. Sophie recognized this whole situation for what it was. A set up.

  Karos is going to kill me.


  Sophie trembled slightly as she walked down the hallway. It wasn’t helping that Tariq walked behind her. She could feel the heat of his gaze on her with every movement. Briefly looking over her shoulders, Sophie’s breath caught in her throat and she attempted to clear it, stopping before the service elevator that only a few minutes ago, she’d exited.

  Turning to Tariq, Sophie raised an eyebrow at the quiet man, “Where are the guards?”

  Shrugging, Tariq pressed the call button for the elevator, “They must trust that I won’t let you escape this time.”

  Rolling her eyes, Sophie crossed her arms and inwardly groaned over her present situation. How had she gotten herself mixed up in this mess? She needed her gun. As they entered the empty elevator, Sophie breathed a sigh of relief that it was indeed empty. No need for anyone else to see her embarrassment. Briefly glancing at herself in the mirrored wall of the elevator, Sophie cringed at her appearance. She appeared flushed and her eyes were wide. Tariq hadn’t even touched her and already her body craved him. She could even see her nipples poking through the fabric of her bra. Perfect day to wear a skirt and white blouse. Good one, Soph.

  Sophie watched as Tariq scanned his own pass key and selected the executive floor. Nerves prickling in awareness, Sophie leaned against a wall of the elevator and stared at Tariq as he stood against the opposite wall, studying her.
  “You were wearing a wig that night,” Tariq crooned softly finally, breaking the silence.

  “Yes,” Sophie confirmed with a whisper and bit her lip. She couldn’t reveal all of her tricks. All of Karos’ training was going down the drain just from the mere presence of this man.

  “I prefer your hair like this,” Tariq murmured and, out of habit, Sophie reached up and touched her auburn hair. Noticing his attention, Sophie pulled her hand away and licked her lips. Why is this elevator taking so long?

  Just as she was pondering this thought, Tariq swore and slammed his fist on the emergency stop button, halting the movement of the elevator. Gasping, Sophie stared into Tariq’s eyes, her skin tingling as the man stared back at her.

  “They can wait,” was all Tariq said before he pounced.

  He was fast. Pinning her to the wall of the elevator, Sophie gasped, which gave Tariq the opportunity he needed to plant his lips on hers. She couldn’t help it. As he deepened the kiss, she responded in kind. Her dreams were nothing in comparison to the passionate kisses he lay on her lips. Firmly pressed against Tariq’s tall hard body, Sophie’s arms went of their own accord when Tariq’s hands moved lower and pulled her up. Legs wrapping around his waist as best she could in a skirt that was now shimmied up her thighs, Sophie moaned loudly into Tariq’s mouth when he pressed his hard body against her small one once more. Fingers delving into his hair, Sophie squealed as Tariq squeezed her bottom tightly before biting into her bottom lip. At the feeling of his lips being pulled away, Sophie opened her eyes. Hazing with lust, Sophie stared into Tariq’s eyes as he pressed his forehead against her own. He smelled just as she remembered. Of man and scented sandalwood. Sophie whimpered in disappointment when he pressed a soft, chaste kiss against her pulsing lips.

  Noses bumping against one another, Sophie gasped at the feeling of a warm hardness pressing against the apex of her thighs, demanding entrance. Taking the decision from her, Tariq brought his lips back down to her mouth in the same moment his cock, through his pants, brushed against her panty covered core.


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