Page 36
For now, she is mine.
Leaning against the bed, she presses against my side, both of us happy just to be with each other after all this time apart. I know she has worries, worries about not being good enough, about not having enough experience. That all this is...wrong.
I wait, letting her think through her thoughts, letting her lean on me and ask anything if she needs it—this is the calm before the storm.
“Nos, I—” She sighs. “What if I can’t do this? I’ve spent so many hours debating reasons why I shouldn’t, not if I couldn’t. This wasn’t what I wanted, I just wanted to stop them,” she whispers.
“I know, my little monster, I know, but sometimes our lives are out of our hands, and you made a choice to save people, to help them. The world rewards those types of choices. Holding its breath for people who can help stop the destruction of this realm.”
“But why me?” She lifts her head, searching my eyes. “Why me?” It’s a question I have no answer for, all I can offer her is what I know. The reasons I love her.
“I don’t know, little monster, all I know is I love you. So much. As for why...only the fates know that. You are fate chosen, so am I. Two souls meant to find each other. Whatever the future holds, we do it together. No more apart. My little monster, love is our future, don’t forget that even when it gets dark and bloody. Before this change is through, we are going to face our biggest test yet, I know it. But we are here, all of us for a reason. With you. Use it, use us. Use what they perceive as our weakness. Love, my little monster. Use it.”
It’s time.
Lucy’s voice floats into my mind, so I take a moment, cupping Dawn’s face as I drop a soft kiss on her lips. “You can do this, little monster. Now, it’s time, time to go back into that world. Are you ready?”
She sucks in a breath, looking into my eyes. “Yes, I’m ready, are you?”
“If you are, so am I. Let’s go change the world, little monster, and start our lives.”
Nos helps me change into a simple, flowing black dress. No court business today, just more talking, like sorting through the dragon problem, discussing who we are considering for the council, and assigning my men roles. I had a break like Aska said, time away to sort my thoughts and prepare, but now I need to be all in.
Choice or not, this isn’t the future I would have ever thought I’d have, but that doesn’t matter now. It’s my future and I have more than most. I have the power and station to change things, to protect people. People once like me. I have a duty to accept that. It’s time to take my place.
I don’t know what’s going to happen, nor does everyone else, but anyone who stands in our way should be scared, very scared. I have some of the biggest, baddest monsters behind me. Change is coming whether they like it or not. They either get on board or they die.
By my hands.
I’ve faced down human monsters, men who’ve tried to kill me. I’ve met a mob boss and been stolen. I’ve been killed, experimented on, trapped, and locked away. Hurt, raped, and tossed out like trash. I’ve seen the worst of this world, but also the best...in those men waiting for me.
Nos kisses me and leaves, allowing me to have a moment to myself, and I smile into the mirror. The good makes the bad all worth it. Every inch of pain, every brutal touch or punch. I would endure it again and so much more to find the happiness and love I have now.
But...these enemies are new, and I have a feeling before this is through, I will see a lot more bad. I’m hoping the good still outweighs it. My hate for the council and what they did is gone, and in its place is a fierce burning of love and strength.
They need me.
The way I once needed them.
It’s time.
A noise startles me from my reveries and I turn as I see a flash in the mirror behind me. I have a split second to see the blade coming towards me. But it’s enough.
I catch the dagger, and it cuts through the skin on my hand, my blood filling the air and only making me act faster. The man’s eyes widen as I jerk on the blade, wounding myself further and yanking it from his hold. I twirl it around and imbed it in his stomach. He falls backwards, his eyes wide as he cups the blade protruding from his body.
He looks down and falls to his knees, blood pouring from the wound. It’s a killing blow, I know. He tumbles to the side, his eyes blinking in shock as I stroll closer.
“What…are you?” he wheezes.
“A monster, baby,” I purr, as I crush my foot into his windpipe. He would have died anyway, and I know he wouldn’t tell us anything. But one thing is for sure—someone wants me dead...how exciting.
Just then the door bursts open, my monsters filling the frame with a snarl. “What happened?” Griffin demands, coming over and yanking me away from the dead man as Nos and Jair kneel at his side.
“He tried to kill me.” I shrug, my grin growing. “I guess someone wants me dead.” A rumble goes through the room, only widening my smile. “Looks like we have a killer to hunt.”
“Why is she smiling like that?” Aska whispers to Dume, who snorts. “It’s both terrifying and a turn on.”
“You have no idea. Just you wait, dragon.” Griffin laughs. “Our mate just realised that she can get her hands bloody, ain’t nothing getting in her way.”
I guess we have more threats to deal with than we thought. The human hunters are still out there, some witches managed to escape, and now someone is trying to kill me...isn’t this going to be fun?
Once a monster, always a monster…just with a crown now.
I hope they run far and fast, and aren’t afraid of the dark...because that’s where I live and I’m coming for them.
They should be afraid, very afraid.
Aldros, Lord of Flames
Deep in Klasfor...
The healer winces as he covers the talon gash with ruebc paste. “My king,” he whispers, bowing his head, his frail frame shuddering under my gaze as I swivel to stare at him from atop my golden throne, my subjects observing me from around the room. “This is healing nicely.”
“Good, leave,” I order, and turn back to watch my people. That foolish child had tried to defy me. To stop my plans, to defend his former king who left without a care for his people. Who forsook us, for them. For the humans. It was all too easy to kill him. I did not expect him to escape Klasfor and travel into their world as a warning though…never mind. It has happened and now they know we are coming.
“It is time the world remembers who we are!” I roar as I get to my feet, and every dragon’s gaze turns to me, my crown glowing under the fires of our home. “We hid away, afraid to anger them, afraid to kill. To get bloody. We hid and we waited, forgetting who we are. Under his rule and his family’s, we became weak!”
Growls sound around the room as I watch them with a smirk. “No more, we are not weak! We are dragons! We are the great riders! They will tremble when they see us coming, they will scream when they hear our roars, and when we take their world, they will fall to their knees before me. Your king!”
Chanting emanates from the crowd as they tip their heads back and fire escapes their mouths. Just then, the great doors at the end of the hall open and my unrest, my guards, drag in three women.
Three witches.
They come willingly, not even fighting the restraining grasps, their eyes cold and knowing. I gesture for them to be let through as I sit back down on my throne. The unrest throws them before my feet, they kneel there, heads unbowed. Disrespect! How dare they! I am a king!
“False king,” one of them sneers with a laugh.
“No tricks, witch,” I snarl, leaning forward, the throne creaking under my weight. “You are here for a reason.”
“We know why we are here, false king, it will not change what is to come. You think to weaken them, to stop their sources. It will not matter,” another argues.
“You cannot stop fate,” the other concludes, and then they all smile at the same time. I hate witches.
e? Oh, my little witches, fate has no hold on me, it cannot control or order me to do its bidding.” My people laugh with me and I glare at them. “But your fate rests here,” I state.
Standing, I step down the ruby-encrusted stairs, my bare chest glistening under the fires above, highlighting my scars from the many battles I have been in and won. Leaning down, I bend to look into their eyes as I speak, so they will not mistake my words or intent.
It is time.
What I have been waiting for, planning for centuries. It is finally here…
“It is time for Askaliarian to return home and take his place in my army. Their world will become ours, it will burn under our feet as I rule from high. War, little witches. We are going to war, and you are to be the first casualties.”
Turning away, I smile at my unrest. “Burn them,” I order, as I head back to my throne, and the sound of flames fills the sacred temple, their screams soon following.
As they shriek, their skin melting and bones scorching, I chuckle.
Askaliarian, I am coming for you. You and your world. They will both be mine...
First of all, I want to thank you, the readers. For loving my monsters as much as I do, I hope I have done them justice for you. Dawn is always so much fun to write because I can be totally insane with her and it is never too much (ha) So thank you for always sticking with me, and standing in that dark alongside me.
To Mal and Court, I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you for listening to hours of rambling and incoherent messages while keeping me sane!
To my three-way, for letting me bounce my monsters off them and always giving me the motivation to carry on!
And to my betas, who rode this crazy train with me.
Without them, this wouldn’t exist. Thank you for always going along with my ideas and laughing with me during the crazy parts.
I love you all.
Thank you.
K.A Knight is an indie author trying to get all of the stories and characters out of her head. She loves reading and devours every book she can get her hands on, she also has a worrying caffeine addiction.
She leads her double life in a sleepy English town, where she spends her days writing like a crazy person.
Read more at K.A Knight’s website or join her Facebook Reader Group.
The Wasteland
The Summit
The Cities
The Forgotten
The Lost
Voyage to Ayama
Dreaming of Ayama
Aurora’s Coven
Aurora’s Betrayal
Pretty Painful (Coming soon!)
Scarlett Limerence
Nadia’s Salvation
The Standby
Den of Vipers (Coming soon!)
Circus Save Me
Taming The Ringmaster
Dark Temptations Volume One (contains One Night Only and Circus Saves Christmas)
The Wild Interview
The Hero Complex
Shipwreck Souls
The Horror Emporium
Capturing Carmen
Stealing Shiloh
Harbouring Harlow (Coming soon!)
The Fallen Gods Series
YOU CAN PRE-ORDER HERE > https://books2read.com/PrettyPainful
Pretty Painful
“Team three in position,” I whisper into my mic.
I hear my men moving into place behind me, the rustle of their tactical gear the only sound as we surround the old church. It’s supposed to be an easy job, get in, get the package, and get out. We are being paid handsomely for our time, not that we know who ordered this job, but it doesn’t matter. We need all the money we can get at the moment to keep our hunting going.
“Team two in position,” Gio rumbles into my ear.
“Team one in position. All clear, boss.”
“Moving in. Team two, take the back. Team one, you’re on lookout. Team three, with me,” I order, hopping up from my prone position and into a crouch. Waving my hand, I watch the others cross the grassy, open area and wait on either side of the door. We don’t know what to expect in there, only that what we have come for is dangerous. I’m planning to take every precaution to ensure my team makes it home, and we deliver the package on time as requested.
“Move in, take the door,” I hiss.
They yank the door open and my team surges in, with me on their heels as they secure the inside of the church.
I get shouts from around the room and I nod, switching on my light and swinging it around the space. Cobwebs hang from the ceiling and pillows running along each aisle of the church. Forgotten, wooden pews are tossed carelessly around the room, and the carpet under my feet crunches from lack of care. A big, stained glass window stands at the end of the church under an archway, and a table with a large, wooden cross takes up the middle section.
It looks like nothing has even been stolen from here—gold and silver litter the area like forgotten relics. Why would no one steal it? The fact that it’s a church wouldn’t stop people…maybe it’s whatever we are hunting? I wave them forward, all of us on high alert. I don’t like this, something seems off. While everything is expanding and being built around it, this church stands forgotten in the middle of nowhere. An uneasy feeling takes root as I head for the table at the front of the church. I nod at my men, and they quickly shove it out of the way, revealing the hidden hatch our mysterious employer described.
Pulling out my bolt cutters, I try to ignore the fact this thing has been secured from the outside. Whatever they wanted to keep in, they really never wanted it to get out again. The chain is old and rusted but still strong, and it takes three cuts before the chain gives way. Yanking on the hatch, I cough as dust and dirt flies into my face, like the air has finally been let into that room after hundreds of years. Taking a light from the man next to me, I throw it down into the darkness and wait. I hear it finally hit the floor, and when I look down, I can spot it, but it looks far away.
“Rope,” I command, and as my men work on getting us a way down there, I crouch and take a closer look.
Something moves in the dark, shooting across the light’s rays before the glow disappears altogether, sending the room into complete darkness.
“Shh!” I hold up my hand, frowning at the sound of slithering and breathing coming from below…
What the—
Two golden lights flicker on, moving higher towards the opening quickly, until they burst from the hatch, taking the stone floor with them as my men yell and fire at the black shape that busts from the floor.
Holy fuck, what is that thing?
“Hold your fire! We need it alive!” I shout, trying to cut through the chaos of my men’s yells and panic.
A scream sounds to my left, and I spin, only to watch as one of my men is picked up in the dark and thrown across the room.
“What is that?” someone screams.
I hear a gurgle before blood sprays us, and more screaming starts from somewhere in the room, our lights swinging wildly as we try to find the thing.
I spot movement out of the corner of my eye and quickly spin there, aiming through my tranq gun. “Gotcha,” I whisper with a grin as I take aim and fire. When it hits its target, a roar like a lion cuts through the night, shaking the very foundation of the building. “Hit it with everything you got!” I order.
The blur moves towards me and I keep shooting, with sweat dripping down my face and back as it gets closer and closer. At the last possible second, it falls from the air, dropping to the floor of the church and crushing the pews, a dark blo
b in the night.
A monster.