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The Bloodied Shield

Page 9

by Michael McKenzie

  This Dwarf hated Demonkind with a passion that had always been easy to manipulate.

  Easy to provoke.

  They all knew who Gorgreen supposedly worked for. The Slayer did not care if the Darkscales were closer, it would ultimately lead to more glory for him.

  The Shin-no-Kage did not care, because it had nothing to do with their ilk.

  And the Dwarf wanted to see Tiefling blood flow and flow thickly.

  What they did not know was that the God that stood amongst them, posing as Dalitrous Gorgreen, had been drinking in their emotions. Oh did it feel good to be back with some semblance of magic flowing through his veins!

  Not having to simply gather the necessary power to cast what spells he could. Not being constrained by the mundane ways and methods for spell weaving. Nor did Gorgreen, or more accurately Xander have to fear that ever present pull, threatening to remove him from Rals altogether if he even dared to flex his ungodly might.

  The nagging pull of the High Planes was there now, of course, like a tense wire of thread tugging on an immovable stone.

  But so long as Xander had Cataran's Pearl, the Dark God could let the flow of magic flood his body like the golden incur that pumped through his black heart.

  Natural Order be damned. Xander was a God after all. One of the Eldest, if not THE oldest. The Natural Order should yield to him!

  Now all he needed to do was start the end of this 'Gorgreen' charade. It was time to get everything in position.

  Have everything ready.

  "I will be making a move here soon," Gorgreen assured the Dwarf. "And when I do, you will get exactly what you want.”

  “Good." the Dwarf snorted in disgust. "Me wasn't satisfied with the whore's head ye sent me."

  "And my role?" the Slayer questioned.

  “My man, Indbore Fel, is no match for the Dergathian wench that guards' Rebekka Jakuul. However, when the move is made, it will be in daylight when she is at her weakest. Then you may do as you are trained to do. Until then, you simply stay within my retinue, hiding amongst the Guard."

  "The Lady Jakuul has made a general error and allowed me to reside within her Grounds, out of Pity it seems. My servants are in the process of 'fixing' my room."

  "Is it true that the Vampire is a Red?”

  "Yes, she is." Gorgreen nodded, smiling even more.

  "To Slay a Red, you become a Red." The Slayer repeated the age-old adage.

  "And that would mean you would no longer bend knee to even your Day Lords." Gorgreen pointed out.

  The Slayer's dark brown lips peeled into a toothy white smile.

  "Which leaves you." The tall, red-headed lord turned towards the Kallaxian who stared ahead. "You've heard my terms, are you not satisfied?"

  The Kallaxian had stared ahead and remained silent. They were still thinking. Contemplating.

  When they turned their head, they looked from Gorgreen to the other two.

  "I normally ignore such a request and return home," they said, their Common broken, obviously not their first language. "But the Monastery needs funds to rebuild."

  "I will take my payment up front. I will send it on its way while I remain here and attempt to fulfill my part of the contract."

  “Of course."

  The Kallaxian nodded slowly. "Good. Then I will return to the Port immediately."

  "Remember not to act until the signal is given."

  "I will act when I feel it is prudent to act." the Shin-no-Kage replied sharply, turning to regard Gorgreen with disapproval in their expression.

  They all felt that chill in the air. A sudden drop in temperature. The Slayer in the room shifted uncomfortably, and the Dwarf turned to stare at Shin-no-Kage, both obviously threatened and not knowing immediately why.

  Gorgreen, now that he freely had access to his godly might, knew that it was a touch of evil. An aura that attuned to inspire fear of any who were within the effects.

  It was a pathetic mockery of a Godkin's aura, one normally left to Orders dedicated to a particular God, or for Bel, a Sect of Gods. Knightly Orders of Old, on both sides of Light and Dark, were able to instill Courage or Dread.

  Some Slayers, Paladins and Crusaders were capable of this magical cantrip. Many projecting an air of confidence that inspired those around them out of sheer instinct.

  Others, like this Kallaxian here, used it as a tool to express their disapproval. A weapon to be used against their foes in a duel or a battle.

  It would explain the Shin-no-Kage's small numbers. Where anyone can be a Slayer, Paladin, and Crusader, Knight or what have you like a title to be worn on a sleeve. The Shin-no-Kage only bequeath their name on those who could produce such a dreadful sensation at will.

  Perhaps this order, these 'Shadows of Death' as they were known when it was translated into a more common language, were survivors of the Dark Orders who scattered when Xander supposedly 'died' during the Fall. A wayward Champion of Darkness settling down and bestowing ancient Kallaxians with the necessary tools to produce what stood in this room right now.

  "You do not tell me how to Murder, Lord Gorgreen, and I will not tell you how to betray your Kingdom." the Kallaxian tilted their head forward in a bow, dismissing themselves. "Good afternoon."

  And then they left.

  "I do not like that man." the Slayer frowned darkly at the door. "I do not think he will honor his agreement."

  "He will," Gorgreen reassured the Slayer. "Just keep in mind that what is offered to him is a death sentence even if he succeeds."

  "His Monastery?" the tall, red-headed Lord started to explain. "They make weapons like him. They are honor bound to try and execute their task regardless of where their task happens to be, or the number set before them."

  "They do not fear death, injury or even failure. They live only to instill fear in the hearts of those they have been sent against."

  "And fear? Fear does more than Fate ever could."

  Chapter 7

  To Gorgreen surprise, the rooms he had been given were lavish and spacious. He was allowed to have his own Guard posted within an area that had been completely sectioned off within the Jakuul Estates, just for him.

  The City Liege even commissioned a Warder to lace the halls he occupies with his own set of Runes.

  The level of generosity had been ultimately suspicious.

  Then it was in their first face to face meeting, that the renegade God, Xander, knew that Rebekka Jakuul not only was aware of Dalitrous Gorgreen's duplicity with the Darkscale Empire, but Rebekka was going to great lengths to hide the fact that she knew.

  This was all a ruse to ensure Gorgreen felt safe and secured.

  Until the Darkscales attacked.

  Inwardly Xander laughed. He laughed hard and long when the doors were closed, and hearty enough that he hurt his sides.

  It was all in her mind. Open and unguarded. The Emperor of the Darkscales planned on Betraying the Invader Cult. The Alliance was going to launch a brutal, devastating counter attack with Urthane, the designated Commander of the Darkscale Invasion, giving them insight on how and when to do so.

  None of them knew how far off they were in Gorgreen's stance in all of this. They believed him to be nothing more than a flunky of the Empire.

  They actually thought whatever they did matter. That the armies they would be fighting would be mundane and simple.

  They had no idea what they were in for, and Xander laughed at their ignorance.

  Nothing, not even the Gods, knew and-

  "Something amusing?"

  -Xander snapped around, weapon summoned and poised.

  Gabriel Bludgroove, otherwise known as the God of Assassins by the name of Sol'reve, had taken a chair and poured themselves a cup of wine.

  "How?!" Xander hissed, eyes hunting for more Godkin to be in the room. "The Hollowed-”

  ”-is not effective on Corsairs." Sol'reve explained with an ever-present smile. "I may be the second God to hold the name Sol'reve on this wretched world, but
I am still very much of Corsantra.”

  "The Corsair World," Xander noted, and again looked around himself. "I guess you would not be so kind in telling me how to protect myself from a sect of angry Corsair Gods?"

  "A small channel of Salt Water. Not much, maybe a foot's worth near your anchor rune," Gabriel sniffed the wine, then sipped at it. "That should keep Rein out for a year maybe."

  "Though do allow me to finish my drink before you cast me out on my hide." Sol'reve held up the wine glass, crossing one leg over the other as they relaxed.

  "Well, we are being civil after all." Xander offered a curt nod and a wry smile as they sat down on the edge of their bed. "Tell me, what are your intentions once I make myself the Sole God of this Realm?"

  "Leave and never return and long before you do so. Everyone will be distracted and it will far easier to get into the High Planes then it is your abode." Sol'reve replied instantly. "When I have what I want we will follow the River for a few centuries until we find a nice, quiet Plane well away from the Invader's Reach."

  "My question to you, however, is what are you going to do with Indbore Fel?" Sol'reve directed over the wine glass. "I am sure he will not find what you intend as pleasant as you would."

  "And what do you think I intend?"

  Sol'reve's laughter seemed to echo from every shadow in the room. Xander stood straight up from the bed and glared around to ensure no one else was listening.

  The Room was warded, nothing vocal would be leaving these walls.

  "You intend to repeat history for the third time running." Sol'reve gestured with the wine. "The First time had been your own attempt with the Vampire Hordes."

  "The Second time had been when twisted Corsairs, seeking their end, enticed the Invader's through a stable Portal direct from a source on Corsantra. You learned of them through your scion, Sirrik Manjus, who walked this lands warning the World of the Invader threat."

  "Both of those attempts will not work again," Gabriel observed, gesturing with their wine glass. "The New Blood God rightfully fears what you had done before and purges all cults dedicated to Pantheon of Darkness within his reach. Then there are the World Portals themselves with the only links to Corsantra have been sealed away and are heavily Warded."

  "Tampering with those Wards would earn you the ire of Rein, and you have seen first hand what he did to your Armies during the end of the Fall. So you are smart, like me, and will stay far, far away from him."

  "That means there is only one source of Invaders you can pull from. A place occupied by one thing, and one thing only. You, my dear Black Lord, intend to open a massive gate into the fiery pits of the Hells and let the Invaders in by unimaginable numbers. You will let them wipe out every spark of life and light, from a direction the Gods are not expecting."

  "Because who, in their right mind, would challenge Magus of Plague?"

  As Sol'reve said the name, Xander visibly flinched, then asked, tentatively of the Assassin God. "And how is my Younger Brother?"

  "Well I would assume, but none have seen him since his foray into the Mortal Realms during the so-called 'Demon Wars' some centuries ago."

  "And when you are finished with the Mortal Realms with your Invaders, you will set them on Magus if he ever surfaces. And even if they cannot bring the Original God of War down, you will at least ensure a stalemate that cannot be won by either side." Sol'reve finished the wine and placed the glass aside.

  "Leaving you free to paint a New World on freshly bloodied ground."

  Xander's expression had drained of color.

  "I have been watching you for a very long time, Xander the Goblin King. Xander the Father of Vampires. Xander the True Black Lord, Liar Singer, Despair Bringer." the Assassin God listed off titles that were only spoken to Xander by Gods who once walked the Mortal Realms before the Fall.

  "Do not take me for some smiling fool with a nifty trick of walking around unnoticed by all. I am the God of Assassins by the by, named such as in life as I am now in this accursed state." Sol'reve smile lengthened. "And I study my allies in detail as I study my victims. How else do you think I handled the likes of Valor, Honor, and Sirrik all at once?"

  "Indbore Fel, however." Sol'reve's white finger gestured towards the Door, as if pointing the blond swordsman out. "Is the Ancestor of the very God you fed to your Dergathian Allies. You even mixed that blood with a bit of Brytshard, which I find most intriguing."

  "Mostly because the Brytshards and I have a long, long, and very bloody history." Sol'reve observed, intertwining their fingers as they assumed a thoughtful poise. "So I am very interested in their prodigy as I am interested in my own. To keep them very separate, considering it is in our nature to be, violent, to the other."

  "That is how I discovered you. Through Konin Fel, some thousand years before. I know what you are up to. What you are doing, and how you will do it."

  "My question, however," Sol'reve again held up a finger, making the same motion as they had performed towards the door a moment ago. "Is what do you intend to do with Indbore Fel?"

  Xander glanced towards the door, then back to Sol'reve.

  Then Xander's posture grew stern.

  "Have you ever had siblings?"

  "Orphaned." Sol'reve shrugged slightly. "Everyone of the guttersnipes in the streets of Der'doun was a Brother or Sister, till the Knights snatched you up."

  There was a short pause, yet despite a small twitch in the eye, the smile never wavered.

  "I am sure I've killed a few of them when I destroyed the Der'doun Charter of the Shadow Guild." Sol'reve snickered slightly. "That was a twist then, the Knights rushing to the rescue of a band of professional thieves.”

  "Yes, well, do you miss any of them?"

  The smile on Sol'reve's face disappeared instantly. The twitch was there again. Despite Xander unsure where the Corsair was looking, thanks in part of their bug like black eyes, they were sure their gaze focused elsewhere.

  "I miss some of them."

  "I miss my Brother," Xander admitted, moving to settle down in the opposing seat to Sol'reve.

  "I miss his chastising. His condescension. His laughter at a joke. The way he went out of his way to try and include me in things I held no interest in."

  "You know, I was brought into a Grand Ball once at the Twin Cities only because he thought I was lonely." Xander half smiled. "And Kodae was right."

  "And I sit sometimes, for decades, thinking back to the days before we crossed swords. Before we walked our separate ways. When the Twin Cities and the Iron Sands were one, giant nation. Before Yurn had been swept by the Disease known as Mortality."

  "And I ask why? Why did Kodae not join me? Cataran I understand, he is not blood-related."

  "Cataran always bled for the Mortals and held their hands when any possible moment would present itself. When I waged my Wars I knew he would fight me," Xander said with a hint of disgust. "Magus I understood his resistances, he was the Youngest. We never saw eye to eye on how things should be done."

  "But my own Twin, turned against me." Xander's expression twisted in pain. "He sided with the Mortals."

  "And even when he did." Xander's face relaxed, and they shifted in their seat. "I miss fighting him as well."

  "The Eternal War we played with each other, never really close in beating the other. Always pushing each other further and further." Xander's fingers danced across the arms of his chair. "The thrill of fighting someone who was an exact equal in sword and mind."

  Again, Xander's face flinched.

  "And then the Demons betrayed me during the First Demon War, and burned my Mortal Cities to the Ground. No elaborate ploy, just a simple, uncomplicated betrayal that caught me completely unaware. If they had not done that, if I had not been so blind, it forced my hand-"

  Xander gripped the chair, and Sol'reve could hear wood crack. "-If Cataran had not belittled me before the Gods, making me look like some weak fool deserving pity.”

  "That is in the past is it not?" Xa
nder relaxed once more. "Kodae? I granted him Mercy. Kodae had been swept to Oblivion long before the Vampires tore into his corpse."

  “But I had set that trap for someone else. I had done everything I had to ensure it was anyone else but him. But Kodae was there."

  "And Kodae is the one regret I have out of all my machinations. Out of all my planning and plotting."

  "I regret killing him."

  Xander looked to the door.

  "And with Kodae's Mortal Bloodline preserved, it is like I have a piece of my Brother to myself."

  "And why not include him on this grand affair?" Sol'reve ask, raising a brow. "And what do you intend to do with him?"

  "Of course you can see what I see when you look on him, don't you?" Xander questioned, and frowned darkly. "The Pantheon has touched him. They have chosen their Champion."

  The thin Godkin sighed, sinking into his chair and gripping at the arms. "A Cliche move, easily foreseeable and thought of. I have already prepared for it, though I had hoped they wouldn't be so dull in their planning.”

  "I liked Fel. He was like a Son."

  "I will, however, be merciful." Xander carried on sadly, "I will end him without pain at the height of the fighting, just before I unleash my Invaders on the World."

  Xander sighed, leaning against the chair, physically displaying their discomfort. "I do not want to think of it. It is like putting down a loyal dog you’ve had since birth."

  "I put forth a great amount of effort to ensure his safety and now with us so close to the end? I have grown used to keeping assets of worth close to the chest."

  "Diual is gone, Lytryr and Isulinmon, then Ulimax?" Xander shook his head slowly. "And now Indbore."

  "Did they all know?"

  "Of course not." Xander scuffed with a dismissive gesture. "I would have carried them over to the New World of course, but even Ulimax found the association with the Invaders unappealing, and he had been an Undead Lich."

  "Fel being Chosen? I should kill him now, but-" Xander's expression twisted painfully.

  Sol'reve tilted his head to the side as he listened and much to Xander's growing frustration, they continued to smile. "-I have a solution for you."


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