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Page 11

by Melody Anne

  Not wanting to learn anything else about the man, Ari forced herself to head straight for the front door where she was pleased to find a car waiting.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Ms. Harlow. ”

  “Thank you, Mr. Kinsor. I appreciate all the staff taking such good care of me. I’ve never felt so pampered,” she replied. She genuinely liked Rafe’s right hand man, even if the guy knew exactly what Rafe had wanted to hire her for and hadn’t warned her. She wouldn’t expect him to sell out his employer.

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  “Do you need to make any stops before going home?”

  Ari thought for a moment as he held open her door. She wouldn’t feel up to leaving her house the rest of the day and her head was already starting to throb a little. Why not take advantage of having a driver for a little while?

  “If you’re not in a huge hurry and wouldn’t mind, could we stop by a drug store?”

  “Of course. I’m yours for as long as you need me. Mr. Palazzo was explicit to give you whatever you needed today,” he answered happily as he shut the door and quickly went around to the driver’s side.

  Ari’s confusion grew at Mr. Kinsor’s words. Why did Rafe have to be so accommodating and kind one minute and then such a brute the next? Why couldn’t he have been just a regular guy she’d met on her college campus? She hated to have any thoughts of Rafe, wanting to wipe him from her mind, but the more she ran into him, the more she wanted to know about this mysterious man who offered so much, but demanded more than she could bear to give.

  “Just the drug store will be fine. I need to get home and take care of things so I can be well enough to go to work tomorrow,” she said when she realized she’d never responded to his last comment.

  “Okay. If you do change your mind, just let me know. Would you like to listen to music?”

  “No thank you. I’ve got a headache. I’ll just rest my eyes while we’re driving. I’ll feel better after taking a couple Advil’s. ”

  Mr. Kinsor was silent as they pulled onto the road. At least they were in a comfortable car that cruised along quietly and without many bumps. It didn’t take them long to stop by the drug store and then reach her home. Ari would miss the presence of other people around her. As she stepped into her apartment she realized how truly alone she was most of the time now.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Rafe braced for impact as his sister threw herself into his arms. A rare smile spread across his face as she jumped up and wrapped herself around him.

  “How are you, Rachel?”

  “I’ve missed you. It seems like years since I saw you last. ”

  Rafe laughed at his baby sister’s enthusiasm. She was eight years younger than him and full of life, certainly the most vibrant young woman he’d ever known, and also one of the few females he had complete respect for. He adored both of his sisters.

  “I saw you two months ago. Are you going to let me go now?”

  “If you insist,” she pouted as she released him. “Two months may as well be two years. Mom’s a tyrant who never lets me do anything. ”

  “You get away with far more than I’d let you get away with. You’re too beautiful to be allowed out in public,” he said only half-teasing. He would slaughter any man who dared even look at his sister wrong. He knew it was slightly ironic how protective he was of his sisters when he had zero respect for other women.

  “You drive your poor father and I crazy. I am hardly a tyrant, peste” his mother, Rosabella, said, calling Rachel a brat in Italian before she approached and planted a kiss on his cheek. “How are you, son? You have darker circles beneath your eyes than you had last time I saw you,” she scolded.

  “I’m wonderful, mother, even better now that you’re here. What do I owe this surprise visit to?”

  “You sounded more stressed than usual the last time we spoke, so I told your father we must come and visit you immediately. It was about time for us to come back to California for a while, anyway. Your father grows restless in Italy if he’s there for too long. I think he just misses working, though he’s promised me he’s retired. ”

  “I’m all grown up now, Mom. You don’t have to worry so much about me. To tell you the truth, I think dad sneaks off to work when you’re in the States. I do notice a lot of secret phone calls, and I don’t think any woman is stupid enough to embark in an affair with the man. ”

  “No, your father knows I would kill him if he ever tried something so foolish as seeing another woman. Now, as to your comment, obviously, you’re not a parent or you’d never say something so ridiculous. A mother never stops worrying about her child, no matter how grown-up he insists he is. If only you would settle down and start a famiglia, all of your stress would disappear and I’d get to see laugh lines around your beautiful eyes instead of worry lines over your brow. ”

  “Mother,” he warned, though his tone wasn’t harsh.

  “Don’t you dare try and use your bossy tone with me,” she scolded, before shifting into Italian and calling him a few choice names. He immediately backed down to show her respect. He wouldn’t fight his mother.

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  “If you start harassing our only boy, he’ll change out his locks the next time he gets even a wisp of a hint that we're flying in to visit him – and he'll travel to another country far from here. ”

  “Dad. It’s great to see you. ” Rafe gave his father a hug, grateful for the rescue. They had been outnumbered from the day Rachel was borne, giving his mother her second daughter. He’d been hoping for a little brother, but he’d been Rachel’s slave from the very first time she’d gripped his finger in her infant hand. He adored Lia, as well, but he’d been older when Rachel was born and more protective of her.

  “Not that I want to join sides with your mother and sisters, but you do look a bit more ragged than normal, Rafe. Is everything okay?”

  “Don’t lump me in with Rachel. I think Rafe looks terrific,” Lia jumped into the conversation. He turned a grateful smile his sister’s way. Lia was a stunning woman, only five years younger than him.

  She’d been turning heads from the moment she’d hit puberty and he’d thrown more punches over her than he could count. His friends had been told in no uncertain terms that they were to keep their hands off.

  Times had been really tough when Shane had come home with him from college one Thanksgiving, and Lia had decided she liked what she saw. Poor Shane had been between a rock and a hard place because he knew he couldn’t come anywhere near Lia, and the girl had been determined.

  Luckily, Shane had kept his hands to himself, and therefore their friendship remained intact. Lia had made Shane sweat a few times when she’d come out to the pool in a skimpy bikini. Rafe still saw red when he thought about that. She was too naïve and trusting of men. She didn’t realize how easily she could be taken advantage of. Rafe should know – he played with women more than most men.

  “You know, you’ve always been my favorite, Lia,” he said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

  “That was just mean, Rafe,” Rachel pouted, her silver eyes sparkling as she punched him in the arm.

  “Let me call the office and cancel my afternoon appointments. I’d much rather spend the day with you,” Rafe said before turning toward the door.

  “You don’t need to do that, Rafe. We can entertain ourselves while you finish work,” his dad insisted.

  “The nice thing about being the boss is that I can do what I want,” Rafe said with a wink before leaving the room.

  He sat down with a fond smile on his face. His family was a bit like a tornado, causing chaos all around them, but it was a happy mess. Being with them was the only thing that kept his humanity intact. If it weren’t for them, he knew he’d be colder than a reptile. There were days he was anyway. The longer he was away from his old world, the easier it was to slip in
to his self-isolated prison.

  He had to remind himself that he liked his life just the way it was. He didn’t want that family his mother begged him to give her. He loved women, just didn’t need them for anything other than to warm his bed. His world wasn’t perfect and it would break his mother’s heart if she knew how he conducted his love life like a business transaction.

  He would never break the rose-colored glasses his family wore – never allow them to see who he’d turned into. Marriages like his parent’s shared weren’t common. The majority of relationships ended tragically – like how his had with his ex-wife.

  Happily ever after was a myth that very few actually ever found.

  “Okay, phone call’s taken care of. Come with me and I’ll show you my new baby,” Rafe said as he walked into the room.

  “If you had a baby to show mom, then she’d be far less grumpy and allow me out from under her lock and key a little more often,” Rachel said with a mischievous smile. He felt like smacking the look off her face. He knew the guilt trip would now start from his mother about her growing old with no grandkids to snuggle.

  “While Rachel isn’t kept prisoner, she is right. I would love some bambinos,” Rosabella stated as she placed her arm through Rafe’s.

  “I refuse to bring children into this world. I could never be as wonderful of a parent as you have been. I’d only torture the poor creatures,” Rafe said as he led his family outside.

  “Poor creatures? Okay, maybe you are better off not being a father,” his dad said with a laugh.

  “See, just listen to the man. He clearly seems to be the only one who makes any sense. ”

  “You just only seem capable of listening when someone is agreeing with you,” Lia said as she darted ahead and then walked backward so she could make faces at him.

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  It seemed no matter how old they grew, his sisters would forever act like teenagers. What surprised him was that he hoped they never stopped. He would forever picture them with pigtails in their hair, running in the house to tell him about their latest adventure at school, even if Lia was now twenty-six and Rachel was twenty-three. Time flew by so quickly.

  “So, Rafe, what is this new toy you’ve acquired?”

  “I think you’ll be the most excited, Dad. We need to drive to the marina. ”

  “Ah, you got a new boat. Didn’t you just buy one last year?”

  “Yes, and she’ll always be precious to me, but I’ve got a new love. The latest way to entertain clients is on private yachts so I decided to make an investment. Though it is a great investment, she’s really just an overpriced toy,” he admitted.

  “Ooh, Rafe, I can’t wait. Are we going out today?” Lia asked as her eyes lit up.

  “I’ve cleared my schedule and called the crew. We can take her for a spin – have dinner on the water. ”

  “Have I told you lately that you’re the absolute best brother ever?” Rachel said as she snuggled up to his side.

  “Only every time you want something from me,” he responded with a chuckle.

  “Big brothers are supposed to spoil their sisters. It’s in the rule book. ”

  “Yeah, the rule book that you wrote when you were five. ”

  The family climbed into Rafe’s escalade and he quickly managed to cut through traffic, eager to see his family’s reaction to his newest pride and joy.

  He worked incredibly hard, and therefore rewarded himself with the things in life that made him happy. A frown marred his forehead as that thought brought up Ari. The longer it took for her to realize their inevitable affair would happen, the more irritated he became. When he wanted something, he wanted it immediately. He couldn’t stand to wait on anything or anyone.

  It had been a week since Mario had taken her home. He hadn’t spoken to her since. He was allowing some time to pass for her to see reason, or for his interest to wan. Neither was happening, which meant it was about time for him to hunt her down.

  They pulled into the exclusive marina, and he moved around the back where his vessel was parked at a huge dock. The gleaming white vessel was two-hundred feet long and put every other liner in the marina to shame.

  Rafe took pride in owning only the best. Yes, there were other boats out there bigger and more luxurious, but this baby was exactly what he wanted. He didn’t want it so large he was too restricted in where he could take an afternoon cruise, but it needed to be comfortable enough that he could sail across the ocean with all the comforts of home.

  “Is that it?” Lia asked in awe.

  “Yes. That’s my girl,” he answered with pride.

  “You sure you couldn’t have gotten one a bit bigger,” his father asked with sarcasm. The smile on his face eliminated the sting of his words.

  “Ha, Father, I think that’s a little like calling the kettle black. Your personal jet puts my own to shame. Who do you think taught me to like only the best?” His father winked at him before returning his attention to the boat.

  Rafe’s father had been a very wealthy man, but his mother had insisted on not spoiling the children too badly. When they’d spent their time in Italy, they’d lived in a modest home, very comfortable, but not over the top. In the States, however, they’d had a mansion.

  His father had owned it before the marriage, inheriting it from his parents. It was the only reason Rafe’s mother had allowed them to live in such luxury. She felt a wealthy man was a conceited man – she just made an exception for Martin and his generous heart, as he gave so much to the poor.

  Rafe truly wouldn’t want to see the disappointed look on his mother’s face if she knew some of the things he did with his life. He knew it would break her heart. Before guilt was allowed to make its way inside, Rafe pushed the thought aside. His parents were good people, but his mother was naïve to the way the world worked. He’d kept much from her after his divorce – he continue keeping his private life separate from his family.

  “Rafe, I think it’s time you come home for a while. All of this money you have is making you too egocentric. You need to remember your roots,” his mother scolded, confirming his thoughts.

  “Mom, I will always appreciate our home in Italy. It’s where I go when the world starts closing in on me. However, don’t you pretend we were peasants. Dad came in and swept you off your feet, then flew you around the world. I wouldn’t say I grew up impoverished,” he responded as he bent down and kissed her cheek.

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  “You watch your tongue, Raffaello Palazzo,” his mother warned.

  “I’m sorry, Mother. ”

  “All is forgiven. Now, give us a tour of your new toy. ”

  “Is that a helicopter?” Rachel asked as she looked to the back of the vessel.

  “Yes. If I’m out and there’s an emergency, I need to be able to get back to the offices quickly. ”

  “Ooh, can we go for a ride in that?” Lia asked. She loved flying more than any of the rest of them.

  “Next time I’ll have my pilot take you for a spin. I only can take today off though, so I’d rather hear all about what you’ve been up to lately than send you up into the clouds. ”

  Though Rafe often called home, he cherished his visits with his family. Whether his mother knew it or not, being with them did, indeed, humble him.

  He was so used to always getting everything he wanted, it was good for his family to come around and remind him he was a part of a close unit. The feelings he felt when in their presence were easily forgotten once the visit was over, though. His best friend told him often that was a real shame.

  “As I was saying, she’s two-hundred feet long, has a twin engine format, over three-thousand HP’s of power, and can travel up to sixteen knots an hour. I know, I know, that stuff is boring, so you’ll be happy to hear that she has seven comfortable guest cabins, each with their own private bath, a game room that will make you ve
ry happy, Lia, a swimming pool, patio bar, along with conference rooms, and a formal dining area. ”

  “What about a spa?” Rachel asked mockingly.

  “Actually, I did include a small spa with fulltime staff so you can get your hands and feet done, and then finish off with a massage. ”

  “Oh Rafe, I may never leave this ship,” Lia said as she jogged ahead of him up the plank.

  “I may just leave her with you. ”

  “My heart couldn’t take it, Mother,” he said as he clutched his chest.

  “It would serve you right,” his dad added.

  “I thought I was always a good son,” Rafe said as he trailed after his sisters.

  “You were a wonderful boy. Now, as a man, I have concerns. If only you would settle down, I could stop worrying,” his mother quickly interrupted.

  “Mom, I’m happy. Let’s just leave it at that,” he answered, hoping the subject would be dropped.

  “I worry about you being lonely. Your ex-wife did a number on you, son, and I don’t want you afraid to try again. You need a woman in your life to take care of you. ”

  “I’m fine alone, Mother. I have had several women companions through the years,” he defended.

  “None that I would be proud for you to bring home. They are more like perfect mannequins, their only thoughts seeming to be how to please you. ”

  “Is there not a more perfect woman that one whose only desire is to fulfill my every need?” he asked. If his mother knew how true he felt about that statement, he had a feeling she’d shove him overboard.


  “I’m seeing a nice woman, mother. Her name is Arianna. ” Rafe was stunned when the words spilled from his mouth. What was he doing? First of all, Ari wasn’t really with him, and secondly, he didn’t want to pique his mother’s interest. He just wanted her to cease her relentless pestering about him being single.

  “How long have you been seeing this woman, and why haven’t you said anything about her yet?” she asked with suspicion.

  “It’s a new relationship and I don’t want to scare her off with your talk of marriage and babies,” he quickly answered, hoping she’d let it go.

  He missed the look between his sisters. They were on instant alert to find out about his mystery woman. He never would’ve opened his mouth if he knew how much chaos his ten little words would later cause him.


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