Page 13
Licking up her wet center, I taste my saltiness and her sweetness, making me groan as I circle her clit before pressing my tongue inside her. She pushes back into my face, forcing me deeper, her pussy clamping on my tongue.
Humming, I do it again and again, licking and pressing her clit with quick flicks of my tongue before dipping it inside her. Before I know it, she’s coming on my face, her pussy clenching down on my tongue, trying to keep it inside her as she falls forward from the force of her release.
Sitting back, I watch her raw, cream and cum covered pussy as she pants. Her legs are jelly and not offering much stability. She turns and slips to the floor in front of me, her breasts high and tight, nipples hard, mouth red, eyes wide and hazy from pleasure. Dawn looks so fucking beautiful, even more stunning knowing my cum is spread across her pussy and ass.
She reaches over and grips my chin, forcing my gaze to hers. “I missed you, but you need to learn how to share, my love, or at least not kill them,” she murmurs in a playful tone, and then turns serious. “I am yours, Griffin, that’s true, but you don’t own me, you can’t. I promised myself that wouldn’t happen ever again.”
“I promised never to love again,” I blurt out, and then my eyes widen in horror as hers soften, searching mine.
“Your mother?” she asks, and I nod. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry, but I will never leave you, not like that. We are forever, Griffin, so stop trying to fight it.”
“My mother would have loved you. She was a fighter too, even until the very end. Her loyalty got her killed, Dawn, and I fear it will be your downfall as well.” I turn my face away, not wanting her to see the fear there, but she grabs it and draws it back. Her eyes are on fire and alive with purpose, determination, and something beyond even us...destiny.
“I will always be loyal. I will never walk away, even when the path is filled with obstacles, Griffin. We are together now, no one can stop that.” She leans closer and kisses me so softly and sweetly, I feel a crack in my twisted black heart, a shard of light shining in. Pulling away, she rests her forehead against mine. “When you’re ready, I would love to hear about her, about the woman who raised the man I love.”
“Vasculo.” I suck in a breath and she grins.
“Don’t tell me the big, bad angel fears love?”
“Yes, don’t you?” I whisper.
“Yes, it terrifies me, but that fear lessens when I look in your eyes, every time you reach for me, and every time you hold me tight. It’s my greatest fear and biggest hope,” she divulges and then sighs. “I guess we should talk about the main thing here though—what’s next?”
I nod, drawing her closer, needing to feel her in my arms. “We have a plan.”
“So do I.” She laughs and pulls back to see my face. “Tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.”
“Dirty girl,” I tease, and she snorts.
I can feel the madness settling at her proximity and it allows me to breathe easier. I outline our idea and she frowns. “How did you get in anyway? Did you kill everyone?” she inquires, and it makes me sit taller that she thinks so much of me.
“I wish,” I grumble. “I had to return and beg to be let back in, told them I wanted to be part of it, the other nephilim were not happy.”
She must read between the lines because her eyes flare black. “They hurt you?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” I snap.
“They. Hurt. You?” she says slowly, and I can see her changing before my eyes. My cock hardens instantly, my madness rising to meet her.
“They tried,” I admit, and she snarls, leaping to her feet and storming towards the door. Chuckling, I jump up and wrap her in my arms, stopping her progress as she fights and kicks to get free, ranting about all the horrible things she’s going to do to them for hurting me.
It makes me grin uncontrollably, knowing she cares that much about what happens to me, but I try to hide it as I bury my face in her hair. She’s so angry it’s like holding a wild animal in my grip. “Dawn,” I growl, and she stills. “It’s okay, we will make them pay, but not yet. Now, what was your plan?” I question, trying to bring her back before she goes out there and kills everyone. I know she would.
She huffs.
“If you tell me, I can find Nos outside and tell him, who can then tell Aska,” I offer, and their names make her slump.
“Fine, but I’m killing them,” she warns, and I nod, dropping a kiss on her shoulder.
“Of course, my little demon,” I agree. “Your plan?”
She turns in my embrace, a grin flirting at her lips, and I know whatever it is, it’s going to be crazy, my favourite type.
Draya returns with the fallen. He looks smug and she is grinning in satisfaction. They smell like sex and blood, and I debate charging him, but I remember what happened last time, so I stop myself. Instead, I lean back against the wall and cross my arms, my jaw locked as she leans up and kisses his cheek.
“Better get back to work, cutie. I’ll be here waiting.” He nods, throwing me a venomous look before cupping her cheeks and kissing each eyelid softly. His face changes when he does, going from angry to...almost soft. It lessens my fury towards him, he clearly loves my mate.
“Be bad,” he orders.
“Wouldn’t that be good?” She laughs and he grins at her.
“No, good is boring, you, Vasculo, are bad.” He kisses her again, and with one last glare at me, he turns and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
Dawn spins my way and saunters closer, unbothered by my crossed arms and angry face. I’m jealous, a feeling I’m not used to. She drapes herself on me and I have no choice but to hold her before she falls. “Draya,” I rumble as she grins up at me.
“Missed me, big guy?” she teases, watching me closely. “‘Cause I think you did. Is that why you look like you want to murder everyone or fuck me but can’t decide?”
I narrow my eyes on her and she pouts a little. “Not going to talk to me?”
“I can smell him on you,” I growl, my body vibrating with the need to grab her harder, throw her down, and claim her again.
“Yeah? Then why don’t you replace his scent with yours?” she purrs, stroking down my chest to my hard cock.
I grind my teeth and look away, trying to breathe through the urge to change and take her. The way I am feeling, I can’t control it, and I don’t want to hurt her. Suddenly, a burst of pain flashes through me and I look down to see her teeth buried around my nipple as she stares up at me.
Giggling, she pulls back, licking her lips as I watch the blood from her teeth trickle down my chest. “Play with me.”
My chest is heaving, vibrating with my imminent change as I watch her step backwards, her eyes black as she runs her hands down her body, making me watch. “Draya,” I warn, my voice an animal bass as my bull comes forward, wanting to punish our mate.
“He fucked me real good,” she taunts, and it breaks me.
My animal bursts free with a roar. In a blur, she is pinned to the floor with us on top of her in a minute, he rips open her thighs as she laughs and slams home. She yells, arching up into us as he hammers into her again and again.
“Yes!” She groans and pulls her dress down as he growls, claiming her. He tears her apart and reforms her around his length. I feel our balls draw up and she whimpers as he pulls free, and with one pump of his hand he covers her chest in our cum.
He lets me back to the forefront of our mind with a satisfied growl after sniffing her to ensure she smells like us. I watch her below me, her chest flushed and heaving, my cum dripping down her heavy breasts and tight, hard nipples. Her thighs are pink and bruised from my hands, with a trickle of blood sliding down her porcelain skin from our rough treatment, and I feel guilty instantly, but she doesn’t seem to care. She grins up at me, her eyes hazy as she traces her hand through our cum and down her body to her pussy.
Sitting back, I watch her spread her legs wider and, with her eyes on me, she starts to play with herself. A r
umble starts in my chest as I watch her fingers spread her glistening pink folds and dip inside. She moans loudly, her pussy dripping with cream.
“More,” I demand, wanting to watch her come.
She whimpers, biting down on her lip as her legs start to shake, her fingers blurring as they push in and out of her channel, her thumb rubbing her clit furiously until, with a cry, her whole body seizes up.
Groaning, I watch as she pulls her fingers from her pussy. They are wet with her release, so I lean down and suck them clean, making her gasp and start to laugh. “Feel better?” she teases.
“Yes,” I admit with no shame.
“Brilliant, so next time one of you is jealous, I just need to let you come on my tits.” She grins and I growl.
I help her clean up using the water that drips in the corner and then back into her dress before pulling her into my arms and holding her tight. She sighs and buries her head in my chest before telling me the plan her other mates have. They sound smart, and I am hopeful they are honourable, good men and I don’t have to kill any of them.
Because I am never letting her go.
The angel drawls on and on about procedure and politics and the proper position and reaction for a council member such as myself. His righteous bullshit nearly makes me gag as he paces back and forth where I’m sprawled on the throne. The more he talks, the angrier he gets, until his halo is smoking and his hands are glowing.
I wonder idly how much I could push him.
He turns to me with golden flames burning in his eyes as he swells with power, stepping closer. “Are you even listening to me, Serpent?”
I’ve had enough. Before he can continue, I get up, appear before him, and snap his neck. The crack is audible in the room and I watch with unrestrained glee as he falls to the stone steps like a broken ragdoll. I kick his body down them and sit back on the throne. “Ah, that’s better, nice and quiet.”
Oh yes. I look to find the servant glancing from me to the angel’s body in shock. I wave it away. “Don’t worry about him, bring me a drink, a stiff one. All those references to goodness and righteousness have me wanting to throw up.”
He gasps, but with another look at the angel’s corpse he scurries away. Sighing, I close my eyes, wondering how long it will—
Blinding light flashes and I lazily slit open a lid, already grinning at the furious angel as he gets to his feet and cracks his broken neck. “I have told you not to do that, now where was I?”
Groaning, I throw my arm over my face. “One day you will stay dead.”
“And one day you will burn in hell!” he screams.
“Been there, done that, got the pictures to remember it. They really know how to have the best parties there,” I remark, and I can actually feel his anger.
“Let’s go find the dragon, then you may go back to sleep,” he suggests slowly.
Just then the servant returns with my drink, and when he sees the angel he falls to his knees in reverence. “Master,” he exclaims in glee, as I watch my drink clatter to the floor with a frown, but the liquid slowly makes its way to the angel and covers his feet, making him grimace and step back. He stares at me with narrowed eyes. “Dragon, now.”
“Go,” I retort, waving my hand before clicking my fingers. Hades, my hellhound, appears and I scratch his smoking black fur. “Who’s a good boy? Oh, who missed daddy?” I coo, and he barks in excitement, the floor burning under his paws. His eyes are as red as flames, his body almost skeletal.
“No pets,” the angel snaps.
“We keep you, and I’m betting you’re not toilet trained,” I fire back, ignoring him again as I stroke Hades.
“Angel, go and deal with your dragons, but I will not be joining you. They are old fools. They have power, but no drive to use it, though I do like the way they burn people. It’s quite the sight to behold.” I grin, sitting back.
Hades sniffs around the angel and he throws him a dirty look before stepping away. “I am not leaving you here, we need to put you back to sleep—”
I let my power leak out, filling the room with darkness until he can’t see. “I am not going to sleep!” I roar, and then pull it back until I’m sitting casually on the throne again. “Now go before I tire of you.”
Just then, Hades cocks his leg up and pisses all over the angel’s leg. It starts to smoke, his legs burning as he watches in disgust, then he turns that sneer on me. “Mark my words, Serpent, this will bring nothing but evil and bad to the world. You will ruin the balance and create chaos.”
“A little chaos is good.” I shrug.
“You are playing with fire, demon, I hope you know that,” he counters, and then with a haughty lift of his chin, strides away, with bits of hellhound piss trailing behind him.
How dignified.
“Good boy,” I praise with a grin, and Hades barks. “Let’s go, we have someone to find.” Standing, I smirk at the servant who is still pressed to the floor and then disappear into the beyond, ready to search the world for the woman who woke me from my sleep.
Let’s hope she realises what she called forth, because she isn’t getting away from me now. She can’t hide from me either in this world or the next.
The ghosts return a few hours later, but before they will give me the location of the sleeping council, they demand I feed one of them, claiming they used a lot of energy. It is just as horrible as the first time, so I am in a bad mood after.
“Tell me,” I snap, when the angry ghost steps back to his witch, tiring of these games.
“They are north, as far north as you can go. In the old mountains, Rejek, you have heard of this, yes?” one of them asks.
I nod, Rejek. Fuck, no wonder they are never disturbed. That place is said to be the resting ground of such evil that even stepping foot onto the black mountain will kill you. But if that is where I must go, I will.
“How do I get inside?” I inquire.
“There is a cave near the top and one at the back. The whole mountain is their home, but beware, there are traps and tricks, more than you could imagine, dragon. Now for the final part of your payment.”
I grit my teeth and hold out my hand, letting the last one feed. I feel weak after and stumble before forcing myself upright. I will not let them see me unsteady, or they will use it against me, maybe attack and take the rest of my powers. “Thank you. I shall take my leave now.” I bow and turn to go, but Loxley’s voice calls out, stopping me.
“Beware. You will find what you seek, but you will unearth more than you wanted.” With that cryptic piece of information, I depart their ship, leaving them to their ghost men and shivering as their stares follow me until I’m back in the car.
I will travel as far as I can in the car and then I’ll have to fly the rest of the way, stopping when I can to rest. It should take about two days as long as nothing goes wrong. Then I remember the dragon.
Punching the steering wheel, I let out my frustration. I do not have time for them, my mate needs me, but I know I can’t lead him back to her if he is looking for me. I wonder why, though, why now?
But I know my answer. They didn’t know where I was, and now they have felt me awaken...let’s hope they don’t want me to return, I would hate to have to kill the messenger when so few of us still exist.
I travel north to where they felt the dragon. There wasn’t an exact location, so I pull into a rest stop and get out, letting my senses stretch as wide as I can. Scales form on my arms, my eyes turning into those of my dragon as I search for the familiar sensation of my kin. Closing my eyes, I push further, seeking any hints.
Part of me wishes that I won’t find anything. I need to get to Rejek and then back to my mate. I have been waiting so long to actually meet her, and now she is in danger and I am not there, so every protective and possessive instinct I have is surfacing.
But then I feel something. It’s faint, almost non-existent, but ther
e, that flame in my mind’s eye that burns bright like a dragon’s. Sighing, I open my eyes. This dragon better have a good reason for breaking through the barrier right now and pulling my attention away from the only thing that matters—my mate. Otherwise, I will rip out his soul and eat it.
My dragon almost purrs at that, wrapping itself around me, stretching under my skin, wanting to be released to let out some frustration at not having our mate yet. He’s a possessive, impatient creature.
Growling, I rip the door from the car to get in, but overestimate my anger at the distraction from my real mission, and the now warped piece of metal goes flying. I watch as it tumbles over another car, the plump woman sitting inside it staring with her eyes wide until it comes to a stop on the other side of the road.
Slowly, she turns to me, her face pale and shocked as she ever so slowly reaches out and locks her door. I hear the audible click and actually snort. She saw me rip a door from its hinges and she thinks a lock will stop me?
Sometimes I wonder if they really are severely lacking in intelligence.
Climbing into the car, I cringe a little at the missing door, but start the engine and head to where I felt the dragon. As I pass the human still watching me, I allow my eyes to change to the bright purple of my dragon, and I watch in glee as she faints, her head hitting the wheel and letting out an almighty beep of her horn.
Feeling petty but better, I drive through the winding country roads. The air is getting colder, and I feel it on my face through the gaping hole in my car and it actually makes me feel better about driving. It feels more like flying, especially when I put my foot down on the pedal and we shoot forward.
Whooping, I swerve and drive like I am flying through the air, finding joy in the little moments in life, after all, what else can I do? It is these little experiences that I will remember, that will encourage me to keep fighting another day, something I have learned over the last hundred or so years.
A noise, a siren, echoes around the hills I am driving through, and when I glance through my mirror, I spot a car speeding up until it is behind me. Two serious-looking humans stare at me from the front seat. I notice the writing and curse—the human police. I pull over and get out, unfolding my frame, and wait for them.