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Theirs to Share

Page 19

by Jaye Peaches

  Kriss held out something shiny in his palms. Two little pincers of metal, shaped like claws. She gasped, and wriggled her hips from side to side in a pretense of resistance. She wanted to protest with words, too, just to make it more exciting, but they’d forbidden her to talk. Instead, she made sure her eyes were as wide as moons. Kriss smiled and dangled the two clamps in front of her face.

  “Do we need to gag you?” he asked. The light twinkled in his eyes and she noticed his cock twitching frantically, the purple veins pulsating with hot blood.

  She shook her head.

  With a delicate touch, he used the clamp to circle her nipple and the cool metal stiffened it into a pebble. The game continued, the play at tormenting her. Jago approached her from behind, reached around and cupped both of her breasts in the palms of his hands. She squirmed on her toes, and squealed. The first clamp locked around her right nipple and it bit. She panted, absorbing the tight pinch. Then, abruptly, the pain lifted and a numbness descended. Kriss ringed the other nipple, and captured that one too in the claw.

  Jago lowered her breasts, and the weight of the clamps took their full effect. Neither painless nor painful, she hovered in an indescribable middle location. What was most noticeable was the way her clitoris throbbed and her pussy leaked its nectar.

  The nestors switched locations. Jago slipped his broad hands under her thighs and hoisted her legs up and around his waist. With her bottom supported, and the rope slackened slightly, she swung toward his cock. He aimed and thrust between her folds, finding his target with ease. The clamps were forgotten. She was impaled, and the entirety of his shaft disappeared inside her wet pussy.

  Jago groaned. His eyes half closed as he paused to savor her. She liked that dreamy expression, the half-tilted head, the parted lips and flared nostrils. He inhaled, sucking his breath between his teeth, then exhaled. He slid back until the head of his cock was nearly visible, then thrust forward again.

  Somehow, Kriss had found the means to slot his cock between her ass cheeks. With firm fingers, he parted her buttocks along the furrow and pushed his erection against her entrance. She whimpered, appropriately, and in the manner he recognized—willing, yet nervous. His cock would be well-oiled—it always was when he played back there. However, she had to cope with the first breach and that was the hardest.

  He rose, applying more pressure to the tight ring. She had to relax, ignore the restraints and the sting of the clamps. There was no fun to be had if she didn’t allow this to happen. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

  The pressure built and at the point where she thought she might be ripped open, she yielded and accepted him in. He drove higher, gliding it seemed until she felt his hips knock against her ass.

  Both of them buried to the hilt in her and ready to take their pleasure.

  They worked in perfect symmetry, alternating their thrusts so that as one hard cock exited, another filled her. She sighed and moaned, occasionally cried out, but never said a word, just as they asked. What she wanted to say was, ‘please.’

  “You want to come?” Jago asked, his capable hands still supporting her weight as if she was as light as a feather.

  She nodded.

  “When you do, these will come off.” He meant the clamps.

  Hell. That’s going to hurt. She swallowed hard, and opened her eyes. He was looking straight at her, his focus no longer soft. He was watching her every sign, making sure she was with them and not lost in pain or distress. Kriss’s hands shifted and he cupped her breasts in the same way Jago had earlier.

  “We’re doing this because we want to,” Kriss said. “From now on, when we Hunger, we decide what we do to you.”

  Her pussy clenched around Jago’s rod and he gripped her ass tighter, quite aware of her growing need to come.

  “Yes,” Jago said, eyeing the clamps. “We will do exactly as we please. You’re ours now. Given not by Earthlings, but by our queen.”

  Her arms started to tremble and her shoulders to ache. The shaking was born out of excitement, not fear or exhaustion. She quivered as if in a fever and couldn’t stop the impending orgasm. Whenever Jago penetrated deeper, his cock chafed against her nub and Kriss maintained his occupation with shallow thrusts that delighted her. A perfect duo, and all she had to do was come, scream the place down, and they would have taken her thoroughly.

  She mouthed, ‘please.’

  Jago nodded, but not to her, but Kriss, who controlled the pincers.

  Another deep thrust and that was all that was needed to tip her over the edge. The plateau was sweet, the prelude to something tremendous. She hovered there, enjoying the first contraction of her pussy. She too could clamp hard if she wanted to and she exercised that right and squeezed Jago’s cock hard. He growled, softly and with obvious joy.

  Another nod, another warning of what was to come. The orgasm tumbled on, wave upon wave of pulsating muscles and in the midst, Kriss released her nipples. The numbness was immediately replaced with an agonizing rush of pain that cumulated in the tips of each breast. The pain was wiped out by the pleasure and she shrieked, letting go of the tension that had locked itself inside her body. She had no idea how such a release was possible. Her throbbing nipples added to the orgasm and extended it, and throughout, both men pumped her hard and fast.

  She wasn’t expecting them to fill her with their seed. Not yet, it was early in the day. But she was blessed with knowing that they achieved their own climaxes and they roared in tandem.

  In a matter of seconds, she was released, stretched out on the floor and covered in kisses.

  “Well done,” Jago whispered. “You were amazing.”

  She grinned, half awake and content.

  “Rest a bit, then we’ll make love.” Kriss nudged his still hard cock against her. “You may speak.”

  “Thank you,” she said. She touched each of their faces in turn, stroking her fingers along the strong line of their jaws, noting the vitality in their eyes. “I guess I am what I am.”

  “Be proud of it.” Jago kissed her lips.

  The day progressed, they made love, dipping in and out of her, treating her with affection, before reminding her they had the power to command her body to do what they desired. As dusk arrived, they grew restless, and she knew it was time for them to complete their task.

  Lying on her back, they took turns, in the same way they had done on the first day she’d met them. However, this time they touched and caressed her, used their lips and hands to massage her flesh, and keep her clitoris alive and responsive. Jago arrived first, emptying his load in one long howl of delight. She felt the heat of it rise inside her belly. Then Kriss, equally keen and his heat basked alongside his nestor’s. The two of them combined, exactly as it should be.

  Chapter Twenty

  “So, the plan is to have the vines growing up this hillside, facing the sun.” Shayla waved both her arms up and down, just where she imagined the lines. “And over there, next to the water’s edge, will be the winery.”

  Bert Tesser followed the direction of her hand. “Looks mighty fine. And how exactly do you pay for all this, Shayla?”

  Trust her father to worry about the details. He wore blue jeans and a t-shirt. Human clothing on an alien world. It grounded her, gave her the confidence she needed. Most days, since he’d arrived on Odesta, he wore a formal suit and went everywhere with a minder, a bodyguard. She hoped the guard wasn’t needed. So far no threats had been received, probably because the purpose of his visit was still only known to a handful. Roisa was being cautious, cultivating interest amongst her people, before making the anticipated treaties public knowledge.

  “There’s no money to worry about. Once I’ve the grapes, I’ll hire some workers, probably alien species like myself, to plant the seeds, trim the vines. Eventually, if your plans go well, then maybe there’ll be Hezara cultivating these fields, growing their own food.”

  “Warriors don’t make good farmers.” He stood close to where the w
ater lapped on the shoreline. The sun had colored his cheeks red, but he looked younger under the Odesta sun, invigorated by the long trip and the expectation of finally delivering his long-held belief that Hezara and Earth could be proper allies.

  “Well, not yet. In years to come, things will be different. Smaller armies fighting the pockets of Violence mean a new workforce on planets like Odesta. More Hezara females, and as girls grow into women, there will be no need for breeding queens. And I will help them learn... although, I need your help.” She joined him.


  “I actually don’t know much about wineries. Or growing grapes.”

  He laughed. “I guess you want me to find out?”

  “A few books, a manual. That kind of thing. And seeds, lots of seeds. If I can make decent wine, it will pay for the investment. I don’t need money. It’s useless here.”

  He looped his arm over her shoulder and squeezed her. “This makes me proud, darling. I never thought you’d achieve so much. I will not only find you good seeds from the finest wineries on Earth, I’ll try to arrange somebody to come out on secondment. Imagine the prestige of that—somebody will snatch up the opportunity.”

  “I just hope Hezarans will like wine.”

  “Who doesn’t!”

  They walked along the banks of the vast lake, the water glimmering under the dazzling sun. Shayla wore a floppy hat, shorts, and a shirt. More clothes fashioned by Nieve’s versatile friend. Encouraged by Shayla’s ambitions, the dressmaker had opened a shop, trading clothes in return for fish, which she gave to Nieve, who paid her back with food. Shayla suspected that some kind of money system would eventually be implemented. The ways of other worlds would finally impact Hezara, especially once their laws were updated to be less draconian.

  “You definitely want to stay,” her father asked for the umpteenth time.

  “Yes,” she said firmly. How could she consider leaving Jago and Kriss?

  Eventually, they reached her home, the peculiar house she shared. Her nestors were at work, busy with the final preparations. Several queens were arriving in the next few days and Jago was supervising their visit. The long days had meant little time for conversation, let alone intimacy. Her father stayed in the city, in a fine guest house, protected by the judge who’d ordered Shayla’s punishment. Nobody mentioned that to Bert. Water under the bridge, best forgotten, she told Jago.

  From now on, things would be different. She remained optimistic, especially as her father liked her nestors.

  “I have to tell you something.” Her father accepted a glass of water and sat in the armchair. She sat at his feet; it seemed the right thing to do. So many years of distance, never quite knowing how to talk to him or what to expect from him. She’d blamed her mother for his aloofness, but that wasn’t fair. Relationships fell apart for many reasons, and neither of them had ever implied it was her mother’s fault.

  “Yes?” She’d heard a faint trace of anxiety in his voice. Unusual for a diplomat who had mastered the art of hiding his emotions.

  “I meant it when I said you’ve achieved so much. More than I anticipated.” He cleared his throat. “You see, Alfraya and I are lovers.”

  Shayla gasped. She’d never suspected it, not a hint that the couple knew each other. “When?”

  “Long after I left your mother and you joined the academy. Alfraya ensured that you would be paired with a queen’s guard, just so that you could gain some influence. I never expected this level of success. Can you forgive me?”

  She rose, steadied herself. Such a burden he’d given her, a responsibility that relied on her sexuality as much as her curiosity.

  She turned to face him. He wore a tortured expression. Now she saw the gray hairs sprouting on his head, the wrinkles under his eyes and around his lips. Perhaps not the best father in the world, but he was now trying to make amends.

  “I thought she was with the Resistance.”

  “She was, but after you met them, I convinced her that threats will never work. We fell in love. I went to see her, to make sure that she had your best interests at heart, and we bonded, as couples do when they have a common cause.”

  “Common cause?”

  “You.” He stood and collected her hands in his. “My darling, you are special. Courageous, beautiful, and strong.”

  She withdrew and stepped back. He had kept secrets from her.


  She remembered her nestors, their response to hearing Roisa speaking of the queen’s deception, and how they’d accepted the Hunger, allowed it to control their lives. Yet, they had not rebelled or turned their backs on Roisa. Instead, they had looked to the future and the opportunities that waited on the horizon for them, and Hezara. If they could move on, so could she, except...

  “I have to know. Did you arrange for me to be a Gift?” she asked.

  He shook his head vigorously. “No, absolutely not. I’ve no involvement with gifting, nothing to do with it. And you were an adult, hardly likely to listen to me. I, after all, paid you scant attention, something I regret. I shall make up for it. I swear, Shayla, I will do what I can to help you succeed, to find what your heart desires, here on Odesta.”

  She believed him, as she had the queen. She moved closer to him. “And you like them, my nestors?”

  He smiled. “They are fine young men. Worthy.”

  She met his smile and fashioned one of her own, allowing her lips to cease trembling and her heartbeats to calm.

  The door behind them opened.

  Jago and Kriss were home.

  * * *

  She lay on a bed of palm leaves in the shadows of a tree. Nearby was the field where the grape seeds would be planted. For now, she had to wait, and allow her love for Jago and Kriss to grow. She was nestled between them and she was naked.

  According to Jago, there were no laws preventing them from having sex in the open. Strangely, Hezara had not thought to make it illegal, probably because nobody had any need for romantic settings. They’d had a picnic, eating proper food, and now were making love. Jago and Kriss as naked as she, their beating hearts glowing, their brightly colored cocks moving in and out of her. Sometimes gently, other times with vigor. She let them decide; she didn’t mind that when it came to her body, they remained her masters.

  She sighed, enjoying the warm breeze alongside their caresses and kisses. She’d come, more than a few times, and now it was their turn, their choice. Something magical was happening inside her, she felt it. A liquid heat that bloomed, filling her and spilling out. Jago had come deep within her, his last energetic pumps had triggered a climax that left him smiling and panting with glee.

  Kriss would follow soon, once he decided he was ready. She loved how they didn’t worry about vessels and chanting, that any words spoken were to her directly.

  “I love you,” Jago said, adding a kiss on her lips.

  “Me, too,” Kriss said.

  Kriss wrapped his arms around her. He glided inside her, massaging her with his oiled cock and rhythmic movements. Her bottom brushed against him, the heat of yesterday’s spanking still there just under the surface of her smooth skin. She’d not complained, because it didn’t matter why he wanted it, only that they both took pleasure from it. Jago liked to watch. Maybe she needed a little taming, a reining in when her latest ambitions kept her from thinking straight. They had promised her father to keep her safe, and that surely meant an occasional spell over Kriss’s knee.

  She giggled, remembering Kriss’s nuanced words of wisdom: ‘behave yourself’ being the most commonly used expression.

  Their bodies entwined, tangled as tightly as grapevines. Kriss cupped her breasts, his thrusts stilled, and he shuddered, producing a long exhale. He was content, and so was she.

  The future was fluid, uncertain, and changing. Perhaps she’d started a quiet revolution, an unbelievable achievement for somebody who’d always thought doing as she was told was the key to happiness. A little rebellion went a long way.
So, she would continue to whisper small ideas in their ears, and Roisa’s too, now that she was in favor with the queen. She wasn’t afraid to speak out, but if she went too far, she could rely on Kriss and Jago to rein her in. They had promised to take care of her and stay by her side, and she had offered them her commitment: her heart belonged to the twins.

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Jaye Peaches

  Taught to Serve

  Though she is both beautiful and intelligent, Casey has bounced from one job to another as a result of her failure to truly apply herself. As she sits on a park bench crying after yet another dismissal, things show no sign of changing anytime soon... until a passing stranger sees the tears in her eyes and comes to her rescue. The handsome, smartly dressed man by the name of Robert informs her that he is in need of a personal assistant and she might be a good fit.

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