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12- Open Your Eyes: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 12

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by B. A. Stretke

  Grant was the Beta in his birth pack but left twelve years ago due to holding a differing view regarding traditional beliefs. Gay wolves were tolerated in his old pack, but not when it came to those in leadership. The leadership had to be pure according to his Alpha, which began the pressure for Grant to mate with an eligible female, namely the Alpha’s sister, and have children and live appropriately.

  Grant never felt inappropriate with his sexuality or believed that it had anything to do with a person’s purity, and so he refused. It turned out that it wasn’t a suggestion but rather an order. He had to mate with the Alpha’s sister, or he would be banished from the pack. He then decided to leave the pack and seek his fortune elsewhere. Up until that day, he and his Alpha, Ridge Greyson had been friends, or so he thought.

  He had very little contact with his family, what remained of it. It didn’t matter; they were never a close family anyway. But he did miss being around other wolves and tended to seek them out whenever one was nearby. It gave him grounding and a sense of connectedness for a moment or two and that was enough.

  Iker came back from the bar with two drinks and handed him one. “Come on; there’s a table over there. Let’s sit and take it all in for a few minutes.” Grant was amused by how taken Iker was with the glitz and glamor of the place. Iker had been there before with his beloved Stanley, but it seemed every visit was an event in Iker’s book. It never got old. For a human, Iker was openly easy and accepting of the paranormal world. But that would be in large part due to his beloved being a vampire. It's hard to turn your back on a bond as strong and mystical as a Fated bond; not even a human could resist such a pull.

  He thought about that fact for a few moments and realized that the incident with Julian was not the tragedy he was making it out to be. His biggest problem with it all was that he’d been humiliated and played for a fool. It had nothing to do with feelings even though he did like Julian; he never considered him for the long term.

  He wasn’t Grant’s mate, so there could be no long term. He needed to get over himself just as Iker had advised. No one was there to witness his humiliation apart from Julian, and the manager and the manager looked likewise humiliated. He wasn’t less of a man for having been duped by a handsome player.

  “I’m going to walk the room.” He announced as he got up. “I smelled wolf, an Alpha, and an Omega in the area.”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you,” Iker stated. “Kristof, one of the security chiefs, is a wolf, and the other one must be Benny. He’s a small guy mated to two vampire assassins, so be careful.” Iker winked and raised his glass.

  Grant looked at him with renewed annoyance. “You couldn’t have thought to give me this information a little sooner, say like months ago when you bonded with Stanley?”

  Iker shrugged and looked so innocent. “Kristof is an Alpha and mated to Andrew, the Master’s right-hand man. Also, Benny’s brother, Jack might be here. He’s mated to a vampire who deals with political business in Harrisburg.”

  Grant stared at him for a moment before commenting. “Anyone else you forgot to mention?” he stated sarcastically.

  “No, that’s it unless someone new has been added in the last week or two.” Iker laughed. “Go find your wolves, have a good time.” Grant rolled his eyes and turned towards the expansive room and began searching and following the scent.


  The main floor was the most populated area of the Club. On the balcony and second floor where the VIP room and the private areas. He and Iker had been given passes to the VIP room, but he doubted they’d use them. The VIP room wasn’t really their scene.

  Iker was there tonight for Grant even though he put on a good front of pretending he wanted to get out of the house. He was there because he thought Grant needed a night out. Iker was a good friend, better than any of the professed friends he’d had back in his birth pack.

  Glancing back over his shoulder at his friend, he noticed that Josef the Coven Second and Luca, a man Iker had introduced to him a few days ago, had joined Iker at his table. Luca was a large man of Scottish descent and was apparently a member of this coven. He scented as human but also something else, something that gave him considerable power. Grant was never able to get a fix on what it was.

  The Hadden Coven held many secrets, and Grant accepted early on that he would be privy to very few. He was surprised though that Iker had not informed him of the wolves at the Coven. Although they didn’t discuss the paranormal often and Iker may not have known Grant’s need to be with his own from time to time.

  There were a couple of Gamma wolves who worked patrol over on the East side that he met up with from time to time, but it was always a special rush to be in the company of an Alpha. He looked forward to meeting Kristof.

  It was not a surprise that instead of finding Kristof, Kristof found him. He was standing on the edge of the dance floor looking out when someone stepped up beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder. The instant that the Alpha touched him Grant submitted, it was instinct, and in that moment, they knew one another.

  “Kristof Lakatos.” He stated.

  “Grant Dorsey.” Came the immediate reply and so started the conversation. They moved to the outer wall of the room. Grant took in the authority and energy of the man and felt energized himself just by the interaction. So was the effect of an Alpha wolf.

  They talked for some time discussing backgrounds and affiliations. Kristof promised Grant that they would get together again and took down Grant’s phone number and gave him his. “Thank you, sir,” Grant said as Kristof excused himself to return to his duties.

  Grant was elated to have made contact with an Alpha wolf who wasn’t an asshole or a criminal. The positive force that surrounds that man was uplifting and revitalizing. He looked forward to meeting with him often. Perhaps in time, he would consider allowing Grant to join his pack.

  At present, as he told Grant with a smile, he had two members, Benny and Jack. Grant would like to be the third member. He would mention Kristof to the two Gammas on the East side who were also on their own. He could see that Kristof Lakatos was the Alpha they all needed.


  The large, good-looking brute who had been coming on to Victor all evening was getting more impatient with each drink he downed. Victor wanted to ignore the guy and go on break, but he didn’t want to leave Arron with a situation, not of his own making. The man was a stranger, but he smelled of vampire and power so he wouldn’t be easy to control if things got out of hand. Neither he nor Arron would be any match for this man.

  Victor took a quick look around to see if security were close at hand. Unfortunately, the only person he saw was Kash, and Kash wouldn’t walk across the room to spit on him if he were on fire. He was on his own, so with his dignity and professionalism held high; he headed back to the large vampire with another fresh drink.

  “Your drink, sir.” He said and set the glass on the table while collecting the empty and placing it on his tray. Victor had hoped for a smooth getaway, but the man gripped his left wrist and held him in place.

  “Call me, Caspian.” He said and began pulling Victor towards him. “Sit with me for a while.”

  “I can’t, sir, I mean Caspian. I have to serve drinks. I’m not allowed to sit with the customers.” Victor tried to explain as he took another quick glance around the room in hopes of assistance.

  “You can sit with me. I want your company.” He stated with a finality that alarmed Victor. He stood frozen for a moment and then decided to be firm.

  “No, sir.” He said and held the man’s gaze. “I am not interested.” Caspian looked at him like he was about to explode. Caspian obviously didn’t get turned down often. His face got flushed, and his eyes darkened. Perhaps blunt wasn’t the direction to take. Victor wasn’t sure what he was in for, but he just hoped it didn’t hurt too badly or leave too many marks.

  Caspian continued to hold him and jerked him closer so that Victor had to place his tray on the
table to steady himself. “I want to wake up tomorrow morning with my cock still buried in your gorgeous little ass.” He hissed next to Victor’s ear, and Victor tried to pull away.

  “You’re being vulgar, now release me or answer to my Master.” Victor wasn’t sure where his bravado was coming from or if it would help him, but it did feel momentarily empowering.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” The man spat; all cultured pretense vanished in the wake of his anger. Caspian jumped to his feet and lurched across the table at Victor as he tried to pull away from his grip. Thankfully, his situation was finally noticed, and two guards came over to quell the agitated man.

  When faced with the guards, Caspian immediately calmed down and apologized to Victor, who had been inadvertently knocked to the floor in the commotion. Caspian reached out his hand to assist him back to his feet, but Victor shook his head and quickly got to his feet and left the area.

  That was a scene he wished he could have handled on his own. He didn’t know much about Caspian, but by appearances, he was someone with power and influence. Embarrassing him would not go down well. He would remember Victor and not in a positive way.

  As soon as the man acquiesced, the guards backed off and allowed him to leave under his own power. They followed him out but did not attempt to touch him or force him in any way. Yeah, he was somebody, and now Victor was on his radar. Damn it; no one wanted to be on the shit list of a formidable vampire least of all Victor who stood all of five feet two inches and weighed less than a hundred and ten pounds.

  He looked down at the palm of his hand and noticed that he’d cut himself. Can’t serve drinks with an open wound, not with the room half full of vampires. He signaled the bartender and headed to the bathroom to clean up. Vampires healed quickly, so he just needed to clean it and wait for it to heal; it wouldn’t take long. It gave him a chance to catch his breath after the Caspian ordeal.


  Grant noticed a situation going on in the bar area, so moved in that direction, but it seemed to be handled quickly. The vampire guards were very good at their job. The large vampire that was being walked out looked irritated but apparently had agreed to leave.

  Grant was about to turn and head back to Iker when a tantalizing scent wafted beneath his nose. It aroused his wolf and brought the animal, who’d been quiet this entire time thanks to the influence of the Alpha, to sharp awareness.

  He followed the sweet aroma to the table the vampire, who’d just been ejected, had been occupying. The scent was strong, and he felt himself begin to growl deep in his throat and quickly stifled the sound. This was not the place to wolf out. Why was his wolf so interested, and why was he driven to find the source of the scent?

  He glanced at the floor and saw it. There on the floor was a broken swizzle stick, and on it was the bare trace of blood. The amount was minuscule, yet the aroma was almost knocking him over. He bent and picked it up, rolling it between his fingers and getting the last of the scant liquid on his fingertips.

  When he brought his fingertips to his nose, it was as if fireworks started exploding in his brain. All he could see was shades of red and gold as his vision blurred and then slowly cleared. The sensation was thrilling and terrifying, and the realization of what it meant had his wolf scrambling to be set free.

  His mate was somewhere in the club. He’d cut himself on the plastic stick very recently. The blood was still fresh, and the scent heavenly. Glancing around the room, he saw no one who stood out, but he could follow the allure of the blood, and he started walking. His mind on one goal and his wolf ready to pounce on anyone who got in his way.


  Victor checked the cut on his hand, and it was nearly healed, but he wasn’t ready to go back out onto the floor. He hadn’t been gone long; no one would care if he took just five more minutes to relax and chill. Maybe he needed to look at alternative employment.

  If he was losing his taste and skill for waiting bar, then he should investigate other positions within the coven. He wasn’t educated beyond high school, but there were positions in coven restaurants and cafés around town that he could look into. The coffee shop downtown that Ellis and his beloved own would be a good place to start. Yeah, a coffee shop. He needed a change of pace.

  With a plan in mind, he quickly washed his hands again and turned towards the door just as someone was entering. He stepped back to give the person room but was immediately caught up in an intense sensation of familiarity and want. He looked up into the most fascinating eyes he’d ever seen and couldn’t look away. The power and energy of this man was overwhelming him, and he stopped dead in his tracks.


  Grant followed the sweet, potent aroma through the room across the dance floor until he stood in front of the bathroom door. He paused knowing in his heart and soul that on the other side of that door stood his future and the love of his life, his fated mate. With an unsteady hand and his heart beating out of his chest, he pushed the door open and standing there staring up at him and looking just as shocked as he felt, was the prettiest little man in all the world.

  He stepped forward and slowly let the door close behind him while never taking his eyes off this man. He’d often wondered what the experience would be like, what he’d feel when and if he ever found his mate. None of his imaginings even came close to the full-body sensation that was currently rushing through him. His mind was awash with expectations, and his body was covered in an electric sensation that reached right down to his bones.

  The little man with the white-blond hair and pastel blue eyes stepped back, but like Grant never took his eyes away. He could see wonder reflected in those eyes as a smile played around his lips. He seemed pleased with what he saw. The way he licked his bottom lip had Grant’s breath catching in his throat. The sudden need to taste that lip for himself was irresistible.

  “Hello, beautiful. What’s your name?” Grant couldn’t keep the smile from his face as his eyes continued to eat up the delicate features of his mate. So elegant and petite, he reminded Grant of a Fae, all tiny, blond, and beautiful. He waited as the man let out a long sultry breath and returned his smile.

  “Victor Rossi, what’s yours?” The voice was just as impressive as the man. It sunk into Grant’s skin and caused a tingling sensation. He knew it was crazy, but everything about this man made him tremble with a desire so strong he had difficulty holding himself back. His mind started working overtime to formulate a plan to move this meeting to a more private venue, but he wasn’t familiar with the building’s layout.

  “Grant Dorsey, and I am so pleased to meet you.” He reached out his hand, desperate for the first touch of skin on skin with his mate, his Fated mate. It felt fantastic to say those words. Grant continued to hold his mate’s hand refusing to let go. Victor didn’t seem to mind as his grip tightened just as Grant’s had.

  “Do you know me, Victor?” Grant wanted the words out there in the air. He wanted Victor to say them.

  “You’re my beloved,” Victor stated breathlessly and took a step closer. Grant still held his hand and easily pulled him up to stand even closer.

  “And you are my mate.” Victor looked up at him with the clearest of crystal blue eyes. They looked into his dark brown gaze and smiled with satisfaction and confidence. This man knew what it meant, and he was happy. That fact blew up Grant’s ego like nothing had before.


  Victor was knocked back on his heels in the most delicious way possible. At first, he thought the man simply intrusive until he looked into his eyes, and then that scent hit him. The deep evergreen and citrus enveloped him making his head spin and his heart pound.

  This was his beloved, this tall man with the light brown hair and quick smile was his beloved. He was gorgeous, and he was wolf. The scent of shifter was strong, not as strong as the tantalizing evergreen, but strong.

  Victor loved the smell of the woods, and this man was woodsy to the core. He was here, and he was real, and he belonged to Vict
or. He suddenly understood why he was unable to flirt and why no one in the club interested him. Fate had placed his beloved under his nose and waited for them to meet. With his beloved in his life, no other man would ever interest him again.

  Grant Dorsey was his forever partner, and Victor was thrilled. The man’s touch was strong yet gentle, and his words were forceful yet smooth. He was perfect. He was everything Victor had ever dreamed of when thinking about his beloved. The fact that he was a shifter was a bonus since Victor had always had an attraction to wolves, that predilection made sense to him now too. He’d never been with a wolf before, but they’d always seemed exotic, erotic, out of bounds, wild and sexy. Now he had one of his very own.

  Since the beginning, Fate had been preparing Victor for his beloved. He wondered if Grant had ever considered that his mate would be a vampire. He would have to ask, but for now, he needed to take the man somewhere more private than this public washroom.

  “I have an apartment here. I think we should go there and . . . talk.” Victor suggested, and Grant seemed on board, considering the smile and nod he received. “I’ll text the bartender and let him know I’ll be off for the night.”

  Victor pulled out his phone and shot a quick three-word text, found my beloved, and then closed his phone and dropped it back into his pocket. “Let’s go.” Victor held tight to Grant’s hand and led him out of the bathroom and down the back hallway towards the row of first-floor apartments.

  Grant stayed close, nearly pressing himself to Victor’s back as he followed him without question. The awareness that he had his beloved behind him holding him and anxious to be alone was exhilarating and caused Victor to hasten his steps towards their destination. The need to be alone with his beloved was more important than anything presently in this world.

  Grant was solely focused on the little beauty in front of him and gave no attention to the people or happenings around them. As they moved away from the Club and into the interior of the Coven, it became very quiet except for the rapid beat of his own heart, which he was sure everyone could hear.


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