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Entice: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 1)

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by Faith Summers

  I’m very, very happy to oblige and offer my managerial support in whatever way she requires.

  When I suck hard on her clit and eating her out like I’m actually feasting, she writhes against my face. Bucking and thrashing between me and the wall.

  “Josh… I’m coming,” she cries and it’s the most glorious sound I’ve ever heard.

  I can never tire of hearing my name on her sexy mouth.

  It sounds good there.

  I suck harder and get lost in the taste of her. I don’t need to tell her what to do, my actions tell all.

  It says everything as I stroke her skin, squeeze her ass and suck her pussy like I want to take everything from her.

  When she pushes against me and shudders I know I have her where I want. Orgasm takes her and her sweet nectar gushes into my mouth. I still my suckle to drink it up and I don’t move until it’s all gone.

  It’s only then that I look up at her. Her hair is wild and luscious. Her cheeks flushed against glowing skin. She’s panting and the sight of her like this with her tits hanging out of her shirt, and her pussy right in my face is enough for me to formulate the plan I want for us for the next three months.

  Last night was something else.

  But… just now…

  Having her like this outside the club, with the taste of her in my mouth is a whole other story.

  I’ve just decided I want her.

  I want her to be mine.

  Chapter Six


  Holy shit…

  I actually can’t move.

  I can barely breathe. He’s just looking at me and I can’t tell what he’s thinking.

  Fuck…. I can’t even tell what I’m thinking.

  My whole body heats again when he takes my leg from his shoulder and slides my panties down my legs.

  It’s like I’ve become a puppet. His puppet and I know that I should do or say something but want and need and desire has me under some spell.

  At least my brain works enough to be shocked when he places my panties up to his nose and inhales them, then he pushes them into his pants pockets and stands up.

  My mouth drops open at the sight and I try to catch my breath.

  “Spend the day getting to know the surroundings. You will work in here with me. I think that’s best.”

  “What? I was given an office.”

  “Great… you’ll be working in here with me.” He repeats. “I’ll see you at the club tonight at eight to discuss further working arrangements.” He smiles revealing that dimple again.

  “The club? The Dark Odyssey?” I have to ask because this is all so unreal.

  “Yes, ask for me at the door and they’ll take you up to my lounge.”

  He backs away and I’m left looking on. he has a massive bulge against his pants but he grabs his jacket from the coat stand and hides it. He doesn’t even look at me as he leaves.

  The door clicks shut and I’m alone in his office wondering when it was I either went crazy or stepped into the Twilight Zone.

  I look down and shriek when I see the state of me.

  Quickly, I push my breasts back inside my bra, fix my shirt and sit down by the window on the sofa to recover.

  What the hell just happened?

  Josh is my boss.

  Josh, the man I met last night at The Dark Odyssey; the sex club, is my boss.

  Josh is Joshua Tanner, Conrad Tanner’s son.


  How did this happen?

  Now I’m here sitting in Josh’s office wearing no panties.

  No damn panties and I’m thinking about later.

  I bring my hand to my chest as my heart speeds up.

  I need…


  The thought of my best friend has me standing.

  I stand and I find the strength to move.

  A very shocked Rachel stares back at me from the other side of the table.

  We’re at the coffeehouse near the firm.

  I made it to the little boutique nearby first before coming here so I could buy some panties.

  I then made my way here to meet her, and I told her what happened. Everything.

  This morning I saw a text on my phone from her saying she hoped I had safe sex.

  With everything that’s happened, the fact that I didn’t have anything near safe sex is the least of my worries.

  Now I can’t quite read her expression. I’m glad she stepped away from work to see me on such short notice, and I’m glad she didn’t bring Jia. The two work together at Rachel’s father’s marketing and advertising firm.

  This piece of news isn’t for Jia’s ears yet.

  “Rachel please say something, anything… I fucked up and I think I may have to work somewhere else.” That is something I’m not sure is even up for discussion.

  Jesus Christ I went through hell to get the job at Tanners. All the stuff with Dad drained me and I know he’d be so ashamed if he knew I slept with a complete stranger and I was ready to continue my activities with the stranger without another thought.

  Rachel holds out her palms and releases a breath.

  “Okay… Giselle, please don’t hate me but I think you called me so I can give you my advice. That is correct, right?” she asks carefully.

  “Yes. I did. Rachel… I’m a mess, maybe the shit with Kirk got to me more than I quite realize and it screwed with me big time. Then Dad’s death just left me feeling like… like I’m lost in the world. Maybe it gets to me more than he didn’t get to see me make it. You know?”

  Her shoulders slump, and she looks me over with sympathy.

  Dad had stage four pancreatic cancer. He saw me graduate; he saw me pass the bar exams and all my academic achievements. He saw that at least, but he never saw me make it this far. He got sick after I passed the bar and I took some time out to take care of him. I wanted him to see me make it as a lawyer, working in an actual firm of such prestige.

  I was going to surprise him with my letter of acceptance to Tanners but he died in hospital while I was on my way to see him. I thought he was getting better, but from what the doctors said it was clear he’d held back on telling me that there was no hope.

  I wipe away a tear and she pulls her chair closer so she can reach across the table and take my hand.

  “Giselle, I’m sorry. Hearing about your father will always get to me. It makes me value mine, although ninety-five percent of the time he works my last nerve.” When she pulls in a labored breath, I know something must have happened prior to her coming here. She frequently has run-ins with her father. It’s because they’re both as good as each other and I think secretly he wishes her brothers could be as good as her. “You are not alone and you are not lost. Like I said, I’m here for advice and I think I know you well enough to know that you wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want to do.”

  My breath stills. “So you’re saying I want to screw my boss.”

  She laughs. “I’m just going to be blunt… don’t you? Or rather, didn’t you? I saw him and he was hawt Giselle, I can’t imagine what the man must have looked like without the mask. My point is this is weird, but it’s wild. It’s the wild you wanted.”

  “God, I didn’t think it would be this wild. Rachel this is crazy. Last night was last night, but this is work. I can’t be some… mindless slave to sex at work. And it’s like… well… I’ve never met anybody like him before. He just told me what to do. He didn’t even ask me anything. He demanded, and has this air of control that just makes me…”

  “Want to submit?” she gives me a salacious smile and embarrassment floods me when I nod.

  This is how I’ve always been with her. Jia is close to me too, but she’s a little too much for me. We all became close in high school, but I’ve known Rachel the longest.

  “Well… men like that are a little different. This is definitely not going to be like Kirk.”

  No, I already knew that. Kirk spent his every waking hour trying to master the ar
t of football. Josh seems to have spent his every waking hour mastering the art of how to provide maximum pleasure.

  Just from the look of him you can tell he knows his way around the female body. He did things to me last night and made me feel things I didn’t even know could be felt.

  “What should I do, Rachel?” that’s the question of the moment.

  She smiles, but she gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “I think he likes you and you should explore this. it’s a nice surprise and one hell of a coincidence. I think you like him too, and you should definitely keep an open mind. Sometimes we can just have fun. Meet people for fun.”

  “What about work?”

  She laughs again. “For you Missy, I think work and play will be the same things for the next three months. Enjoy it, but… if you're that worried why don’t you just talk to him about it. Make a few demands of your own. That’s what I would do if it were me. There would be no way on earth that I’d allow a man like that to slip away from me. It’s so much the better that he wants to play at work. Come on Giselle, a little fun with a gorgeous man will not harm you. Will it?”

  I try to bite back a smile, but it comes out anyway. “Maybe not… but it’s just weird. It’s different.”

  “It’s sexy and confident. Daring.” She nods. “See where it goes, but… only if you want to.”

  I’m noticing how she’s not saying anything in the way of my discomfort. Again, that’s because she knows me. On this occasion she seems to know me a little more than myself.

  She seems to have already factored in that I won’t allow my discomfort to take precedent over my curiosity.

  That’s what takes me right back to the club for the second night in a row.


  I admit though that there’s a little something else that I don’t want to acknowledge, because when I do I’m a goner.

  It’s desire.

  I’ve never felt it like this before and in such a way that it makes me forget reason and logic.

  Then again, maybe I just think I’m forgetting reason and logic. Where does it say that the wild, reckless way I’ve been with josh isn’t within reason or logic? It’s me. It’s that part of me I was trying to push aside to bring the sexy out and the confidence.

  I’m great at work but socially no.

  Tonight though, I may just shock myself for night number two.

  I’m wearing black this time. A black slip with lace at the edge over the top to accentuate my cleavage. Because I’m supposed to be going to see Josh, I’ve opted not to wear a mask.

  It’s a different receptionist this time and when I give his name curiosity comes into her eyes. I know the Tanners are rich, but I didn’t get the impression that Conrad Tanner was into anything this… wild.

  His only son on the other hand, yes.

  I did the research I should have probably done weeks ago on the senior partners of the firm.

  I googled Joshua Tanner’s name and Jesus Christ; he makes the devil look like a patron saint.

  The internet had enough gossip and stories to keep the tabloids running on steam with just him and his extracurricular activities. All involved him on some sexual conquest with models, actresses, socialites and other women like that.

  The more I read, the more I realized why I knew nothing. It’s because over the last two years–I’d put it down to two years, my life has been very different.

  I’ve barely read a magazine.

  My father died and my boyfriend who I thought I’d be with forever broke up with me. I think I could be forgiven for not keeping up with the latest playboy billionaire who happens to be my boss.

  Like last night, I hand over my coat and keep the little mini purse I had wrapped around my wrist. It still has his coin inside.

  I didn’t get another.

  I’m led by the guard by the door up to the second floor where we pass one of the cubicles and there’s a man and two women–twins having a threesome.

  Again, I find myself looking. It’s shock that makes me look and I wonder how I’d feel if that was me. And with family? I don’t think I would like to be shared or have to share.

  We continue to a private bar area that’s on a raised platform. Across from the bar is an elegant sofa that looks as classy as the rest of the club.

  “He’ll meet you here,” the man says.

  “Thank you,” I answer and he leaves me.

  I move over to the balcony and watch the scenery below of the people dancing and having fun. I can’t believe I’m here again tonight. It was so packed last night and it’s probably more full tonight. It’s Wednesday night. Midweek. So this much be the midweek crowd.

  What must the Friday and weekend crowd be like? Those days are usually the most busy in a club. From the look below me though, I think it’s like this all the time, even with the hefty price tag. Our ticket last night was a hundred dollars. I got a text earlier in the day from Josh—who now has my number, letting me know that everything had been paid for. I was just to get here and meet him.

  I set my purse down on the little table and continue to watch the party people. The music’s just changed to a live mix I don’t recognize but sounds good. It’s fast but sensual and sexy.

  Warm hands slide around my waist at that moment.

  I look around and see him. Face bent low to my ear, his warm breath tickles my skin like a whisper of desire.

  “We haven’t danced yet,” he says and I turn in to face him.

  “No… we haven’t,” I say and we start moving together.

  Almost immediately that need to lose control sweeps through me, just from his touch and his closeness.

  He towers over me, dominant and breathtaking in his white button-down shirt and black pants. His eyes on me. He hasn’t worn a mask either and up here the light and music is brighter so I can see that predatory look in his eyes quite clearly.

  I haven’t recovered yet from last night, let alone this morning, and I’m not sure what to expect from tonight.

  Rachel was right, though, about a few things.

  I never do anything I don’t want to, and I like him.

  I think he knows that last part.

  Chapter Seven


  “You came,” he states as I step forward.

  “Did I have a choice?” I answer and he comes closer.

  He leans forward like he’s going to kiss me but stops a breath away, just hovering by my lips. Instinct tells me he wants me to kiss him and only met me halfway.

  The quirk of his brow beckons me forward so I move. I close the space between us and press my lips to his.

  We kiss and our tongues tangle and chase. It’s him who pulls back first and gives me that wicked smile.

  “You always have a choice Giselle St. John. Like you proved just now.” He smiles with triumph. “Don’t resist.”

  “I’m not,” I lie and I sure he can see straight through me.

  “Good, because I plan to have a lot more fun with you tonight,” he muses looking me over.

  “I thought we were working.” Of course I knew we wouldn’t be. I just want to see his reaction, which is exactly as I expected.

  He smiles and pulls me closer, pressing me up against him so I can feel the bulge of his cock against my stomach.

  “Really?” he asks, catching my face again.

  He holds my face up as we sway to the music and then he releases me and walks around me slowly. He stops behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to find him checking out my ass again.

  His gaze runs up my thighs and he surprises me by taking the hem of my slip up my legs and up my hips, exposing my panties.

  “I’m wearing panties,” I tell him, putting forth my voice before he does anything more to steal it away.

  He chuckles and allows the slinky material to float from his fingers. “It’s wishful thinking. Can’t blame a guy for that with a sexy as fuck woman like you.” That’s the second time he’s said something like that to me.
br />   “You think I’m sexy as fuck?”

  He chuckles and straightens up. “Yes, don’t you?”

  “I try.” Best to say that because there’s no way I’ve ever thought of myself in that way.

  “You don’t have to try, trust me.” He presses his hand to the edge of my hip and pulls on my panties through the slip. “I’ll be having that pair tonight too. You smell different.”

  My God… I raise my brows. I don’t know how to be with him.

  “How do I smell?” Why did I ask that?

  That question just gave him the invite to sniff my neck. Oh, but he doesn’t just stop there, he licks over the skin and inhales like he’s smelling something to savor.

  “It’s citrus. Something with a hint of orange. Like Sanguinello oranges, freshly picked.”

  I’m impressed. That’s actually the name of my new shower gel. “It’s stuff I bathe with.”

  “Wonderful, so your pussy will smell the same.” The rawness of his words make my pussy clench with need. It’s clear what he plans to do with me tonight. It’s clear he wants a repeat of last night, and damn me…I want it too.

  I’ve known this man for a little over twenty-four hours and all I can think of when he looks at me the way he is and the way he touches me is I can’t wait for him to be inside me.

  He takes hold of me again, and we sway to the sexy music that moves us. He stays behind me and we move together like our bodies were made to dance together. Each move is electric and scandalous. He makes sure that as I wiggle my hips, he’s grinding against me, moving with me too.

  I forget where we are.

  I forget that people are watching us. There’s people down below on the dance floor who can see us and the bartender behind the private bar is just there across from us.

  These types of movements are best reserved for the bedroom and definitely not done with your boss.

  I forget everything and remember that the club is like one big bedroom, just with more people. it’s not the creepy, seedy type of vision you’d get when you think of a sex club.


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