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Super Musicians Breakthrough Do

Page 20

by Marlynn Swanigan

vanished, and the machine powered-on. This time the electric currents were under Lucky's control. An electricity-man figure, shaped like Lucky, popped out of the machine's roof. Then, electric people that were shaped like Float, Fly, Amy, and their foster sisters went after their lookalikes. Fly's was cool; it just stepped right into him with that smooth walk. Fly was more intelligent, there were guitar strings attached to his chest, and he lifted off playing them without touching them. He could fly. He knew his signature moves, he could sense the after-life. He was wearing a cape, lighting his way through with holy-fire the hideous sons of Lucifer wouldn't go near. He flung his cape around. It detached itself. The cape possessed the clouds and created a holy-hurricane. He kept throwing these magic holy-explosives into the cloud to stop it. They didn't do him any good. “Bullcrap!” he said, which is somewhat funny because he was so self-assured when he swung the damn thing. He flew back to see how things were going below. Lucky finished making his legion of eerie super-heroes, powered-off the machine, and possessed the hurricane. It stopped. Then, Lucky replicated Fly's ability to fly and they flew back to Amy's yard together. The family gained immediate exposure, since the news crew was already there. They were all very smart. Their postures were more tolerant and vigilant. Float was exactly like the guy in his video game. Skeeter, riding in the arms of his nanny, exploded with joy! He stretched his arms out and reached for his father. Float took his son and held him in his arms, “Super auto-pilot!” he called, redundantly. “SUPOAH AUHWOAH PIEEE!” They both lifted off, lookin' just alike. Skeeter raised his hands up as if he was on a ride at an amusement park. Toys and gifts fell into the hands of the crowd. Holy-fire encircled the gifts. “That's my man,” said Vogue, formerly known as Amy Hawk. She magically designed all of their costumes in her head. Then, in the blink of an eye, the designs were on them- perfect fit. “I know who I am. I am the one who designs holy-fashion. I am his motivator. I am the holy-trend. I am his Vogue.”

  “Sire, I cannot get my essence into the area.” Lucifer's minion assured as he tried to cool them down. “Don't sweat it-ha-ha-ha-they'll have to cool down sometime.” Lucifer replied, possessing his robotic-body. Fly and his brothers sang to Skeeter and the people in the crowd got hot. “You were saying?”

  “Talk to me like i'm an idiot! [AAAHhhhh!]” Lucifer answered, while flinging the minion into outer space. Christ's turrets began to fire at the minion. “AAH!” the minion squealed, trying to swim back, possessing the atmosphere so the human's satellites wouldn't pick him up. Lucifer and his surrounding entourage laughed. “There's no need in hiding, now. If they wish to bring forth an army; then so will I.” From then on, colossal beasts possessed New York, turning it into one big war. The sons of Lucifer possessed the land brutally peeling hundreds of acres of land up! They left many roads and buildings destroyed! They possessed the dead and used their rotten teeth to bite the citizens to death! In the first hours, thousands died, then hundreds of thousands. Fly went to talk to Lucky about the machine. “How is she doin'“ Fly asked, eager to get back to his new career. “I think I've finally figured out what Lucifer was trying to do. Dude, all this thing does is warp bio-electricity around.”

  “But it needs the force-field?”

  “The armor's sensors respond to precise brain signals. They know when you’re afraid, If you hear a bullet approaching. But, when the sensors merged with the machine it warped our degree of intelligence allowing us to, subconsciously, bend bio-electricity.”

  “So what was Sugg-Soatchio tryin' to do with this, sort-of, magic?”

  “He was tryin' to make some kind of an army.”

  “Oh. Like the zombie-ambush he sent us a few weeks ago?”

  “No. you know how you feel like these powers are everything you wanted. They are! He's trying to make us kill one another by making us feel like Gods.” Lily sat there shining, protecting the meeting from demons, with holy-light that filled her body. She brought the rays down a notch, where her eyes could be looked-into. “Well, there ya have it. I think my job here is done.” Lily stood, suddenly, igniting with holy-fire. They called their legion 'the generated nukes'. Lucky destroyed the machine. The nukes buckled-down. Sugg-Soatchio met with the world's most mad scientists. He sensed that they were heartless men and women. They were the ones who made W.M.D., and such. Authors and journalists from all over the world wanted to meet the nukes. The heroes weren't easy to catch up with, having to save the city on a daily basis. Vogue was the only one who was always available. She was always in one of her shops, designing holy safe houses, traps, and clothes for the citizens. “Mrs. Hawk, why would Little do this to you and your family? Are you ok with it?”

  “We can sense the accuser from light-years away. Little knew that things which will not bring us closer to the spirit of God were not trustworthy, so, he brought us closer to his Lord.”

  “Is Lucky the leader of the legion?”

  “No. Lucky is the weakest. My husband doesn't have to pray to charge his primary-nuke like the rest of us. Since he and I are one, you could say we are the head nukes.”

  “What about Skeeter, is he taking this whole thing well?”

  “The holy-fire comforts him. I always make sure he's wearing my designs to be safe.”

  “And when will the fans be able to buy these fascinating designs and how do your powers work?”

  “The earth will evolve with the dragons when Christ comes to conquer it. There's never too much love due-to mankind, we deserve the best. Keep your bibles close.” Vogue's conclusion was vital to the journalists, because an army of dragons stopped them when they left the shop. They could see the demons, as clear as day. They all turned around and banged their fists on the shop's door. Suddenly, a large quilt concealed them all softly…it was Vogue's. A young dragon, up in flames, flew from within the quilt, whirling and screaming, in agony. He was possessing one of the reporters. “FATHER!” he cried. His brothers fired deadly viruses, serpents, and spiders at the quilt. The people underneath were just about to lift the quilt and make a run for it, when the other nukes arrived. The holy snakes and spiders, who had the ability to talk and see-well, were trying to keep the normal critters out from underneath. “CARRY ON MY BELOVED, DO NOT FEAR THE HUMAN!” The holy critters asserted- holy fire flarin' and scarin' off the native critters. “It's my first day.” the mamma holy-snake told reporters while her offspring whined and scared the living daylight out of one-guy. “Sh’’!”


  “That was my last bucket of crap!”

  “Shut up.” The sons of Lucifer had a disagreement. “Father's essence is so far from here! WHY WON'T HE JUST GIVE US THE SIGNAL! WHY DO YOU WISH TO FIGHT THE LORD FAIRLY? HAS HE FOUGHT YOU FAIRLY?” Lucifer's son cried, enraged. “WE ARE WHAT WE ARRRRRE!” The vengeful demon stampede took off in brief-flashes, headed to kill the holy-quilt. “ARE YOU UPSET BECAUSE YOURE UGLY?!” Float's holy-voice sang, burning their ears until they threw in their, signature...earplugs. Their eyes burned when they looked at him. He didn't have to switch modes like the video game. He was floating forty feet high with props- like the ones in stage-plays -floating around him. He was holding a giant fork with a neat napkin tucked in his collar. “Get over here frog legs, I need you for my soufflé...'“ Float jested, the props or charm-mode projectiles slowly fading away forever. “OH YEAH, WELL YOU JUST FELL RIGHT INTO OUR TRAP HUMAN!”

  “WHAT TRAP? (Go along, stupid!) - TRAPPED YOUR ASSES!”

  “Everyone get into the shop, now!” cried Vogue, rapidly-drenching the building with decorates. “N’’’’, I should spear one of yaa n’’’’s for lyin' to me like that!” Float threw a spear like a champion. The spear shot past the dragons like a speeding bullet, prior to vanishing. Three thoughtful-tornadoes crashed into the dragons, leaving them severely burned, while the city's people panicked. Lucky absorbed Vogue's abilities and threw a huge tablecloth over the dragons to finish them off. “Whoever said a nice-evil picnic wasn't possible was a liar.” said Lucky. “Eat my holy-s
horts, buddy!” Float joked. Suddenly, Fly and his brothers' laughing ended - A bigger dragon with some of Lucky's old machines, attached and ready to be used, all-over it's body! “Jump and run mode. Eat my dust buddy!”


  “I'm just kiddin',” The dragon was looking back at them, infuriated. “He's lookin' right-at us...where do we start?” Then Sugg-Soatchio began to use his new accessories to his advantage. He started a zombie-attack; he was crappin' out dragons! “I say, we go for the big one!” Honeysuckle, Lily, and Rosebush Holmes had just finished charging their primary-nukes, with prayer. When they joined their fellow nukes, they jumped right into battle. Lily worked the grounds, trying to consume her foes within a ball of light that, gradually, swallowed whatever she touched. Rosebush and Honeysuckle’s dresses gave them the ability to fly. Like Fitted, when the humans lay eyes on them, the humans charge! “Man, Rosebush is hot!” one of the male by-standers complimented. “She sure is!” Rosebush said, flaring. Rosebush had holy-grenades like Fly. All of the female nukes can channel their holy light for extra defense. The males cannot, but their attacks make up for it. Honeysuckle absorbed

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