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Claimed by an Alien Warlord

Page 9

by Stella Dawn



  I really have no idea what hit me. I was enjoying the sun in spite of myself as I dipped some fern fronds into a rock pool. The fish seem to eat the roots that extend into the water but not the leaves. The fact the fern drinks saltwater makes it some kind of seaweed.

  I don’t remember a fucking thing. When I came to and tried to breathe I couldn’t. It was so much more humid, the air thick and heavy. I tried opening my eyes, but everything was still just black. That was when I started to panic.

  Air, color and light returned suddenly as a black bag was pulled off my head. I realize I must be lying on the floor because I can see the crossed poles that stabilize the huts.


  I almost shoot through the roof, I jump so high. I sit up so fast my head pounds, leaving my stomach heaving and my vision swimming.

  “I’m over here, princess.”

  I can feel my rage igniting. No one speaks to me like that. Even if I am sick… Did I pass out on the rocks? I thought I was getting used to the heat.

  As I manage to turn sideways and look for the source of the voice, I let out a terrible shriek. I can’t help it. I scurry back against the wall, my throat clamps down on my scream but I cannot muffle small cries of distress.

  It’s a Xok. I’m sure of it. The ones I saw in the jungle on the way here were somewhat smaller and looked rough and unfinished. How did they manage to blend into the jungle with their machine parts?

  This guy is very different. He is tall, maybe even the size of Tsunis. His face is narrow and handsome with delicate features and he has short silvery grey hair. Half his chest, his left arm and both legs are a smooth, shiny metal. His legs have complicated tubes and screws along the joints and lengths and his arms are smoother but still with panels and wires.

  The only part of his body not sheathed by metal is his right arm, neck and head.

  I might find his face handsome, in other circumstances. I wonder how much of him is human and how much machine. His organic right hand is long fingered, with too many joints. The mechanical left hand is almost the same but has an extra finger.

  He smiles at me, putting out his flesh hand. I shake my head and scurry back but I am held in place by the wall.

  “My name is Zarok. Do not be afraid, Eliana.”

  “You know my name?”

  “Yes, my dear.”

  “That’s creepy. How do you know who I am?”

  His light grey eyes narrow and shimmer, becoming a darker grey.

  “We’ve been watching you.”

  “Even creepier.”

  “You seem to have an innate understanding of the scientific formula. It has been a long time since we saw a woman as beautiful and smart as you.”

  “If you’re trying to hit on me man, a whack on the head is not a good introduction.”

  He laughs, genuinely amused.

  “We have seen how keen your observation is, the samples that you take and the patterns you record. You are excellent at understanding biological systems.”

  I nod slowly. “If that’s a compliment, then thank you. I’ve worked hard for my knowledge and I know I have talent.”

  He smiles and I wonder if this is the Xok version of ‘getting along’.

  “We have need of your skills.”

  “You couldn’t send a request to my office? That’s how these things are done, after all. How much are you going to pay me for my expert skills?”

  He laughs and it is a beautiful, high sound. Like a young boy’s. In spite of the gray hair, his face looks very young.

  “Nano machines.” He says softly.


  “You’re looking at my body. I’ve been improving it for centuries now. I was one of the first to experiment with nano machines. They have indeed enhanced me. The trouble is, they don’t know when to stop. I’ve managed to slow them down, but they will overtake me. None of us knows what happens if the nanos get to my brain. Our quest has been creating the perfect body to preserve our brains. I will still be high elder when it happens. Perhaps after as well.”

  “Thanks for sharing. Should I write you a sympathy card?”

  He laughs, throwing back his head.

  “You are the fiery one, aren’t you? How beautiful. I like a bit of spirit.”

  He reaches out with his flesh hand to touch my skin and I try to move back again, slamming into the wall. He laughs again, shaking his head.

  “You prefer scales, darling?”

  I find the question offensive. How long have they been watching me and how much do they know?

  I try to strand up but have to settle for just holding my head high and not throwing up.

  “What fucking hit me?”

  “A dart.” He moves over to the door and brings back a bottle of water. I check it out warily.

  “It really is just water. The dart was tipped in a weak neurotoxin and a heavy dose of sedative. We use it in hunting and in fights. Very good stuff. No permanent damage.”

  “Uh-huh.” I take a sip of water, thinking that the damage on my skull really felt permanent.

  “You’ll be alright. I’ll bring you some food soon, you’ll be wanting it.”

  I can’t imagine ever wanting food again and I shrink away as he tries to sit next to me again. He smiles indulgently.

  “Not all the Xok are like the ones you saw in the forest. Those are scouts, almost nomadic. They prefer the trees and even though they enhance themselves, they like to maintain organic parts. Most of the elders, like me, are working on perfecting the form.”

  “I don’t give a fuck.”

  “Come on, darling. We won’t hurt you.”

  “I’m a scientist! I’m not here to breed with anyone! I just want to do my work!” I realize my voice sounds desperate but I’m losing control.

  “Why can’t you do both?”

  He keeps smiling in that easy, friendly way. He’s completely unruffled by my attitude. This scares me more than if he was angry and violent. I can tell he’s very strong and very fast. Escaping him would be impossible.

  “I’m with the EAO. They won’t stand for this. You will have to let me go. They will come.”

  “I’m not scared of them.” He waves a hand dismissively. “They would need evidence that you are actually here before they even sent an emissary and right now, you could be anywhere. Plenty of officials get eaten by things in the jungle these days.”

  I stare at him in horror, lost for words. He grins even wider.

  “I know something about Earth politics. I am hundreds of years old. You’re a single human from a barren wasteland of a home planet. Your people just discovered faster than light travel after centuries of internal warfare amongst yourselves. Your population is still recovering from centuries of depredations. Your people have no resources to spare. A war effort from your people would be laughed at from all corners of the galaxy.” For a second his smile turns cruel as he narrows his eyes. “I probably know more about Earth protocols than you do.”

  Not a pretty thought.

  “Tsunis and the other Ih’il will figure it out. They’ll come.”

  He waves a hand. “I’m not scared of them, either.” He gets up in one smooth motion. Leaning down, he pats me on the cheek. His face softens as he gazes into my eyes.

  “You should rest, little darling. We have much to discuss and you have so much work I need you to do.”

  I lower my head, trying to resist his hand. He pulls me up by the chin so he can look into my eyes.

  He doesn’t say anything, but his grin stretches out as his eyes go blank. I shiver, thinking about how dangerous he looks. Abruptly, he lets go of my chin and turns on his heel to leave.

  “I won’t be too long. We’ll talk when I get back.”

  He leaves the room, locking the door behind him. I can’t hold it together anymore and descend into a shuddering, crying heap.

  I have no idea what to do next. I have never been this frightened before.
I’m grateful that I’m not tied but the fact they didn’t bother suggests they don’t need to. They have absolute faith in their ability to keep me prisoner.

  I lower my head into my chest and let my tears come. I can’t hold up any longer and if there is nothing else to do, I might as well cry.



  Tracking them through the forest is difficult but the task is not beyond us. I take eight guard members with me and we sweep through the thick jungle. Following small scraps of fabric or long, vibrant brown hair caught on trees is not difficult.

  They carried her, unconscious through the forest. They have covered their own tracks with skill, but they couldn’t conceal their prisoner.

  We stay spread out in a long line, communicating by gestures and making sure we check each inch of ground for clues. I see no blood and I’m grateful. I don’t think they would kill her, but you never know.

  We sneak up to the edge of their encampment and I can smell her now. I break off from formation and start hugging the tree line. There is a large, sturdy hut which doesn’t have any Xoks coming and going from it.

  Her scent is strong there. I hurry along the wall, keeping myself concealed. I hear voices murmuring inside and I only have to wait a few seconds before I hear her voice.

  She sounds so scared. I place my hand gently on the wall, wishing I could tear it down right here and now.

  I try to pay attention to the other voice, and I hear Zerok speaking to her. I’m so angry I can barely hold myself back. Just as I’m about to smash the wall my friend Jecrome drags me back into the forest.

  “We have a plan, Tsunis! You can’t just barge in.”

  “I need to get her!”

  “And you will. Let’s talk about how we’re going to do it.”

  We draw out a rough map of the camp in the dirt. Five of us will go out and start a fire with that group scattering themselves around to monitor where the Xoks are. We will communicate with whistles, something that we do underwater as well as above it.

  I’m waiting here with Jecrome for the distraction to begin. I’m running straight in there and getting her. I’ll tear that fucking machine man apart. How can you just steal a person, like you might walk off with machinery or supplies? I’m so furious I’m having trouble keeping myself still.

  It takes an eternity for the other guys to get into position. I wish we had some kind of comms but the Xoks would pick up the signals because they are all spliced with machines. They don’t notice our tiny noises and sonar.

  “What is taking them so long?” I growl through my teeth.

  “Patience, Tsunis. We want this to go perfectly. You don’t want her to get hurt, do you?”

  I shake my head. “What if they’ve been captured? What do we do then? They could be moving in on us right now!”

  “Have faith.” Jecrome scowls out into the camp, clearly getting riled by my urgency. He knows I’m one of the best hunters in the entire clan. I can sit silently and immobile for hours. The thing is, I’ve never been emotionally invested like this. I don’t know how to switch off my anxiety.

  Knowing she is there, just twenty yards away is agony. She’s scared and she’s alone and I can’t stand it, I have to get to her.

  Finally, I hear crackling sounds and see tendrils of smoke. Xoks start running everywhere and shouting. Just as they focus on one hut, another blooms with flame. Suddenly the Xoks are screaming as they try to make a bucket brigade. Some of them have ice capabilities in their machinery and attack with it. I see my warriors firing at them from the trees to take them out.

  Everyone is so focused on the fires they don’t even notice a couple of the guys going down, knocked out.

  “That’s our signal.” Jecrome dashes across the space between the trees and the hut.

  We pause at the door, tearing at the lock.

  “Fuck! It’s a machine lock!” Jecrome yells.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It’s smart metal. Transforming alloy. It can only be unlocked by the person it belongs to. It’s kind of alive.”

  I eye the spot where the lock sits over the door and the edge of the wall.

  “Stand back.”

  “What are you—”

  “Just stand back.”

  Jecrome gets out of the way and I tense up, staring at the lock and planting my feet. I fly in with a spin kick, hitting the lock with my right toe. The wood splinters. I bounce back on to my other foot and kick my heel towards it. The damaged wood flies out of place, dropping the lock to the floor with a loud clang. I charge forward. Jecrome puts a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’ll keep a lookout. These diversions won’t last. Quickly now.”

  Eliana is in the corner, crying. When she sees me, she leaps up and throws her arms around me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Rescuing your delicate little ass.”

  She grins, kissing me.

  “Well, what took you so long?”

  I bend down and kiss her hard and deep. I’m so relieved to have her in my arms again I can barely think. Everything’s going to be okay now, I’ll make sure of it. Nothing is ever going to hurt her again.

  She stumbles as I let her go and she leans over, holding her stomach.

  “I’m sick. It’s the poison they gave me. I don’t think I can run.”

  “No need.” I reach down and pick her up, hugging her tight to my chest.

  Just outside the door, I hear a heavy thunk and a short cry. My arms tighten around Eliana. She trembles and her response is to grip with her arms around my neck.

  “Jecrome?” I call out, not too loudly. It’s useless. I know by the sound that he got knocked out by somebody.

  The door creaks as it is slowly pushed open from the other side.

  Zerok grins as the light seeps through the open door, shining off his metal parts. Seeing a genuine flesh face amid so much machinery is really unnerving. He seems amused by this.

  “The thing about smart metal? It can talk. It really is kind of alive.” He taps his foot on the ground. The twisted mass that was the lock becomes almost molten and crawls up his foot and seeps into his ankle.

  Eliana shudders in my arms, shocked by the monstrous amalgamation taking place.

  “Essentially, the lock told me it had been breached. It communicated with the nano machines in my body. They can communicate over a vast distance. Like a private network.” Smiling like a complete psychopath, Zerok advances towards us.

  “Upon bonding back into me, they have given me an imprint of your DNA signature. I can find you anywhere now. Like an organic tracker.”

  He takes another step forward, glaring at me as I hold Eliana even closer.

  “A bunch of Ih’il that want to steal my scientist. I can’t say I’m surprised, but you certainly are rude.”

  “Rude! You’re the one who stole her, just picked her up and ran off with her like she was a pet or a piece of furniture! It’s inhumane.”

  “Well.” Zerok examines his left hand. “We aren’t quite human. I don’t think we ever have been. It’s not really a fair comment.”

  He drops his hand and looks right at us, face blank and eyes like grey lasers.

  “The question now is, what to do with you.”

  He’s all on his own and I can still hear Xoks running around outside trying to put out the fire. It’s clear he didn’t bring any back up, but that’s scary because maybe he doesn’t need any.

  His calm manner is unnerving. Like he’s seen it all and I’m just a kid. My confidence doesn’t waver, but my certainty does. I was sure I was just going to walk out of here, now I’m thinking I’ll have a hell of a fight on my hands. Maybe one I can’t win.

  I’m still going to go into it with all my strength. I bare my teeth and hiss a little as I stare him down, gripping Eliana tight. If I make a diversion, I hope she’ll be smart enough to run. Nothing matters but her safety. Some of my guys will be left, regrouping in the forest and waiting f
or me. They’ll take care of her.

  I narrow my eyes and watch Zerok advance. He may think he’s untouchable but I’m going to take him apart, screw by screw if I have to.



  The drugs affect me far worse than Zerok indicated. I can hardly move or keep my eyes open I’m so sick.

  When I hear footsteps I shudder, wondering who is coming in now and if I should be afraid. Something about Zerok is inherently threatening. I don’t know why, but he scares me more than anyone ever has before.

  His great age is obvious by his manner. No matter how strong and intellectual I feel, in comparison to him, I am a child. I know I’m drugged out of my mind right now, but talking with Zerok unnerved me in a way I couldn’t have imagined.

  When big, strong arms pick me up I start to struggle. It’s feeble, but I feel an intense need to fight. When a voice whispers in my ear I’m so relieved I almost cry.

  “It’s me, delicate one.”

  I clutch at Tsunis with weak arms, fingers grasping. He helps me get my hands around his neck and pulls me close to his chest. I flick my eyes open and shut and I see his beautiful bright hair. I feel tears on my cheeks but I’m not even aware that I’m crying.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “I knew you would come.”

  For a few seconds we stand in each other’s embrace, just enjoying each other’s scent. I feel Tsunis tense up suddenly and then I hear Zerok’s voice.

  I can’t follow what’s going on, but I can tell Tsunis is very worried. His limbs are trembling.

  Zerok will never let me go. He’s so powerful and so assured of himself, I know there will be no escape. My only fear right now is for Tsunis, he has to get away.

  “Leave me.” I whimper, still not sure where I am or what’s going on. “Run. Save yourself.”

  “No way.” Tsunis whispers to me, before engaging with Zerok again. It’s strange, but I honestly think Tsunis is stalling for something. Maybe he doesn’t even know and he’s just plain stalling.


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