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The Sentinel

Page 38

by C Cato

  Keet squeezed her hand. “Not important, Nuse’a,” he said in his deep resonant baritone.

  There were some whispered mutters among the Valkyrie standing guard around them.

  Mother Superior clapped her hands, like she was a child in an amusement park. “Brilliant! Maybe I’ll put you in my harem. I could use some variety.”

  This time Keet tightened his hold to keep Sonya from launching herself at the woman.

  “She will never have me, mate.”

  “She better not, or she’s in for the worst cunt-punt of her life. Full powered.”

  “Can I watch?” asked Lafa. “I’m always up for a good punting.”

  Mother Superior glided outside, and a pointed bolt poked Sonya in the back. There was no choice given. She was going to see the entertainment if she wanted to or not.

  Whatever atrocious thing this woman had planned would not be good. Dread at witnessing Talic strung up and tortured to death twisted her insides.

  The Valkyrie filed out through the main gate and across the park to the large circular market area she’d seen when she first arrived. It was clear of the carts and vendors. Sonya hissed under her breath as sharp rocks and uneven cobbles plagued her naked feet.

  Throngs of men packed the area as well as Valkyrie. Men were separated from the women like before. The noise from the crowd grew louder as the A’amoth came into view and walked the narrow, cleared walkway to a stage erected in front of the obscenely large statue of Mother Superior. Keet walked in front of her, his hold on her hand firm and Sonya reached behind her to find Lafa and connect with her. Together, they climbed the stairs, got shoved to the side of the stage, and stared down by five women with crossbows.

  The object of the questionable art behind them sidled up the three stairs and sat in a small throne at the back of the stage.

  Twelve women climbed to the stage chained together next. They all wore Valkyrie uniforms. One of them, a pretty redhead, appeared to have undergone a beating. An eye was swollen shut and was dark with broken blood vessels, her top lip split and crusted with dried blood.

  A deep resonant bell began to toll.

  When it stopped, Mother Superior stood and addressed the crowd. “Good people of Haven. You all know that I try to be fair and just in ruling the city, but there are those that would break the rules. Those that do not appreciate what you are given. Today, we make an example of those that would shirk those rules that govern us all.”

  Jenna strolled across the stage first behind and then in front of the kneeling women. She stopped in front of the redhead and sneered down at her then turned to face the public. “These Valkyrie, these Hunters, chose to follow their baser instincts instead of our laws. We, the council, truly tried to understand and allow for such deviancy but in the end, they chose treason. To aid a spy among us. One that has come to steal our knowledge, and even harm our precious breeding women.”

  Sonya knew that for the lie it was. No one was there to harm them. No one could help those women. Other than to cut the power to their life support.

  Angry shouts and murmurs built in the crowd like the distance crashing of waves on rock. When they all began shouting, and demanding justice Jenna raised her hands. Sonya couldn’t see her face but imagined the smug smile she wore.

  “We will have justice. Join us in the amphitheater after the sun has set to bear witness.”

  Sonya glanced up at the sky. The sun was sinking lower, but the slash of red that signaled sunset hadn’t yet touched the sky.

  To her dismay, manacles were placed on their wrists, and they were chained to the stage. Lafa’s arm pulled from the sling, despite Sonya’s protests and Lafa’s cries of pain. Once secure, they stood with the twelve prisoners and a double ring of armed Valkyrie surrounding the stage.

  Women and men stayed to gawk or throw things. Sonya did her best to twist and avoid projectiles, but twice she was splattered with something stinky and wet.

  Darkness could not come soon enough.



  “They’re all leavin’. How long do you think we have?”

  Cole had been flat on his belly for an hour while they waited for dark. The sun was just starting its slow ascent beyond the horizon. Although the weather was warmer, the ground was starting to cool, and the chill was creeping into his bones.

  “My best guess is less than an hour. No one is hurrying yet, and the vendors haven’t relocated to serve spectators,” replied Nor.

  Careful not to raise up into the line of sight, Cole crawled backward until he reached a safe enough distance to stand up. When Nor was with him, they jogged back to the woods and the waiting A’amoth.

  “They’re on the move,” said Cole. “We need to get everyone into place. Nor, are you sure no one is goin’ to notice us slippin’ into the crowd?”

  “Nothing has changed. In fact, this makes it easier. Lirra can take her people to the edges of the trees around the arena and wait there for the lights to go out.”

  Cole gave a curt nod. He’d always run an operation with his own team, but Nor was proving to be competent. “Good. Ren get goin’, but stay in constant contact. When the lights go out retreat to the rendezvous. We’ll meet you there when we have everyone.”

  Soren led the way. Eudala, her mates, and the fifty A’amoth she’d chosen were swallowed by the darkness of the woods.

  Cole tugged at the hem of his linen tunic and checked the buckle of the strap holding a long knife to his chest. The A’amoth had come equipped with plenty of swords, knives, and harnesses, and Cole hadn’t hesitated to load up. He had four concealed on his body. Two at the wrists, one at his back and one across his chest. He stretched to allow the harness to settle into a more natural position.

  “I need someone who can use Thought of large distances,” said Cole.

  Zaro came forward. “Then I’m your man.”

  Cole put a hand on his hip and whispered in his ear. “Yes, you are. Try and call them for me.”

  Zaro squinted as his eyes dulled and his lids drooped, then he perked up.

  Suddenly, Cole could hear them, too, as the channel opened.

  “…so sorry, Mother.”

  “That is not important. What is important is that we rescue you. Who is there with you?”

  “Sonya and Lafa,” said a masculine voice. Keet. A shiver of anticipation drifted up his spine at the prospect of seeing him again. “Cole is with you?” said Keet, his voice growing deeper.

  “I’m here,” he answered.

  “Mate-brother, it is good to hear you. Sonya is unable to listen. You must be too far. She says she misses you.”

  A breath hitched in his throat, and his eyes burned. “Tell her I love her, and I’ll see her soon.”

  “Message received. She loves you, too.”

  That rocked him to the core. She loved him. Words he never thought he’d hear.

  “Keet, do you know where they have taken Talic?” asked Lirra.

  “No. We have been kept on display in the town center since this afternoon, but there is more activity now. I believe they will move us soon.”

  “Be ready. We are coming for you,” she said, a growl in her mental voice. “We are in position. Eudala and the others are approaching the power depot.”

  “Good.” Cole turned finally to the quiet man standing on the edge of the group of Hounds that milled about, waiting for orders. “Come here, Ray.”

  Somewhere in the trees behind them, ten A’amoth surrounded a bound and gagged Willow.

  Ray approached with his head bowed.

  “I need you to break into the Temple and find those journals. Can you do that?”

  Pale skin transformed to a more ashen color. He swallowed audibly several times. “You want me to go back there?”

  “You’re the only man that knows the layout, but if you think it’s not possible, I’ll send some of the Hounds.”

  “No! No,” he said, more softly. “I can do it. Please. I’l
l get them. I’ll need some supplies. I have to go over the wall.”

  “Nor!” The man appeared from the crowd. “Get him what he needs.” To Ray he said, “Let me know when you have them.”

  Nor led Ray away.

  Cole signaled the Hounds to go. They were all dressed as local farmers, so they wouldn’t have to explain why they weren’t inside Haven, and the loose garments made it easier to hide weapons. Together, they marched over the rise and down into the valley, seamlessly joining the men leaving the city. This time, instead of going through the open entrance to Haven, they skirted the outside and then along a path on the western side. It led them back into the copse of trees, and for a minute Cole’s heart raced at the thought of a man catching sight of one of the A’amoth.

  They passed through and came to another large area. It was more like a crater with steps than an arena. Circular tiers lined the hole and grew smaller until they stopped at the arena floor. Large floodlights lit the area, banishing every shadow. Cole let the milling men guide him down into the arena, and he moved into position two rows back from the front. The front two rows in the men’s sections was reserved for the rich men of the city. It would have been noticeable for him or the Hounds to sit there.

  Cole and five other men spread out on their side, and Nor, Riley, Morgan, and Dallas were across the field doing the same on the other side. Then all they could do was wait.

  The seats filled with laughing and excited spectators. Men. The quarter of the seating reserved for the Valkyrie was still empty. Nor had warned that they liked to make a dramatic entrance. They didn’t disappoint.

  There was a trumpet fanfare and then women in white poured down from the top of the arena. It was the most organization he’d witnessed from the women. Maybe they were more disciplined within city limits. As the seats filled with white uniforms, a group in chains shuffled down to the edge of the arena. They wore the uniform of Valkyrie but were all dirty and beaten. Twelve women chained together, forced to kneel on the sand. One of them was Tessa.

  One of the Hounds sidled up to Cole and leaned in to whisper harshly, “Those are the Hunters.”

  Cole nodded, and patted the man on the shoulder to reassure him. “We’ll get them.”

  “Cole, we are in position now,” reported Eudala. “There are two dozen Valkyrie on guard. May be more inside the depot. When we begin, we will do our best to kill as few as possible.”

  The kill order sat heavy on the tip of his tongue, but he knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. The snake needed its head removed first.

  After the Valkyrie had taken up positions in front of their seat, they remained standing and another round of trumpets announced the arrival of another group of women. The men in the stands all rose to their feet, but Cole had no issue peering over heads. These women in armor, but instead of white, they wore jewel toned plates. Sonya, Keet, and Lafa were close behind.

  Cole gazed long and hard at the woman he loved, and drank her in like a man deprived of water for days. She wore simple linen clothing that appeared stained in places but had the presence of a queen. His queen. A head taller than the women around her, she was easy to spot, even if she hadn’t been on display behind Mother Superior. Her hands were bound with thick handcuffs. She stood close to the male next to her, and Cole was glad she hadn’t faced the ordeal alone.

  “Baby, don’t act surprised.”


  “I’m here. Did you think I wasn’t comin’ for you?”

  “I knew you were. But we won’t get far with these collars. Willow had the remote, but I think one of the other women has it now.”

  “Key fob lookin’ thing?”

  “But how…?”

  “Took it from Willow.”

  “Then they must have two of them.”

  “Okay. No matter what stay close to Keet.”

  “I’ll try,” she promised.

  The remote was a heavy weight in his pocket. He and Soren guessed it would control something on Sonya if Willow had been using it. Soren thought it might open something, too. Sonya had just confirmed their suspicions. He flipped the little device over and over in his hand. Itching to use it.

  A woman with gold-plated armor stood at the edge of the field, and someone brought her a microphone. For a minute, the paradigm shift made his head spin. Was he ever going to get used to the weird technical and nontechnical world he now lived.

  She tapped the mic to check the sound and then lowered her hand. Everyone sat down, leaving her standing with Sonya and the A’amoth behind her.

  “My people, we are here to see justice served. These women await judgment. Bring in the champion!”

  Heads swiveled in all directions as everyone tried to see what she was talking about. Restless pushing and the rude shouts of men made him turn. Mere inches from him was Risa and an A’amoth man. Both appeared disoriented, staggering slightly on their feet and stumbling on the stairs.

  Cole had to concentrate to keep from swaying toward Talic. The pull to him was just as strong as the one he had with Keet at the campsite. As they passed, Talic brushed against him, and Cole bit back a moan from the contact. Gooseflesh rose on his arms, and his cock came to life, half swelling in his loose pants. The touch didn’t give the A’amoth pause, but he did send a Thought.

  “Mate-brother. Save her. I am of no consequence.”

  “Like hell!” said Cole. “Do you think Sonya would be happy if I let something happen to you?”

  “You would accept us both?”

  Cole didn’t understand the shock in his voice. Wasn’t it the custom to have multiple partners? Why would he think otherwise? “Yes, but we can discuss it once you’re free. For now, just don’t die.”

  “I will do my best.”


  Her response was sluggish. “Cole. You’re here. Think they gave me something.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re going to get you out.”

  “Of course, you will.” She stumbled into the center of the sandy floor, and Talic almost knocked her to the ground.

  They stopped in the center of the sand pit and faced the Valkyrie section of the crowd. While Cole had been watching his friend and mate-brother, another group of women had lined up behind the prisoners, all armed with crossbows.

  “You, Risa, were caught trying to steal sacred texts from my possession and conspiring with these women. For that you’re sentenced to death, but you have a chance to save your coconspirator. Kill the mutant and I will spare the women, but do it quickly. For every ten minutes you both still live, one of them will die. Starting with your lover.”

  “Move, Soren! Hurry the fuck up! You have less than ten minutes to get the lights off,” ordered Cole.


  “Are you ready, Lirra?”


  Everyone was holding. They’d prepared for all possible scenarios, but his gut was a stone weight holding him in place. Dread made his breaths come faster and his hands shake. He vibrated with tension like a cocked bowstring.

  Four Valkyrie approached Risa and Talic. Two of them carried short swords, and the other two had crossbows pointed at his people. They dropped the weapons, making a hasty retreat.

  They both bent to retrieve them, but let the swords hang limp at their sides.

  “Begin!” shouted Mother Superior.

  Risa faced Talic but made no move to strike. “Cole, if you have a fucking plan, now would be a good time to implement. I’m not going to kill him.”

  “And I will not kill her,” said Talic.

  “But if my Tessa dies, I will take every last one of these bitches down with me,” growled Risa.

  “Make it look good. We’ve got this.” Internally, Cole activated his mental net.

  Halo? Countdown clock. Ten minutes.

  A timer appeared in the corner of his eye.


  “Ren, you’re on the clock. Give me some good news.”

  “They’re being
difficult. Making progress, though. Another five minutes at best.”

  “Risa, you guys are going to have to be pretty convincing.”

  “Convincing I can do,” she said, and then she launched herself at Talic. “You guys heal fast right?”

  “Fast enough,” He parried her lunge easily and danced away from her.

  Cole caught a brief flicker of amusement on his face.

  “Good. Let’s have some fun.”

  They moved like choreographed dancers, and the clang of metal on metal drowned out by the roar of the crowd as they surged to their feet at the spectacle.

  Not worried that they would hurt each other, Cole kept an eye on Mother Superior instead. He palmed the remote in his pocket.


  “Ren! Damn it!”

  “We’re in! The women are subdued. Addressing the problem now.”

  “Hurry the fuck up!”

  Risa and Talic teased each other around the arena. Risa sported an animalistic grin that the tall A’amoth matched. She used her smaller height to duck in score a small nick along his thigh. Cole had to admire her technique.

  Talic chuckled. “Well done, my little friend. I will have to be faster with you.”

  “Who are you calling little? I’d say I’m pretty average,” teased Risa. She ducked in for another hit, and the men watching went wild.

  But everyone wasn’t amused.


  “Enough!” bellowed Mother Superior. “I don’t believe you are taking this seriously enough. Kill Hunter Tessa!”

  Cole fumbled with the remote in his pocket and hit the button just as Sonya began to glow a brilliant blue. The collar fell away, and she leapt from her position in the stands to the Valkyrie about to fire and knocked the crossbow from her hands. In the stands, Keet and Lafa were shredding any woman that came near. Mother Superior backed away onto the field and the remaining crossbowmen surrounded her. She’d lost her microphone, but Cole had no issue hearing her.

  “Stop them! Kill everyone but Sentinel One!”

  Sonya ripped the chains apart holding the women, and Hounds began to swarm the field.


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