Fireside Stories for Girls in Their Teens
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It was a hot, sultry day in that little town near the Western coast ofAfrica when Afa Bibo came. He had had a long, long journey from his homeamong the Ntum people far to the south of Efulen. So he, as well as themen who had brought him, was glad when they saw the rude little hospitallooming up at the end of the path.
Years and years before, when Afa Bibo was just a little baby, his motherand father, because they were superstitious and ignorant, had deliberatelyinfected the little one with yaws, one of the most loathsome of Africandiseases. Little by little the disease had spread through his system tillnow, a boy in his teens, he was gradually losing his sight. So they hadbrought him to the white doctor who had done so much for boys and girls inthe neighborhood, to see if he could also help Afa Bibo.
It took only a glance at the one eye to know that the sight was goneforever. But there was a chance that the other might be saved. To be sure,the inflammation was there and much damage had been done, but still therewas a chance. So they put him under the care of the nurse and began thefight that was to tell whether he was to be one of the many African blindones who suffer so much and help so little, or whether he was to be likeother boys.
It was a long, hard time for the little fellow. The eyes must be washedwith a solution that was very painful; he must spend long hours not onlylying in bed but with all light shut from his eye. He grew very weary withit all. But after the months had gone, Afa Bibo went out of that hospitalwith an eye as clean and white in the ball as yours or mine.
Of course, he was anxious to go back to his people and tell them whatwonderful things had been done for him, but the Doctor said,
"Afa, you can do much with your one good eye, but if you will stay righthere and go to school with the boys for a time, you can do much, muchmore. You can be as good as one man, two men, and perhaps as much asthree. If you will stay, you can be a big man in your own tribe. It may beyou could be a teacher and tell the boys there how to read and write or itmight be--yes, it might be--you could be a doctor and make other boys tosee, just as we have done to you."
So Afa Bibo stayed in the mission school and learned to study, and towork, and to think. For a time he felt badly to think he had only one eyewhen all his companions had two, but little by little he seemed to haveforgotten it.
Then came the day when the Christian people of that little African churchwere to pledge a definite number of days of service in carrying themessage of the Christ to others. Some were to go out and teach; some wereto carry Testaments and tracts written in Bulu to others; some were tohelp about the mission station so that there might be a better place inwhich to teach the ones who came. Some were to raise extra crops so theymight have something to give to those who went far out to teach. Every onecould give something, even though it was very different from what anothergave.
As it neared the time for the service, the black people might be seencoming from all directions. Some had walked five miles, some ten, and someeven twenty. All had something to eat so that they might stay to hear allthe good news that could be given in a day. They filled the little barebuilding which the boys of the school had builded for a church; theyfilled the window spaces; then they filled the yard about the church. Oh!there were very many of them and all were eager for the service to begin.
Holding the roof of the little church were large poles which had beenpainted white and on these the pledges were to be made. So as the servicebegan, many looked at the poles and thought what a wonderful thing it wasto be allowed to give of themselves to the God who had become their own.
Soon the pledging began. First to go was the old chief who had given uphis twenty wives that he might become a Christian. He was old. What wouldhe give? First he made a slanting line and then he crossed it. Ah! thatwas ten days of service.
Then others were ready, and some gave ten days, some one or two weeks, andsome could even give a month. The lines covered one pole and then anotheras the people passed down the aisle and out of the building.
Last of all came the boys of the school. How could they give? They wereonly boys. But they could take of their play time till they had gained aday or more to give. One marked after another and last of all it was theturn of Afa Bibo.
Very near to him stood the kind doctor who had made him free from the painand able to see the way as he came to the white pole. So he smiled one ofhis rare smiles as he passed him. Then he made a slanting line and crossedit; another and crossed it. That was twenty days. No boy had given as muchas that. But he was making another--twenty-five days. And he crossed thethird. Then with his shoulders square and resolve in his face he went outwith the rest.
As the missionaries sat before their home on the following day, they sawAfa Bibo coming across the yard to them. Calling the doctor aside, hesaid,
"Doctor, I am not satisfied with what I pledged yesterday. I want to givemore."
"But, Afa," said the doctor, "already you have pledged thirty days. Thatis a great deal for a boy to give. A pledge to God from you must be asbinding as His promise is to us. Work out the thirty days and then comeback and give Him more if you like."
"But I am not happy about it," said the boy, "I want to give more."
"I think you had better leave it just as it is, for I am sure you do notknow how long thirty days will be when you begin to give it all. Run alongand do your lessons. I think you have given much to God," said theDoctor.
Then Afa slowly came very near to the doctor. Looking up into his face, hepulled down the lower lid of the good eye showing it to be white and freefrom all soreness and pain.
"Doctor," he said, "do you see that good eye? Well, God saved me that eyeand I have more to be thankful for than any one else in all that bigchurchful yesterday. I owe him more than thirty days. Please, sir, I wantto pay back a little of what I owe him. Let me make it thirty-five."
So together the doctor, who had given his life for God, and the littleblack boy, who was just beginning to give, went to the church and putanother black mark on the tall white pole. And Afa Bibo went out to workhis thirty-five days for God.
Were you to go among the Ntum people to-day, you would find there a manwho is beloved by all because he has loved to give of himself to hispeople. He has a kindly face and a loving heart. It is Afa Bibo, the boywho is still eager to pay for his one good eye.