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Her Angel: Eternal Warriors Romance Series Complete Series Box Set (Books 1-5)

Page 158

by Felicity Heaton

  “You really expect me to believe you’re the Devil?” She looked him over, a confused crinkle to her brow.

  He remained still when she closed the distance between them and shook her head, her gaze skimming up and down.

  “I do not expect you to believe it, because I know you already feel it in your heart, Nina. We share a connection, one that runs as deep as blood, forged in that cramped bathroom. I did not seduce you, Nina.” He lifted his hand and brushed his knuckles across her cheek. “You seduced me.”

  Her wide eyes halted on his, realisation shining in them together with something else, and she covered her mouth.

  “Oh, God, you’re a cross-dresser too.”

  Lucifer growled at her, unable to stop himself on hearing that word, and she didn’t flinch away this time. She remained where she was, no trace of fear in her scent as she stared at him in disbelief. He struggled to rein in his anger again, wondering at the same time whether she would ever learn to not use that word around him. When he had managed to calm himself, he found her standing closer to him.

  Prodding his breasts.

  “They feel so real.”

  Lucifer gently slapped her hand away. “They are real. I borrowed my daughter’s body.”

  Nina snatched her hand back and held it to her chest, her eyes wide again, locked back on his. “You possessed her?”

  “In a manner of speaking.” He shrugged. “She is not happy with me. Hell only knows what she is doing to my body right now. I may return to find myself a eunuch.”

  “I hope not,” Nina murmured, strengthening his hope that he stood a chance with her, and then seemed to realise what she had said and set her pretty face in a black scowl and glared at him. “It would serve you right. Do you often body-swap with your daughter?”

  She froze.

  “You have a daughter?”

  Lucifer smiled.

  “I do, but it is a long story and not for now, and no, I have never swapped with her before… but you left…” His smile faded and he frowned down into her eyes, losing himself in the sea of pale green perfection that he had thought he would never see again, not like this anyway, with her so close to him and looking at him as if she wanted to be with him, despite everything she knew. “You left and I cannot leave Hell. This was the only way I could reach you.”

  “Why?” she whispered and edged closer to him, her eyes searching his.

  “Because the gates seal me in Hell and I cannot leave unless I—”

  She pressed the tip of her finger to his lips, silencing him. “No… why did you want to reach me?”

  Lucifer caught her hand, drew it away from his mouth, and pulled down a deep breath, filling his lungs with air that tasted too clean before expelling it slowly in an effort to calm himself as he tried to find the right words.

  The ones that would make her come back with him.

  The ones that would win her heart.

  “I want you to return,” he murmured softly and furrowed his eyebrows as he looked into her eyes, hoping she would see in his that he meant every word he was saying, even though he looked like his damned daughter. He had hoped he would be back in his own body when he confessed all of this. “I do not want to be in that place without you, Nina, because without you it is Hell. I believed my daughter had turned me into a sentimental fool, but now I know differently. You came along and showed me just how deeply I could care about someone… just how strongly I could love someone.”

  A blush crept onto her cheeks and her smile wobbled on her lips.

  “Perhaps it was all of you. You… Erin… and Dante.”

  Her smile faded. “Who’s Dante? Your son?”

  He shook his head. “My grandson, and another long story, one I will happily share with you when we are safe back in the fortress. Angels will be coming to fight me, Nina. I cannot remain here. I must return, but I will not go without you.”

  “Back in the castle.” Her tone turned distant and he feared he was losing her again, until she lifted her eyes back to his and smiled. “Is it weird that I miss that place?”

  Lucifer thought about that. She had called it a prison, and he had once felt that way about it too, but now he knew it to be his home. Was it possible Nina was coming to see his fortress as her home too?

  Her nose wrinkled as she looked at him. “It’s not as weird as looking at you when you’re in a woman’s body.”

  “I hope it is not ruining your attraction to me, because it is a one time event. I find it strange and irritating. Weak.” He frowned down at his body. “Everything feels wrong. Besides, I think Erin will, as she crassly puts it, tear me a new one when I return as promised.”

  Nina grinned. “If she hasn’t already torn your body a new one.”

  Lucifer paled. “Perhaps I should have thought this through more, but I was not thinking. I needed to reach you and make you see that whatever Mihail told you, it was a lie. He brought you to me, and he took you away from me, but he did not make me fall for you.”

  Her smile softened and he drank the affection that filled her eyes as she looked at him.

  He held his hand out to her but she still didn’t take it.

  He sighed and looked down at his feet, feeling a tug in his breast that he hadn’t experienced in a very long time. He was being pulled back to Hell, but it wasn’t Heaven’s doing. It was Erin. He could almost feel her fury and rage, and could definitely sense the violence she was unleashing in his domain.

  “I do not think I will be allowed to see Dante anymore after this.”

  He didn’t realise he had said that aloud until Nina’s hand slipped into his and she squeezed it, her voice soft and soothing.

  “I’ll go with you, but only because I want some answers and I don’t think I’ll get them if you’re busy fighting angels… and I don’t want you to have to fight them… I don’t want them near me… and I don’t want your daughter to be mad at you.” The serious edge to her eyes when he met them told him that he hadn’t won her yet.

  His battle for his little mortal female was only just beginning. He glanced down at her cream sweater, at the flat plane of her stomach. He wanted to press his hand to it and use his power to sense whether she bore his child, even though Mihail’s taking her was the only confirmation he really needed.

  She didn’t want him to fight the angels, but it was inevitable. Heaven would want her in their hands, and that meant he would have to fight for her.

  Nina spoke again, the steady tone of her voice drawing his focus back to her and comforting him. “Maybe if she sees that you wanted to leave Hell because of me, she won’t be mad?”

  That touched him.

  He shifted his hand in hers, linking their fingers, and focused on his domain and his fortress that towered in the centre of it. The colourful world around him twisted into darkness and then disappeared, revealing the courtyard of his home.

  A huge black blast of energy careened towards him.

  Lucifer tugged Nina behind him and threw his free hand forwards, deflecting the orb before it could strike him and Nina. It shot off to his right and crashed into the spires of rock there, causing them to explode.

  Lucifer growled and straightened his spine, trying to ignore how strange it was to face himself in a battle. “Behave yourself, Daughter, because you almost hit our guest.”

  His body’s left eyebrow quirked. Lucifer kept pace with it as it moved side to side, his daughter attempting to peer past him.

  Erin huffed and folded her arms across her chest. Behind her, the walls of his fortress began to repair themselves, the huge cracks in the black stone sealing shut. His daughter had been busy while he had been gone. Many of the spires that surrounded the courtyard were ruined too, laying in rubble, their broken remains spewing lava as they attempted to rebuild themselves.

  “I want my body back.” It was odd hearing himself say those words. Whenever he thought he had a grasp on things, that he was used to seeing his body and hearing his voice and could comprehe
nd that it was Erin inside it, and Erin talking, it all felt weird again. She planted her hands on her hips. His hips. Weird. “Unless you intend to feed Dante come my little hellion’s dinner time?”

  Lucifer looked down at his breasts and pulled a face. “I think not. You can have your body back. I have what I wanted.”

  He focused on his hand and on his body, and black lightning leaped the gap between his palm and his body’s forehead. Pain exploded inside his skull and he flinched away, pressed his hands to his head and growled as he tried to tamp it down. It slowly faded and he opened his eyes, exhaling a sigh of relief when he saw his own flat broad chest and a suit rather than breasts and a summer dress.

  Lucifer turned to face Nina, and saw only the castle.

  He spun on the spot, coming to face Erin where she stood right next to Nina. He hadn’t thought about the fact he would leave Nina near his daughter when switching back into his own body. Fear lanced him, turning his blood to ice in his veins, and he lifted his hand to reach for Nina, convinced that his daughter would steal her away from him, teleporting her beyond his reach once more.

  Erin just looked her up and down. “Did he kidnap you too?”

  Nina flicked him a curious glance and then looked back at Erin and shook her head. “No. I think an angel did.”

  “Mihail. He’s such a bastard.” Erin snorted and then shrugged. “Pops kidnapped me once. I figured he kidnapped everyone he liked.”

  Lucifer arched an eyebrow at that. Nina looked at him in a way that left him feeling she was trying to put the name “pops” together with what she knew about him and was failing to make them fit.

  Erin pointed at him, a corona of red surrounding her golden irises. “You’re banned from seeing Dante for a month, and if you try that shit again, I’m telling Veiron. It freaked me the fuck out.”

  Lucifer nodded in agreement with that. “It was not pleasant.”

  He held his hand out to Nina.

  “Lucifer…” She started and Erin’s eyes almost popped out of her head, her lips twitching into a wicked smile that made him growl and glare at her in warning.

  “I have something extra juicy to tell Veiron and the Scooby gang,” Erin singsonged and Lucifer advanced on her.

  She didn’t relent. Her smile only grew wider, more wicked.

  “Oh, they’re going to love finding out your real name.”

  Lucifer gave up attempting to threaten her. It wasn’t any fun when the person you were threatening wasn’t afraid of you and knew they could match your power blow for blow and come out of a fight with you unscathed.

  He looked at his daughter, seeing for the first time just how strong she truly was. She had held her own against angels and demons, had taken on the world more than once, and always came to the aid of her friends and family, but her true strength rested in a part of her he had never wanted to acknowledge before.

  Her heart.

  She loved deeply, unconditionally, and as he looked at her as she spoke to Nina with a smile on her lips and laughter in her eyes, he had the feeling that it wasn’t something she had somehow inherited from her mother, because her genes were a perfect match for his.

  He had bottled his memories of the time that had come before his tenure in Hell, had closed himself off to the male he had once been, but he could no longer shut out the past.

  Because the very image of the man he had once been stood before him.

  His daughter.

  He had laughed like her once, had cherished those he had considered family and friends, and would have done anything to protect the ones that he loved with all of his heart.

  His gaze slid to Nina and she stopped giggling, her expression turning serious as she slowly brought her gaze to meet his.

  Perhaps that male wasn’t dead and gone.

  Perhaps he had only been buried and the catalyst of his resurrection was looking at him with love in her eyes.

  Erin made a gagging noise.

  Lucifer sighed and scowled at her, but it lasted only a second before his temper faded and concern filled his heart. She was strong, but that didn’t make her invincible, and he wasn’t sure he could cope if he lost her or his grandson. Her features shifted, her grin fading and expression becoming uncomfortable.

  “Do not trust the angels of the apocalypse, Daughter.” Lucifer took measured steps towards her and placed his right hand on her shoulder as he looked down into her eyes. “Mihail delivered Nina to me and Mihail took her back to the mortal world. The male has issues with me, and I would not put it past him to take those issues out on you now that Nina is back within my realm. Be careful.”

  Erin huffed and glared at him. “Spoilsport. Now I don’t feel like taking the piss out of you over your name. I’ll be careful. Always am.”

  He didn’t like the flippant way she said that. She was dealing with more than mere angels and demons now. Mihail and his cohorts were dangerous, and so were their originals, the princes of Hell.

  “Promise me, Daughter. Take every precaution and do not lower your guard.” He gently squeezed her shoulder and her look turned even more uncomfortable.

  She shrugged out of his grasp, fidgeted with the hem of her dress, and then nodded and turned away from him, walking towards the plateau.

  She raised her hand and waved without looking back at him. “Now I know where I got it from.”

  Lucifer frowned at her retreating back. “Got what from?”

  She tossed a grin over her shoulder, her amber eyes bright and sparkling with it. “The sentimental fool gene.”

  She disappeared.

  Lucifer huffed. “Sometimes, Daughter, you deserve punishment for your impudence.”

  The feel of Nina’s eyes on him, burning into him, drew his focus across to her where she stood just feet from him. She was grinning too.

  He scowled. “What?”

  She only smiled wider. “I know you won’t punish her. You clearly love your daughter.”

  As uncomfortable as hearing that made him, there was a part of him that could no longer deny it. He sighed again and looked off into the distance at the dark lands of his realm, his senses locked on Erin where she had just appeared on her island.

  “Do not tell anyone,” he said without looking at Nina.

  The back of her hand brushed his and he looked down at her. She shrugged. “Who do you think I’m going to tell about any of this? Everyone would think I’d gone crazy. I still sort of think I’ve gone crazy.”

  He reached up and swept his fingers across her cheek, clearing the rogue wavy strands of her auburn hair back behind her ear.

  “You have not gone crazy, Nina.” He feathered his fingers down her cheek again, along the line of her jaw to her chin, and pressed his thumb there, keeping her looking up into his eyes. “But you have driven me crazy.”

  She hesitated, a war erupting in her eyes, one that made him want to take back his words because he was pushing her too hard again. He had promised to give her answers if she came with him, and he meant to do just that. He had to confess everything and then it would be down to her to make a decision that he knew would be difficult for her.

  “I have realised why Mihail chose you, Nina, and what his plan was for you.”

  Her cheeks paled, her green eyes growing enormous as her fear trickled into him through the point where they touched.

  “What?” she whispered, her voice shaking so much that he ached to comfort her, even when he knew that what he was about to tell her would only scare her further.

  But he needed to be honest with her, because he wasn’t sure what he was going to do if he was right.

  He feared the first woman to steal his heart would end up stolen from him and he would be left with nothing but a solemn yet beautiful reminder of what he had lost.

  He lowered his free hand to her stomach, denied the urge to use his powers to seek an answer to the question burning in his heart, aware that it might hurt Nina and any child she carried, and held her gaze.

p; “They wanted you to have my child.”


  Nina stared up into Lucifer’s golden eyes, sure that she had heard him wrong. Her hand fell to her stomach and she tensed when it touched his where it rested over her belly button. It wasn’t possible. Maybe Heaven didn’t know that.

  She shook her head at such a ridiculous thought, sure that whatever higher powers existed in this world, they knew what they were doing and they had chosen her for a reason.

  Lucifer frowned at her, his head tilting to his right, and searched her eyes. “You do not believe me?”

  “I’m not sure what I believe anymore, Lucifer.” She stepped back, needing the space and some air. Her stomach turned when she sucked down a sharp breath, getting a hit of thick, moist and rank air rather than the clear crispness that she needed. Her throat tightened and a weight settled on her chest, pressing down on it harder the longer she stared into Lucifer’s eyes.

  The more she saw the belief in them.

  Mihail had called him a liar, but the only one she knew had lied to her was the angel himself. Lucifer hadn’t been honest with her, but when she kept her head and tried to look at it from his perspective, she could understand why. He had known that she would freak out and run away from him, rushing headlong into what she felt sure was a very dangerous realm and into the arms of an even more dangerous man.

  That man was an angel, with the white wings to prove it in every clichéd way possible, but she hadn’t felt safe with him. Her heart had warned her not to trust him and her instincts had told her that he was dangerous, out to get something from her and poison her against Lucifer for some reason.

  Was it really possible that that reason was the fact that she was pregnant?

  “I can’t believe it,” she muttered and kept shaking her head, struggling to believe that there might be life inside her already. “Why would they choose me? I don’t understand why they would choose me. It doesn’t make any sense. It just doesn’t… and you already have a daughter. Why would they want you to make another one?”


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