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Forever Devotion (Forever Safe Romance Series Book 10)

Page 4

by Samantha Rose

  His arms folded and his chest puffed out. Leaning up against a wall, he looked borderline offended that I hadn't accepted.

  “Crazy for you, yes. Crazy as in insane? No. I just want to treat you right.”

  “Oh, David. I don't need anything.”

  “One day you'll accept my offer.” He winked at me. “Are you ready to leave this boring old place?”

  I snorted and raised my eyebrows. “Boring? I haven't even been here more than a day in this room, how am I supposed to know if it's boring?”

  “Because if I'm not involved, then it's boring. You have to admit; the South is kind of boring at times.” He smirked.

  My smile broadened and I shoved one of my suitcases at him. “The South isn't a boring place, but I do happen to think the humidity is getting to your head. With all that steam up there,” I waved a hand in front of his forehead dramatically.

  “And what do you reckon will happen, little lady?” he drawled in a low, southern accent. He was laying it on thick, so thick I had to roll my eyes.

  Bopping him on the tip of his nose with a finger, I hauled my suitcase up and walked out the door. I heard him shout for me from the doorway as he raced to catch up.

  “Oh, come on slowpoke, the day isn’t getting any younger,” I called back to him.

  The clink of my other suitcase hitting the floor had me turning my head to look back at him, and when I did, I burst out laughing.

  Somehow David had managed to trip over his own feet, and my suitcase had opened, spilling its contents all over him. Poor David. He had one of my bras flung over his face, but what made this even more hilarious was the unimpressed look he gave me.

  I smothered my mouth with my hand to keep the laughter at bay, unfortunately, my stream of giggles was slipping through the cracks between my fingers.

  “Are you going to help me?” He pouted.

  “I don't know, the sight I see in front of me is pretty good, I think that I should take a picture.” I placed the back of my hand over my forehead. “That way, I will always remember you like this.” I gave a long, soulful sigh.

  David gripped the end of my bra and chucked it at me. I gave a short, clipped laugh as it hit the floor a foot in front of him.

  “All right, all right, I'm coming to help you,” I declared. “It would be for the good of humanity if I did.”

  His growl was the only warning I got before he hauled me down to the floor and rolled me over, placing me on the bottom – which left me comfortably lying on my clothing.

  “It's not nice to tease, Jamie. I don't always play nice,” he breathed over my neck.

  His lips played over my skin, brushing lightly, ever so damn lightly, yet never making full contact.

  I laid my hand on his chest and gave him a slight shove. “Not here, David,” I hissed. “I don't want to get kicked out of the hotel!”

  With one last peck, he helped me up off the floor.

  “Want to help me with this mess?”

  “You're saying I can't sit here and lovingly look at your pretty pink thong?” He glanced at me, wiggling his eyebrows while holding up one of my thongs in front of him.

  Snatching my panties out of his hands, I started to randomly shove my clothing back into my suitcase.

  After a few seconds his hands were brimming with colorful articles of my clothing, and we were both filling my suitcase. With us working together, it was done in minutes.

  “Thanks for your help.”

  David dusted off my shoulder, then ran his knuckles over his chest. “It was no problem, no need to thank me, ma'am,” he gave me a cowboy style nod.

  Lord, help my beating heart. He was a total ham.

  “Get going before you break my suitcase again.”

  Not that I'd care, they were old hand-me-downs from my parents. I just couldn't help but enjoy his adorableness. If anyone asked, I'd let him fall to the floor all over again with my thongs and bras just to see the playful gleam in his eyes.

  “Are you ready to head home?”




  Two blissful days… I moaned to myself, overcome with a strange need to be near him every waking moment. I sighed, so wrapped up with the feelings inside of me I didn’t hear the front door open.

  Grabbing the apple juice from the fridge, I almost jumped out of my skin as David’s hands closed over my hips.

  “What are you doing home early?” He’d only been gone for a few hours, something about his work calling him in for a meeting.

  He brushed a kiss over the back of my neck. “The meeting finished early.”

  Tilting my head to the side as he kissed down my neck to my shoulder, I moaned, forgetting about the carton of juice I still held in my hands.

  “I want to show you something,” he whispered around kisses.

  “Show me what?”

  “A surprise, it’s a block over…”

  Squinting my eyes, I turned to give him my best scrunched up nose look. “You know I don’t have the patience for that.”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “Humor me just this once.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I put away the apple juice and grabbed a few things off the counter, putting them back and going outside. I let him lead me to his vehicle.

  As we sat inside his car, David drove us in the direction that led to nowhere, literally nowhere. Now, I was naturally curious, and I was questioning his motives. “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace special,” he replied short and sweet.

  Great. It was a surprise he wouldn’t tell me… I was excited, curious, nervous, and did I mention curious?

  “Can I at least know how long it will take to get there?”

  His hand reached over to pat my leg. “Nope.”


  I needed to know these things! A surprise would… Well, I wasn't very patient at waiting.

  “Don't worry your little heart, Jamie. You'll love it.”

  Worry? Yeah, I wasn't worried. I was thrilled, but that didn't stop the fact that I wanted to know what he had planned.

  “I thought you said it was a block over?”

  His lips twitched. “Something like that. Thirty minutes at most.”

  I waited and watched the trees fly by as we took different streets, the houses coming less and less, until we drove down a dirt road, fields on both sides of us filled with knee-high stalks of wheat.

  David steered the car off to the side of the dirt road and gave me a huge shit-eating grin before he hopped out of the car. I hopped out too; shutting the door behind me. I followed him at a slower pace.

  “David, you have got to be kidding me! A wheat field?” Why were we at a wheat field? I hadn't been to one since I was a kid. He was right, I was surprised!

  He stuck his hands in his jean pockets and kicked at the dirt road with his shoe.

  “Well, we used to play in them when we were kids, I figured we could take a walk in one. Rekindle some old childhood memories.”

  I looked up and down the road. “We won't get into trouble?”

  He shook his head. “I know the farmer, he won't mind. Just try not to step on his plants.” And with that, he turned and took off running into the field. “Try and keep up!” I heard his voice carry back toward me on the slight breeze.

  Grabbing onto the end of my dress, I fisted one side to keep it from flying up, and then took off running after him. The cool breeze brushed over me, and the smell of fresh vegetation growing lifted my soul. Finding a part of the country on the outskirts of Georgia was like discovering treasure.

  It was a nice break from the fast life in the city.

  Freedom was at my fingertips.

  Stopping in the middle of the wheat field I let go of my dress. With my arms outstretched I twirled, And the wind caught my dress blowing it out around me. David’s hands snuck around my waist and lifted me off the ground, tightly curling me into his embrace as he spun me in the air.

  I let out
a squeal of excitement, joy filling me at his carefree attitude.

  “This is what dreams are made of,” he murmured in a husky voice.

  “What do you mean? I don't follow?”

  “You're my dream. Will you be mine, Jamie?” he asked, bending down to place me safely back on my feet.

  “Be yours?” I gasped. This was indeed a pleasant surprise, one that made my gaze turn blurry with happy tears. I had hoped he’d ask me one day; I just didn’t think it would happen so soon.

  “This day has been amazing, the best day I've had in a long time. I can't picture a day without you in it. I know this is sudden, and I’ll wait for you to be ready, but I need you to know that this is it for me. It’s forever.”

  “Your... your girlfriend?” I stuttered over my words. I assumed living with him would eventually lead to something more down the road. We'd already done things together; I just didn't think we'd end up together this soon. “Yes,” I whispered softly.

  “I'm sorry. I can't hear you.” He winked at me.

  Oh, he couldn't be serious. “Really, you’re going to play this game?”

  “Yes. Really. I think you might need to yell it out for the world to hear!”

  Rolling my eyes, I flung my head back so I wouldn’t yell into his face and screamed, “Yes!”

  Bringing my head back down, I looked up at him and gulped. The intensity of his gaze had me swooning.

  “Come here,” he replied.

  Taking my hand, he led me in a different direction. We run hand and hand down rows upon rows of wheat, until we came to a blanket showered with rose petals laid out in the middle of the field.

  I stood, staring down at it.

  What in the world? So many questions flew through my head.

  As if he could read my thoughts, my question was answered.

  “I don’t want you to sit directly on the hard ground. Your dress is too pretty, and I don’t want to ruin it,” he replied, helping me down onto the beautiful covering.

  We sat together, shoulder to shoulder, enjoying each other’s company on the blanket that he had bunched up between the rows of the wheat...

  “And the flower petals?”

  “They were added to see you smile… I've wanted to bring you here since I first laid my eyes on you.” David’s hands trailed up my sides, then down to my ass, the heat pooling in my core causing me to squirm on the soft blanket.

  His fingers massaged up my back, dancing over my spine to play over the zipper at the back of my dress. I felt him ever so slowly tugging the zipper down, that felt like a hot brand down my spine.

  His intense gaze held mine captive the entire time. “Tell me no, and I'll stop.”

  I bit into my bottom lip, weighing the pros and cons of our situation. We were still in the middle of the wheat field, in the middle of nowhere.

  “I don’t want to tell you no.”

  The sound of the zipper descending was loud to my ears, and I was glad it stopped once he reached the bottom. I was sure that the farmers up the dirt road could hear it too.

  “I like how shy you get. Pink is your color.”

  My eyes widened, and I could feel the healthy pink hue on my cheeks burn its way down to my breasts.

  Licking my lips, I took hold of his forearms. “I don't want you to stop, but I must ask… is it safe to be doing this here?” I looked around us with concern. I was by no means prudish when it came to him, but out in the open?

  Slowly, carefully, David laid me back. “I promise you; no one comes here at this hour. This field is ours alone, I’d never let anyone else see what is mine.”

  His hands traced over the straps of my dress, as they curled under the material; trembling almost as much as I was under his touch. We stared at one another as he tugged it down inch by inch until I was completely free of it.

  I shivered, laying back in nothing but my bra and panties.

  His eyes became heavy-lidded as they roamed over me; I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. He made even the smallest of things sensual.

  As he moved over me, my legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him in closer until I could feel him brush up against my core.

  The sensation dragged a moan from my lips, and I let my hand roam around his shirt. “You have too many clothes on,” I hissed between my clenched teeth as he pushed against me harder, letting me feel him.

  “That can be easily taken care of. Would you like me to take this off?” he asked, yanking the end of his shirt out of his waistline.

  I nodded vigorously at his question. A wicked thought popped into my head; one I had heard other women do.


  David’s hands stilled and he jerked his head up. “What is it? Is this too much?”

  “No,” I placed my hands over his. “I just want to do it for you.”

  “Oh,” he mumbled, licking at his lips. Rolling off me, he sat off to the side with his hands placed near his hips.

  I pushed up and moved over to him, sitting in front of him. Gripping the end of his shirt I bunched it up and pulled it up over his abs, working it up his body while caressing my hands over his finely muscled chest. His arms lifted as I tugged it up over his head and off his arms.

  I loved the feel of his skin under my palms; I wanted to rub on him all day. His chest was bare of any hair, and his body was well toned like a swimmer.

  Brushing my palms back down to the waistline of his jeans, I fingered the button, waiting for him to give me permission.

  I was surprised when his hands curled around mine, helping me pop the button out of the hole and steadily pushing the jeans over the well-defined v-shaped dip between his hips.

  Closing my eyes tightly, I helped him pull the remaining material down past his pelvis. I released the material and clenched my hands to my chest.

  “Won’t you look at me?”

  Now I felt foolish. Why had I drawn away from him like that? He probably thought that I wasn’t as interested in him as he was me, or that I was being a big chicken. Opening my eyes, I whipped my head up super-fast to look at his face.

  “I’m sorry.” My voice sounded abnormal to my own ears. “I’m just nervous.”

  A sly smile crossed his face. “We can be nervous together then because now you have more clothing on than I do.”

  My eyes widened in shock at the realization. For a moment I’d forgotten he was completely naked. My gaze slowly took all of him in, and my mouth dropped. I couldn’t help but stare at his hard length, and the sheer size of his girth. I couldn't pull my gaze away.

  It was the most drool worthy dick I’d ever seen. Well, the only one I had ever seen in real life. From what I could remember from sex ed class, he was over average in length and girth.

  “You’re huge!” I blurted before I could stop myself. My face flamed with embarrassment, and my hands covered my face with horror. God, why had I opened my mouth like that? Great going…

  “Hey,” David murmured near my ear. “It’s okay to be shy. Hell, Jamie.”

  I slid my hands down, watching as he brushed his hands through his hair.

  “I don’t even know what I’m doing.”

  I chuckled, his words making me feel better. “I don’t know either. I’m actually basing everything off the sex ed class we had together.”

  “Shit, so was I.”

  We both burst out in laughter. “So, you’ve really never done this before?”

  “Nope, never. You were actually the first girl I ever kissed… and went down on.”

  The thought of him going down on me made me squirm.

  Pushing all the panic back I held out my hand to him. I wanted him more than I had wanted anything in my nineteen years.

  Taking my hand, neither of us said a word, we just watched each other silently for a short time. It was like neither of us could stop ourselves from drinking in the other’s sight to memorize.

  “Just so you know, I wanted this to be special.”

  “I know… I want everything,
” I told him, a second before I kissed his lush, firm mouth. I loved everything about him—his eyes, his smile, how he had waited for me when I thought that I’d never see him again.

  A pulse of fire shot through me, the mere thought of him was enough to amp up my desire for him – sending wetness to pool between my thighs.

  He groaned as I yanked him down over top me. Our kiss deepened, tongues twining and twisting together in a dance of unspoken love.

  His hardness rubbed at my covered opening.

  I felt myself growing slicker by the moment. The feeling of him, and knowing I was about to be with the man I loved, was almost too much to bare.

  His fingers dug into my hips, and he hooked his thumbs into the sides of my panties. I felt the moment the cloth brushed down my thighs.

  The friction of his skin on mine wasn’t enough, I needed more. I untwined myself from him to kick off my panties as they reached my knees.

  “In a hurry?” David rasped throatily.

  To answer his question, I kissed and nipped at his throat where his Adam’s apple was. His fingers dug harder into my hips, and his groan vibrated my lips.

  “If you don’t stop that I’ll come.”

  Just at his dirty words, my toes curled with pleasure. I wanted him to come, but inside me. I wanted to feel his release, just once. I was on birth control; I was sure there would be no harm done.

  “Put it in,” I said with boldness I had drawn from deep inside me. I could still hear my voice shaking with shyness over the dirtiness of the words I had spoken. It was unlike me; I never said such things.

  “Mm, say it again,” he said in a low, gruff masculine voice. “Tell me what you want, Jamie. Tell me,” he demanded.

  It was like he knew how to do this without even trying. Sucking in a deep breath, I readied myself. “I want you to fuck me,” I blurted.

  He stared down at me, gaze searching, then nodded. I watched as his throat bobbed — his eyelids dropped, giving him a hooded and glazed look. Large hands slid under my ass cheeks, squeezing them. He engulfed them in his hold only to spread them a bit.

  My wetness had coated everything along my rear, and I knew he noticed when his eyes glazed over even more.


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