Whisper in the Dark
Page 7
“You’re a hero. An inspiration to any girl that has a little badass on the inside.” She winks, and I feel a surge of gratitude for her efforts. It might be her job to make the newbs feel valued, but even so, it’s pretty nice for a change.
“Thank you. I needed to hear that today. What’s your name?”
“Anytime. I’m Dawn. I’m happy to provide your daily dose of fangirl. Or be your best friend. Whichever.”
I laugh as she keeps a totally straight face. “Okay.” I force my own expression to match hers. “Nice to meet you, Dawn.”
She claps her hands together and beams.
“Oh! I do believe the person you’re waiting for is just arriving. And you can definitely color me jealous...”
She points behind me. The front of the building is clear glass, providing an unobstructed view of a wide courtyard and the glimmering city beyond. I can hardly believe my eyes as a big, emerald dragon touches down. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Its back is as tall as a bus. It’s long, and lean, with big, round eyes.
Even more impressive is the man on its back. Gideon unstraps his legs from the saddle, slides to the ground, and starts toward the entrance with the casual manner of someone who treats riding a dragon like an everyday occurrence. Which it is, I suppose.
“That man is the reason I bring extra panties to work.”
Where has this girl been all my life? I hold up a fist, and she bumps it. That’s all there is to it. He’s impossibly good looking. Every woman feels this way when he walks toward them, staring into her eyes as if she’s the only person in the room. He stops just an arm’s length away, and I feel... less affected by him than I expected I would.
After seeing Damon’s human form, up close and in detail, I’m not sure I can appreciate mortal men quite the same anymore.
Shit, I’m in trouble.
“Beautiful,” I say after a silence that stretches just a little too long. He raises an eyebrow, and I find myself fumbling to recover my dignity. “Tarek, I meant Tarek. He’s really incredible.”
Damon growls beside me, and I rest my hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, he definitely is,” Gideon agrees. “Don’t be in any rush to try that out, Damon. Most Shifters never get there. Get the hang of something easier, like an eagle. Then try for something from myth, like a phoenix. It’s a strong form; tough and resilient. Don’t let the whole fire mythology throw you off, it’s just a big bird, however you imagine it to be, with skin so tough you’re practically bulletproof.”
Hearing him talking to Damon like a person makes me nearly giddy. I wonder briefly what he would think if he met Damon in human form... but I push that thought right away. No one can ever know about that.
“Elite Gideon...”
“Just call me Gideon.”
I nod. I want to thank him, to let him know what an honor it is to be here. But first impressions are everything, right? We might not actually be meeting for the first time, but it’s the first moments of this new work relationship. He’s clearly opting for a fresh start, with his casual yet professional tone.
“I’m just Whisper. It’s been my name since long before the Academy.”
My mind flashes to images of last night, of the way Charles called me ‘Jane’. Gideon probably knows that name. I suspect he’s the kind of person who digs to the bottom of every file he pulls up.
“Fair enough, Whisper.”
“Are we going up to see the Elders?”
He laughs, motioning for me to follow him back toward the door. I turn and catch Dawn’s eye, giving her a little wave before I go. She flashes me a smile, and a thumbs up.
“You’re not an Elite yet. You’ll get to stand in the Atrium when that day comes. For now, you’ll just have to trust your orders through me.”
“How long will that be?”
“Depends on how things go, and what positions open up while you’re with me. I’ll send back reports every day, and when the Elders think you’re ready, they’ll tell us.”
Makes sense, I suppose. I just need a few good marks, and I’ll show them why they need me. I’m definitely itching for some action. I haven’t had a job since that pretty thing in the bunker. I need to secure that title, whatever it takes, as soon as possible. Before someone finds out about last night. Before Charles or someone else decides to finish the job.
Easy Target
“You’re going to knock on the front door?”
“Of course.” Gideon looks at me like he doesn’t understand my confusion.
“Don’t you have a mark? A file? If we knock on the door, he’s not going to be stupid enough to answer.”
“This isn’t the job you’re used to, Whisper. You’ve been a glorified bounty hunter, but that’s not what I do.”
We’re parked in the suburbs, a strip of residential zoning that makes up the outside edge of the circular city. It looks like any other neighborhood, if you squint just enough. There’s no rock up here, and very little wood. Most everything is made of metal or some kind of composite, either from Earth or shipped in from off-world. The technology used to keep these things in the air is most definitely from off-world.
From where we are, I can see the tall, glimmering structures of the city looming over the houses on one side, and nothing but sky on the other. There’s a small part of my brain that wants to take a moment to appreciate where I am; to stare out the window and marvel at the city I’d only previously dreamed of visiting.
I’ll make time for sight-seeing when I’m a permanent resident.
“What exactly do you do, then?”
“An Elite’s job is to protect and serve the Elders. We’re not at war, and the crime rate up here is far lower than on the ground. That means most of the time, my job is to fly around, keep watch, and make sure anyone who thinks about causing trouble knows what they’ll be up against.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“It’s better than killing people for credits.”
Guess that depends on your point of view. I get the impression that mentioning I actually like my job won’t go over so well. I’m not seeking a promotion because I don’t like what I do.
“Who do you think is in this house?”
“All I know is there’s been some reports from neighbors about ‘strange activity’. They indicate this address might be involved in a smuggling operation. What they’re moving or where they’re moving it to, I can’t guess. This visit is just to get a closer look, see if we can figure out another piece of the puzzle.”
In other words, this is my second chance to show him what I can do.
“Put ears on me. I’ll go.”
“You’re not going up there alone.”
“Seriously, Gideon. I’m here because of my superpower, remember? Those were your words, right before I nearly offed you with your own gun.”
He looks wounded when I bring up that little emasculating exchange at the diner. I had no doubt I’d be using it against him at least once.
“That’s not-”
“You know I’m right. If you knock on their door, you won’t see anything they don’t want you to see.”
“I don’t like the idea of you going alone. If the intel’s correct, you could be walking into anything from drug smuggling to human trafficking.”
I wave my hand, brushing off his concerns like the pointless waste of time they are. “I’ll have two Shifters and an Elite nearby for backup. I think I’ll be fine.”
I’ll come with you as a dog.
No. I’ll go alone. It’s a simple task, but I don’t want to take any chances. Having you with me might tip them off.
I don’t like you going alone.
You don’t like me going to the bathroom alone.
I look back at Damon, but the moment our eyes meet I turn toward the house again. Moving on from what Charles did is simple. I’ve got plenty of practice. I’m having a lot more trouble getting back to business-as-usual with Damon. Just when I start to feel like ever
ything is normal, I catch his eye and see a man where my sweet, simple, loyal panther used to be.
“I’m guessing by the way he’s growling that he agrees with me?”
“It doesn’t matter. Look, can we agree that I’m a competent Agent, and that I’m here because of my skillset and not because you want a girlfriend?”
“Of course.”
“Then let me do my job.”
He breathes in through his nose, his chest expanding as his jaw flexes. I’m actually a little worried that I took that too far... he is my superior during this arrangement, after all. My concerns are short-lived, as he reaches into a compartment on the dash and pulls out a little box.
“Put this on.” He takes out a tiny, black clip and hands it to me.
He tucks a little earbud into his own ear, watching me as I fasten the discreet mic to the fabric of my bra.
“Hold still.” He reaches over and presses his thumb against my neck. “A screen. It will hide your implant tats.”
I pull down the visor, checking out my neck in the warped mirror. Sure enough, it looks bare. I reach up and touch the spot where my tattoos are, feeling the slight bumps.
“You get much better toys up here.”
I flip the visor back into place before slipping out of the truck. I unclasp the holsters from my thighs, laying my knives on the seat. My belt with its heavy pistol follows.
“Yes?” I hesitate before closing the door, taking just a moment to appreciate the concern on that pretty face of his. He’s worried I’ll be killed in action by ringing a doorbell.
“What’s your plan?”
“I’m going to ring the doorbell and ask if they’re smugglers.” I give him a big smile and close the door. It’s definitely a perk that he can hear me, but I can’t hear him.
Be careful.
Always am, kitty cat.
Time to get my game face on. My pants morph into low-rise, distressed jeans that cling to me like body paint. My shirt gives way to a midriff baring corset-style top. It’s sleeveless, shows off my navel jewelry and gives a good view of the girls. All to ensure no one remembers my face.
I walk up the sidewalk, two houses down from Gideon’s green truck, then turn to face a cute, quaint little bungalow. It’s a silvery color, with big windows and solar panels on the roof. It’s the same as every other house I’ve seen up here, except for the fact that all the curtains are drawn closed. There’s no flowers either, in the little beds along the front.
I walk up to the door and knock. Fuck, I hope I’m greeted by something I can work with. If this turns out to be the home of a proper little suburban housewife, I’m going to feel like a dick.
The door opens a few inches, and I’m not disappointed. A man in his mid-late twenties opens the door. He’s shirtless, showing off a very slim body and a lot of colorful tattoos. He’s sprouting a few day’s growth and a few piercings on his face. His hair is clipped even shorter than his fledgling beard.
I suck in a breath, wide-eyed as my gaze travels over his torso. His tattoos are interesting, but I’m looking at them like I’ve never seen such incredible ink.
“Can I help you?” He opens the door farther.
“I’m sorry, I...” I lower my eyes and chew on my lower lip, wrapping my arms around myself. “This is really stupid, but, ah, my friends dared me to come over here.”
He looks over my shoulder, finding that I’m alone, then returns his attention to me. He leans against the door jamb, hooking a thumb into the waist of his jeans.
“And so, you did.”
“Yes.” I giggle nervously, rocking a little on my feet. “I’m just going to say it. Um, we heard that you were dealers. That you were selling drugs.”
I slowly bring my eyes up to his face, but his expression is guarded, giving nothing away. He’s also not closing the door in my face.
“And if that were true?”
“Well, I, we don’t need much. Just enough for a few friends. I don’t have any credits, but I-”
“Little lady, I’m no drug dealer. But I’m pretty sure I can hook you up. Why don’t you come inside so we can talk about it?”
“Yeah? I mean, I know it’s probably stupid for me to go into a stranger’s house... but my friend just lives down the street.”
“It’s fine. Come in.”
He moves out of the doorway, just enough for me to squeeze by. Then he closes the door behind me, putting a calloused hand on my hip as he leads me around a corner and into a sitting room.
A second man sits on a sofa, also shirtless but lacking the tattoos and scruff. He’s built a little heavier, but I wouldn’t guess he spends much time in the gym.
Two girls are sitting beside him, one under each arm. They are young and a little too thin, but what catches my attention most is the clothes they’re wearing. Gauzy slips, identical to each other to the one I saw on the girl at my last job. I don’t have to think about it for more than a second to know what that means.
“I’m sorry. This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” my guide reassures me, putting a hand on my chin to tip my face up. “My buddy won’t bother us. He’s got his own company. We can go somewhere quiet.”
His hand moves from my chin, trailing down my neck to cup my left breast. Smooth, buddy.
“No, please. I changed my mind.” My chin quivers, my eyes wide and pleading.
I’m seriously hating that Gideon is hearing this. He better stay the hell away.
I’m fine, just making my exit. Try to keep Mr. Manners from barging in here to defend my virtue. Hopefully Damon can keep him in check.
“Don’t be scared, beautiful. You’re going to get exactly what you came for.”
I already did.
I pull away from him, heading for the door that’s just a few strides away. Of course, he grabs my arm, which earns him a direct kick to the junk. He drops to the floor with a pitiful howl, and his buddy jumps from the sofa. I waste no time letting myself out the door to run down the driveway and up the street. I keep jogging at a steady clip past Gideon’s truck.
A few blocks down he pulls up beside me, and I gratefully jump in.
“What the fuck?”
I laugh, even though I’m just a little bit out of breath. I reach into the back and scratch Damon’s head.
“That’s not very good manners, Elite Gideon.”
“You do know I could hear you, right?”
“That was the point of the mic.”
I remove the little black clip from my bra and hand it back. I realize I’m still wearing my easy-target clothes, so I quickly swap back to my tactical.
“What were you thinking?”
I look over at him fully for the first time since getting back into the truck. He looks intense. I think exasperated is an accurate description. And he’s got some fresh scratches on his arm, so clearly Damon had to intervene, as I suspected.
“I was thinking the best way to have a look inside would be to get myself invited in. Which I did.”
He’s still pissed, and it’s definitely a sexy look on him. The way he’s gripping the wheel, jaw flexing...
“On my last job, there was a girl. Mid-to-late teens. She wasn’t supposed to be there. None of the intel suggested my mark would be travelling with a girl. She was thin, her hair was messy, and she was wearing this little gauzy slip...”
“I saw the file for your last job.”
Of course he did.
“There were two girls in this house. Same age, same physical condition, same clothes. All three of them had the same tattoo; inner left wrist, two circles.”
He’s silent, watching the road as he drives along the wide highway that separates the suburbs from the city center. I launch into a detailed account of everything I saw in the house; describing the people, decor, smells, anything I can recall. When I finish and my eyes focus again on the real world instead of the images from my memory, I reali
ze we’ve stopped.
“You’ll see.”
We’re at what looks like a dock or a pier, only instead of ocean there’s nothing but sky. Just meters away from where we stand, a simple rope separates us from a deadly drop. It surprises me at first that there aren’t safety precautions, barriers, or even warning signs. It’s just another example of how different life is up here.
Everyone that lives on the Solars has a clear purpose. There are no prisons, no untreated mental illness, no homeless or unwanted. All of that is sent back to the ground. There’s not even a high population of children, and certainly none that would be running unsupervised on the outskirts of the city. There’s not even any public schools. The Solars are elevated cities for an elevated population.
I walk closer to the edge, and my knees start to weaken before I even look over. A guttural roar and a blast of wind nearly knock me on my ass, as a green wall of scales rushes up from below. I catch my footing as Tarek circles once before landing gracefully beside Gideon.
Damon is already at my side, but he sidles a little closer until his shoulder touches my thigh. I absently stroke his head, but I can’t take my eyes off the dragon in front of me. He’s magnificent. Iridescent green scales catch the light as he moves. He holds his head high, scanning the horizon with emerald eyes.
“Ready to fly?”
“Hell yes.”
I’m not even going to pretend I wasn’t waiting for that offer.
I look down at Damon, who hardly seems to be sharing my enthusiasm.
Wait for me here?
I hate to leave him behind. I know how much it will bother him that he can’t follow, but I can’t refuse the chance to ride a dragon.
He flattens his ears as he sits, curling his long tail around his feet.
Just a few strides, and I’m within arm’s reach of a dragon. I want so much to reach out and touch his smooth scales, but I know Shifters enough to respect the fact that he won’t like anyone but Gideon touching him. I’m certain it took some creative bargaining to convince him to let me ride, and I certainly don’t want to push my luck.