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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 62

by J P Sayle

  Stuart’s shoulders rounded, immediately making Joe pleased to have got his point across. Dusting his hands together before striding off in search of something to eat when he realised he’d not eaten anything since lunchtime, and he was starving.

  Settling on the sofa, Joe was pleased that the evening had turned out better than he’d expected after the initial issues. Perplexed he watched Stuart with Princess, it seemed they had reached a silent agreement now that they had a common enemy. But for the life of him, he just didn’t get what Princess’s or Stuart’s problem was with Max and Aaden respectively.

  Max being a Manx cat should have at least created a little solidarity between them, surely?

  He supposed Stuart’s apparent jealousy of Aaden had something to do with his obvious attractiveness. That he was definitely worth a second look, standing six foot six, rocking hard body made for wet dreams, topped off with beautiful multi-tonal shoulder length flowing locks. A face that spoke of deep sorrow and something almost untouchable that insisted you take a second look so you could lose yourself in those coal black eyes.

  The thing was, he wasn’t even sure if he could explain to Stuart that though he found Aaden attractive, he had lost his soul to a stranger on a street corner years earlier. Sad charcoal eyes had haunted his dreams for more years than he could say, taking away any chance he had off keeping any relationship alive. Those eyes had called to him, and in part, he wondered if that was why Joel had appealed to him because of his hair and eye colouring matched his dream man?

  Said dream man currently was stretched out with his e-reader absently stroking Princess as she stretched out on his legs. A feeling of warmth settled in his chest, spreading his serenity at finding something he’d never realised he’d lost on that street corner in London.

  Giving an internal sigh he shook of the past Stuart hadn’t mentioned. What the hell was he going to do with the pair of them?

  Joe sank into the big cushions of the deep forest green sofa feeling the pillows surround him. He considered the house across the road, comparing it to what he now felt was home. This place just felt right, like it was meant to be his. The muted blues, claret, and deep greens were used as the colour palette throughout the house, showing Stuart’s masculine taste. Though some of the shades were dark, the rooms still glowed with cosy warmth.

  The claret walls complimented the forest green sofa and snuggler. The matching chunky handmade oak furniture gleamed under the flickering firelight. Brass lamps were strategically placed to allow light to fill the corners of the room.

  Joe wiggled his ass, stretching out against the big stuffed pillows. His head rested back, the fire catching his eye. Flames danced creating rainbows of colour, the deep blue turning a violent red as the wood ignited. Feeling its heat seep into his body, a feeling of safety he hadn’t considered feeling again cocooned him. Stuart’s home, no it was their home, he felt that deep inside, this was theirs now.

  The idea grew as he looked up from under his lashes at the man that was changing his world. His heart clutched in his chest as hooded charcoal grey eyes gleamed at him from across the room. Breathlessly he watched the smile slide slowly across Stuart’s beautiful mouth, growing in intensity as his stare never wavered.

  Propelled off the sofa by need, Joe bent forward until his lips gently pressed against Stuart’s. Not looking for more than letting him know how happy he was, he kept the kiss light. Floating inside the kiss his knees weakened, Joe’s moan was captured in Stuart’s mouth as he encouraged Joe to deepen the kiss.

  Joe deepened the kiss, the gentleness coating it in a beautiful dreamy glow that gently built their passion. Pulling back, feeling overwhelmed by the beauty of the kiss, cupping Stuart’s face, words flooded his mind, wanting to be unleashed. Love, God he loved him so much it hurt to look at his dreamy face.

  Joe stepped back, insides quaking at his emotions. Not yet, no, he wasn’t ready, but God he wanted to be. Joel was out there somewhere, and though he’d not made his presence known, Joe knew it was coming as sure as day would turn to night, and the last thing he wanted was for Stuart to get caught up in his shit.

  His unsettling thoughts had him returning to the sofa and sitting back down. He ignored the concerned look Stuart cast his way. Joe picked up his own e-reader, pretending to read. Worrying his lip, Stuart’s taste lingering on his lips. The unique flavour had him craving more, more of everything. Joe was adamant he’d have it, but not before the issues with Joel had been sorted, he needed to protect Stuart from his shit. Whether he agreed or not.

  Concentrating on Aaden, he realised he hadn’t mentioned anything about Joel. Rubbing his arms, Joe pulled his legs in and hugged them close. He knew Aaden was going to want to talk about it, but that he would need to happen when Stuart wasn’t around. Stuart still didn’t understand all that had gone on, and as far as Joe was concerned, he’d never get to see how evil Joel was.

  Pondering how he was going to speak to Aaden without Stuart present, Stuart hadn’t mentioned any weekend plans. Sucking on his lip again Joe realised he had the perfect ruse. Aaden was going to need a lot of help to sort out that house, he’d already offered so it wouldn’t look suspicious. It was going to take a great deal of hard work getting rid of the décor alone. Joe grimaced at the thought of what the rooms he’d not seen looked like.

  Glancing back at Stuart and Princess, those two were just going to have to get over themselves when it came to Aaden and Max. They were his friends and he wouldn’t be dictated to by a cat or a man.


  Stretching against Stuart’s legs, they may have got off to a rocky start, but it would appear they now had a common goal, hating their neighbours.

  Princess knew she was going to have her work cut out for her trying to avoid the monster across the road and keep an eye on Joe in Stuart’s absence. Well, she had to make sure he was safe even if that meant putting herself in Max’s path.

  Settling back against Stuart, it was a hard job, but somebody had to do it.

  If her body quivered, or radiated with excitement at the thought of Max’s large body pressed against hers, it was nobody’s business but her own.

  God, it has been so long since I’ve come into contact with a male cat, especially one that smells so inordinately good. For whatever reason she couldn’t fathom, he got her juices flowing.

  The chuckles that shimmied over her senses had her burying her head. Nope, not listening, mother, her mother could take her humour and shove it where the sun didn’t shine.

  Observing Joe with hooded eyes, Princess could see the look of determination cross his face as his thoughts flooded her mind. Grumping, she lamented her situation. Life could suck at times, but she wasn’t going to be defeated that easily.


  Stuart reached into the shower and turned it on, letting it warm. A shit-eating grin spread across his face when the smell of frying bacon filled the warming air. It was a real bonus that Joe loved to cook, he could, it was he just hated to. His food bill had gone up, but his crappy takeout diet had reduced, so he supposed it was a win, win situation. Especially when he got to wake up on the weekend, finding his boyfriend was making him breakfast.

  Stuart stepped into the shower letting the warm water relax his sore muscles, washing away the dregs of sleep. Stuart’s mind locked on the word boyfriend, liking how it defined their relationship. The question was, did he want more? His heart was already racing ahead seeing all the possibilities. The more time he spent with Joe, the more profound his feelings seemed to be. Stuart wasn’t frightened of the depth of his love for Joe when he could see what a truly gorgeous human being he was.

  It hadn’t taken him long to realise that Joe liked to nurture. Fussing over him when he’d finally stopped worrying about what Stuart would construe was between them. The problem was Stuart wasn’t sure if Joe realised how adoringly he looked at him, last night being point in question. The emotions shining in his eyes when he’d come over to kiss him would have bu
ckled his legs if he’d been standing.

  He’d been positive Joe wouldn’t stop and say those words that seemed to hover between them. Until that point he hadn’t realised he needed them more than oxygen. It had physically hurt when Joe pulled the shutter back down. He’d reassured himself at least he wasn’t the only one with strong feelings. Stuart just needed to find a way to get Joe to open up wholly to him.

  His stomach growled reminding him that breakfast was waiting for him. Hurrying, he finished washing, drying quickly. Stuart dressed in low slung, tight-fitting jeans and a dark grey T-shirt, which hugged his chest. Bolstering himself with his clothes, knowing he looked good but he wanted to reaffirm it to Joe. Not wanting to examine why too closely, Stuart headed downstairs.

  The ache in his thighs reminding him exactly how hard he’d worked the night before when he’d pinned Joe to the bedroom wall while pounding his tight ass. The possessive urge had him pouncing as soon as they had gone to bed. Stuart had spent hours exploring and worshipping every inch of Joe, hoping to eradicate any thoughts Joe might have previously had about Aaden.

  Unbidden images of last night popped into his mind making his groin tighten as he stepped into the kitchen. Joe gave him a distracted smile before turning back to the cooker. Oh no, that won’t do at all, heading to him, Stuart paused when a small hand rose to stop him. Stuart’s brow rose questioningly.

  “No you don’t, I know that look. I haven’t just spent an age getting breakfast ready for you to ruin it with your sexy ass moves. Plus, I invited Aaden over, and he will be here any second.”

  Unable to stop what he knew was sullen scowl cross his face at the mere mention of Aaden’s name, Stuart ignored Joe’s arched look and stepped back, muttering under his breath about inconvenient neighbours. He plonked himself down at the table a second before the doorbell rang, resigned that his morning wasn’t going to go as planned when Joe skipped out of the kitchen.

  Scowling at the empty room hearing the deep husky voice caressing the air, irritated him further. His teeth ground together in frustration, Stuart gave himself ten out of ten for trying to smile when Aaden walked into the room behind Joe, even though it was killing him inside. The condescending smirk Aaden threw his way had his teeth grinding.

  Clutching the chair to stop himself from punching the smug bastard in the face, Stuart watched Aaden touch Joe’s arm. His short nails dug into the wood when Aaden held on for a few more seconds than he felt were absolutely necessary. Joe seemed oblivious, strolling to the table with the platters of food.

  Stuart could smell the other man’s scent clinging to Joe, wafting as he moved around the kitchen. Spiced herbs and something musky mixed with the smells of cooking. Breathing past the urge to grab Joe and roll all over him, shrewd enough to realise the feelings were absurd. He still found himself getting up, using the pretence of helping Joe, Stuart repeatedly brushed against him. Making sure to rub his cologne over any part he could.

  Stuart lowered his head, gently sucking on Joe’s luscious mouth until he elicited a moan of pleasure. Groaning in appreciation when he felt Joe grinding firmly against his thigh.

  Aaden’s chuckles had him reluctantly stepping back, feeling a little flustered at having forgotten for a moment he was there. Joe seemed to have the ability to make Stuart lose himself, but then who could blame him, Joe’s mouth was beyond addictive.

  Stuart licked his lips, taking the remaining taste of Joe into his mouth. Glancing at Aaden, Stuart halted at the look of pure unadulterated desire aimed at the pair of them. He felt the intensity spread across his body, his cock hardening, wow.

  Feeling a little unnerved he sat down, not wanting Aaden to see his interest. Stuart wasn’t shy about the thought of anyone watching, in fact, he felt his insides curl with lust at the possibilities. The idea took root and persisted on, not letting go. He’d never been an exhibitionist, but the sense of being watched by this man while he fucked Joe, made his insides quiver with desire. Trying to shake off the thoughts, Stuart ignored Aaden’s small smirk and the slight head bob as if acknowledging it was a possibility. Exhaling sharply, Stuart looked anywhere but at Aaden. Is he really a fucking mind reader? Recalling the feeling at the boat yesterday, it was making him feel a little weirded out.

  Catching Joe’s glowing smile he let it distract him. Could he let someone else watch them together? God, yes he could if it was Aaden, the answer that popped so suddenly in his head had him reeling. There was just something so alluring about the man that made him consider the possibility. Not that he could allow Aaden, or anyone else for that matter, to do more than watch.

  Lost in his thoughts a cough had him looking up.

  “You with me, you have been staring at your breakfast for the last five minutes. Don’t you want it?” The quizzing expression Joe gave him had him picking up his fork. He made a valiant attempt at not touching his now raging hard-on.

  Stuart focused on the conversation that was flowing between Joe and Aaden, hoping it would distract him. Only catching the words ‘later this morning,’ Stuart spoke. “What are we doing later this morning?” His brow scrunched, had he forgotten something? He’d assumed they would be having a lazy day. Distracted as Princess sauntered into the room, he missed Joe’s response.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  Joe rolled his eyes at him “I said I’m helping Aaden empty the house and get rid of all the shit brown, because no fucker could live with that. Even one night, is far too long.”

  Stuart chuckled at Joe’s exaggerated shudder, offering up his services before he could think about it. “I can help as well, the more the merrier, right? I’m sure you want to get it sorted ASAP.”

  Aaden’s perceptive grin had him wanting to shift in his seat.

  His deep husky voice made goosebumps prickle over Stuart’s body. “There is always room for one more, in fact I’m sure you’d agree. There is nothing better than watching a man working hard to build a sweat.”

  The implied sexual innuendo had Stuart’s mouth drying, swallowing several times as images bombarded his mind against his will. Jumping up, needing a little space to get his lust under control, he turned away, paying no attention to Joe’s puzzled stare. Not wanting Joe to see his predicament, he all but ran out of the room as if the fires of hell were chasing him.

  Shouting out as he left, “I’m finished, I’ll just get changed and be with you in a few minutes.” Not waiting for an answer, Stuart ran upstairs unbuttoning his jeans as he moved, yanking them down as he hit the bathroom doorway. Stuart slammed the door shut behind him.

  Relief was instant as his cock all but leapt out of his boxer briefs, grabbing the hard, velvety length waving like a flagpole between his legs. Stuart searched for anything that could be used as lube, seeing nothing he licked his palm. Heading to the loo, not wanting to make a mess he’d have to later explain. Using the flashing images flooding him, he stroked himself. The stimulation almost too painful, it had him on the precipice within seconds. Thoughts of Aaden’s dark, sultry piercing eyes watching his every move, while Stuart slowly pushed his cock into Joe’s waiting mouth, took his breath away. He could all but feel Joe’s tongue sliding across his fevered flesh, seeking Stuart’s unique flavour, before nuzzling into the base of his cock as he deep throated him.

  Stuart groaned in pleasure, blindsided by his thoughts. He let his mind paint vivid pictures, reality slipping away as he stroked his throbbing cock. Thrilled as it slid with ease, slick and shiny it mimicked Joe’s saliva on his turgid flesh. The mushroomed head leaked allowing his fingers to slip easily, teasing the sensitive skin.

  Overwhelmed, Stuart’s sac tightened seconds before his cock throbbed, the smell of cum flooded the air as it splashed over the loo and floor. Quaking and shuddering, his orgasm pumped from him, causing a loud growl to escape, “Uhhhgggg.” Dragging in large gulps of air, Stuart clutched at the tiled wall when his legs threatened to buckle under the force of his orgasm. He rested his forehead against the cold titles, l
etting them chill his heated, sweaty skin, giving himself a moment to gather his scattered beliefs.

  “Mother fucker where the hell did that come from?” The chuckle rose at his stupid question, he knew fine well where that orgasm had come from. He just prayed that they hadn’t heard him downstairs.

  Stuart hurriedly cleaned up, not wanting to get caught in the act of tidying up his mess. He rushed, changing into some old clothes. The small meow behind him had his swirling around, guilt etched into his face. “Shit, you frightened about ten years off my life.” Stuart disregarded Princess’s nonchalance while pulling on his clothes. Unaware his blond hair was in total disarray. He headed downstairs when he heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Pausing at the bottom of the stairs, had he ever made Joe laugh like that?

  Stuart’s brows furrowed as he looked at the waiting Princess. Anxiety knotted his stomach when feelings of insecurity assaulted him, making him feel apprehensive. Not something Stuart was familiar with, he could feel his earlier euphoric rush dwindle away.

  His previous thoughts of Joe and him entertaining Aaden left him feeling cold, with Joe’s laughter ringing in his ears, taunting him. Noting his trembling hands, Stuart pushed them into his ratty trousers. The small nudge to his leg pulled him out of his reverie. Princess’s encouragement had him moving, bolstering him as he dragged his unwilling feet back toward the kitchen.

  Traipsing behind him, Princess pushed at Stuart’s negative thoughts, putting visions of Joe and Aaden together. Feeling a little chuckle escape as Stuart quickened his pace, nearly tripping over his own feet to get back to Joe.

  Stuart suddenly had an overwhelming urge to get to Joe. He burst into the kitchen feeling two pairs of eyes turn and stare. The sudden silence was deafening, Stuart felt his heated embarrassment crawl up his neck and face. Aaden’s apparent perusal of his body had him realising too late his T-shirt was two sizes too small, showing off his pecs and abs. The trousers not much better, hugging his crotch and showing his growing interest in Aaden’s heated stare.


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