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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 46

by J P Sayle

“It’s too convoluted to explain and way left field, that sometimes even I find it hard to believe. Let’s just leave it at that.” Aaden’s menacing smile had Joe halting.

  “I think it’s time, Joe, for me to go get this asshole, don’t you?” The malicious intent seemed to fill the space inside the van, pulsing between them.

  Joe watched Aaden roll his massive shoulders, his large body stretched as much as possible in the confines of the van. His six foot six frame dwarfed most men. Muscles seemed to stretch for miles. Not as bulky as Joel, Aaden’s frame was leaner, extenuating all his assets. Black fatigues hugged his powerful legs, whereas the massive black jacket hid his upper torso. Though it didn’t conceal the raw power he exuded with each precision move he made.

  Aaden’s long tresses hung down his back, its colour hard to define. Joe had noted in the sunlight Aaden’s hair looked streaked making him wonder if it was natural. Golden streaks mixed with auburn and dark brown, flecked with gold, depending upon the light. His eyes coal black, had the ability to suck you into their depths. Strong cheekbones contributed to a Nordic God appearance. Though his lush, full lips gave an air of prettiness at odds with the grim, stern harshness he portrayed, rarely smiling.

  There had been a spark of recognition when they’d met, Joe convinced Aaden was gay, but he’d never had the courage to ask. The stern mask kept everyone at bay, including him. It was why he’d been surprised by the offer of help. Unsure why he’d opened up to Aaden, feeling compelled to, for some reason he still couldn’t fathom.

  Joe’s hands raked through his messy hair, his eyes never wavering from Aaden as he watched the mask he normally wore slip for a second, before the shutters fixed back in place. There was something almost ancient about Aaden when Joe looked deep into those dark eyes. He felt them speak to him, talking of pain and suffering he couldn’t even imagine. Feeling a little weirded out, Joe pushed his thoughts away.

  Aaden broke eye contact so abruptly Joe staggered, almost falling. Automatically grabbing the work station, Joe steadied himself. Wow, that was intense. Joe’s muscles twitched, electrocuted into action. He forced a laugh past his frozen lips, feeling the absurdity of the situation take hold.

  Joe swallowed past his rising hysteria, wetting his dry throat. The awkward silence had his hands nervously plucking at the invisible lint on his pants. The silence stretched, neither willing, it appeared, to break it.

  Joe sighed in defeat, speaking first. “Come on, we need to get this over with before Joel suspects something is going on. He has already voiced what he was going to do to me, but I’m not sure that will be enough to hang him with,” his eyebrows quirked up towards Aaden, his negative response expected, but disappointing him nevertheless.

  “You know what to do then?”

  Aaden’s small smile transformed the grimness, holy shit, he was breathtaking. Joe was thankful he didn’t unleash that too often. The instant swelling in his pants would be far too difficult to explain away. Self-consciously he tugged his top down, silently cursing his awakened libido. He needed to sort his dick out, or it was going to get him into trouble yet again. The subtle move not lost on Aaden, it would appear, when a smirk lit Aaden’s features.

  Pushing past Aaden, Joe opened the door, trying to hide the heat spreading up his neck, the blast of cold air welcomed against his overheated skin.

  Joe tucked in behind the door, inhaling the wintery air. “Go on. We may as well get the ball rolling.” Joe gripped Aaden’s sleeve as he passed, his eyes beseeching him to be careful. “Please be careful. He is a mean fuck when riled.”

  Joe shuddered at the malevolence that stared back at him.

  “You don’t need to worry about me, Joe. I promise you, I can take care of myself.” With that, the van dipped, Joe watched Aaden blend into the darkness. His movement’s silent, surprised such a large man he could move so quietly. He followed him till he lost sight before slamming the door shut and locking it.

  It was show time.


  Stuart found his feet tapping out a beat to the internal song that played in his head, Sia seemed to understand he was ready to “bang his head against the wall” if they didn’t hurry the fuck up and get off the phone. He scanned the papers in front of him for the umpteenth time. Hadn’t they already discussed this before they were interrupted, as far as he was concerned there was little more to talk about. The contracts were ready for signing. He glanced away from the papers he was holding feeling the weight of Martin’s gaze.

  Stuart raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Why on earth was Martin staring at him like that? Martin’s next statement finally penetrated.

  “Yes, man, you’re still welcome to come and visit, the only issue is I have sold my house, so the spare room is only available for three weeks till I move into Brad’s. But, I’m sure Brad will be more than happy for you to stay with us.”

  Stuart watched Martin purse his lips, hearing only one side of the conversation. He now understood who was on the other end of the phone. Martin had been talking on and off about Joe for weeks, worried his friend was in trouble but unable to ascertain what the hell was going on with him.

  Before Stuart could think, he interrupted. “Joe could stay on if he needs the room when you leave.” He shrugged nonchalantly at Martin’s surprised expression. “I have no issue with having a lodger for a while anyway, that’s if he wants to stay after you move out?” Unsure where the offer came from, Stuart felt himself grimace, but he let the offer stand.

  Stuart zoned out thinking about the past six months. Brad and Martin needed their own space after the court case. It had dragged on for months only recently finishing, and with that the press had finally given up hounding them. Martin’s protective feelings making it a foregone conclusion that he would move in with Brad quickly. Stuart wasn’t surprised when Martin offered him first refusal on the house weeks later since he’d been living in it for the last six months. His probationary period at the office finishing three months earlier, so he’d jumped at the chance.

  He had already chosen to stay and invest in Martin’s company, realising the Island was it for him. Kirk Michael had somehow become his home, getting the stamp of approval when his family had visited several weeks ago. So he’d bitten the bullet, and in less than three weeks, he would be the proud owner of his first house, when the contracts were completed.

  A warm feeling settled in his chest at the thought, grinning at Martin, Stuart’s smile slipped at his sour expression. Stuart concentrated on what Martin was saying, catching the tail end of the conversation.

  “Yes, I trust him. You will be safe, I promise.”

  The grimness he heard had him wondering what he’d missed. Stuart gazed at Martin, seeing his agitation seconds before he got up to march across the small office. Martin’s muscles flexed with each stride, his charcoal grey trousers hugging his firm ass. The crisp white shirt moulded to his chest, highlighting his glowing golden skin. Hazy sun crept through the window haloing his dark hair, making it shimmer in the light. Stuart pondered the fact he’d not really noticed what an attractive bastard Martin was. They were cut too much from the same cloth for either of them to go there, but still it didn’t harm to look in the sweet shop window.

  Stuart felt a stirring in his gut, unsure if the agitation building was because of Martin or something else. His own hands fidgeted when Martin tugged on the silver-grey tie like it was choking him.

  “Why the fuck won’t you tell me what is going on?” Martin’s anger seemed to fill the small space, whitened knuckles gripping the phone in agitation.

  Slight mumbling filtered past Martin’s ear into the room, but it was too difficult to catch when Martin moved to the window. “Okay, we will talk about this when you get here, that’s a promise.” Martin’s husky threat had Stuart consider whether he should retract his offer.

  He didn’t need any drama, his life was settled, if albeit a little boring, he was happy with the status quo and didn’t want to disrupt it.
Adjusting his navy trousers, he crossed his ankles waiting for Martin to sit.

  “Is everything alright with your pal?” Stuart kept his tone light, the tight smile Martin gave him little assurance about his friend’s situation.

  “Not sure what is going on, but he will be arriving tonight on the boat. It appears he is at the dock with his bike and van all ready to be loaded.” Martin’s self-deprecating laugh had Stuart wincing. “I have been nagging him for months and nothing. Now he is all but here without a by your leave. I’m not sure what triggered this quick decision, but he will be here in several hours.” Martin’s head shook before his worried eyes fell on Stuart.

  “We’ll soon find out, well hopefully. Are you sure, Stuart, that you want Joe to stay on after completion? He could stay with us.” Martin’s question demanded an honest answer, here was his out.

  “No it’s fine I have the room.” Not sure who was shocked more, him or Martin by his response. What the heck was wrong with him, he had a perfect out. His mouth just wouldn’t form the words to say no.

  Oh well, I could probably change my mind when the contracts are signed. Positive Martin wouldn’t have an issue with that. A sudden though distracted him, crap. He would need to check the house, uncertain if the spare room was clean and tidy. Remembering his mother was the last person to use it, Stuart relaxed. She would have tidied up, but he couldn’t remember if the sheets had been changed.

  Martin’s fingers snapped under his nose. “If you’ve quite finished daydreaming.”

  Martin’s sarcasm had his lips curving, Stuart’s charcoal eyes sparking with mischief. “Hey, I wasn’t the one who took a personal call when we were in the middle of a management meeting.” Stuart hid his chuckle behind a cough at Martin’s scowl.

  Stuart found their ongoing love/hate relationship worked in all areas of their lives. Their friendship had developed over the past six months, supported by the resolution of his and Brad’s past.

  Stuart had gone to bat for Brad in court, his evidence showing the court what an evil arse his father truly was day to day. Stuart had kept e-mails and letters full of bigoted hate, it supported the information Brad’s lawyer had uncovered on the zealot group he had been a part of, along with Ms Stevens, as it had turned out.

  The horrifying discovery that Ms Stevens had been quietly watching Brad all those years for Malcolm, had knocked Brad for six. Along with finding out his father had been inducted by his grandfather into the zealot group long before Brad’s birth. It was little consolation to Brad that he’d never stood a chance to escape a hate-filled life. The spine-chilling scars evidence enough of what Brad had endured living with such hate.

  For Stuart, his small part helped drive the final nail in Malcolm Cummings’ coffin, making him exultant he could finally repay a debt that should never have occurred.

  Stuart was pleased to see that Martin’s support and unconditional love had Brad’s glow of happiness return after the weeks of reliving his past for all to see. He also had noticed Brad no longer seemed as bothered by the scaring, wandering around in the garden without his top when they’d had the end of summer BBQ. They had combined it with a post celebration of his father’s deportation back to the UK with a life sentence. Stuart hoped he rotted in jail for many years.

  A tapping at the office door had him shouting distractedly, “Come in.”

  The resounding crash had both Martin and him groaning, trying to hide their laughter. Long arms and legs tumbled through the door and landing in a tangled heap at Stuart’s feet. Sighing, he got up to assist poor Greg of the floor.

  Stuart bit his lip hard to keep the laughter from escaping, crimson cheeks clashed horribly with Greg’s bright red hair. Greg’s normally pale skin looking more akin to a bright beacon that would signal to ships in the fog. “Come on, give me your hand.”

  Greg’s flustered pale blue eyes evaded Stuart. Greg’s hands fluttered about on the floor, attempting to gather the scattered files. Stuart knelt smiling kindly at Greg. A whiff of Greg’s candied breath ghosted past his mouth, enabling Stuart to taste the sweetness on his tongue.

  Seeing the effect he had on the poor man, Stuart knew he should pull back, but unable to find it in himself to resist, he stroked the inside of Greg’s wrist. Warm, soft skin twitched, before the pulse accelerated. Stuart leant in for a second, letting his hot breath skitter across Greg’s wet lips.

  “Are you alright?” Stuart lowered his voice sexily.

  Greg’s pupils blew wide open, making the pale irises disappear as candied puffs of breath forced their way out of his gaping mouth. Greg seemed at a total loss, his lips moving, but no words came out.

  Feeling a little sorry for being an ass, Stuart pulled back. The unimpressed glower he received from Martin had him hunching into his suit jacket. Martin had warned him, no fraternising with the staff. It was the only rule he had so Stuart had kept to it. As tempted as he was to break it for Greg that wasn’t what stopped him, it was the long-term commitment vibe that Greg wore that made him wary.

  Observing him now, he wasn’t tall at five foot six, though he had long, gangly limbs. His legs just seemed endless; long, toned, and slender. His pale skin, almost transparent, showed off the blue of his veins. Stuart was intrigued, wondering if his whole body would be the same. His pale blue eyes almost looked colourless when Greg was concentrating or black when his pupils blew like they just had. The red hair added to his overall cuteness factor, adding in the sprinkle of freckles across his pert nose. Again, Stuart wondered if his freckles were on any other part of his lithe body.

  Greg’s lack of confidence and submissive nature had him wanting to take him in hand, if only for a while, just to see what would happen in Stuart’s very capable hands.

  Stuart wondered how much of his thoughts he’d let slip when Greg gathered himself up, ensuring he didn’t touch any part of Stuart. Greg’s gaze seemed firmly fixed on Martin.

  Martin beckoned Greg to sit in the chair Stuart had vacated, stretching across the desk to take the files Greg had brought in to discuss. Stuart felt sorry for him as he hunched into the chair, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  It took a second for Stuart to notice Greg was holding his breath, until Martin spoke softly. “Greg. Greg, breathe for me.” His loud gusty breaths filled the office when he obeyed Martin’s command.

  “Greg, can I ask you a question? Are you happy here?” Martin’s questions surprised Stuart, unsure where the conversation was leading.

  Stuart lazed back against the wall and waited for Greg to respond. Greg’s quick head bob, his initial response. Martin though, seemed to expect more when he remained silent. Stuart could see the panic build in Greg’s face before he took a fortifying breath.

  “Yes sir, err, Martin, I love working here. And since Stuart gave me the opportunity to do more, I feel I’ve improved, but I know I could do better. I know I’m a little clumsy but I’m trying to learn to be a bit more controlled. My limbs seem to have a mind of their own so I have taken up yoga at Brad’s insistence, and it appears to be helping me. If you’re not happy with my work or me, I’ll just get my stuff and go. You know I’m sorry if I’ve caused any trouble.”

  Stuart rubbed his temples, struggling to keep up with Greg’s prattle. Jerking his head at Martin, asking silently how the hell they could reassure his insecurities. The work he did was exceptional, he would be a big loss if he left. The office was running like a well-oiled machine because of him.

  Stuart dropped his hands onto Greg’s shoulders, holding him in place. Greg’s muscles bunched under him. Attempting to sooth, Stuart massaged at the rigidness. He felt Greg shy away seconds before Martin glared, giving him a back off look.

  Holding his hands up in surrender Stuart stalked out of the room, his temper increasing. I was only trying to bloody help for God sake, feeling fed up, he headed for the kitchen. Slamming cups down he set about making drinks for all of them, hoping Greg and Martin sorted things out.

  He gave a half-
hearted sigh, knowing he would need to apologise to Greg. Accepting it was his fault Greg got skittish around him. Stuart had an uneasy thought cross his mind. Could his behaviour be construed as sexual harassment? Was Greg right now telling Martin he was harassed by Stuart? A feeling of dread sat in his stomach as he headed back with the tray, hopefully a peace offering and apology would help settle things for Greg.

  Words slammed into his gut as he reached the open door, making his earlier thoughts a reality.

  “I don’t like the way he flirts with me all the time, it flusters me. I know he is not interested, because why would he be, look at me. I am a complete klutz, plain, and not very attractive. I love my job, but I’m worried that if I piss you both off, then I’m going to be out on my ear.” Greg’s pleading tone made his heart sink into his shoes.

  Stuart waited for Greg to finish. He’d already fucked up enough. The reality that his flirting had made Greg uncomfortable when all he’d seen it as was a bit of fun, was a stark realism. Fuck, Greg could have taken him to court and handed his arse back to him in a basket. But no, instead he was trying hard to keep it together so he could keep his job.

  Stuart’s hands clenched the tray hesitating for just a second, before steeling himself for what was coming. Stepping into the office, Greg’s alarmed stare had his neutral mask slipping into place. Laying the tray down, Stuart carefully handed out the drinks. Stepping back, making sure not to touch Greg, Martin’s raised brows indicated for him to start.

  Crap, crap, crap, here goes nothing, his internal litany not helping his fraying nerves.

  “Greg, look at me please.” Stuart’s voice came out harsher than he’d intended but his nerves were kicking in. He attempted to tone it down when Martin shot him daggers.

  Stuart was convinced Greg’s eyes only reached his chin, so he purposefully lowered to his knees. His knees cracked before popping at the movement. Stuart felt the heat hit his chest a second too late, he scrambled back screeching, “arghhhhhh.” He wrenched the scalding hot drenched shirt from his chest, cursing.


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