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The Fire Within

Page 2

by Nicholas Clausen

  “It was your archers that first attacked us, prompting us to defend ourselves.” Hayden shot back.

  “You assemble an army of creatures of darkness with their cursed black dragons in the middle of the night at our gate, and you are shocked that we attacked you? How did you expect us to react, open our gates and throw a parade for you?” The rider laughed. The copper rider had the voice of a young man.

  “You did not stop to ask, you simply took our intentions for violence and responded in kind. We could have sent a messenger, but we hoped that if you saw our full force that you would surrender without a fight and save lives.” Hayden pointed his silver blade at the copper rider.

  “You decided to attack first; you gave the order for your arches to loose their arrows.” Hayden was shouting. “And here you are when I offer you a chance to surrender, you are arguing with me.” Hayden was doing his best to pull his anger back and regain control over himself.

  “Again, I offer you people a chance to surrender. We have no desire to fight, kill, or enslave.” Hayden ignored the copper rider that was moving slowly closer to him and Draek.

  The dragon was small for a copper which meant that it was no match for Draek. The survivors of Aldreth Stronghold looked to each other for an answer, and when none was forthcoming, they turned to the copper rider.

  “Do as you please, I will not surrender to this false dragon rider or their nightmares. Elizabeth will send reinforcements, and when I tell her what is going on here, she will reward me.” At the rider’s last word the copper dragon jumped into the air instead of attacking Draek directly.

  The copper dragon flew over Draek, and when he was about to take to the sky, the copper let loose his flame. Draek was forced to protect Hayden from the fire giving the copper dragon a chance to escape.

  It was a momentary setback, and within moments Draek was joining the other dragon in the air and giving chase. Like Rilora, the copper dragon took off like an arrow and was going so fast Draek could never hope to catch it on the sprint.

  But Draek and Hayden both knew that the copper dragon couldn’t keep up the speed that it was flying at for long. Soon the dragon would begin to weary and slow down while Draek with his massive silver wings would gain on the smaller dragon and eventually overtake it.

  Hayden sat back in his saddle as the stronghold disappeared behind him and they seemed to be flying into the stars themselves, the moon a pale sun in the sky casting a haunting gray hue like a shadow over the terrain around them. Hayden couldn’t see the copper dragon anymore, but he knew that Draek could see it clearly so he waited until he could be of some use to his dragon, which even at the best of times was not very often.

  Get ready. Draek rumbled. Hayden looked around desperately but could not see any sign of the dragon. He knew that Draek could not be mistaken, so he closed the visor of his eagle helmet and checked his shield to make sure it was secure against his left arm. He held onto the saddle with his right hand and waited.

  He waited for Draek to tell him what to do next. Waited to catch a glimpse of the copper dragon. Waited for anything. As the moments passed by his adrenalin began to wear off.

  Draek, where are they? He finally asked as they continued to fly in the dark, making no movement that would betray Draek’s intention.

  Beneath us. Draek said. Hayden leaned over the saddle and was not able to see anything but darkness and shadows.

  I don’t see them flying anywhere. Hayden complained.

  They have landed and are hiding in a patch of trees below. Draek said, but he was still looking to the ground beneath him as well as the sky around them as if he was still searching for them.

  I don’t want them to know that I have found them. Draek said as he slowly looped around making it appear that he was searching the area. They are tired, and they know they cannot outfly me. Draek continued.

  Hayden was about to warn him about underestimating his enemy when fire erupted beneath them and hurdled towards them. Draek rolled out of the way with Hayden hanging on with all of his might, not wanting to trust the saddle straps.

  The copper dragon continued to try to burn Draek out of the sky. The dragon’s fire illuminated the area around them and blacked out everything else. Draek opened his mouth and shot a stream of his own fire at the face of the copper, but the smaller dragon easily flew out of the way.

  The two dragons circled one another, darting in to unleash fire and flying out of the way before the other dragon had a chance to respond. Hayden did nothing more than hang on and do his best not to get caught on fire.

  Together the dragons fought, neither attempting to flee or escape. Draek roared and dove out of the sky, trying to rake his claws across the copper dragon’s wings, but the smaller dragon slipped out of his grasp.

  He won’t stay and fight. Draek roared in his head. Frustrated that the copper dragon was outmaneuvering him at every turn.

  You’re too large and strong. He knows that so he is trying to wear you down, make you exhausted. Hayden explained.

  He will have to try harder to tire me. Hayden winced as Draek roared his challenge and chased after the copper dragon some more.

  Draek, we need to back off and figure this out. Hayden pleaded as Draek pulled in his wings and flew at the copper dragon, narrowly missing him.

  No, I just need to catch him. Draek argued back, but Hayden was already sliding his shield off his arm and attaching it to the saddle. He drew the bow that had been in the armory at the Dark Hold and tested the string before pulling out the first of the arrows.

  He notched the dark arrow and locked his eyes on his target, the weakest part of the dragon. The rider.

  Draek, get me close. Hayden said as he tried to get a good look at the rider. Draek pulled in his left wing and moved closer to the copper dragon as if he was going to attempt to attack. At the last moment, he feinted to the side and rolled, so Hayden had a clear shot at the rider.

  Hayden pulled back on the bowstring and released the arrow as fast as he could. The copper dragon dove out of the way and the arrow soared into the darkness above him. Hayden cursed and notched another arrow.

  Draek and the other dragon continued to try to burn each other while Hayden tried to send off arrows. After the third arrow, the copper rider finally saw what he was trying to do, and the copper dragon began keeping his rider hidden as best he could.

  They aren’t giving me a shot. Hayden complained as Draek circled high above the ground, trying to gain height just as the copper dragon was doing the same.

  Then we have to make a shot. Draek said as he moved to where he was flying above the copper dragon.

  What are you talking about? Hayden asked, trying to look over Draek’s side to see the copper rider.

  Draek sent the images and ideas to Hayden, and he immediately rejected them.

  No, absolutely not. Hayden insisted. It’s going to hurt you; I won’t do it. Hayden pleaded.

  Can you think of any other way to get this done? Draek asked. Before Hayden could answer Draek spoke again. This is the best chance we got; we must end this now. Get ready and don’t miss. Draek showed Hayden where the copper dragon and his rider were in his mind, and Hayden aimed.

  Hayden relied on Draek’s mental image because he still could not see the copper dragon or the rider. Now. Draek said as he turned almost sideways in the air. Hayden pulled back on the bowstring and sent the arrow flying at where Draek had shown him where the copper rider was.

  The arrow was a perfect shot to hit the copper rider, but it had to first go through Draek’s wing. The bolt hit the silver membrane and cut through the skin, soaring out the other side to the copper rider.

  The rider didn’t pull up his shield because he couldn’t see Hayden so he didn’t have to worry about an arrow when the silver rider couldn’t see him. It was the last thought he had when the bolt hit him in the side of the neck between his helmet and breastplate.

  Draek roared in frustration and pain as the arrow cut through his
wing, but it wasn’t enough to down him. Hayden’s stomach turned, and he almost threw up as he saw the blood streak back down his silver wing, knowing he had caused the damage.

  Draek I am so sorry. Hayden said. Draek remained silent and turned in the air so Hayden could see the stone dragon as it crashed into the grass-covered ground beneath them.

  Chapter Two

  Hayden walked to where the stone dragon lay, broken in pieces from the fall. Draek stood by like a statue with little interest. The saddlebags were still intact which was why Hayden asked Draek to land. He dug through them, grabbing the copper blade and other gear that might be useful. Hayden quickly added them to his saddle.

  Are you ok? Hayden asked as he finished tightening back the saddlebags, leaving the copper blade to hang on the back of the saddle.

  Yes, we have won. Why would I not be ok? Draek responded, looking forward. He was all but ignoring the copper dragon before them.

  Draek, it's ok. I know this is not easy for you, it's not easy for me either. Hayden replied as he looked out over where the stone rider lay with his arrow sticking out of the stone.

  Is it supposed to be? Draek asked. Not just a dragon but a rider died as well. Because of us. Draek continued.

  I know. I guess I would be worried if this ever did get easy. Hayden had to admit. Killing was not something he enjoyed doing and the sooner he could be done having to take lives the better.

  As they stood in silence Draek finally allowed Hayden to look at his wounds. The scratches on his chest were not deep, but they were bleeding. Scales had been removed, and some of them nearest the cuts were twisted and turned the wrong way. Hayden removed those scales, even though it hurt Draek.

  The thing Hayden was worried about the most was the arrow hole through his wing. The hole was small compared to the wing, and it wasn’t jagged. Hayden hoped that it would heal closed, but he had seen dragons with holes in their wings.

  Let's go. Hayden said as he climbed onto Draek’s back. The night was still young, and it would be some time before the sun would lighten up the world around them. We need to get back and make sure the Bone Thieves are doing as they were told.

  Draek silently agreed with Hayden as he took to the sky and began the trek back to where they had started their chase. Draek mentioned his wing bothering him as air passed through the hole. It didn’t affect his flying, but it still hurt.

  Not long after, Hayden and Draek found the group of survivors outside of the walls of the stronghold. The Bone Thieves had rounded up all those that had been spared and corralled them outside of the fallen town.

  Draek landed in almost silence, the Bone Thieves having heard his arrival did not respond to the sudden appearance of Draek but the survivors shouted and screamed as the large silver dragon materialized out of the darkness.

  Some shouted in fear, but one or two were excited as if they thought Hayden and Draek were there to save them from the Bone Thieves.

  They could smell the dust, the sweat, and the fear of those left alive. Hayden knew the smell; it was the same smell animals got as they went in the slaughterhouse.

  Hayden looked around sadly at the few people that were left. The group only had some forty or fifty people in it, a fragment of the number of people that had been stationed at the stronghold. Most were women and children, but a few men were still standing. Hayden knew that they had most likely fought to the death, but he hoped that some may be hiding in the city or trying to escape. Either way, they were of little threat to them at this point.

  “This is everyone?” Hayden asked the nearest Bone Thief, he had given up on trying to recognize who they were.

  “All those that surrendered to us have been brought here.” The Bone Thief almost whispered to Hayden.

  “Save us silver rider.” A lone voice rang out in the night, coming from the crowd. “Please save us.” The voice called again.

  Soon, more voices joined the first and others from the crowd began to plead with Hayden and beg for his help.

  “I am here to help you,” Hayden explained. “We are here to help all of Arvain.” Hayden tried to say as others began yelling and shouting at him.

  “Help? Killing us is helping us?” One voice rang out, and others shouted their agreement.

  “You burn down our home, and that’s the help you offer?” Another added her voice to the crowd.

  “No, it’s not. You lot attacked us, sent arrows at us. We defended ourselves and defeated you, but fighting was not our intention. We want peace for all Arvain, freedom. Not just for humans but for all races.” Hayden explained.

  “You want these monsters to be allowed out of their desert?” Someone shouted.

  “Did you see what they did to us?” A female voice rang out.

  “Of course he did, he helped them. He is a traitor!” More angry voices joined, and soon Hayden couldn’t hear his voice as he tried to calm the crowd. Draek intervened and roared until the group became silent once more.

  “If you understood what the other races have had to deal with you would be more inclined to help them. If you have starved as they have, been branded as they have…” Hayden paused for a moment.

  “Actually that’s not a bad idea.” He turned in his saddle to the Bone Thief. “Let's lock them all up in the dungeons here and give them no food or water until tomorrow morning. After that, we will brand each of them so they can understand how all of Arvain feels.” Immediately the crowd began to plead and beg, in some cases, they even tried to argue.

  Hayden turned his eagle covered head back to face the crowd, and they silenced almost as fast as they had when Draek had roared. The Bone Thieves began silently herding the people back to the city to be placed in chains.

  We aren’t really going to starve them and brand them, are we? Draek asked, uncertainty in his voice.

  Of course not. At least to the branding. A night in a cell without food and the fear of branding might do these people some good to appreciate just how good they have it. Hayden admitted, he was glad that his face was covered because he was smiling at his plan.

  I think we should tell the Bone Thieves though; we don’t want them to take it upon themselves to start branding people. Draek admitted.

  You are probably right. As the people were marched away, Hayden turned back to the Bone Thief.

  “I want them locked up and guards posted until we leave in a few hours. No food or water is to be brought to them, but there will be no branding.” Hayden had never seen the Bone Thieves show any emotion, but he thought he heard the thief sigh.

  “What should we do with them once we leave?” The Bone Thief asked.

  “Leave the keys close enough where they can break out once we leave,” Hayden said. “But not so close that they can do it easily, they need to work at it,” Hayden added.

  He sat back and watched the people march their way back into the stronghold through the darkness. The sun would be cresting over the Shadow Desert in a few hours, and Hayden knew that the new day would bring new challenges.

  We should go and get some rest. Hayden thought to his dragon. Draek grumbled and took to the sky. They flew over the stronghold until they found a section of buildings that had collapsed and would fit Draek within the walls.

  They didn’t expect anyone to attack them during the night, but there was no point risking it outside of the walls.

  Tell Kne that I would like to speak with its rider, please. Hayden told Draek once they were on the ground.

  The thief will be here as soon as they are done with the prisoners. Draek replied. Hayden nodded his head and began taking off the saddle so that Draek could get comfortable for what little bit of rest they were going to get.

  The building that had been destroyed still had a few rooms left standing so Hayden, still wearing his armor, decided to explore.

  As he stepped over the rubble that had once been a wall, he found that he was standing in what must have been a shop of sorts. There was a counter and several pieces of fabrics and t
ools scattered on the floor.

  Hayden looked around and found farming equipment, coal, and pieces of leather as well.

  What did you find? Draek asked, his silver head covering up the entire hole that Hayden had gone through to look in the rooms.

  I think this was a sort of general store. Hayden explained to Draek that it was a store where one could pick up the basic of things that they could not make easily enough. Hayden walked back to Draek and waited for his dragon to move his head so he could walk out.

  It’s too dark to make out anything else. Hayden admitted as he stepped back into the rubble. He moved the saddle around and pulled out a blanket so he could make a makeshift pallet, but he was not in any hurry to remove his armor just yet.

  He found a piece of the building that worked as a seat and pulled out the copper blade he had just gotten and began sharpening the blade. He quickly became lost in his work, and it wasn’t long until Kne emerged out of the darkness.

  “Hello, Kne.” Hayden had seen the Bone Thief using a whip made out of what looked like pieces of spine, and none of the other Bone Thieves carried such a weapon. It was the only way he could tell Kne apart.

  “Hayden,” Kne said dryly.

  “Aldreth Stronghold is ours it would seem,” Hayden said with a flat smile.

  “It is,” Kne said.

  “Have the rest of the Bone Thieves made it here?” Hayden asked, feeling like he had to pull any information out of the Bone Thief, more so than usual.

  “They will be here soon,” Kne said. Once the Bone Thief had made it close enough for Hayden to speak comfortable Kne had stopped and moved no further.

  “That is good. I assume that those that are here that have fought are now resting?” Hayden guessed.

  “That is correct,” Kne replied.

  “Good. I know we are planning on starting the march to Celestial City tomorrow, are we going to break into two groups again or all stay together this time?” Hayden asked. He wished that Cass would have been there, and her absence bothered him, but there were things that he needed to know first.


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