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Page 12

by S. M. West

  “Hey, none of this is your fault.” My hand clasps her elbow and she lifts her head.

  Guilt and shame swim in her eyes. “Then whose fault is it? I’m the one in charge at the clinic. I should have known about the drugs and the renovations to the storage closet. Damn, Elliot.”

  “Exactly, Elliot’s to blame. We need to talk to him.”

  “We have to find him first, and we can’t be sure he’s a willing participant in whatever this is. You saw his house. He could be in danger or worse.” Her concern hits me in the gut like a sucker punch.

  Is she giving Elliot the benefit of the doubt because she still cares for him? A pall of bitter disappointment falls over me like a shadow.

  “Caro, he might be in danger, but he brought this on himself.” I step closer, pausing until she looks me in the eyes. “I’d bet my life he’s involved you in his mess. Why aren’t you pissed off at him?”

  She opens her mouth to say something, and at the same time, there’s a sharp knock at my door.


  “It might be Nick.” I check my phone for any texts as he’d sent one about a half hour ago saying he was close.

  Before I even reach the door, it opens and Logan bounds into the room, the key I gave him in hand. “Yo, Boo, I’m back.”

  He’s grinning from ear to ear and his infectious laugh has me doing the same as he pulls me into a bear hug, slapping my back a few times.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you’d be back next week?” We pull apart.

  I’m glad he’s here. The timing is perfect, another man on the job, but it’s also curious. He heads into my place, steps faltering at the sight of Caro.

  She smiles sheepishly, waving at him, and his eyes widen, blink, and then his light blue irises gleam with what looks like both happiness and mischief.

  “Holy shit, I take off for a couple of months and you two get back together again?” He chuckles, rubbing his hands together, and I want to slap my hand over his big mouth.

  Before either of us can set him straight, he rushes at Caro, picking her up into his arms and twirling her around. She squeals and laughs, hitting at his shoulder, demanding to be put down.

  “You dirty dogs, thank fuck.” He places her on her feet. “I thought this day would never come.”

  She’s straightening her shirt and brushing back some of her curls from her face when her expression sobers. “We aren’t together.”

  If ever there’s a way to kill a mood, Caro succeeds. Like announcing last call at a bar, his shoulders slump along with his demeanor. And I’m speechless, not wanting to touch this awkward as fuck topic.

  “Shit.” He saunters to the couch, dropping onto the middle cushion and lifting his feet onto the coffee table. “Nick asked me to get home ASAP. He said he had good news and bad news and needed my help. When I saw you two together, I figured this was the good.” His finger points to Caro, then to me and back again before falling to his side.

  “Nick called you?” This explains the timing and it makes sense. We could use more help. Time is running out.

  “Good news and bad news?” She’s worried, gazing at me. “Do you know what the good news is?”

  We can both guess at the bad news. There’s plenty of that to go around. As for good news, I shake my head, completely in the dark. We could use some good news about now.

  “They should be here any minute now.” He twirls first the ring on the middle finger of his right hand and then the ring on his pointer finger and repeats the sequence again. It’s something he does when he’s anxious or bored. “I dumped my stuff and came straight here. His text said he was parking.”

  Logan lives in the same building, a few floors down. He’s the reason I moved into these lofts, but the bastard’s never here. He’s a drifter, preferring to spend weeks, months at a time on the road.

  He wasn’t always like that.

  There’s another sharp knock and I open the door to an anxious Nick. He barges in before I have a chance to fully get out of the way. His worried gaze briefly lands on me before skating to his sister.

  Barely acknowledging Logan, he bypasses any greeting to get to Caro, yanking her into his arms. She lets out a shocked oof followed by an awkward laugh.

  “You okay?” He combs back her hair and gently rubs a thumb over one of the scratches on her cheek.

  She nods and I sense Maggie at my side. Lightly nudging my arm, she clears her throat, prompting me to look down at her.

  Mystical blue eyes soothe my tormented soul in a way only Maggie can. “Hey, how are you?”

  My smile for her is weak at best. “I’ve been better. At least we’re still in one piece.”

  Her smile is rueful and she shakes her head, knowing better than to admonish my twisted attempt at levity. Logan steps up to us, wrapping Maggie into his arms.

  “Nomad, it’s so good to see you,” Maggie calls him by his road name, something he picked up travelling the Americas on his bike.

  “You, too, gorgeous.” Logan puts her back on her feet.

  Caro waves at her from Nick’s embrace. Maggie is the only one I’ve ever talked to about Caro.

  Nick was there from the beginning, knows our history, but except for the day he learned Caro and I were an item, he’s never said a thing about us.

  It’s like your parents having sex. Some topics you never want to think about, let alone talk about. That day in high school, when he saw us holding hands, he stormed up to us and ordered Caro to leave. Of course, fearless, she refused.

  He threatened to kill me if I ever hurt his baby sister. Funny thing is, I don’t think any of us saw what happened coming. His baby sister hurt me.

  After the threat, we laughed even though Nick wasn’t joking. And since then, he’s said nothing despite his opinions. He has them, that much is obvious, but he keeps them to himself.

  Maggie, on the other hand, she worked her magic and I spilled my guts without any hesitation. Truth be told, I wanted to talk about my fucked-up relationship with Caro, or lack of it. I just never…I never had someone I could say those things to.

  Nick and I are tight, but he was a no-man’s-land when it came to his sister. And Logan…he’d rather have a root canal than get real about pretty much anything.

  When Maggie came onto the scene, all it took was one look at Caro and me and she knew we had a connection. History. Or as she put it, she couldn’t miss the sizzling tension between us, and slowly she got me to open up.

  “This must be hard,” she whispers once Logan is out of earshot.

  She’s referring to me being stuck with Caro, worrying about her safety, after a year of no contact.

  I nod, the growing lump in my throat making it difficult to swallow much less speak. Nick and Caro are talking and Logan’s nosing around.

  “Hey, Nomad.” Nick shoves playfully at our wayward friend who rests his chin on Caro’s shoulder.

  Logan chuckles, Caro hip-checks him, and Nick slings an arm around his sister’s neck. “Okay, everyone’s here. Bring us up to speed.”

  He turns to me, but Caro starts with her arrival at the clinic the other night and we take turns covering the events leading up to now. Nick and Maggie aren’t learning anything new. I’ve been keeping Nick apprised of the situation every step of the way. Most of this is for Logan’s benefit.

  The only new information is Paddy’s call about Holman and the confirmation of the drug. Once we’re done, Logan asks a few questions, nothing we haven’t asked ourselves.

  “We have the investor party tonight at Casa Loma.” Nick’s gaze is on Logan. “I need all of you there.”

  He isn’t looking at me and I’m grateful he misses my flinch at the news of attending tonight’s bash. Normally, I wouldn’t be invited to something like this, mainly because of Caro. The Home is her turf and anywhere she is, I steer clear.

  “Are the drinks free?” Logan rubs his hands together and Caro snorts, rolling her eyes.

  Nick narrows his gaze and lowers hi
s terse tone. “Yeah, but you won’t be having any. I need you on your game. All of you. We are running out of time until who knows what happens.”

  He’s referring to the text with a time limit of forty-eight hours. What happens once the clock runs out is anyone’s guess, but no doubt, it won’t be good.

  “Are you worried something is going to happen tonight?” His sister slips out of his hold, folding her arms over her middle protectively.

  “They will strike again, and we can’t assume they’re going to stick to the time limit they gave us.” I walk to Caro’s side, gently placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “They want something. My guess is drugs or money or maybe Elliot. Or shit, all three. And they think you know something or are keeping it hidden.”

  “Yeah. They’re most probably lying low. The clinic explosion and ransacking Elliot’s house brought the cops, or if we got lucky, they may have lost track of you.” Nick saunters to the fridge and pulls out a few bottles of water.

  He hands one to Maggie. “Anyone want one?” We shake our heads and he takes a bottle for himself and puts the rest back in the fridge. “We have to work on the assumption they know about the Home and so tonight would be a good place to pick up your trail again.”

  “If this Detective…Holman’s dirty, isn’t it possible he’s in on this?” Logan perches on a kitchen chair and Nick and I nod. “Then, he’d know where Caro is and about Kit’s involvement.”

  “True, but if so, why haven’t they made a move?” I ask. That’s what I’ve been mulling over since Paddy’s call. “Someone should have paid us a visit here. I’m thinking Holman doesn’t know about the texts or isn’t working for whoever is behind this, and he’s coming at us another way.”

  Nick nods and Caro paces, her expression tight and closed off. A snarl tears out of me and I clench my fists as eyes land on me. I want to whisk her away from all this. If only it were that simple.

  “Or Holman isn’t on the inside but he’s aware something’s going on and wants in on it.” Maggie rests her near-empty water bottle on the counter. “Maybe that’s why he made it so he was on both cases. He’s hoping to find something he can barter with to get a cut?”

  That had crossed my mind but none of those scenarios make me feel any better. Holman is an unknown quantity, and while we should be able to trust a cop, we can’t.

  “Yeah, that’s possible.” Logan taps his foot on the floor, squirming in his chair. “Kit, have you noticed anyone following you?”

  “No. I thought we might get a tail after going to Elliot’s but nothing.”

  “Let’s keep all possibilities open until we know more. Holman may just be a dirty fucker and have nothing to do with this. Just looking to seize on the opportunity.” Nick dumps the bottle into the recycling and leans against the counter. “Although I’d bet otherwise. That’s why we need all of us on the lookout tonight. We’re also going to be without Maggie.”

  I tense, not understanding why Maggie wouldn’t be involved. She’s capable and Nick knows it. Besides, if she doesn’t want to be relegated to the sidelines, Nick doesn’t stand a chance of getting his way.

  “Nick, we didn’t agree to this.” She straightens, firming her jaw at the same time Caro wrinkles her forehead and says, “What? Maggie’s worked her ass off on tonight. This is more hers than anybody’s. What do you mean she’s not going?”

  “Thanks, Caro.” Maggie gives her a warm smile and then turns her sharp gaze back to her man. “I want to be there.”

  “Not a chance.”

  Someone knocks on the door, and silence falls upon us. My building has security, and no one gains entry without having their own code or calling someone in the building to let them in.

  Whoever’s outside my door didn’t call to be let in. It could be nothing or they could have slipped in unannounced to gain the element of surprise. The thought chills me. Is this the visit I’ve been expecting? The guys hunting down Caro.


  “Are you expecting someone?” Nick lowers his voice, tensing his body, ready for action.

  Kit shakes his head and motions for us to go into the bedroom. My brother nods sharply and grabs Maggie’s hand and then mine, pulling us to the back of the loft with Logan bringing up the rear.

  Nick and Logan make sure Maggie and I are in the room first and then the two crowd the exit to prevent anyone from entering or leaving the room. This is my mess and I hate how it’s putting everyone in danger.

  A minute passes and Nick whispers to me, “Isn’t that woman from the clinic?”

  He makes room for me to peer into the room. Kit’s at the entrance, back to me, and now standing directly in front of the person at the door.

  “Just wait a sec.” Nick tightens his hold around my middle as we wait for Kit to shift his weight and reveal who he is talking to.

  Kit’s deep rumble of a voice carries through the loft. I can’t make out what he says, but judging by his tone, it isn’t friendly.

  A woman responds and something about the voice, though muted, is familiar. Sally? Why would I think about her? I hardly know the woman, and I doubt Kit would talk to her like that.

  Like a slap to the forehead, it hits me. Willow. I called her earlier today asking to borrow a dress for tonight’s event.

  “That’s Willow. It’s okay.” I tap Nick’s arm and he lets me go and I enter the room. “Kit, that’s Willow. Please let her in.”

  “Caro, hi.” Willow peers around the big man in front of her, relief seeping into her concerned expression.

  Kit relaxes and steps aside, letting her enter the loft.

  “I was just dropping off the dress.” She holds up a white garment bag, and in her other hand, she carries a bright pink toiletries case.

  Makeup—yes. I’d only grabbed the basics from my house, and I needed more than that to cover up the scrapes and bruises on my face.

  “Thank you.” I take the hanger from her. “Come in.”

  Kit leads the way and joins Nick and the others in the living room.

  “I didn’t call up because my hands were full. I was fumbling to hit the buzzer when a woman held open the door for me.” She laughs nervously, casting furtive glances at Kit as her long blonde ponytail swishes over her shoulder.

  Her explanation is more for him than me, and I wonder what exactly he said to her.

  “Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.” I hold up the dress. “You saved me from having to buy one.” With my house vandalized, it’s now a police scene and I won’t be allowed back for a while.

  My arm slides around her shoulders for a quick hug. “Willow, you remember Nick and Maggie.”

  They say their hellos and I cast a glance at Kit, who is still a little wary. “And this is Kit.” I hold out my hand in his direction.

  “Hi. Sorry about that.” He lets out a ragged breath and his shoulders finally relax.

  She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes, still nervous. I get it although I find it comical. Despite his appearance, large and muscled, and the violence that surrounded him for so many years, he’s a gentle soul. It doesn’t mean he won’t use his strength if needed, but he’s the first to try reasoning with someone before resorting to his fists.

  Logan clears his throat, and a charmed smile plays along his lips as his blue eyes sparkle playfully. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

  “Relax, I didn’t forget you.” Of course, Logan chooses now of all times to flirt. “Willow, this is Logan.”

  He takes her hand, holding it between both of his, and unleashes his megawatt, lady-killer smile. “Hello, Willow.”

  It’s a low sexy rumble. She flushes and I tilt my head back, groaning. “Back off, stud.” I push at his chest, forcing him to release her hand.

  Logan’s a great guy, one of the best, but he’s always on the run. He’s been badly hurt by a woman and because of that, he spends more time on the road than here at home. The last thing I want is for him to hurt Willow when he ups and leaves.
  My friend gets control of herself, coercing a tight smile onto her mouth, then turning to me. “I should get going. I know you have to get ready. But before I do, I remembered something about the clinic renovations that might help.”

  “Oh, what?” I temper my eagerness but Nick echoes my question, more insistent than me.

  I glare at him, hoping he gets my drift to back off as I sense Willow’s hesitancy. She isn’t in the thick of this, but all that has happened is unnerving to say the least.

  “It’s okay,” I reassure her. “You can say anything in front of them. We’re working together.”

  “Well, I don’t know if you remember, but the renovations happened around the same time I started working at the clinic. I was volunteering at the Home first.”

  She’s active in the community and was working a few afternoons a week at the Home as part of our volunteer program. We’d hit it off the first day, and when she mentioned she was looking for a job in the daylight hours—she’d be on the night shift for too long at a hospital—I encouraged her to apply to the clinic.

  I nod, encouraging her to go on.

  “I wasn’t at the clinic often, but I remember Elliot stressing to all of us that the back of the clinic, the work that was being done, was off-limits.”

  An uncomfortable flush climbs up my spine. I wish I’d been more focused on what Elliot was doing back then. This, right here, is reason for alarm. He made a point of keeping people away while the work was done.

  “How long did the job take?” Nick asks.

  “About two weeks.” Willow looks to me. We had already covered most of this in our conversations after the clinic explosion. “I’d forgotten Flora was also working there at the time.” She fidgets with her fingers.

  Flora is a nurse, and at the time, she worked the intake desk at the clinic. Willow didn’t have a lot of interaction with her but even limited, it wasn’t pleasant. Flora is a hard person to like.

  “Yes, I remember.” Or at least now I do. When Flora left the clinic, I gave Willow her full-time position.


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