The Demon On My Chest: Waking Up
Page 22
Dagon looked toward Agrippa’s city, and then gave Samael the names of every soldier who had joined him in an attempt to overthrow Pursan. “I’m sorry it came to this, brother. Tell Soolweawa …that I’ll always love her.”
“I will. And Dagon, make sure that Samael knows that it was your idea to challenge him.”
Dagon flew away.
“A wonderful plan, my king,” said Solomon.
“It was Rebecca’s idea to capture Soolweawa. It’s her excellent plan. Now, each of you, take this list and add to it. I want you to investigate every soldier in my kingdom, starting with the members of my demon council. I need to know who I can trust. Samael has changed the ball game.” The council members then headed out in different directions, while Agrippa headed toward his city. Pursan shrank back down in size.
“How are you going to deal with the traitors? You can’t have Samael destroy all of them.” Said Rebecca.
“When Rahab returns, I won’t have to.”
“You did the right thing. But Soolweawa needs to be punished for what she did. She jeopardized your entire kingdom.”
“She will be punished. Dagon will be destroyed, and she will be confined to a single location for all eternity.”
“That’s not good enough.”
“But I gave Dagon my word.”
“Yes, but these are unusual times, like he said. You can still give her territories and souls, but not before you punish her.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Just a few lashes with a whip and make her crawl to her new territory.”
“If that is your wish?”
“It is.”
“What am I going to do with you?”
“Love me.”
“May I ask a request? I don’t want to go back to my house and the library, not yet anyway. I’ve read about your soldiers in my books. I think I can help you even more. Allow me to journey throughout your kingdom to determine, personally, whether you can trust members of your demon council.”
“Fine, shall we leave now? I’ll send word to Stalin and the others that they just focus on the minor soldiers.”
“My love, we can’t travel together. Demons and souls will begin to ask questions about the soul that the king is traveling with. How long before they correctly deduce that king Pursan has a companion? How long before Samael finds out?”
“No, I won’t leave you again! I can just summon every member of my demon council here! I can’t lose you.”
“You won’t. The power you’ve given me will keep me protected. Besides, if you summoned them here, they’ll merely lie to your face. You are right to sending the council out. This has to be done discreetly. And, since you’re worried about me, I’ll take the brute with me just to be safe, in case we need to escape a tight situation. I’ll also take two of Agrippa’s servants, in case I need anything.”
“I told you I’ll never leave your side again!”
“I want to do this. I’m not afraid, trust me.”
“If this is truly your wish, I’ll wait for you at Agrippa’s villa until you return. I want you to always know where I am.”
“Thank you.”
“Send for me when Rahab returns.”
“I will, and I’ll give you more power, but please, be mindful of its use. The soul can only contain so much power at once. And if you use it all up, you’ll be helpless until I see you again.”
“I’m never helpless, power or not.”
After Rebecca said goodbye to Pursan, she, Achcauthilli, Marianna, and Benjamin left Agrippa’s city. They headed east.
“Where are we going?” Asked Achcauthilli.
“Other than Dagon, the king has four other members of his demon council. All commanders. We’re going to pay them a visit.”
“Sounds like fun. But why did you bring those two? They’re both useless. Well, unless we get the itch to wrestle.”
“They are not here for your enjoyment! You will not lay a hand on them! I brought them with us to keep me from strangling you.” Achcauthilli burst out in laughter.
“So, which one are we going to pay a visit to first?”
“Nelchael. His territory is not far from here.”
“Nelchael is one of the cruelest demons in all of Hell!”
“I’m well aware of his reputation, and I’m not afraid.”
“Wait until you meet his companion,” said Achcauthilli.
Chapter 35-Rebecca
Rebecca, Achcauthilli, Marianna, and Benjamin were traveling to the territory of one of Pursan’s high-ranking demon commanders. Rebecca walked with a mixture of pride and excitement that she had been entrusted with an important task. She had a chance to show Pursan and his human council that she was more than just his companion.
“Haven’t seen any demon in the sky since we left,” said Achcauthilli.
“Dagon did what he was told.”
“I still don’t get why we brought these two. How can a servant boy and a whore help us if we get in trouble? I know Pursan gave you power, but you’re not the only soul walking around with a little demon power. And there are many demons, including Nelchael, that are much more powerful than King Pursan.”
“Don’t call her that anymore! Her name is Marianna. And no demon in Hell is more powerful than Pursan.”
“Take it easy. I’m sorry, m’lady. I don’t mean political power, I mean pure might.”
“He’s right, why did you bring me and Benjamin with you?” Asked Marianna.
“You’ve been in Hell a long time.”
“Over two thousand years.”
“I’ve read many books, including books about angels, demons, and demons’ territory. That’s all I’ve done, read books. But you, you have first-hand experience with all these things. For the task that I’ve been given, I need your help.”
“You overestimate me. I’m nothing but a whore. Once Agrippa tires of me, he’ll pass me to the next one. It’s been like that ever since I arrived, but it’s better than what most souls endure in Hell.”
“I was a whore once, when I was alive. Don’t sell yourself short. No matter what you’ve been through, you have acquired knowledge, whether you realize it or not. And knowledge is power. The same goes for you too, Benjamin.” Benjamin walked with his head down.
“So, you never had to suffer the eternal torment that many souls do?” Asked Rebecca.
“I was treated as a whore basically as soon as I got here.”
“You did something else when you first arrived in Hell? What was it?”
Marianna quickly placed her head down.
“Fine, we don’t have to talk about it now. Perhaps someday.”
“Lucky for us, that Agrippa’s territory is so close to Nelchael,” said Achcauthilli.
“Not luck. Pursan places members of his human council close to members of his demon council to keep a close eye on them.”
“Looks like our luck just ran out,” said Marianna. She pointed to the sky, a demon was heading toward them.
“We should run,” said Achcauthilli.
“No, keep walking naturally. Let me do all the talking.”
The demon landed right in front of them. He shrank until he was only a foot taller than Achcauthilli.
“Can we help you?” Rebecca asked.
“You can start by not talking until you’re commanded. What purpose do you have, wandering around?”
“Our affairs do not concern you. We are on the king’s business.”
“What is your name?”
“Rebecca. What is your name?”
“My name is Gaap, and I’m going to give you a word of advice. Human, no matter who your master is, don’t ever speak to another demon like you just spoke to me.”
“Please forgive her, she’s new to Hell. She doesn’t fully understand how things work,” said Marianna.
“Maybe I should give her a lesson.”
“I thought you’d want to teach me a lesson? We
’re going to Nelchael, to deliver a message from the king. That’s it,” said Marianna.
Gaap looked lustfully at Marianna. “Why didn’t you just say so?”
“Like I said, our friend is new to Hell. She doesn’t understand how demons need to be treated, with the utmost respect.”
“And you do?”
“I do, can’t you tell?”
“Be on your way then.” Gaap grew back to his normal size and flew away.
“I know you’re the king’s companion, but do you have any idea how close we all were to suffering immense pain? Do you have any idea what that demon could have done to us? What were you thinking, talking to him like that? To a soul, yes, but not a demon! Not when the king isn’t around,” said Achcauthilli.
“I’ll know what to say next time.”
“You sure we shouldn’t turn around? If you talk to Nelchael like that, then…”
“I’ll be more cautious in dealing with demons going forward. Thank you, Marianna, we owe you a debt of gratitude. See, do you still think they’re useless?” That was too close for comfort.
They continued traveling until they came upon what looked like trees. From this distance, there were hundreds, thousands of them. As they drew closer, the trees had many different colors. When Rebecca touched one, it felt like flesh to her. She looked closer, the trees were dotted with eyes.
“The trees are made of souls!” Screamed Benjamin.
“This is their fate for all eternity. I’ve seen worse,” said Achcauthilli.
“So have I,” said Marianna.
“We should go back. Please, let’s go back,” said Benjamin.
“I agree with him… We should turn back,” said Achcauthilli.
“No, we’re in Nelchael’s territory. We keep moving forward.”
They continued forward. The trees were all around them. As they continued deeper, their space for walking became smaller and smaller. They walked through the trees for days. Hundreds of thousands of trees, made up of millions of souls.
Finally, they walked through all the trees until they came upon a lake. Rebecca reached into the lake, it was made of blood.
“Let’s walk around it,” said Achcauthilli.
“We continue ahead. Everyone, grab a hand.” The four of them took hands and began walking across the lake.
“This is some power the king gave you,” said Achcauthilli.
They walked on the lake for days. Once they reached land, ahead of them was a large mountain that reached high into the sky.
“We’ve traveled far. Let’s give our souls some rest,” said Rebecca.
“Does the demon know we’re in his territory?” Asked Benjamin.
“Undoubtedly. You best hope he’s hospitable to uninvited guests,” said Achcauthilli.
Rebecca pointed to the ground, and four sleeping bags appeared.
“Why not make a house?” Asked Achcauthilli.
“I should have made you swim across the lake. A wise person knows that such power is to be used sparingly. Now, we’ve come far, let’s rest.”
They each took a sleeping bag and lay down. Marianna placed her sleeping bag close to Benjamin, and Achcauthilli placed his bag away from the others. “I’ve never seen a soul yield such power,” said Benjamin.
“I have. Demons, they love their companions. They’ll give them anything within their power, anything,” said Marianna. Rebecca closed her eyes and went to sleep.
When Rebecca awoke, Achcauthilli’s sleeping bag was empty. Marianna and Benjamin were still sleeping. “You two, wake up.” Marianna and Benjamin quickly awoke. “Do you know where Achcauthilli went?”
“He’s gone! Oh no, the demon took him. We have to leave this place now. We must return to Master. We never should have come here,” cried Benjamin.
They were looking in every direction when Achcauthilli returned.
“Where were you?”
“Doing what I do best.”
“You didn’t answer my question. Where were you?”
“Relax, I went to see if there was a way around the mountain. There isn’t.”
“If you betray me, do you know what the king will do to you?”
“I’ve proven my loyalty. Trust me.”
“What do we do now?” Asked Marianna.
“Looks like it’s time for the queen to use some more power, unless you three know how to climb a mountain with your bare hands,” said Achcauthilli.
Rebecca was thinking of ways to get through the mountain when a pathway opened. “That solves it, then,” said Achcauthilli.
“I didn’t do that. Someone is coming, I can feel it.”
“The demon has come for us! He’s upset we’re in his territory,” cried Benjamin.
They stood, waiting, and finally a girl ran through the tunnel, and it closed behind her. She was young, no older than sixteen, and she was crying. She wore jeans and a jacket.
“Help me! Please help me! It’s coming, it’s coming.”
“Shush, shush. What’s coming?” Asked Rebecca.
“I didn’t see it! It got the others. I’m the only one left. Please, we have to get out of here, we have to run!”
“Shush, shush. Do you know where we are?”
“No, no, I was in the car with my friends. We were headed to the mall when some jerk hit us. Please, we have to run, it’s coming.”
“Do you remember what happened when you woke up?
“Yeah, yeah, I was with twenty or thirty other girls. Just lying on the ground, and we heard a girl scream, and we started running. I’ve been running for days. Please, we have to go!”
Achcauthilli laughed. “She doesn’t know.”
“Please, it’s going to get us! It must have kidnapped me. I have to tell my parents I’m okay. Please, we have to run!”
“What is your name?”
“Listen to me very carefully, Lori. Can you do that for me? It sounds like you were in a car wreck. You didn’t survive it.… You’re dead,” said Rebecca.
“What? No, that’s impossible! You’re lying, I can’t be dead! I can’t be dead!”
“It was hard for me to accept it at first, but it’s true.”
“Then what is this place? Where are we? I want to see my mom. Please, can you take me home? Please, I want to go home.”
“Here comes the kicker,” said Achcauthilli.
“Lori, you can never go home. You’re in Hell,” Rebecca said.
“No, it’s not true! This isn’t Hell! I was a good girl, I went to church every Sunday! It’s not true. I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!” Lori hugged Rebecca.
“Someone else is coming,” said Rebecca. They all looked toward the mountain and saw another tunnel open. From out of the tunnel came a beautiful woman with long blond hair. She was naked and covered in blood. She had a frantic look on her face.
“There you are. You made it all the way to the lake. What a prize he sends me. They hardly ever make it that far. Who are you people? I told him to send me girls, only girls. I guess I’ll have to make do.” The woman walked toward them.
“You’ve been hunting this girl? Did Nelchael task you with bringing him souls?” Asked Rebecca.
“No one tasks me with anything. The souls are for my pleasure. You are my pleasure.”
“You’re not a demon. Who are you to give such commands?” Asked Rebecca.
“I am the companion of the name you just spoke.”
“Enough talking. I was going to start with the girl, but I think I’ll start with you now.”
“Stop,” said Rebecca.
The woman stopped walking. “Impressive.” The woman glared at Rebecca and resumed walking toward her.
“Wait. King Pursan sent us.”
“Ah, is that who gave you the power? For what purpose did he send you?”
“We are to speak with Nelchael.”
“Fine.” She grabbed Lori by the throat and walked to the l
“No, please, help me, help me! Please, no, God, help me, help me.” A blade appeared in the woman’s hand, and she cut Lori’s throat and threw her body in the lake.
“I did help you, girl. When you wake up, your throat will be cut again, and again, and again. Your blood will keep my lake full.” The woman licked the blade, and it disappeared. “Come, follow me.”
The woman walked toward the mountain, headed to the tunnel. Marianna and Benjamin followed, while Rebecca did not move. Achcauthilli stayed behind with Rebecca.
“What are you waiting for?”
“That girl… She’s only a child.”
“Who cares about her? Let’s hope we make it back to Pursan.”
“You brute! Don’t you care about anyone other than yourself?”
“No, I don’t.” Achcauthilli headed to the pathway, leaving Rebecca by herself. She fell to the ground and stared in the lake. The girl was only a child…and that’s her fate! How could this happen? God, she was only a child! What did she do that was bad enough to end up in Hell? All this time I’ve been here…all these souls…this has to stop. I’ll make it stop.
Chapter 36-Samael
Samael stood in the sky, over the lake of fire, violently throwing power balls into it. He was growing restless of waiting. He descended to the ground when Gabriel appeared.
“Have you rallied the armies of Hell?” Asked Gabriel.
“Not yet.”
“Brother, what are we waiting for? The time to strike is now. Each moment that we wait gives Father the opportunity to prepare for us.”
“I know, but there is something on Earth that I’m looking into. There may be a great unknown power.”
“We have enough forces, enough power to strike now. Whatever this power is need not concern us.”
“You’re right, the time has come.”
As Samael and Gabriel were talking, a demon appeared in the sky, headed straight toward them.
“Samael, Gabriel,” the demon said.
“Dagon, still so serious I see,” said Gabriel.
“Why have you come here?” Asked Samael.
“I’m a commander, just like you two. Yet I’ve served as Pursan’s second in command since we were cast down in Hell. No more--I’m done serving.”