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The Sovereign of Psiere

Page 11

by K. Aten

  “I’ve got you.” Castellan pulled her mouth away from its task and brought her fingers up to run them through the folds of Olivienne’s quim. The Connate was so wet it took no time at all to lubricate her fingers for entry. She teased Olivienne’s opening until the Connate stared down at her with those mesmerizing violet eyes.

  Her expression brooked no question as to her need but just in case Tosh was particularly thick she spoke it aloud anyway. “Tongue on, fingers in!”

  Castellan grinned and moved closer as directed. “You’re so demanding!” Rather than reply to the comment, Castellan’s mouth and fingers had Olivienne groaning out her pleasure. Tosh thrust first with one finger only, then added two within a few strokes. As Olivienne’s clit hardened further beneath Castellan’s tongue, she picked up the pace. Olivienne’s legs began to shake and she got even more vocal as she approached the precipice of personal pleasure.

  Rather than slow the Connate’s rapid approach to the edge, Tosh curled her fingers inside her and redoubled her efforts until Olivienne screamed out her release. Unfortunately it was a sound that carried to the ears of every single soldier in the first class segment. Castellan kept up her ministrations while Olivienne rode the waves of her orgasm until the end. The officer only stopped when the twitching woman on the bottom feebly called out to her.

  “No more, I beg of you!” Castellan immediately released her telekinetic hold over Olivienne’s arms and moved up to kiss her on the lips. The Connate met her kiss with more passion that was expected after such a draining orgasm. “ taste like me.”

  Castellan rolled to the side and looked at her curiously. “You like that?”

  Purple irises met her pale blue ones. “I love the taste, touch, and sound of women, why would I not enjoy kissing my own flavor from your lips? I am a woman, after all.”

  The officer’s eyes darkened slightly. “You certainly are.” She took in Olivienne’s flushed face and still-heaving chest. “Do you need a meen?”

  Olivienne gave her a decidedly naughty smile in return before pushing Tosh all the way onto her back. “No, I don’t.” She immediately covered the soldier’s body with her own and began kissing her, even as she dug her hands into the strong shoulders below her. Castellan kept herself exceptionally fit and Olivienne appreciated every muscle and line of Tosh’s form. But even though the woman lying prone on the bed had a body of someone who worked hard and worked well, she still sported the soft feminine curves that Olivienne adored.

  Tosh’s breasts were small, but her nipples were large enough to make Olivienne never want to move her mouth away from their hard wonder. The highly capable officer was reduced to a whimpering and needy bundle of nerves by the time Olivienne slid her hand between them and slicked her fingers through Castellan’s wet quim. Castellan stiffened when the Connate began stroking her flesh further and further until fingers were eventually swallowed deep inside the officer’s depths. With that move, Olivienne shifted her body to the side in order to reach. She used her thumb to stimulate Tosh’s clitoris at the same time she wrapped her lips around the writhing woman’s nearest nipple. She bit gently before swirling her tongue around the sensitive flesh and Castellan arched her back off the bed with a cry. “By the depths!”

  After thrusting for a number of meens and working both nipples to stiff peaks, Olivienne gave in to her need to taste the woman who was nearing the edge of orgasm. She pulled her mouth away from Tosh’s chest and moved down between the panting woman’s legs. Without even missing a stroke, she moved her thumb out of the way and took over with her lips and tongue. Olivienne hummed her approval at Castellan’s taste and responsiveness, mumbling into the other woman’s wetness. “Mmmm, so good.”

  Castellan Tosh was beside herself and was receptive to the Connate’s touch indeed. “Yes!” She could feel herself tightening toward completion as pressure filled her head. She did not have to worry that Olivienne would move or stop before she could reach the end, she merely had to enjoy it. When orgasm struck, it was like a lightning bolt shook her body and stole her sanity in a mental scream. Just as all the guardians in the private seg had heard Olivienne’s vocal shout earlier, they also heard and felt the pressure of the lt. commander’s mental one. And for those that were empaths, the pleasure that radiated from the Connate’s cabin was unmistakable, as Castellan’s orgasm had brought Olivienne to a smaller peak as well. It was a good dae’s tupping when pleasure was found simultaneously between partners, especially new ones.

  The passion potential between the two strong-willed women carried over into round after round of the most exuberant and hot tupping between them. The oors between deciphering the sacred temple texts and the next railer stop melted into a mewling, writhing, wonder of pleasure. At one point Olivienne bit down on Castellan’s hand when the officer tried to stifle the Connate’s orgasmic screams. Both were established lovers and they took turns showing each other every trick they’d learned to wring pleasure from a woman’s body.

  Olivienne Dracore and Castellan Tosh may have been at odds just as often as not, but their connection in bed was unmistakable. Ten meens after they collapsed to the coverlets in sweaty exhaustion, the captain’s voice came over the cabin speaker to inform the travelers they were a half oor out from Penterole. Castellan blinked to realize they had been engaged for so long. “Well,” she said more out of surprise than anything, “had I realized you were such a...vocal lover, I would have used my channel on your lips instead of your hands. I fear my reputation is in ruins amongst your Shield unit!”

  Olivienne started laughing as she lay there with her arm across her own eyes. “Mostly likely your reputation is greater than Archeos and Illeos combined. They have heard enough of my escapades that they are probably immune, however none before has compared to my morning with you! And to think I’ve been tupping athletes all this time for their stamina. I clearly should have been looking for a soldier!”

  Tosh smiled as her heartrate began to slow to normal parameters once again. She glanced at the Connate as Olivienne moved her arm and opened those intriguing purple eyes.

  “Athletes, really?” People that were placed into the Psi Service Corp, which encompassed both arts, athletics, and entertainment, among other things, were often joked to be of lower intelligence, or possibily even ability, than some of the other corps.

  “Well to be fair, the last one was no ordinary athlete.”

  The lt. commander laughed and used her telekinesis to caress Olivienne’s cheek. “Well to be fair, I’m no ordinary soldier.”

  The sovereign caught Tosh in an appreciative gaze. “No, you most certainly are not.”

  Castellan stretched her body and was well aware that she was being stared at. “All this vigorous ‘royal tupping’ has left me with an appetite. Would you care to take advantage of our long stop in Penterole and find a decent eating establishment?”

  “What, tired of railer food already?”

  “More like I’m tired of the railer. So, what is your answer, Connate Dracore?”

  Olivienne looked at her seriously. “You may not want to have dinner with me.”

  Castellan sat up and gave the still-reclining woman a curious look. “Why ever not?”

  “I’m a very public figure. If we sup together, people will link our names romantically...or worse. It may besmirch your serious officer character.”

  The sovereign got a shrug from the lt. commander. “Have you met a soldier? I would think our caterwauling of the past few oors would be enough to have your guardians wagging their tongues from here to Tesseron and back.”

  Olivienne stiffened slightly. “My guardians are always discreet.”

  “Discreet or no, they still talk amongst themselves, which means my reputation is already in tatters where it comes to a certain fetching sovereign.” She smiled down at Olivienne. “Besides, I don’t care about gossip. However I do care about stretching my legs, filling my belly, and having intelligent conversation. So if you’re interested in those
things as well, I would be happy to have you along. Besmirched character or no.”

  Olivienne sat up and apported their scattered clothes onto the bed with them. “You may regret those words, Lieutenant Commander Castellan Tosh. But I would be delighted to share all of those things with you. And perhaps...” She trailed off and Tosh looked at her expectantly.


  Olivienne gave her a less than innocent smile. “Perhaps after you’ve satisfied your appetite we can spend some time working up another.”

  A pale brow went up as Castellan began dressing. “I’d say that is a most satisfactory plan.”

  Chapter Eight

  THEY EXITED THE railer after all the regular passengers had departed. It was nearly fifteen hundred oors and the railer was due for a six oor maintenance and restocking layover before continuing on to Tesseron. That meant there would be plenty of time to stretch legs and fill bellies. Just as before when the Connate left the railer, four guardians were left behind to watch the sovereign’s first class segment and the remaining four came with them. For the first time, Castellan actually paid attention to the detail and questioned the lowered security. “Tell me, Connate Dracore...where is the rest of your Shield Corp unit?”

  Olivienne looked at her as if she were mad. “Why, on the railer, of course!”

  “But surely you have more than eight total?”

  The Connate scoffed. “Of course I do! One is on leave at the moment and another had vacation that coincided with my trip to Ostium so I left her behind. I neither need, nor want, any more guardians than that.”

  Sensing that it was a volatile topic, Castellan did something she loathed to do and bit her tongue. After all, it was none of her business how the Connate’s Shield unit was run.

  “So what would you like to eat?” Castellan turned her head toward the beautiful woman she was escorting through the railer station. Her grin was roguish, which caused Olivienne to sigh and amend her statement. “You are a cad, Commander Tosh! I mean, where would you like to eat?”

  Castellan tempered her teasing and shrugged. “I’ve been away from the north for five rotos, so I’m not familiar with the local eating establishments in Penterole. Do you recommend anything in particular?”

  Olivienne thought for a meen as they exited the station and began walking through the large open square. The space was in part a marketplace and especially full of people. The group paused as a double handful of students crossed the path in front of them and the Connate considered the question. In the background the large clock tower bonged three times, for the three oors after middae. Olivienne’s food contemplation was interrupted by Lt. Savon. “Connate Dracore, would you like us to procure you a moto?”

  Castellan was relieved to note that all four guardians were on high alert as they stood in the busy square. Eyes scanned in every direction looking for anything out of the ordinary, or of potential hazard to the Royal Sovereign. She herself adopted a similar stance and mentality, scanning the crowd that was ahead and to the sides while they walked. Even though she was not dressed in her uniform, it was a known fact the continents over that a soldier could be taken out of the fight but the fight could never be taken out of the soldier. Even in civilian clothes a part of Castellan remained on duty.

  Rather than answer Lt. Savon straightaway, Olivienne turned to her dashing escort for the afternoon. “I know a place that specializes in food from the eastern province if you’re amenable. Khogalette’s is also within walking distance.”

  Castellan Tosh was momentarily caught by the way the light of the two suns gleamed on Olivienne’s black hair. It reflected nearly indigo highlights back to her eyes and was most alluring. Unlike royals of old, the Connate’s skin was well burnished by the sun from her time spent as a historical adventurist. Her body was toned from the career as well. “I think that sounds spectacular on all counts. Lead on, Connate Dracore.” As an afterthought she turned to Savon who watched from the other side of Olivienne. “It may be a good idea to teleo ahead to this Khogalette’s and see if you can request a private dining area for the Connate’s safety and privacy.”

  “Yes, ser, I was just thinking that.” He moved a little farther away from their group and rather than find a teleo, he unclasped the voteo from his belt and contacted the local Defense Corp operator for the city. The operator would easily call ahead and make the reservations for the Connate’s party.

  It was good thinking on his part and Castellan admired the man for his logical mind. Their dynamic was strange from the moment she met the lieutenant. On one hand she was of higher rank, but on the other hand the officer in charge of a sovereign’s safety always has the final say in any situation dealing with their assigned royal. Yet time and time again Lt. Savon continued to heed her word and look to her for guidance.

  The walk was pleasant with the spring dae being neither too hot nor too chill. Castellan had her sleeves rolled up displaying tanned forearms. The strength of her arms alone was obvious by the way the visible cords of muscle tapered into thick wrists. Most of that was from her regular sword work. Her shirt was also tight enough that if she turned just right, an observant person could note the pull of it against her muscles that were not shown.

  Olivienne was most certainly observant of such things. Her own outfit was slightly scandalous for someone so high in Psiere society. It wasn’t the flowing linen pants tucked into her tall brown boots, but rather the low cut blouse, which showed off her cleavage above the brown leather corset. She didn’t feel like putting the bosair back on after their morning of debauchery, so she opted for the bosom lifting corset instead. Her double-holster pistol belt was slung on her hips, and she had added a brown leather pouch to the belt for other things she may need for a dae on the town. She noted that Castellan had donned her pistol belt as well. But then the officer seemed like someone who was well prepared at all times. Olivienne liked that trait in a person.

  The Connate and lieutenant commander were seated as soon as they arrived at the eatery. The owner of the place even found tables for the guardians nearby so they could eat as well while they safeguarded the Connate. Over the leisurely meal, Olivienne and Castellan spoke on a great number of subjects but eventually circled around to the Divine Mystery and their discovery earlier that morning. “So what will you do now?”

  Olivienne pushed away her empty plate and sat back in her seat, giving Castellan’s question serious consideration. “Well, first I have to report my findings to the Queen and the Imperium. After that it will be imperative that we inform both temples of the newly discovered encryption key word. There are still rooms full of un-translated documents within both temples. An entire world has opened up with this new information.”

  Castellan cocked her head to the side as she watched the other woman’s face light up with undisguised excitement. “Will you try to find the third temple?”

  “Eventually. I think the Makers will not allow the task to be easy, considering they locked all those stones away for a reason. I suspect we will have to translate a lot of pages in order to start seeing clues to the location of the Temple of Antaeus.”

  A laugh met her words as Castellan shook her head in wonderment. “You know, I do believe I’m jealous that you are embarking on such an amazing adventure. There is a part of me that wishes I could be like the entertainment stars and go off in search of fame and fortune, solving the mysteries of the world.”

  “What is stopping you?”

  Castellan shrugged. “Duty I suppose.” She gestured toward herself with one hand. “This is who I am, for better or worse. All my knowledge and experience make me a good officer, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’d be lost without the regimentation of the Defense Corp.”

  “Well you do seem very...” Castellan narrowed her eyes at the Connate and Olivienne finished diplomatically. “Precise. Very in control of your world, even when it spins away like it did in the river. I admire your calm capability.”

  Castellan lifted the rem
ainder of her drink in a toast and Olivienne matched the gesture. “To calm capability then, and finding the adventure we both seek.”

  “Here, here!”

  They spent oors in the eatery but still had plenty of time so Olivienne suggested a bit of shopping on her way back to the railer. Tosh laughed to see that their first stop was the pistol shoppe. Her service pistol was fine, so she stood near Lt. Savon while the Connate looked around. Seeing that Olivienne was going to be a while, she took the opportunity to question the quiet man. “How does one find himself in the Psi Shield Corp, Lieutenant Savon? Did you start as Psi Defense?”

  The lieutenant made sure the other three guardians could adequately cover the small shoppe before answering. “I did start as defense, serving over in the eastern province near Baene. I was brought in by our previous leader on recommendation from my old Commander.”

  “And how do you find it here?”

  Savon shrugged. “Sometimes I miss my old team and Commander Sheikha. Captain Shendo was a capable leader but sadly not a good fit for Connate Dracore’s Shield unit. Speaking unofficially, ser?” Castellan nodded. “I’m not sure any of us really are.”

  The lt. commander’s curiosity was piqued. “What happened to him and why do you say that?”

  He waved discreetly toward their sovereign. “The Connate was determined to test an experimental cycle and Captain Shendo did not want her to go, concerned about her safety as he was. He made the mistake of forbidding her to ride one of the two cycles they had upgraded.”

  Castellan looked at him seriously. “She doesn’t seem the type to do something that would be so dangerous. And knowing her even slightly I can certainly see how she’d not take lightly to such an action from him. Was his concern really so valid?”


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