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ANARCHY (Iron Kings MC, #4)

Page 16

by Franca Storm

  I shot a glance behind the platinum blondes coming on to me, trying to search out that fucker. Despite my protests, he’d sent them over here a few moments ago while he’d taken off to take a leak.

  “So, what do you say?” one of them asked in a drunken slur, leaning into me.

  “About what?”

  “Going somewhere? The three of us getting it on?” They reached out and fondled either side of my leather jacket. “We’ll take good care of you,” the other one said, making a brazen gesture, sliding two fingers into her mouth and sucking them deep, a real intense impression of a blowjob.

  Had I really been into this stuff before? Had it actually turned me on? What kind of existence had I been living? It had been a joke. And, right now, it was a major turnoff, the whole thing. In fact, I felt kind of sick.

  “Try your luck elsewhere,” I told them. “Ain’t doing any of that.”

  They were hella determined, because, instead of doing that, they eyed one another knowingly and worked in tandem, starting to feel up my chest.

  I stepped back sharply, breaking their contact.

  “What the hell?” a familiar voice shrieked.

  The next thing I knew, hands were on one of the girl’s shoulders making her squeal as she was ripped away from me. She was slammed into the bar then, a hand bearing down on the back of her head, holding her down to the old wood.


  Hayley’s hand.

  She was basically snarling down at the girl, her eyes wild and fierce. As the other one went to her aid, Hayley batted her away, knocking her back so hard that she stumbled into the bar.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Hayley screamed. “Huh? Tell me! Who the hell are you?”

  “None of your business, bitch.”

  “Bitch?” Hayley fumed.


  I took hold of her before she could react, pulling her away. “Go,” I told the girls. “Get gone. Now.”

  They glared at Hayley, then tutted with annoyance and turned on their heels and strutted away, deeper into the heart of the party.

  “Who the hell were those whores?” Hayley screamed at me.

  “What’s going on?”

  I turned my head to see Grim heading up to us.

  “Nothing,” I told him. “She’s not down with the whole club whore thing. It just riled her up.”

  He looked skeptical as he looked from me to Hayley. But then he just said, “All right. Do you want me to handle her? You’re off-duty. It’s your party.”

  “Nah, it’s all good.”

  He hesitated for a few seconds, making me tense. Then he said, “Your call. Holler if you change your mind.”

  I waited until he took off. And then I grabbed Hayley’s hand and pulled her across the lounge with me, out through the door and down the corridor. I kicked open the door to the spare room she’d been staying in and led her inside.

  “What the fucking hell?” I thundered, as I let go of her and rounded on her.

  “They had their hands all over you!”

  “Jesus Christ, that hothead temper is hereditary. You get it right from Python, don’t you, woman?”

  “Who were they?”


  “So, this is what’s gonna happen with us, huh? The moment my back’s turned and I’m not right there beside you, you’re gonna hook up with the first woman that comes along?”

  “I wasn’t hooking up with anybody, Hayley. They came onto me. I turned them down. They didn’t accept the rejection. When you walked in, I was stopping them from making a grab for me. After everything I’ve told you, everything between us, do you really think I’d do something like that or be interested in anyone else? I fucking love you and I’m not a fucking cheater!”

  She took my words in and stepped back.

  It took her a moment to fully calm down. And then she folded her arms across her chest, drew in a breath and eyed me. “They were pretty.”

  “Were they? I didn’t notice.”

  She scoffed. “Please.”

  “Tricks sent them over to me. His idea of a present. You know how he is. That’s all it was.”


  “That’s right.”

  A sly grin spread over her face.

  “Hayley?” I questioned, more than a little confused by her reaction.

  She snatched the belt of her wool coat and unbuckled it. She pulled open the coat and pushed it off her shoulders. “This is a real present.”

  Fucking hell.

  Leather. All leather. Her sexy body covered in tight black leather.

  “You okay there?” she teased, because I was just standing there frozen with my mouth hanging open as I stared at her, trying to absorb everything I was seeing.

  She had on a black leather corset that pushed her tits together in a mouth-watering cleavage. It was cut out in the middle with leather straps crisscrossing over her stomach. Below it was a thong, also leather, that was clipped to a garter belt. Leather boots with heels stretched up to her thighs. She even had a black studded choker circling her neck. Her makeup was real heavy with a load of eye-liner that made her eyes pop. Her lips were painted a deep red.

  She was a fucking fantasy come true. My ultimate fantasy.

  “How did you know about this?”

  “Everyone knows about your thing for leather-clad biker chicks. I’ve been living in the Iron Kings clubhouse for a while now, I’ve been around the boys and I hear them talk. Plus, Wrecker made a joke about it.”

  Thank you, Wreck.

  She sauntered over to me. “You know?” she said, coyly, biting her lip in a real sexy way. “Being biker princess kind of makes me the ultimate biker chick.”

  “I know.” I grasped her waist and shoved her into the wall.

  My mouth crashed down on hers, taking her in a rough kiss.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and scratched deep, making me hiss.

  I ran my hands all over her body, feeling every inch of her in her sexy little outfit.

  I reached for her thong, ready to dip my fingers inside.

  But she pushed me back and shook her head.

  “No?” I asked.

  She grinned. “No.”

  And then she dropped to her knees.

  “Wait,” I told her as she reached for my belt and started undoing it. I looked over my shoulder at the open door. “No, Hayles. Not here. It’s too—”

  She licked the head of my cock.

  And that was it.

  I was a goner.

  She didn’t waste any time. She took me in her mouth, driving me right to the back of her throat.

  “Ah, fuck,” I choked out. “So fucking good.”

  She found her rhythm quick. Jesus Christ. I slapped my hands to the wall to steady myself.

  Footsteps sounded, heavy motorcycle boots thudding on the wooden floor.

  “Shit.” I tensed up, adrenaline surging.

  “Whoa!” somebody cried.

  I looked over my shoulder to see Grim standing in the doorway, shock all over his face.

  I turned back to Hayley, hastily fixing my dick back into my jeans and pulling them up, while trying to hide her at the same time.

  But it was too late.

  She’d been facing his way when he’d walked in. He knew it was her.

  She got to her feet and I covered her with my body as I reached behind me and snatched up her coat. I blocked his view of her until she had it on and done up again.

  “Go, lovely. Head back to the party. I’ll be right out, okay?”

  She nodded but didn’t say anything. It looked like she was in shock. Judging by her bright-red cheeks, she was more than a little embarrassed as well. I wasn’t surprised. Grim had just caught her on her knees in sexy leather lingerie with my cock buried down her throat.

  She rushed by him, holding her hands up to her face to avoid looking at him.

  He slammed the door shut behind her and strode further into the room, gla
ring dangerously at me.

  “So, that’s why you ain’t been getting trouble from her like the rest of us always have. You know, she used to give us shit all the time, evade us, and basically refuse to be protected. Then you come along and she’s suddenly fine with it? So, what? You just fucked her into submission?”

  “It’s not like that,” I growled, hating the way he was talking about her. Didn’t any of them get it, get her? She’d reacted like that because they’d taken away her freedom completely. They hadn’t made any concessions to give her at least some semblance of space.

  He folded his arms across his chest. “What’s it like then?”

  “We’re together.”

  He burst out laughing. It wasn’t full of humor, though. Nah, it was drenched in condescension and real fucking snide. “I’ve heard about you. The kid always on the hunt for a thrill, an adrenaline rush. I’d say this fits the bill. More than that, man. Guess all that escalated for you, yeah? You got a death wish now, that it?”

  “No,” I grunted.

  He shook his head at me. “Python won’t accept this. Best you cut her loose, tell him she came on to you and you cracked under the temptation, but it was a one-off thing.”

  “You want me to put it all back on her?”

  “Yeah. Damn straight. She’s not gonna get beat to death, is she? You, though? Way different story. He’ll put you to ground.”

  “Why are you warning me? Why give me a choice at all?”

  “We all make mistakes, especially when it comes to pretty little things. Some of us don’t get the chance to fix it. You got a chance. One. Right here and now. I gotta tell him, but I can spin it if it’s over and done with and nothing more’s gonna come of it. It’s gonna be way easier for him to take if you’ve shut it down by the time he hears about it.”

  “You’re telling me he’d be okay if I’d just been fucking his daughter like she was nothing to me, rather than actually building something with her, a relationship?”

  “Damn straight. He don’t want her with bikers.”

  I stared at him as I took in everything.

  That was when I knew.

  This was it.

  The time for hiding and coverups was over.

  “She’s mine. Tell him that.”

  With that, I brushed past him without another word and walked out.

  Let the chips fall where they may.




  Slumping down onto my couch with a bottle of scotch in hand, I turned on the TV and tried to push away the fuck fest that had been tonight.

  For something I’d been looking forward to for so long and building up in my head, my party really hadn’t gone down like I’d imagined it.

  I’d really lost control of my good sense when I’d had Hayley in her room standing there offering herself up to me in all that sexy-as-fuck leather get-up. Leaving the door open was one mistake, but doing anything with her in the clubhouse at all was the worst of it. I hadn’t been thinking at all. I’d been a fucking idiot. Sure, I’d planned on telling Python about us anyway, but I hadn’t wanted it coming out like that.

  I just hoped that Hayley was okay. She’d taken off with Sky and Deviant right after we’d been caught. She’d made a friend in Sky, so they’d headed to Legacies to hang out away from the craziness of the party where they were going to have dinner with Deviant’s brother, Matt, and his family. With Deviant going along with them, I knew she’d be safe. It hadn’t stopped me from worrying, though. She’d ignored all my texts and calls. After way too many attempts to get through to her, I’d considered heading down to the bar, but I’d stopped myself, reasoning that she needed some time, some space from me. It was the least I could do after her incredible surprise had gone to hell and embarrassed the shit out of her.

  I chugged some more of my scotch, the burning sensation helping to ground me and pull me out of my own head a bit.

  Shifting my weight on the couch, I tried to sink into a more comfortable position, as I turned my focus to the MCU movie playing. I was re-watching the entire franchise to prepare for the latest release that had just come out in theatres everywhere. Yeah, I was a big fan, and I just couldn’t get enough. Tony Stark was my favorite. My muse.

  I’d just started to get into the movie, the storyline and awesome effects just managing to drag me away from all the bull of the day, when I was jarred back to reality by my phone buzzing on the coffee table. I eyed the call display and lunged for it, snatching it up and answering it quick.


  “Hey,” her sweet voice sounded down the line way too quietly. She was still embarrassed.

  I had to fix it.

  “Best present I’ve ever been given, Hayles.”

  There was a brief pause. Then she giggled softly. “Really?”

  I smiled. She was so fucking sweet. “I swear it. You were every dirty fantasy I’ve had come to life. It’s burned into my memory.”

  More giggling followed, before she turned more serious and told me, “I’m sorry we didn’t get to finish.”

  “Me too. I’m so sorry he walked in on us like that.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Yeah, it was. I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve done a better job of protecting you. It makes me sick that he saw—”

  “It’s okay,” she cut in. “It won’t be like this soon. We’ll be okay. Everything will be better.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it will.”

  “And then I could be there with you instead of us stuck apart, you at your place and me here at the clubhouse every night. I really miss you, Damien.”

  “I miss you too.”

  A roar of a bike outside caught my attention.

  I rose from the couch and strode to the window. Pulling one of the drapes aside, I peered through the glass to see the headlights of a motorcycle cutting through the dark night, coming down the private drive fast.

  “I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you back in a bit, all right?”

  “Is everything okay?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to lie, to give her some bullshit explanation. But I’d made a promise to her and I didn’t want to disrespect her by going back on that. “Somebody’s coming up the way toward the house.”

  “Really? You’re serious? It’s two in the morning. Who the hell would—oh my God!”


  “Get out of there. Go, Damien. Right now.”

  “What’s wrong? Why are you freaking?”

  “The timing is too coincidental. Four hours since Grim caught us. That’s right around the time that it takes to travel the distance between Taunton and Ridgefield.”

  I tensed. “You think it’s your dad?”

  “Yes. It has to be. Who the hell else would it be at this time of night? If there was an emergency with Iron Kings, I would’ve heard people jumping into action here. But it’s silent. And they’d text you anyway rather than driving out to the edge of town to give you a message. Yeah, it must be my dad. Go, Damien! You can get out through the forest at the rear of your property.”

  “Hayley,” I spoke as coolly as possible, given that adrenaline was shooting through my body like crazy as my fight or flight response kicked into overdrive. “This needs to end. We agreed.”

  “I know, but—”

  “I love you. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

  With that, I hung up.

  I snatched my t-shirt off the back of the couch where I’d tossed it when I’d come home earlier. I pulled it on quick, then did the same with my motorcycle boots.

  Throwing open the front door, I watched as the bike skidded to a rough stop.

  The rider pulled his helmet off and I got my confirmation. Hayley had been right on.

  It was Linc “Python” Calloway.

  And he looked pissed as all hell.

  He swung his leg over the bike and stalked toward me.

  “You fucke
r!” he roared, speeding up, coming in hot.

  Before I could even register it, his fist came at my face.

  It slammed into my cheek so fucking hard that it knocked me right to my knees.

  Jesus Christ. I couldn’t remember ever taking a hit that hard before, powerful enough to knock me to my knees with just one blow.

  “You fucked my baby girl!” he bellowed, completely irate.

  I pushed off my hands, back to my feet.

  I held them up. “It’s not like that, I swear.”

  “So, your dick ain’t been nowhere near her then?”


  My hesitation offered up the answer and he thrust his riding boot into my gut. I choked, doubling over and smacking my back into the oak tree in my front yard.

  “I trusted you with her!”

  “I know,” I rasped, trying to catch my breath.

  He fisted his hands in my t-shirt and jerked me into him hard. “Was she a virgin before you touched her?”

  Oh fucking shit. “Uh… what?”

  “You heard me,” he snarled. “Was it you? Or do I gotta go around kicking another shithead’s ass after this? Huh? Tell me!”

  “It was me.”

  Our eyes locked.

  He was basically salivating like a wild animal, beyond snarling, just another fucking level. I could feel his hands shaking with rage as they dug into me.

  One of them left me, but the relief didn’t last.

  His right fist slammed into my face like a block of cement. His other released me right as he delivered the blow, sending me crashing onto the grass.

  I threw out my hands instinctively so I didn’t break my face. I didn’t really know what the point was, because he was already doing a good job of it.

  I started to push up to get to my feet, but his motherfucking boot slammed into my side, just shy of cracking a rib. It knocked me off my knees and I hit the grass.

  “I didn’t know,” I told him.

  “Didn’t know what?” he barked back at me. “That she were a virgin, or that she were my baby girl?”


  I rolled onto my back and wiped my bloodied face with the back of my hand. Struggling to get up onto my knees, I said, “I didn’t find out until after.”

  His eyes flashed. “After?”

  Why had I phrased it like that? “No. That’s not what—”


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