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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 13

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by Nikhil Parekh

  Acceptance is the ultimate reality .

  Fairies dance to give you the most exotic times of your life,

  The cry of the cuckoo every morning is the ultimate reality .

  Glitter of gold lasts only till the last winds of night,

  The compassionate caress of your mother is the ultimate reality .

  Silken strands of spidery web thrill beyond the realms of exhaustion,

  The lethal sting of wholesome extinction is the ultimate reality .

  Cuddling your baby an infinite times revitalized your dreary senses to the epitome of optimism,

  Each act of benevolence is the ultimate reality .

  Slithering bare chested on soil impregnated tremors of pleasure,

  Devotion to the cause of Almighty God is the ultimate reality .

  Tears are momentary radiations of profound suffering,

  Sorrow is the ultimate reality .

  Attraction is a vivid chain of primordial passion,

  Bondage is the ultimate reality .

  Skin extinguishes in entirety with advancing years of life,

  The everlasting soul is the ultimate reality .

  Royal imagery puts you in  trance for cardinal parts of the day,

  Poetry is the ultimate reality .

  Advertising is a baseless spectrum of gimmicks which enthrall,

  Dedication towards the divine is the ultimate reality .

  Dwelling harbors you from the diabolical devil,

  Enigma is the ultimate reality .

  Frolicking in the meadows rekindles your diminishing energies a trifle,

  The valley of exultating adventure is the ultimate reality .

  Wink triggers avalanches of flirtation and naughtiness,

  Concentration is the ultimate reality .

  Caress embodies feelings to the most supreme core,

  Uninhibited sharing is the ultimate reality .

  Bornfires stupefy as they escalate towards the cosmos,

  Untamed passion is the ultimate reality .

  Superstitions are ephemerally efficacious,

  Omnipresent Lord is the ultimate reality .

  Business is a rejuvenating parasite adding spice and wealth to life,

  Art is the ultimate reality .

  And infatuation is storm which gradually disappears,

  Immortal love is the ultimate reality .



  A part of me in monotonous realms of satanic office; capsizing upon my share of bread; to sustain on the trajectory of this gigantic planet,

  A part of me on the tantalizing seaside; profoundly relishing the tanginess of the mighty ocean; which tingled me beyond the corridors of untamed control,

  A part of me in the mesmerizing garden; profusely drowned in the scent of

  the overwhelmingly seductive rose,

  A part of me in the morbid graveyard; sadly mourning and reminiscing all those close to me; now no longer a reality in this world,

  A part of me on the ergonomic dining table; savoring indispensable morsels of food; to keep me holistically running and alive,

  A part of me on the evanescent horizons; frenziedly salvaging fortification to blissfully pass the menacingly treacherous night,

  A part of me in the sacrosanct lap of my mother; reliving the poignant memories of impeccable childhood,

  A part of me unsurpassably engrossed in bulky study books; endeavouring my best to achieve the most unprecedented in the career of my choice,

  A part of me dancing vivaciously in the forests; playing hide and seek; amidst the rustling of voluptuous leaves; the silken beams of milky moonshine,

  A part of me rebelling unrelentingly against traitors infiltrating my motherland; combating them with the sword of irrefutable righteousness,

  A part of me gallivanting flirtatiously through the hills; philandering till times beyond eternity; until I stumbled upon the romance of my life,

  A part of me persevering under whole hearted rays of the acrimonious summer; deluged in a blanket of golden perspiration; as I slogged without the

  most inconspicuous of reprieve,

  A part of me swimming ardently in the salty ocean; romanticizing and titillating in the majestically royal splendor of enchanting life,

  A part of me with my dynamically flamboyant father; zealously aiming always to be infinite steps above the very best,

  A part of me perched on the revered knees of my grandparents; fervently listening to their unfathomable myriad of adventures in real life,

  A part of me astoundingly baffled by the vagaries of this uncouth society; unable to comprehend why fellow beings of human fraternity; considered themselves above divine godhead,

  A part of me humming an insurmountable battalion of spiffy tunes; to rekindle my pathetically diminishing spice in life,

  A part of me indulged into disdainfully forced manipulation in order to survive; articulately maneuvering my way into the spurious treasury of power tycoons,

  A part of me writing boundless lines of mystical poetry; letting my scarlet veins erupt into tumultuously rhapsodic delight,

  A part of me blissfully asleep; dreaming and bouncing ebulliently in a land more enthralling than fabulous paradise,

  A part of me in celestial heavens; blossoming each instant into a fountain of unconquerable happiness; bestowed upon me by the Omnipotent Lord,

  A part of me in diabolically savage hell; being whipped for my plethora of misdeeds; by the heinously vicious breath of the devil,

  A part of me on the sizzling Sun; admiring the incomprehensible beauty of this earth; in the most candidly vivid of its perspective,

  A part of me in the dungeons of doomsday; sulking and fretting; overpowered by tornados of despairing hopelessness,

  But all of me; my mind; my body; my soul; incarcerated in the passionately thundering beats of your heart; not only for this lifetime; but even after I had quit

  it prematurely; to be reborn only as your lover; forever and ever and ever .



  I might be possessing an uncouthly scraggy beard; encapsulating my cheeks abominably from all sides,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I didn’t have soft flesh on my visage; the voluptuous tinge which seduced the most glorious of angels into an absolute submission .

  I might be endowed with a color which was darker than the sootiest of charcoal; repelling every entity I transgressed in my way,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t fantasize about all the beautiful maidens on this Universe; drown and coalesce myself each instant with the ultimate of marvels; infinite lands transcending the island of paradise .

  I might be residing with an insatiable whirlpool of mosquito’s in my dingy hut; without an iota of currency in my bedraggled pockets,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t perceive ingenious ideas in my brain; to metamorphose this lecherously manipulative society once again; into benevolent mankind .

  I might be tinier than the inconspicuously diminutive ant in stature; being overwhelmingly mocked by all tangible living on this planet,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t stand of my own feet; shirk into my reclusive cocoon; when it came to defending philanthropic mankind .

  I might be having a voice more horrendously disgusting than the croaking frogs; inundating the atmosphere each moment with pathetically disgruntled cacophony,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t explicitly voice my feelings; pacify the torrential agony in my soul; with the poignancy I generated through my words .

  I might be bereft of eyes right since immaculate childhood; stumbling on each gloomy footstep; like a pack of frigidly soft cards,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t enlighten other’s lives; cast optimistic rays of splendor and hope; in the paths of those staggering towards horrific nothingness .

  I might be disastrously ugly; with every q
uarter of spuriously bombastic mankind; rebuking me beyond the limits of ignominious condemnation,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t impregnate heavenly fragrance in my comrades shivering beside their corpse; assist them blossom again from the tenterhooks of hopeless extinction .

  I might be utterly famished due to brutal circumstances; deprived of the most infinitesimal morsel of food since centuries immemorial,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t perceive stupendously oligarchic cuisine lingering in exotic kitchens; harness the most majestic of artistry with every droplet; of my profoundly compassionate blood .

  I might be profusely decaying and old; now awaiting death any instant to embrace me in its inevitably ghastly stranglehold,

  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t bounce and frolick like a new born child; innocently pour out whatever enveloped the walls of my conscience to the extraneous world .

  And I might be bound in devilishly blood coated chains; unable to budge even a minuscule inch over the gory imprisonment entrenching me murderously from all


  But that doesn’t mean; that I couldn’t love; romance; care; share; with the person I revered the most; bond each of my senses in the swirl of an immortal relationship; which no bloody chain on this earth could ever break .




  The rocks were romancing with the vivacious waves; enjoying the rhapsodic tanginess on their exotically bare bodied periphery,

  The sheep were romancing with the voluptuous carpet of grass; rolling in untamed jubilation on its stalks; as the Sun descended over the golden horizons,

  The horses were romancing with the mystical mountains; gallivanting like a jeweled prince through the unfathomable labyrinth of gorgeously twisted paths,

  The cricket bat was romancing with the glistening leather ball; tossing it like a majestic eagle; deep and profound into the heart of the wonderfully enchanting clouds,

  The roses were romancing with the stupendously vibrant winds; fluttering like a pampered prince; as the air profusely besieged each petal in whirlpools of


  The eyeballs were romancing with the passionately winking lids; relishing and wholesomely embracing the compassionate coat of tingling moisture,

  The fathomless deserts were romancing with the marvelously eluding mirages; being tantalized to the most unprecedented limits; as they danced the fascinating dance of their lives,

  The reptiles were romancing with raunchy cocoons of soil; slithering with insurmountable frenzy; as celestial moonshine penetrated through the curtainspread of the phlegmatic night,

  The bees were romancing with the impeccably sacrosanct lotus; transiting into waves of silken delight; seductively suckling the aromatic nectar incarcerated inside,

  The pen was romancing with boundless sheets of bonded paper; inundating its serene trajectory with exquisite calligraphy; weaving through the essence of immortal times,

  The palms were romancing with the enigmatic destiny lines; blossoming into a land of overwhelming of unparalleled mystique; as each ray crept; as each instant unveiled,

  The crocodiles were romancing with the incongruous marshes; ominously pulverizing robust prey; lurking in the glory of ethereal light as mesmerizing dawn unleashed on the banks,

  The valley was romancing with the royally oligarchic echoes; swirling in the enormous fountainhead of unsurpassable ecstasy and opulent charm,

  The snowballs were romancing with the Omnipotent morning light; melting with unconquerable titillation into streams of gurgling melody,

  The candle was romancing with the magnanimously Kingly flames; infiltrating astounding beams of optimism; in the morbid entrenchment scurried with black mice,

  The mosquito was romancing with immaculate flesh; indefatigably tickling and sucking it; till the ultimate layer of its soul’s contentment,

  The lips were romancing with the unrelenting island of whispers; kissing the enthralling softness of their resonation; floating with their glory into a land beyond paradise,

  The child was romancing with its divinely mother; bouncing in her heavenly lap; innocently reaching out to the most remotest stars in the scarlet sky,

  And my mind; body and breath; were romancing with your philanthropic heart; perpetually bonding with its beats; to always emerge the triumphant winner; to add

  immortal dimensions to exhausted life .





  You came as a complete stranger in my life; tantalizing me an angel with your mystical flurry of exotic smiles,

  While today you had become the glistening empathy in my eyes; the tears of rhapsody that I oozed unrelentingly; as the skies showered rain on parched soil .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; seducing me every now and again; with your enchanting shadow that swept nimbly past my dwindling countenance,

  While today you had become every smile that passionately besieged my crimson lips; the mesmerizing pink that perennially enveloped its tragically devastated contours .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; retreating your palms mischievously; even as I brushed past their immaculate fingers like a crown prince,

  While today you had become the color of my robust skin; the incredulously dancing pores that crept on my flesh; as I rejoiced in an everlasting dance; till the realms of eternity .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; disclosing to me your ethereal glimpse; as I frantically groped and stared into the winds of remotely infinite oblivion,

  While today you had become the only hope that I harbored and possessed in my life; the perpetual ray of optimistic light; which was my ultimate savior wherever I went .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; flirtatiously whispering into my ears; as the Sun gloriously dimmed its light beyond the scarlet horizons,

  While today you had become each word that I explicitly spoke; the melodious fountain of wonderful rhyme; that compassionately emanated from deep within my throat .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; pinching me on my cheek; and then disappearing entirely as the winds ferociously rebelled away from my shriveled


  While today you become each dream I perceived; each zenith I kept indefatigably achieving; as the world deteriorated in morbid caverns of manipulative malice .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; tempting me like a voluptuously titillating mirage; into the innermost depths of untamed wilderness,

  While today you had become the paths which I majestically rolled on; the silken carpet of dewdrops that tingled me beyond the most unprecedented summit

  of ecstasy; as darkness unveiled .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; igniting passionate webs of insatiable desire; the instants I witnessed your charismatically fading form,

  While today you had become every droplet of water I slurped down my mouth; the very reason that I inhaled breath; as all in this colossal planet were inevitably dying .

  You came as a complete stranger in my life; winking at me voraciously with your enigmatically mysterious looks,

  While today you had become the irrefutably righteous voice of my conscience; propelling me philanthropically to serve all mankind .

  And you came as a complete stranger in my life; making me entirely unknown to your religion and form; as I stumbled head on upon your footprints; towards the

  obdurately treacherous ground,

  While today you had become the eternal kiss of my existence; the immortal love which entrenched my heart so formidably; that it kept throbbing; even as my soul

  had bonded entirely with the Creator .



  21. GOD MADE ME 

  God made the overwhelmingly rich; to help those disastrously begging on the dilapidated streets,

  God made the exotically be
autiful; to harbor those who were ruthlessly kicked at every quarter; for their abominable ugliness,

  God made the brilliantly flamboyant day; to benevolently mitigate the suffering of the


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