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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 177

by J P Sayle

  Neither man noticed. Connor was already hauling Ellie up into his arms, crushing his mouth to Ellie’s in a white-hot kiss.

  A rumbled moan vibrated against Connor’s chest as Ellie wrapped his arms around his neck. His nimble fingers grasped the hair at the nape of his neck and held on. Feelings flooded through him and took charge. So lost to the love and the moment of truth Connor groaned.

  This man was his, now and forever. To love, to honour, to cherish and Connor wanted it all. He wanted to shout it from the top of the tallest mountain, tell everyone Ellie was spoken for. Mine, mine, mine. One word didn’t seem enough to express what he knew to be true.

  His lips sought to reclaim the man who was indeed his.

  Moans and sighs filled his mouth, and he swallowed them much like he wanted to swallow Ellie whole. His hands held tight as his mouth moved over the puffy lips, his tongue sliding deeper into Ellie’s mouth, needing more.

  Overwhelmed with desire, Connor staggered blindly towards the stairs. “Hold on, sweetheart.” Ellie did so as Connor mounted the stairs. He burst through his bedroom door and lowered Ellie onto the bed, following him down. His arms caged Ellie, their chests heaving in time.

  “I love you. You’re mine.”

  The simple statement rang with truth, and Ellie rewarded him with a hip thrust. “Yes, Daddy, all yours, just as you’re all mine,” he stated before his lips claimed Connor’s.

  Nothing else was said as Connor stripped them both, between kisses. Naked and impatient Connor rolled on a condom, desperate to get inside his boy. His lubed fingers shook as they worked on stretching his boy.

  “Daddyyyyy… enough… I’m ready,” Ellie cried when Connor continued to stretch him.

  On a breathy moan, Connor slipped his fingers free and prayed that he didn’t hurt his boy. The tight muscle resisted as he pushed against his boy until eventually it gave way, and he eased in inch by inch. Sweat sheened his body by the time he was fully seated inside his boy, whose needy whines were ripping at his control. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of his boy’s buttocks as he willed himself to keep control.

  When his boy thrust against his hands and clenched down, gasping out, “Now, Daddy,” Connor lost it, and he slammed his hips forward. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, along with breathy moans and whines for “harder, faster, Daddy.”

  It was a fast and furious claiming that left Connor deaf and blind to everything bar his boy. His loud wail as his body strained before cum spurted out of his untouched cock forced Connor’s orgasm to the surface. His head flew back, his back arched, and he cried out. With everything in him, he wished it was his boy catching his cum and not a condom. He ground out, “We will be going to get tested as soon as possible,” before he collapsed on top of his boy a panting, sweaty mess.

  Hot breaths gushed past his ear. “Anytime you want, Daddy,” Ellie responded as Connor’s cock was crushed in his boy’s tight sheath.

  His boy, it would seem, was more than happy with his demand. Connor released a breathless chuckle, managing to roll to the side after carefully pulling out. With shaky hands, he rolled the condom off, tied it, and threw it towards the bin in the corner of the room before he sank into the mattress.

  “I take it you’re happy with my answer, Daddy?”

  His mind befuddled, it took a second to register what his boy was talking about. Connor twisted onto his side. His boy’s sleepy eyes stared at him with love. “Yes, I am. You make me so happy. I don’t know how to keep it inside me.” A blush rose, covering his face, but he continued, uncaring how sappy he sounded. “I love everything about you, and I want the world to know—”

  He was silenced when his mouth was covered, and Ellie gave him a blistering kiss.

  “I know, Daddy. I feel the same,” his boy said as he drew back and tucked his head under Connor’s chin, cuddling into his body.

  He gave a contented sigh. Pulling Ellie tight to his body, nuzzling his hair, Connor whispered, “I love you. And I can’t wait to see what you bought for Saturday night.”

  Ellie’s head lifted, and a grin slowly spread across his face.

  Connor groaned, kissing the tempting mouth, and mumbled, “I have a feeling you’re planning on blowing Daddy’s mind with your new outfit.” The chuckle brushing his mouth was all the answer he needed.

  The butterflies he’d been holding at bay since Ellie went to get ready decided to take flight at the sound of the door above opening.

  After his shopping trip, Ellie only left Connor’s home to retrieve his things from his rented house. They were now stashed in his two spare rooms, waiting for Ellie to sort through. Every time Connor thought about it, his face would split into a smile. Ellie was his. No matter how many times he felt it or said it aloud, it never failed to give him a happy glow.

  Tonight was going to be the icing on the cake as far as he was concerned, where he got to show the world his boyfriend, his boy, his one true love. The feet coming down the stairs faltered and got him moving out of the kitchen—his smile dimming with worry.

  Why had Ellie stopped? Was he having second thoughts about coming with him tonight?

  His lungs expelled the air so fast Connor clung on to the bannister for fear of falling over. Ellie stood poised on the stairs. His coiffed hair gleamed like a bright star under the lights above. The purple suit fitted like a dream, and it showed off Ellie’s trim body to perfection. The grey shirt made his eyes shine like polished silver. Connor’s tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. His gaze travelled down his boy, and his cock ached with the speed it hardened.

  Ungluing his tongue, he licked his lips, hoping it would help his dry mouth. “Fuck, you’re stunning.”

  With that, Ellie came down the remaining stairs. His hips swayed hypnotically as a big grin spread over his face. At the bottom of the stairs, he gave a twirl, his hands lifting from his sides. “You like, Daddy?” he asked, his lashes fluttering.

  There was that voice again that drove him to distraction. His jaw bunched while he worked on controlling the urge to rip that gorgeous suit of his boy, then show him exactly how much he liked what he saw.

  When Ellie took a step towards him, Connor retreated, his hands warding his boy off. “No. No way. If you touch me now, we won’t be going anywhere but back up those stairs. And as you have made so much effort for Daddy, you just need to give me a minute.” The desperation clawing at him was evident in his voice.

  Ellie took another step closer. His eyes were gleaming with mischief. “Are you sure, Daddy? I could get down on my knees and suck your cock before we leave.” His brows rose. “That way I wouldn’t mess up my suit.” He made it sound so logical that Connor was almost tempted.

  His chest heaved at the sound of a knock on the door. He was unsure if he was relieved or not at Nick’s timely interruption. At least he assumed it was Nick, having asked him earlier in the day if he would give them a lift to Douglas.

  With Ellie’s deflated sigh, Connor promised, “When we come home after the party, you can suck Daddy’s cock before I strip you out of that suit and fuck you till you can’t think straight.”

  The smile was firmly back in place on Ellie’s face, and Connor went to open the door, consoling himself with what would happen later.

  When they arrived at the Sefton half an hour later with an offer from Nick to ring when they wanted a lift home, Connor took hold of Ellie’s arm. He gave it a reassuring squeeze when Ellie’s eyes clouded with worry at seeing all the students milling about outside the hotel.

  Someone shouted Ellie’s name, and Connor turned to see Gemma strolling towards them through the crowd of students all dressed in their most elegant clothes. Girls and boys preened in front of each other and made him smile.

  “Hi, guys. Wow don’t you look a pair of bobby dazzlers in your suits,” Gemma said, grinning at the pair of them as she eyeballed them critically.

  Ellie gave her a twirl just like he’d done for him, and Connor glowed with pride. H
is hand automatically reached for Ellie’s to hold.

  “I brought my camera to take some pictures before you go in.”

  Ellie’s cheeks pinked as he gave Connor a sheepish smile, “Erm, I forgot to mention Gemma offered to take some pictures of us. You don’t mind, do you… babe?”

  Though Gemma seemed oblivious, Connor caught the obvious pause, and he wasn’t sure what the worry shadowing Ellie’s face was about. Squeezing his hand, he smiled at him. “I love that you want some memories from the night. If I’d have thought, I’d have asked Nick to snap a few pictures.”

  Ellie rolled his eyes and then froze. Connor chuckled, his eyes dancing with delight. “You didn’t just roll your eyes, now did you?” he asked in a hushed tone after lowering his mouth towards Ellie’s ear until it touched skin. At the stilted nod and sharp exhale, Connor left his lips there until Ellie’s mouth opened. Then he pulled back a fraction to whisper, “Daddy is going to give you a spanking right after you suck my cock dry.” On that, Connor stood up and pretended not to notice how breathless Ellie was or how Gemma’s gaze was fixed on the pair of them.

  “So where do you want us to stand for the—”

  “Oh, there you are, Connor. I was wondering when you’d arrive,” Miss Reardon stated in a sharp tone, stopping him dead in his tracks. His spine straightened, and he tightened his hold on Ellie’s hand as he shifted to face the woman now standing not two feet from him.

  Unfriendly eyes were travelling down to where he was holding Ellie’s hand, and froze there for a second before her gaze moved to his. She wasn’t quick enough to hide her distaste before she masked her face.

  Gemma, as if sensing the sudden tension, broke the silence. “Hi, I think I’ve met you at some government function. I’m Gemma.” She held out her empty hand, and Connor held his breath for a second while he waited to see if Miss Reardon would be distracted. When she took the hand and gave it a half-hearted shake, he let his breath go.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Are you one of the parents?” Not sure if it was meant as an insult or not, Connor went to intervene. Except that Gemma burst out laughing as she dropped Miss Reardon’s hand.

  “Fuck, no. There is no way in hell I’d want an ankle biter.” She shuddered for effect, laughing in the woman’s face. “My boyfriend, I’m sure you know him, Paul Black. I think he’s your boss?”

  With that, Connor glanced from Gemma and back to Miss Reardon as she jerked as if slapped.

  But Gemma didn’t stop there. “We aren’t into humans. We prefer our fur babies. I’m here tonight to take pictures of our friends Connor and Ellie. Paul thought it would be nice of me to come down and show some support with him away at the moment.” The explanation seemed plausible if Connor had met Paul Black, but he hadn’t. He kept that to himself, though, as Miss Reardon suddenly found she needed to go and speak to someone else.

  “Don’t let us keep you. I’ll tell Paul you said hello,” Gemma said, a devilish glint in her eyes. With that, the woman scurried off, and Gemma gave them both a sneer. “I never could stomach the stuck-up cow. I’m not sure why she hasn’t been sacked. She’s so fucking prejudiced.”

  Her gaze moved to Connor. “Don’t let the stupid cow get to you. I’ll have a word with Paul, and she’ll stop bothering you.”

  A wave of gratitude filled him as she trounced the ongoing worry he’d held about what Miss Reardon could do to his career. He stepped to Gemma and gave her a bear hug. “Thank you. You have no idea what a weight you’ve taken off me.”

  There was a flustered smile and an awkward pat to his back before the subject was dropped, and she directed them so she could take pictures.

  After that, the rest of the evening seemed to go in a blur, though he’d received a few raised eyebrows from some of his colleagues when they entered the ballroom, hand in hand. The students didn’t appear in the least bit fazed he’d brought a boyfriend with him. The fact that Ellie was asked to dance by several of the students, girls and boys alike, allayed any fear there would be any fallout.

  When Nick came to pick them up hours later, Connor was tired from all the dancing but so damn exhilarated he didn’t know how to contain it. The night could not have gone any better, and if the smiles his boy gave him were anything to go by, there was still more to come when they got home. His cock stirred at his earlier promises.

  Ellie pressed against his side, his head resting on his shoulder. A serene smile played on his lips as he snuggled into Connor when Nick pulled into the traffic and drove them home. Home. The one word rang in his mind. It was no longer a place. No, it was Ellie, his boy.

  The teacher had finally found his boy.


  Brody exited the taxi and held the door open for Nick, who followed at a much slower pace. There was a whole heap of reluctance about what they were about to do, and Brody felt the weight of it. His gut was a mass of ugly knots at the thought of cornering Luke, his ex, to talk about the gift of a dead animal and hiring someone to spy on them.

  Ever since Ellie explained to Nick about how Seb had found him, Brody had been unable to stop Nick from worrying. No matter how many times he’d reassured him, nothing stopped how withdrawn he’d become or the sleepless nights. Dark circles under Nick’s eyes were all the prompting he’d needed to book flights to the UK so they could work out how to stop Luke being a dick and let go.

  With more trepidation than he liked, Brody eyed the hotel entrance before reaching for Nick’s hand.

  “Are you sure we need to do this?” Nick questioned for the umpteenth time, his eyes firmly fixed on Brody, pleading for him to say no.

  On the count of five, Brody ground out, “Yes. I’m not watching you sink any deeper into the hole you are disappearing into every time Luke is mentioned. You’re so skittish. It’s making everyone nervous, including Aaden. He said if I don’t fix this, he is going to kick my arse.”

  “Oh please, when do you ever worry about my brother having a go at you?” Nick asked, his eyes rolling heavenward at what he apparently thought was a ridiculous idea.

  Brody, on the other hand, was not fooled. Aaden’s threat was clear: fix it or else. And not a fan of what the “or else” could mean, Brody was here, standing outside the hotel Luke worked in.

  This time, though, he was more concerned about Luke touching him in front of Nick. With Nick’s tendency to fight first before engaging his brain, it could end in disaster.

  Lips puffing out on a noisy exhale, he gripped Nick’s hand and marched him into the hotel. This was not going to end well!

  It was Greg’s voice he heard as he walked to the desk, dragging Nick behind him. Greg’s anxiety mirrored his own, but they needed to move on, and as far as he saw, this was the only way.

  Once he stopped, he asked the receptionist. “Would it be possible to speak to the manager, Luke Mason, please?”

  The receptionist offered a polite smile. “Can I ask what it is pertaining to? Mr Mason is a busy man and has a full calendar of appointments today.”

  Nick tensed at his side, his fingers holding Brody’s in a death grip.

  “It’s a personal matter. If you could just tell him Brody Quilliam is here to see him, please.” Keeping his tone neutral when her eyes widened slightly, he willed his pulse to behave.

  With the nervous energy pouring off Nick, Brody struggled to contend with it as well as his own nerves. Why had the girl’s expression gone from bored to interested?

  The pretty receptionist picked up a phone and dialled a number before twisting her body and lowering her voice. The two-minute conversation ended with her glancing back at them and nodding. Once she placed the phone down, she turned back to face them fully. “Mr Mason’s PA will be down to show you to his office. If you’d like to take a seat over by the lifts, she should only be a couple of minutes.” The phone in front of her rang, and she gave them an absent nod before her attention moved to the phone she was picking up.

  “Are you sure this is the right thing to do?” Nick hi
ssed under his breath, his expression unable to disguise how scared he was.

  Be patient, be patient. No matter how many times it played over in his head, Brody’s patience was nowhere to be seen. Every time Nick asked the same question, it stripped him of any hope of finding a shred of patience.

  Seven days of Nick hounding him with the same thing didn’t help his cause. His teeth ground together as he forced the snarl back down his throat. “Yes. It is. We need to be able to move into our home and not fear that someone is watching what we are doing.”

  Seeing Nick’s shoulders sagging as if the weight of the world rested on them, he shut up. Spotting two empty leather seats by the lift, he pulled Nick to them and pushed him into the chair. He crouched in front of him, and Brody took his icy hands in his, making sure he kept his gaze on Nick’s.

  Brody sucked in a deep breath. “I love you. Over the last few months, we have worked on building a life together that should have been ours years ago. I don’t want anything to come between us.” He raised his hand when Nick opened his mouth, halting the denial he saw written on his face. “This has the potential to eat away at what we’ve built. I’ve watched you day after day, and I see the fear, squirt. It’s there all the time. You might be able to hide it sometimes, but it doesn’t stay hidden for long. I want you to be able to relax and enjoy what we have together without any shit coming along trying to spray our happiness.”

  A wet chuckle and eyes that shone with a breathtaking love kept him talking. “You’re it for me. I want nothing more than your happiness, and to have that, we need to put this other crap to bed, once and for all.”

  “Alllll right. You win, but if Luke so much as lays one finger on you, I won’t be held responsible for what I do. So you better hope you still have friends on the police force if I’m done for murder,” Nick said, his brows pinched, and his eyes gleaming with a fighting light.


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