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If Loving You Is Wrong

Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  “I hope you’re talking about Slade.”

  “Obviously, I’m not talking about your boyfriend and his huge dick.”

  My eyes widened. “Shh!”

  The guys reached our table just as I finished hushing her.

  “Hey, baby.” Cayson leaned down and kissed me.

  “Hey.” My spine shivered as soon as I inhaled his scent. His powerful arms made me feel safe, and I couldn’t stop picturing him naked. It was such a beautiful image.

  He sat beside me then kept his arm over the back of my chair. “Hey, Trin.”

  “Hey, Cayson.” She batted her eyelashes at him then waved.

  I kicked her under the table.

  She giggled then looked away.

  Slade sat next to her. “Let me clear the air right now.” He pulled out a sandwich from his bag. “This is my lunch. And I’m going to eat it—right here and right now. I suggest you keep your trap closed if you don’t want to pick up my trash.”

  Trinity took a deep breath, controlling her anger, and then said nothing.

  “Good, she finally gets it.” Slade bit into his sandwich.

  I needed to change the subject. “How was the game last night?”

  “Good,” Cayson said. “Slade won five hundred bucks.”

  “Online sport betting. It’s pretty awesome.” Slade kept eating.

  “Do you gamble too?” I asked him.

  Cayson shook his head. “Not my thing. Besides, I got to take out my girlfriend.”

  “You know we can trade off paying.”

  He laughed. “That’s a good one, baby.” He rubbed the back of my neck while he continued to laugh.

  Trinity shrugged, not bothering to say anything.

  Slade finished his sandwich then crumpled his trash into a ball. “Zack hasn’t been bothering you, right?”

  Of course Cayson told him. “No. If he does, I’ll handle him.”

  “No.” Cayson’s voice was cold. “I’ll take care of it.”

  I didn’t want to challenge him in front of our friends so I said nothing.

  “I hear through the grapevine that your tits are great for fucking,” Slade blurted.

  Cayson flinched beside me, clearly not expecting him to say that.

  I guess I wasn’t surprised Cayson told Slade what happened. They were best friends. I told Trinity everything.

  “Personally, I like big tits but they got to be proportional.” He rolled the ball of trash between his hands on the desk.

  Cayson cleared his throat. “Thanks for that info.” The irritation was clear in his voice.

  “No problem.” Slade obviously hadn’t caught on to the tension.

  Cayson turned toward me like he might say something but then he changed his mind.

  Trinity caught the interaction. “Skye just told me Cayson’s dick is huge so now you’re even.”

  Slade’s eyes widened. “Um…gross.”

  I glared at her viciously. “You’re the worst secret-keeper ever.”

  “Hey, I just saved you guys from your first fight,” Trinity said. “You’re welcome.”

  Cayson smirked at me. “You like my package?”

  I hoped my face wasn’t red. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  He chuckled then kissed my cheek. “And yes, I do like your rack—a lot.”

  “How romantic,” Slade said sarcastically.

  “I’ll be right back.” Trinity stood up and walked to the rear of the library in my line of sight.

  Slade stared straight ahead, still playing with his foil. Crumbs from his sandwich scattered across the table. Pieces of lettuce and tomato were sprinkled everywhere.

  Cayson leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to my neck. “I love kissing you there.” His lips were near my ear, his voice coming out as a whisper.

  “I like it too.”

  “I’ll do it a lot more—tonight.”

  That reminded me of something. “My parents are coming to town tonight and want to have dinner. I’m sorry. I totally forgot to tell you.”

  “As in, I’m included?” he asked.


  Slade smirked. “Oh no. Cayson is officially meeting the parents.”

  “I already know them, idiot,” Cayson said.

  “As her friend—not her boyfriend.” Slade winked. “Good luck with that.”

  I rolled my eyes. “My parents already love you, Cayson. They just want to spend some time with us.”

  “I would love to go,” he said. “A little further notice would have been appreciated…but of course I’ll be there.”

  “We can fool around later.”


  “And you can tit-fuck me since you like it so much.” I gave him a seductive grin.

  His eyes darkened in desire.

  “Gross…I can hear you,” Slade snapped.

  “Then don’t listen,” Cayson said.

  “It’s kinda hard when I’m a foot away from you,” Slade said sarcastically.

  Trinity came back to the table but she wasn’t alone.

  “No eating in the library!” The librarian shrieked then pointed at the mess Slade made. He was caught red-handed, the trash balled up in his hands.

  “Oh shit,” he whispered.

  “You’re going to clean this up right now and you’re going to serve one hour of clean up as punishment.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  “Can you even do that?” Slade snapped. “This isn’t kindergarten.”

  “You bet your ass I can,” she hissed. “Do you want me to call the dean and double check?”

  I tried not to laugh. This was hilarious.

  “Do it,” Slade said. “Like I care.”

  “Then I’ll call your mother.”

  That changed Slade’s attitude immediately. Aunt Janice wasn’t someone that just let things slide. She was strict and controlling, definitely the alpha of the house. She even kept her husband in check. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  “I’ll see you when the library closes.” She stormed off, her anger obvious in the movement of her limbs.

  Slade gave Trinity the most hateful stare I’ve ever seen. “You fucking—”

  “Payback’s a bitch, huh?” She put her bag over her shoulder and strutted off, her nose held high.

  Cayson and I tried not to laugh. Hearing them constantly bicker and argue was annoying, but moments like these reminded me why I put up with it.


  Cayson arrived at my door wearing a suit.

  I stared at his broad shoulders and long legs. His blue eyes stood out against the dark colors, and his chin was cleanly shaved. “Wow…you look yummy.”

  He smirked. “I was going to say the same thing about you.” He stepped inside then moved his hands around my waist, gripping me. He kissed me long and hard. His hands moved downward to my ass. Then he squeezed it. Cayson had been a lot more forward in our relationship since I made it clear it was okay. Now he was aggressive and forward, just the way I liked. “I like this dress.”

  I wore a champagne pink dress that was tight on my body. This color looked good on my fair skin so I tried to wear it whenever I got a chance. A gold bracelet was around my wrist and it matched my earrings.

  Cayson took a long look at me. “You look so lovely.” His hand tucked a loose strand behind my ear.

  My face flushed. “Thanks.”

  He moved closer then placed a gentle kiss on my neck, making me hot. “I could eat you,” he whispered.

  “Please do.”

  When he pulled away, his eyes were dark. “I’d love to. But it’ll have to wait, unfortunately. I couldn’t look your father in the eye if I saw him right after…doing that.”

  I smirked. “That would be awkward, wouldn’t it?”

  “Slightly.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thong. “I forgot to return these the other day.”

  I snatched them away then tossed them in my room. “You’re such a pervert.”

? I like your underwear.”

  “Exactly something a pervert would say.”

  He shrugged. “I guess I am—at least for you.”

  “As long as it’s only for me, I’m okay with that.”

  “Definitely only for you.” He came to me again then pulled me against his chest. He looked down at me, his eyes lingering on my lips. “Every day feels like a dream. I just can’t believe when I look at you, you’re looking back at me. I can’t believe this is real, that these lips are only mine to enjoy.” His thumb moved across my lower lip, making my breath hitch.

  Cayson was sexy without even trying. “You’re confused. I’m the lucky one out of the two of us. Every girl knows it. And I’ll never forget it.”

  His eyes twinkled in amusement. “You couldn’t be more wrong, Skye. But there aren’t enough hours in the day to argue with you.” He leaned in and kissed me, his lips conveying everything his voice didn’t. He gripped my lower back, crinkling my dress, and deepened the kiss. I wanted to drag him into my bedroom so the kiss would escalate but I knew that wasn’t the best idea.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  Cayson pulled away, reluctantly.

  “That would be my parents.”

  He stepped away and put his hands in his pockets.

  “You don’t have to not touch me just because they’re around.”

  He sighed. “This is going to take me a while to get used to. Your father will watch me like a hawk, with the eyes in the back of his head and the cameras he has everywhere.”

  “That’s so creepy it’s not even funny.” I walked to the door and opened it.

  My mom was wearing a dark blue dress with matching heels. Her wedding ring sparkled in the light, and her bracelet did the same. “Hey, honey. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Mom. You do too.” I hugged her tightly. Even when I was happy, she somehow made me happier.

  My dad stepped inside, wearing a black suit just like all his others. Each one was created by the top designers in the world and not a single wrinkle existed in the fabric. A Rolex shined from his wrist, and his wedding band was still in place, the one he never removed. “Hey, pumpkin.” He pulled me in for a long embrace. “You look lovely—as always.”

  “Thanks, Dad. You look stiff—as always.”

  He laughed then pulled away. He studied my face for a moment. “It’s nice to see you smile.”

  “I always smile.”

  “But not quite like this.” He gave me a knowing look then walked to Cayson.

  “Hello, sir. How are you?” Cayson stuck out his hand to shake my father’s.

  My dad smirked. “Just because you’re dating my daughter doesn’t mean you have to behave differently around me. Loosen up.” He patted his shoulder then pulled him in for a hug. “You’re a son to me, Cayson.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Sean.” He patted his back then stepped away.

  “Cayson.” My mom opened her arms and hugged him. “You’re more handsome every time I see you.”

  “Thank you, Aunt Scarlet.”

  “You look so much like your father.” She pulled away and stared at his face. “It’s remarkable.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s an insult,” he said with a laugh.

  “It is,” my dad said.

  My mom glared at my dad then turned back to Cayson. “It’s a very, very big compliment.”

  My dad gave her a hard look. “Don’t forget the man you married…”

  “The most handsome man in the world. Yes, dear. I know.” She came to his side and hooked her arm through his. “Like you would let me forget.”

  “I remind you every night.” He gave her a dark look.

  “Okay…let’s go before I throw up.” I headed for the door.

  Cayson opened it for me then walked out behind me.

  “They’re gross, huh?” I whispered.

  He shrugged. “I think it’s cute.”

  “Of course you would. You’re brown-nosing.”

  “Am not,” he argued. He put his arm around my waist and walked with me to the car.

  My mom’s car was in the driveway. Cayson opened the backseat for me to get inside then he sat beside me. My parents joined us.

  “How about French?” my father asked from the front seat.

  “Sounds good to me,” Cayson said.

  “I eat anything,” I said.

  “I know that too well,” my dad said. “And my wife will eat anything, even if it’s been expired for a few days.”

  My mom shrugged. “I don’t like to waste food.”

  “Menton’s?” my dad asked. It was a restaurant we went to a few times in Boston.

  “Let’s do it,” I said.

  He put the address in the GPS then eyed my mom’s safety belt, making sure it was on. Then he looked in the rearview mirror. “Everyone buckled in?”

  “Yes,” I said. “But we aren’t five.”

  “Sometimes you act like it so I have to double check,” my dad said.

  Cayson chuckled.

  “Don’t laugh at him,” I whispered. “You’ll just egg him on.”

  “He’s going to tease you either way.” He rested his hand on my thigh then looked out the window.

  My dad drove to the restaurant, holding my mom’s hand the entire time. They were so affectionate that I didn’t even notice it anymore. If my dad needed both hands for the wheel, my mom rested her hand on his thigh.

  When we arrived at the restaurant, the valet took the car then we walked inside.

  “Reservation?” the host asked.

  “No,” my dad said. “But I have a party of four—for Preston.”

  The guy studied my dad’s face and seemed to recognize him and his name. “Right this way, sir.”

  Cayson leaned toward my ear. “See that—power.”

  “No. The guy just knows my dad is loaded,” I whispered.

  “Same thing.” He kept his hand around my waist as we walked to the table. Like always, Cayson pulled out the chair for me and let me sit down first. My dad did the same for my mother. I noticed my dad glanced at Cayson, watching him. But he didn’t say anything.

  My dad grabbed the wine list. “How about a bottle for the table?”

  “Sure.” My mom sat with perfect posture and looked like a queen.

  “What are you in the mood for, baby?” my father asked.

  “Anything. You have better taste than I do,” she said.

  “That’s debatable…” He scanned the list then put it down. “Chardonnay it is.” His hand moved to her thigh.

  Cayson rested his ankle on his knee and placed his hand on my thigh, acting normal.

  My father turned his look on Cayson. “How’s school?”

  “The same,” he responded. “But I’m just eager to be done at this point.”

  “You’re almost there,” my mom said. “Don’t get senioritis.”

  “I’ll try,” Cayson said with a laugh. “I have a few interviews coming up for medical school. I’m a little nervous.”

  “Congratulations,” my father said with a nod. “I’m sure you’ll do well.”

  He had interviews? He didn’t mention that to me. I decided to bring it up later.

  Humble as always, Cayson didn’t say anything else.

  My dad noticed his arms. “Your arms look like trees. Are you hitting the gym as often as you’re studying?” Amusement was in his voice.

  “It’s the one thing Slade and I can do together that doesn’t get us in trouble,” he said with a smirk.

  My mom laughed. “Slade is something else, but he has so much life in him—just like his father.”

  “I like Slade too,” my dad said.

  “You mean you love him,” my mom pressed.

  “Obviously, baby.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m just glad Roland isn’t so extreme.”

  “Why didn’t you invite Roland?” I asked.

  “Of course we did,” my mom said immediately. “He said he had to study.”

sp; “And he didn’t want to,” my dad started to use air quotes, “attend our lame tea party double date.”

  I smirked. “That sounds like Roland.”

  “Has he been staying out of trouble?” my father asked.

  “Even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t tell you,” I said.

  My dad nodded. “Sounds about right.”

  The waitress came over and took our order. My dad ordered for both himself and my mom.

  “What are you getting, baby?” Cayson asked.

  “The French brie,” I said.

  “Okay.” He took our menus and put them to the side. Then he ordered for both of us.

  This was the first time I ever went out with my parents and my boyfriend at the same time. And it was really nice. My dad was calm and normal. He wasn’t watching Cayson’s every move. It was clear he loved Cayson, and not just because he had to. He genuinely loved him—especially for me. My mom felt the same way. It was something I never expected to happen.

  “So, is my daughter driving you crazy yet?” my dad asked Cayson.

  “No, surprisingly,” Cayson answered.

  I hit his arm playfully. “I would never drive you crazy.”

  “You drive my wallet crazy with how much you eat,” Cayson said.

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t eat that much.”

  Cayson chuckled. “Sure, baby.”

  My mom smiled while she watched us together. “How did this happen? How did you two get together?”

  Cayson and I looked at each other, unsure who should tell the story.

  Cayson took the lead. “Well…I’ve had a thing for Skye for a very long time.”

  “You fooled us,” my mom said.

  “Good,” Cayson said with a laugh. “That’s what I was going for. Anyway, I kept hoping something would happen between us, but it was pretty clear Skye didn’t feel the same way about me. So I moved on…”

  Then I took over. “When I saw him with Jasmine at Thanksgiving it just hit me. I missed him and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Everyone kept telling me he was in love with me but I never listened…I should have. And, well, you guys influenced it too. I want what you guys have, and…Cayson is my best friend.”

  My dad nodded his head in approval. “I’m glad it didn’t take you ten years like it did with your mother and I.”

  “Me too,” I said with a smile.


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