The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set
Page 156
The sheer amount of time they’d spent together meant Nick was way behind on finishing Aaden’s kitchen table and starting Gemma’s kitchen. Never mind the long list of customers he’d found Nick had in the UK, waiting for bespoke pieces. And that made total sense why Nick was looking at rental properties. He clearly needed somewhere local to work because Aaden’s garden shed was nowhere near suitable for what he was going to need to establish his business locally.
Brody’s mouth lifted into a big arse grin at the very idea of Nick moving permanently to the island with him. Their conversations over the past week about their future replayed over in his mind as he walked towards the seated area in arrivals.
Nick’s house was on the market. It seemed his mum was more than happy to sort out selling the property when she’d found out Nick and he were dating. Though he wasn’t sure dating quite fit what was between them. The intensity of his feelings seemed to multiply daily. He felt they couldn’t even be measured by infinity. The fuckers were so huge, Brody wondered at times if there was anything inside his heart, his soul other than Nick. His sole focus was Nick, and if he was honest, it was a little disconcerting, to say the least. The only saving grace was Nick seemed to be in the same boat.
The fact that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other didn’t help much to Aaden and Greg’s horror, he was sure. Especially when they’d fucked like rabbits in nearly every room of Aaden’s home. Fuck, he’d never seen so much action. And the fact that Aaden and Greg did their best to avoid being in the same room as them showed how bad it was.
The last few days with Nick were more than he’d ever hoped for, and that had him circle back to this issue Nick had with Ellie. As much as he denied or tried to hide it, Brody could sense Nick’s unease.
He cast a quick glance over his shoulder at Nick lagging behind him. Brody considered him for a minute. The battered brown leather jacket hung open to reveal a fitted khaki jumper that moulded itself to his firm chest. Nick had paired it with beige cargo trousers and brown Timberland boots. The rough-and-ready appearance was just a little too put together for a work day and a quick trip to the airport. Shaking off the sense Nick might have dressed up to meet Ellie, Brody noticed the deep lines etched around his mouth and furrowed brow. Nick was clearly not happy to be there, so why the hell did he insist on coming with him?
“What’s up, Squirt? You look as if someone died.”
“Nothing’s up. What time did you say his plane was due in?”
Concerned by the strain in Nick’s forced jovial tone, Brody stopped walking. He faced Nick, taking his freezing hand and tugging him closer. As he tucked Nick under his arm, a sigh escaped when Nick melted against him. The spicy hint of Nick’s aftershave was more than enough to have his body reacting. Knowing this was not the place to start anything, Brody satisfied himself with a quick peck on Nick’s sweet mouth.
“Hey, Nick. God, what a surprise to see you here. What brings you to this place?”
Brody reluctantly released Nick’s divine mouth and glanced up at the owner of the deep, masculine voice. Brody noticed with some disgust how much he had to tilt his head to make eye contact. He estimated the guy was at least a couple of inches taller than him. The fair hair was threaded with flecks of silver. Styled in a windswept fashion, it gave him a youthful appearance. His stubbled, chiselled jawline was more silver than fair. There were tiny lines around his almond eyes and around his soft plump lips. Brody estimated he was probably closer to forty or possibly a little over that. It didn’t matter. No matter how much he wanted to find fault with the guy’s face, he couldn’t. He was gorgeous, even more so when he stared at Nick, his face full of genuine warmth and happiness.
Tugging Nick a little closer, he tightened his grip and forced the snarl back down his throat.
The stunning smile lighting Nick’s face when he looked up inquiringly at the man was more than Brody could stand. His jaw ached with the urge to beat his chest and tell the fucker to get lost. Brody gave himself major points for not punching the guy in his gorgeous face and knock him on, what he was sure, would be a very fine arse, judging by what he could see. The long, lean body, though hidden beneath his loose-fitting suit, that if Brody wasn’t mistaken was a Hugo Boss, didn’t conceal the restrained power.
Brody eyed him warily when Nick shook off his grip and stepped towards the guy without introducing them. He released a warning growl. It did nothing but garner him an eye roll from Nick and a raised brow from the guy.
Brody rammed his clenched fists into his jean pockets, out of harm’s way. He waited, not so patiently, for Nick to explain who the guy was.
“Connor, oh my God, what are you doing here? I came to visit my brother, who moved here a few months back.”
Brody noticed Nick shrugged but never looked back at him as he carried on talking.
“And I decided to stay. That’s the long and the short of it. Anyway, the funny thing is, I was thinking about you only the other week. Thinking I should give you a call. How weird is that? Then you turn up here of all places,” Nick mused.
Brody missed the odd look on Nick’s face. All he could hear was the part about Nick going on about ringing this arsehole and how he’d gushed all over the guy. Never mind the overfriendly hug he was now giving him. That, in Brody’s opinion, lasted much longer than was necessary and set his teeth on edge. He was unable to prevent himself from stepping closer the minute Nick let go. He reached for Nick’s hand, intertwining their fingers and tugging him away from Connor. He pretended not to see the question clearly written on Nick’s face, asking what the fuck he was up to.
He could ask the same thing when Nick continued to fail to introduce them. The green-eyed monster which sprang to life the moment the guy wrapped his lean arms around Nick was not up to answering any questions. No, it wanted answers and make sure Connor—whoever the fuck he was—understood Nick was his and no one else’s.
Brody wanted to choke on the sweetness that caused his teeth to ache when Connor’s soft-as-honey voice responded to Nick.
“I came for an interview for the head teacher position at the high school in Ramsey. They’ve offered me the post, so I’m going home to think about it for a few days.” He shrugged. “I’ve been looking for more of a challenge workwise. Anyway, after my boyfriend dumped me, it just seemed like now was the time to try something different. The offer couldn’t have come at a better time, I suppose. What is it they say? ‘A change is as good as a rest.’ And I could really do with something new in my life.”
The edge of sadness Brody could hear made him feel a little shitty for acting all caveman, until Nick shook off his hold and stepped back to Connor, hugging his waist.
“He was a dick, Connor. Nothing is gonna change that. The little shit was only interested in what he could get off you. I bet he dumped you because you said no to something.”
Connor eyed Nick with speculation. Why could Nick see this shit when I couldn’t?
He winced at Nick’s laughing response.
“I hit that shit right on the head, didn’t I?”
“Okay, you little bugger. Yes, you’re right, but don’t let it go to your pretty little head.”
Connor tilted his head, listening to the tinny announcement advising he should head to the departure lounge, after it announced the incoming flight from London.
He untangled himself regretfully from Nick’s firm hug. “Listen, that’s me. It’s great to see you, and when I get my shit together and make a decision, I’ll give you a text. Maybe we can have a proper catch-up, and you can fill me in on what’s been happening in your life.” He cast a quick glance at the glowering man standing towering over Nick, giving a “hands off my man” vibe.
He offered a tentative smile before looking back at Nick. With an agreement to ring Nick the following week, he gave a wave before strolling off. Connor thought Nick was right. It was a small world. He sighed in regret and not having the balls to confess his feelings to Nick. Connor hadn’t missed
the love shining in Nick’s eyes for the man with him, even when he’d been a little pissed at him. Yeah, he’d have had to be blind to miss it. He also acknowledged that what he’d felt for Nick was a pale imitation of what the guy with Nick was projecting.
He stepped onto the escalator, trying his best not to let his head go to why it was never going to be him someone looked at with utter devotion. His kink was too deeply ingrained and more than any of his exes could cope with. No, he was better alone.
Brody watched Connor disappear up the escalator. His eyes narrowed when he saw his shoulders droop as if the weight of the world was sitting on them.
“There’s a little blond munchkin waving at you through the glass.”
Confused, Brody glanced at Nick, unsure what had caused the sharp edge in his voice. His gaze moved to the glass when Nick poked his nose towards the glass. A smile lit his face seeing Ellie jump up and down excitedly. Today’s outfit seemed tame compared to what Ellie normally wore. The neon-pink puffer jacket matched his pink fringe and pale pink trousers tucked into black combat boots. His hair was styled into a Mohawk at the back. Brody was amazed that what should in essence look ridiculous on Ellie it just made him look chic.
He was so lost in the joy of finally having Ellie here he didn’t notice Nick stay put as he strolled to the window and waved. He laughed out loud when Ellie started jabbering, his arms waving around as if Brody could hear him and there weren’t several inches of glass between them. Brody rolled his eyes, pointing to the glass. He waved at him to look at the now full carousel behind him, and go and get his suitcases.
He turned to speak to Nick, only to find he wasn’t behind him. He looked to where they’d been standing to find him firmly rooted to the spot watching Brody with what he could only describe as a mutinous scowl.
He walked back to him, and lowering his voice, he asked, “What’s your problem?”
“What’s my problem? I’ll tell you what my problem is. You. You act all He-Man over Connor hugging me, and don’t deny it. Now you’re fawning and grinning like a fool at a work colleague.”
“Hey.” Brody knocked Nick’s hand away, rubbing at the now sore spot Nick’s finger had tried to drill a hole in.
Brody stepped away when Nick didn’t let up.
Protecting his chest, he demanded, “What are you insinuating? You know damn well Ellie is not my type. The only type I have is you. And you didn’t even bother to introduce me to Connor.”
Before he could react, Nick dragged his head down towards his, giving him a blistering kiss that would have melted the paint off the walls, before he was released abruptly.
Brody was confused when Nick shouted, “And don’t you forget it, mister.” He didn’t know what he was supposed to be forgetting when he’d kissed every thought from his head.
“Are you done, or should I just wait for you two to finish?” Ellie asked, giggling when they both shot him matching warnings. “Oh, come on. It’s been weeks since I’ve been able to rib Brody.” He aimed a sunny smile at the guy who he knew was Nick, trying to melt some of the frost.
Ellie knew he was a lot to take in at once. But that still didn’t mean he wanted there to be any misunderstanding between them. Ellie got that Brody belonged to Nick. He might just be a tiny bit jealous. In all the time they’d known each other, Brody had never given any indication he thought of Ellie as anything other than a friend, and the feeling was mutual.
He held out his tiny hand, praying Nick didn’t break it when he glowered before accepting his offer. “Let’s do this properly. Hi, I’m Ellie Morris. I’m twenty-two, single, and fabulous.”
Brody’s lips twitched when Nick eyed Ellie like he’d lost the plot.
“Hi, I’m Nick Riley. I’m thirty-one soon to be thirty-two, and just so we’re clear, Brody is mine.”
Brody’s mouth dropped open at Nick’s boldness.
Ellie offered a massive grin to Nick, thinking he was going to enjoy getting to know him. “Well, now we’ve cleared that up, shall we go? I can’t wait to see the house and do some exploring.”
Bemused Brody followed behind the two men. The only similarity between them was their colouring. Though there was only a few inches difference in height between the men, their different statures made Ellie appear tiny next to Nick. Ellie’s bubbly personality was so different from Nick’s usually reserved snarky nature.
Hefting the suitcases into the boot of the car, Brody listened to Nick’s patient responses to Ellie’s constant chatter as he fired questions at a hundred miles an hour. Brody forgot how Ellie could be when he was nervous or out of his comfort zone. He wanted to grab Nick and kiss him as he saw Nick’s easy acceptance of Ellie’s slightly manic behaviour. Not overthinking it, he did just that. The kiss got him a dazed grin from Nick and a loud wolf whistle from Ellie.
He threw a wicked grin at both men. Opening the passenger door, he shooed them into the back seat. As he got in, he flipped on the radio, drowning out Ellie’s excited voice as he drove them to Greg’s old house.
Once Ellie was happily settled and had all the contact addresses and phone numbers he needed, they left to go back to Aaden’s.
Brody brooded on something they’d only touched on briefly: finding their own home. Having never really lived with anyone before, Brody was a little wary of taking that step.
You baulked.
Pretending not to hear his little inner voice, he reminded himself they’d officially only been together a matter of weeks. It was all happening so fast Brody couldn’t quite catch his breath. The feelings were still so new, and he wanted time to come to terms with them.
You love him, and nothing is going to change that.
The voice of reason wouldn’t be shushed, and it hit Brody full in the face.
His knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel. He considered the best way to approach the question he wanted to ask. He didn’t want the voice of reason to shut up.
“Do you want to move in with me? Buy a house?” he blurted out. The hissed exhale that came from the passenger seat didn’t help the colour rushing up his neck. He forced himself not to look sideways at Nick. Instead he opened the window. Brody let the icy air cool his face when the silence lengthened.
The desire to pull over and escape the suddenly tense atmosphere was too much for him to bear. Before he knew it, he was indicating to pull over into the car park when he came round the last bend in Glen Helen. Parking in the deserted car park, he switched off the engine. Not looking at Nick, he went to get out of the car.
“Please don’t leave. I… I’m a little overwhelmed. Give me a minute to process.”
He paused at Nick’s quiet plea.
Sitting back, Brody turned and faced Nick. His pale ashen cheeks and glassy eyes were enough to root him to the spot. He waited. His hands, unable to stay still, twiddled with the keys in the ignition.
“No one has ever asked me to live with them before.”
Brody released Nick’s seat belt, dragging him over the console until he was straddling his lap. The memory of the last time he’d done the exact same thing came flooding back. Only that time there hadn’t been sadness in Nick’s voice, only anger. Needing to eradicate it, Brody cupped Nick’s face gently. Looking directly into his eyes, Brody spoke from his heart. “I’m yours, you’re mine, and there is nothing that will change that. Nothing, you hear me? I love you. God, I love you so much I don’t know how to hold it all inside me. I may be late to the love party, but now I’m here, there is nothing going to get me to leave. No spell has been able to stop us. Christina couldn’t break the laws of attraction between us. She may have been able to fool them for a while, but there is nothing on earth that can mess with our soulmate bond. You need to believe in us, trust that I won’t fuck this up.” Brody wiped the single tear sliding down Nick’s cheek, inhaling. He begged, “No tears. Fuck, you’re crippling me here.”
A soft chuckle brushed against his lips as Nick tipped his head closer to Brody’s and whis
pered, “The laws of attraction, yeah, I love the sound of that. And you’re right; I am yours.”
Brody was unable to respond when his mouth was devoured. The rightness of the moment was not lost on him as it settled firmly into his heart, his soul. His last coherent thought was, yeah, nothing could mess with the laws of attraction.
Christina tried to keep it together when she felt a flare of magic touch her soul. Breathing through her nose, she clenched the desk next to her and willed her legs to hold her up.
“You okay, Christina? You’ve gone a little pale.” Paul asked, his hand already reaching to take hold of Christina’s trembling arm.
Christina did her best not to flinch when his touch made her skin crawl. She offered what she hoped was a smile, stepping away from the desk while locking her spine. She gave an explanation that would shut him down straight away. “It’s that time of the month, and these stomach cramps are a killer.” She rubbed her stomach for effect. She would have laughed as the colour drained from his cheeks and his eyes darted to his colleague at the next desk as if seeking an escape, if not for the violent tugging inside her.
Taking tentative steps towards the door leading to the stairs, she prayed she’d make it before collapsing. The now much stronger tug on her soul said the king was getting impatient. No sooner had she stepped into the empty hallway than she felt the air move faster than was possible. The wave of dizziness forced her to close her eyes.
Her eyelids flickered open slowly at the familiar strong scent of incense. She huffed, regretting opening her eyes when the king’s angry scowl met her gaze.
The feeling of being put upon was more than she could stand. Forgetting her place, she demanded, “What have I done now? Dear lord, why can’t you just leave me to it? I’m doing my best, you know.” She hissed, pushing the hair that was irritating her from her face.