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Highlander’s Sinister Bet: Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance

Page 18

by Fiona Faris

  He looked to Lorraine’s blank face and went on. “Several things continued to happen that started to bother me. The day I met ye at the market, someone had thrown a big rock with a slingshot through my window. I moved just in time for the rock landed heavily on my pillow. And then-”

  “-the arrow accident was nay accident at all,” she realized.


  “Any suspects?” she asked.

  “I spoke to me da about it. We suspect our neighbors, the McLain’s. There have been heated moments between both clans and I would not be shocked if they tried to kill me.

  Daividh made his statements boldly. However, there was a look of doubt on Lorraine’s face.

  “What is it?” he asked her, “Speak.”

  “Look at the patterns, Daividh,” she urged in a quiet voice, “Yer steps were tampered, your bow was tampered, a rock was thrown so expertly at the right spot, and ye were found and shot at. Do those look like the work of an outsider?”

  For the first time, Daividh considered that there was a traitor among his own men.

  “Ye are the heir and many people will want ye gone. ’Tis possible that one of the clans has hired yer men. How many people ken about the attacks?”

  “About ten men.”

  “That is too many,” she told him, “In such a way, even, ye endanger Glenn. People ken of yer closeness. If ye evade death more, they may go after him in yer stead.”

  Lorraine spoke the truth and that was apparent to him. He wouldnae forgive himself for being the cause of harm to his friend.

  “What do ye suggest?” he asked her.

  “Take everyone off yer team. Keep three men whom ye are close with. But even those men, let none ken of it. Disband the team.”

  “I must keep Glenn off it,” he realized.

  “Yes, but do nae tell him why. ’Tis for his own safety. Ye have to think ahead, Daividh. What are yer plans? Are there any places ye will be that people ken? How easy would it be to attack you? Plan defense methods that would take everyone by surprise.”

  Daividh watched her talk and pride filled him. “Nae many are as wise as ye are,” he said simply.

  Lorraine looked away. “’Tis easier for me to see. I am nae the one being attacked. Do nae forget to have men protect Glenn. He is an easy target.”

  “Glenn has men who are under his employ. Attaching more would be suspicious.”

  Lorraine nodded. “Daividh?”


  “Promise me somethin’,” she requested.

  He wanted to tell her that he would give her anything but instead, he nodded. “What do ye need?”

  “I need ye safe,” she begged. “Take these threats seriously. I do nae ken what I would do if somethin’ happened to ye,” she said in a whisper.

  Daividh pulled her slightly to him and took her in his arms. “I am a warrior, Lorraine. Nothin’ can touch me.”

  Lorraine laughed but it was not pure. “Ye are so proud that it scares me. If aught happens to ye, I will kill ye.” She snuggled deeper into him.

  Daividh liked how close her body was to his. She was warm and soft and smelt like strawberries.

  “How do ye smell of a new plant every day?” he asked her, “The last time I held ye so close in me arms, I could have sworn that ye had the scent of the lavender over ye.”

  “’Tis somethin’ I learned from me da, stealing the scents of plants,” she said shyly.

  Daividh found it hard to listen. It was a harder battle, stooping himself from claiming her lips. He remembered how they felt, he could never forget.

  Perhaps, if he hadn’t looked down at that moment and caught her eyes on him, he would have won but all it had taken was a glance from her eyes and the battle had been lost.

  “Lorraine,” he whispered as he reached for her. Gently, he cupped her face in his arms and for what felt like hours, he was lost in her eyes.

  Then, she called his name, “Daividh,” and he had answered her the only way he knew how to, by claiming her lips.

  When his lips touched hers, she wondered how she had survived since the last time they had kissed. She reached for him and pulled him to her, craving his warmth for suddenly, she shivered. It wasn’t the cold, it was something else; something she didn’t know.

  His skin was warm, hot, she could swear he had been near a fireplace. However, it was not a fire that burned.

  His lips danced around hers. They seemed to be teasing her; pushing her closer and closer to ecstasy but never truly granting it to her. He suckled on her bottom lip and just as she fell into the beauty of it, he’d move on to another part, leaving her bereft, yet filled. It was maddening.

  She pulled away from him, accusingly. There was a glint in his eye. The arse knew what he did.

  “Lorraine,” he tested, “come here.”

  “Nay,” she said and crossed her arms. But the lust in her eyes betrayed her.

  Daividh’s grin grew even wider. Was there anything better than a woman that wanted ye? Oh, there were so many things he wanted to do with that delicious body of hers. He stared at the little blouse she wore. Somehow, the top button had been undone, giving the littlest hints of her breasts. His eyes traveled down to her breeches that did little to hide her curves. Perhaps another man wouldn’t see it but he had seen her in a dress and he knew he would never forget just how beautiful her body was.

  He had lain awake the previous night, burning with need of her. He had imagined everything he would do to her. Yes, he would tease her slowly, her beautiful pale skin that was free from blemish. He would trail his lips on them until they were all she remembered. Then, he would kiss her lips but it wouldn’t be enough. His tongue would strive to be inside her mouth until he could taste the very essence of her.

  Daividh felt himself harden but controlled the urge to reach for her. She was the prey and he, the hunter, but he would make her come to him.

  “Come to me.”

  Lorraine shook her head again, no. “Nay,” she said, even though her body ached with the need of him.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Ye have too much power,” she said, “ye are in control.”

  “Would ye like it, then? Control?”

  Before the previous night, Lorraine had never kissed a man but she nodded.

  “Alright, then,” he smiled and sat down, “Come.”

  But the smile and confidence he had worried her. “How can I trust that ye won’t take it back.”

  “I give ye me word,” he shrugged.

  “That…?” she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “I will nae touch ye,” he said.


  “Unless ye beg me to.”

  Lorraine nodded and smiled.

  Slowly, like a lithe gazelle, she approached him on her knees. Slowly, she crawled to him and just when they were close enough, she said, “Close yer eyes.”

  Without a word, he did so, pleasing her.

  With no obstruction, Lorraine studied the man in front of her. How was he so handsome? She traced his jaw with her thumb and then his lips.

  Innocently, she placed two small kisses on his eyes.

  It took all of his control not to open his eyes and reach for her, but he was patient.

  Lorraine closed her eyes and kissed his lips. Slowly, she sucked on his bottom lip as she had felt him do to her. He was delicious, a taste that had no rival, no competition, and she wanted it all for herself. Her hands slipped to his silky hair before she knew it and she threaded her fingers into the strands.

  She pulled him to her, wanting more of him but not knowing how to take it. Then, she felt his tongue slip into her mouth. With a raw urgency that matched hers, his tongue explored her mouth, tasting, memorizing, imprinting. She felt his kisses on her lips, in her heart, and between her legs where an unfamiliar fire burned.

  Lorraine leaned into him, wanting his arms over her, wanting him to pull her deeper into him but he didn’t.

  Defeated and full
of need, she pulled away from him. His gray eyes were opened and sparkled at hers.

  “What is wrong?” he asked her.

  “I’m nae quite sure how to continue,” she whispered.

  “Shall I touch ye?” he asked her, knowing that she would refuse. She was a proud woman. When she wanted him, she would not ask, she would beg for he would have to push her over the edge.

  “Nay!” she said and he smiled.

  “Shall I tell ye what to do, then?” he asked.

  “Aye,” she nodded readily. Whatever kept the control with her.

  “Undo yer buttons,” he ordered.

  Lorraine swallowed but she reached for her first button. Finding it unbuttoned, she slid her fingers a little way down and felt the second button. The bony button was smooth between her fingers. With only the briefest pause, she popped the button open and moved to the third one.

  With each button opened, she felt her need grow and soon, her blouse was fully exposed.

  “Take it off,” he said in a hoarse voice.

  Panic threatened to settle but she pushed it away and shrugged it off. She sat before Daividh, with her upper half covered by only her chemise.

  “Yer breeches, take them off,” he ordered next.

  Lorraine reached for her buckle but he stopped her.

  “Stand up,” he ordered, “Take it off slowly. Make it slow for me.”

  So gone was she that she didn’t realize just how much in control he was.

  Daividh watched Lorraine stand and slowly undo her buckle. Then, she pulled her breeches down. He loved how she had to take time to pull them down her hips and the smaller waist made it difficult.

  When the breeches were off, Daividh was stunned. He had expected some sort of undergarment but there was none. Her vee of short and silky hair called to him and he ached to bury his lips in them. But he couldn’t, not yet.

  “Come,” he told her and she did, “Sit.”

  Lorraine faced him, cross-legged. Save for her chemise, she was absolutely naked. The thought excited her fully and she couldn’t stem it.

  “Undo yer chemise,” he said to her.

  There was no turning back for her, she knew. She wanted this. Quickly, she undid the cords, allowing her full breasts to spill out.

  “God’s blood!” Daividh cursed. How did a woman so slender have such an ample bosom? How was that possible? Her pale breasts were full. He knew they would fill his large palms and he ached to test his knowledge. Her long black hair fell over her chest but even they did nothing to hide them.

  Her nipples were rose tipped; the perfect type for sucking. His lips would enjoy worshiping them, but they couldn’t. Not yet.

  “Take yer breasts in yer hand, Lorraine,” the order came clean.

  As though under a trance, she obeyed him. Her small hands were too small to cup them fully but they made the effort.

  “Caress them, slowly,” he ordered, regulating her pace.

  Between his legs, his erection throbbed painfully.

  “Imagine those hands are mine, Lorraine,” he said softly, “mine.”

  Without knowing, Lorraine closed her eyes. At first, they were just her hands touching the same breasts she touched everyday but then it all changed.

  It started with the ache inside of her breasts. They needed to be soothed, they wanted to be soothed and so, she squeezed them slowly.

  “That’s a good lass,” he told her. She was beautiful. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He wanted to hear her whimper, moan, and beg for him.

  His erection pressed painfully against his breeches. Soon, he reminded himself.

  Lorraine squeezed her breasts, trying to soothe the ache in them.

  “Pinch yer nipples between yer thumb and finger for me,” he ordered.

  Lorraine obeyed – she would obey any order from him.

  There was pain but it gave way to pleasure. Soon, she found her rhythm between caressing her breasts and pinching her own nipples.

  “Spread yer legs,” he told her and she did.

  From where he sat, he could see her wetness, he could smell her arousal, and he wanted nothing more than to taste it.

  He had gotten to the end of the line. All that was left was to wait.

  “Daividh,” she moaned, eyes still closed.


  “Touch me,” she asked.

  “Nay,” he said, grinning despite the hardness between his legs.

  Her eyes shot open and her caressing stopped.

  “Do nae let yer hands fall from yer gorgeous breasts or I shall have to punish ye,” he scolded.

  “But ye will nae touch me?” she asked, even as she resumed caressing her breasts.

  “Nay,” he said.

  “Why?” she bit out. Lorraine felt nothing except her need for his hands on her aching breasts. In that moment, she knew she would beg him. Nothing mattered, nothing else, except him touching her.

  “Ye will have to beg me,” he smirked.

  “Please, touch me,” she begged.

  Daividh looked as though he was considering it when his mind had been made up before she thought to ask.

  “Come to me,” he ordered.

  In a flash, she was in front of him, eyes hooded with lust, she stared at him.

  Daividh took her in his arms and kissed her lips as she had wanted him to. His touch burned her skin and yet, she loved it.

  He laid her down under him and stared at her beneath him. The innocence in her eyes called to him and in that moment, he feared hurting her.


  He lowered his head and took one pink nipple in his mouth. He rolled his tongue around it before suckling on it.

  The stars exploded in Lorraine’s head – the stars and then sun, and then the moon. She held onto him and arched her back willing him to take all of her into his mouth. Her breaths hitched in her throat and she gasped, laying flat but only to arch her back again.

  Daividh slipped his hands down, till he felt the soft mound of hair. Gently, he pulled at them, rubbing them between his forefinger and thumb as he slid his lips down her body.

  Lorraine held onto his head as he kissed her neck, then between her breasts. She squeezed her eyes shut, not being able to move for the life of her.

  “Ye are so beautiful,” he said adoringly, and Lorraine’s heart fell even deeper.

  He kissed her outer thigh, then her inner thigh. His lips rested on her navel and lower.

  Lorraine gasped. Did he mean to- surely he didn’t plan to-

  “Daividh!” she gasped. “Surely, ye do nae mean to kiss me there.” But his only reply was a wicked grin.

  His lips dropped on her skin again, causing the burning in her legs to grow hotter. A mew escaped her lips. It was a plea of sorts. She needed him but didn’t know how. It was a battle between her mind and her body and Lorraine was realizing just how strong her body was.

  His tongue neared her core and in a last burst of strength from her mind, she squeezed her thighs shut. It was an effort in futility. Easily, he parted her legs and pinned them down. His dominance over her body took over her mind and she lost control.

  “Ye smell exquisite,” he moaned against her thigh. Then he dipped his finger inside.

  Lorraine was sure she had mis-felt, but his finger touched her again and she gasped. How hadn’t she felt the wetness that had come from God knew where? What was happening to her?

  “See how wet for me ye are,” Daividh groaned, and bit her thigh.

  Lorraine yelped. She was wet and he was pleased?

  “Ye want me touch, do ye nae?” He felt victorious and with no pause, he parted her lips with his fingers and got his first taste of her.

  “Oh my, oh!” Lorraine felt her body move on its own. She arched her hips towards him. The restraint she had had melted away as she parted her legs widely for him.


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