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Serving Fallon

Page 5

by Kaely Steel

  Obliging I spun around, presented him with my spine and backside to fondle and play with, as I explored a different angle of entry. His balls hit my clit with a delightful pressure, which became even more intense when I palmed his balls and touched myself at the same time, riding hard.

  Mini-orgasms spiraled into a full-force climax and I felt my insides shatter, right before the force of his release hurtled me over the top of beyond.


  I’ve renewed my power.

  Chapter 7


  Dare knew better than to miss the evening meal. Whatever he was showing Fallon downstairs had bloody well better be a matter of life and death. I glared my displeasure when they sauntered into the kitchen as I was cleaning up, but my look went right over their heads.

  Seeing Fallon with the dreamy expression of a woman who had just heard her earth moved, my mood softened. Certain things were more important than food.

  “Where is everyone?” Fallon asked innocently.

  “Out checking on the livestock.”

  “Sorry we’re late, man.” Dare didn’t appear sorry at all. He looked downright smug and cocky.

  I answered him with a look that clearly said, ‘you know you can’t have her. She belongs to all of us.’

  He just smiled that secret Dare smile. Of the group, Dare was the most reticent about his past. Kind of made me wonder what he was holding back. And yet, no questions asked, he’d helped me establish an on-line persona that benefited us all.

  Fallon reached my side and gave me a quick kiss. I bit back my smile. I had a good idea exactly where that mouth had been. When my time rolled around, I’d make sure to give her something she’d never forget.

  “You’re an amazing cook, Ledger. But do you ever wish you could pick up the phone and order in Chinese or a pizza?”

  I snorted. “In my former life, maybe. Not these days.”

  “And you never get tired of cooking?”

  Her gaze on mine was deep with caring, as if my answer was important.

  “Nah,” I said. “It’s only one of the many things that I do.”

  She nodded. “And all of them matter.”


  I left early the next day before any of them were stirring. Not forever or anything, but The Group had a scheduled meeting and absence was grounds for dismissal. It was all about showing a strong force, and no one had ever missed a meeting. On the surface, at least, we remained united in belief of the importance of what we did.

  Thor, as usual, tried to act like he was in charge, which wasn’t the case. No one person would ever be in charge of The Group.

  “Have you been on vacation, Fallon?” Thor greeted me with a scrutinizing look, as if something was different that he couldn’t identify. Let him wonder. “You look well-rested.”

  “Business as usual,” I said with a frown.

  No one in The Group spoke of personal situations. Not even when Thor had sent his goddaughter to G Force or Vincent had enlisted their protection for his stepsister. Each case G Force took on was evaluated dispassionately by all of us.

  Assassins trying to infiltrate us through a third party was nothing new, but there was an unsettling strategy in these latest tactics, with someone trying to take us apart from the inside out. I would die before I let it happen.

  I took my seat at the round table where we always met in person. Twelve of us, just like Arthur’s knights, although who knew whether the knights really sat at a round table or that was just the stuff of legends. Either way, the round table was our tradition where, like the knights of old, we strove to right the world’s wrongs for the sake of the greater good.

  I felt sad as I studied our group. None of us was perfect, but we had accomplished so much that was good over the years. Which of those facing me across the table were turncoats? Who had planted the General’s blood out at G Force ranch?

  The General had been one of our most trusted allies, yet one or more people in this room were attempting to undermine that relationship while deflecting any hint of wrongdoing away from themselves.

  Someone had helped the General access our files. But why? If the General was exposed pedaling false intel his credibility was destroyed along with his usefulness to us.

  “G Force reports Kiernan is fitting in nicely, as we all knew he would,” Thor stated.

  I wasn’t about to quibble that point, knowing Thor would never let me forget my initial reluctance to add Kiernan to the mix when Pierce was relieved of his membership.

  “Which is fortunate,” Vincent continued, “as we have a situation which requires G Force’s expertise. One we can’t afford to make personal.”

  That got my attention! I sat and listened intently as the mission was presented and discussed, then taken apart and put back together until the execution was deemed flawless. Only then were the G Force called up to receive their orders. I sat proud. My men would do this right!

  I returned to the ranch as the five of them were gearing up for their latest assignment and awaiting final orders. No one asked where I had been. I assumed they knew I had been at the meeting.

  I ignored Dare’s attempt to catch my eye. Just because he had fucked me didn’t make him any more special than the others.

  “I’m going with you.” It was a statement, not a question as I helped myself to gear and weapons.

  “Absolutely not.” Wulff spoke first.

  “This is our gig,” Hart said.

  Dare tried to be more diplomatic. “No offense, Fallon, but we’ve been doing this a long time. We have each other’s rhythm.”

  “And now you’ll have mine.” I made eye contact with each one of them. “May I remind you that you serve at the pleasure of The Group. I am here as The Group’s representative.”

  Kiernan leveled me a look. “You wouldn’t be getting emotionally involved, now would you?”

  I glared at him. “How dare you say that?”

  “Only because our target is a Supreme Court Judge who took a bribe to dismiss charges against someone accused of trafficking in human life.”

  Children. They’d been trafficking in innocent children.

  I blew out a breath. As a lawyer, I hated crooked judges with a vengeance. What the Judge had done was unforgiveable. “I was with The Group in that meeting. I am in a position to be an asset to this mission.”

  “Do they know you’re here?”

  I ignored him. “I don’t need anyone’s permission,” I said. “But I do require 100% loyalty.”

  One by one they nodded.

  “Good.” I led the way to the tunnel. “Let’s hit it.”

  Dusk was upon us, painting the surrounding mountains deep purple as we landed at the designated landing field. Two vans waited to pick us up. The first van took Wulff, Ledger and Kiernan to the Judge’s world-renowned horse-breeding ranch, an expensive little hobby of the Judge’s. I rode with Dare and Hart in the second van to the Judge’s residence, where we were expected.

  “Fallon! We miss your beautiful presence on the circuit.” The Judge’s lecherous smile didn’t quite reach his eyes as he spoke to my companions. “As you can imagine, this lady did much to brightened up a judge’s boring courtroom and dusty old chambers.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not a visit to recount old times,” I said, barely holding onto my temper.

  I couldn’t afford to make this personal, even though it was. Our laws were supposed to protect the innocent. Judges like the one before me allowed criminals to prey on innocents and turn them into victims. The Group’s justice was the only way.

  “You sound so serious.” He kept up the jovial act, waving his hand toward an inner room. “Please come into my chambers and have a scotch for old times sake. We must do our best to banish whatever is furrowing that lovely brow of yours.” He paused to rake his gaze over Hart and Dare. “Perhaps your uh, companions, would give us a few minutes.”

  Hart and Dare didn’t like it. The air in the hallway grew turbo-charged a
nd I could see them both tensing, ready to refuse. I stopped them with a barely perceptible movement of my head before I followed the judge into his tastefully appointed library that he’d had decorated to resemble his quarters at the courthouse. “I think you’ll find that this is relatively easy. I come as spokesperson for The Group.”

  His hand shook. Scotch sloshed over the mouth of the decanter and missed the whisky glass.

  “We are aware of your arrangement with certain, shall we just say factors on the wrong side of justice.”

  He turned to face me. “You have no proof.”

  “Actually, we do. And to help persuade you to do the right thing I have associates, who at this very moment, are over at your stables.”

  His eyes widened at that. I saw fear and loathing and something else unidentifiable darken his features. The broken veins on his nose became more pronounced.

  “I understand there has been a rash of arson attacks in this area. It would be too bad if your stables became just one more in a string of many unsolved crimes.”

  I watched, fascinated, as spittle formed at one corner of his mouth. I was heady with power. A supreme court judge, at my mercy.

  I strutted from one side of his library to the other. “This is what’s going to happen next.”

  He let out a roar like a wounded bear and launched the heavy crystal decanter my way. I ducked and heard glass shatter against the wood wall behind me. Forty-year-old scotch ran down the wall, leaving the air heavy with the smell of alcohol.

  The door behind the judge burst open and two thugs rushed in. Before I could reach for my Glock, my arms were bent and held behind my back by one of the goons. I kicked backward with my sharp heel and heard him grunt as I connected with his shin. His hold loosened and I drove my elbow back hard into his gut. Before I could reach my weapon the other one had me in a vise grip, his gun pointed to my temple.

  I glanced to the doorway I had entered through. Dare and Hart waited on the other side. Too late, I realized that it had an automatic lock. I stomped down hard on my captor’s instep, sending him dancing in pain. His gun discharged wildly at the ceiling and slivers of expensive mahogany ceiling panels rained down on us. I snapped his arm back and heard sound of breaking bone. He roared in pain and his gun landed at my feet.

  I stooped to pick it up, straightening in time to see the judge with a pistol leveled directly to me.

  “I suggest you lay that gun on the desk there.” He kept his gun trained on me as he passed me a phone. “Put in a call to your companions at the stable.”

  “How do I know you won’t kill me once I make the call?”

  “That’s less of a risk than I kill you right here and now.”

  Behind me I heard a barrage of gunfire from outside the room. The door’s automatic lock shattered and Hart and Dare burst inside and rushed the judge. I got off a shot at one of the goons and took him down as he tried to flee. Dare and Hart were grappling with the Judge. I dove behind the desk for cover as another shot rang out, just as the judge went down.

  When no further shots were fired I peered around the edge of the desk. Dare stood over the judge, who was bleeding but still conscious. Hart made his way toward me, grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. “There was a damn good reason we wanted you to stay behind.”

  “Spare me the lecture.” I wrenched my arm free. “Persuade His Honor to sign the order reversing his ruling and let’s get out of here before the feds show up.”


  I heard one of the goons moan and stir as Dare lashed them to the desk so they couldn’t escape. Hart secured the judge’s signature on both the judgement reversal and his letter of resignation before he cuffed him to a chair.

  “The feds should get here in a few minutes. They’ll deal with this mess and take care of the judge.”

  “And the stables?”

  “Up in flames.”

  “Oh.” I swallowed thickly. I hadn’t fully considered what would happen to the judge’s horses.

  “Don’t worry,” Hart said. “The horses are safe. No doubt The Group can find a way for them to be sold and the money donated to one of The Group’s pet charities.”

  “No doubt.” I gave him a sympathetic look, aware why he had opted to accompany me rather than be involved in torching the stables.

  He caught my look. “I will always do whatever needs doing.”

  “So will I.”

  I followed Hart and Dare to the van. Hart wasn’t letting this go. “You could have been killed.”

  I bristled. How dare he treat me as if I was a helpless woman, unable to defend myself? “But I wasn’t.”

  “Seeing you in danger,” he swallowed. “It took me back to the fire, the way I rushed in, ignoring my gut.”

  The silent darkness settled around us, only to be broken by the shrill siren of a fire truck as it raced past us toward the stables.

  We met up with the others at the helicopter and shared a jubilant buzz over the success of our mission before we headed home. I caught myself mid-thought. When had the ranch become home? That dusty old saying, ‘Home is where the heart is’, jumped into my brain. Home, with these men. Is that where my heart truly belonged?

  I studied my companions, Wulff behind the controls, the others ever vigilant, and my heart warmed and overflowed with an unfamiliar emotion. These men, each and every one of them had, in a short time, come to mean more to me than I could ever have imagined. And they were mine!

  Chapter 8


  I sat at the mirror brushing my hair when Hart burst into my room without knocking. I looked up wearily. “Hart, it’s late.”

  “Damn right it’s late!”

  I’d never seen him mad before today. If any of the G Force had a temper they kept it in check. At least around me.

  I stood, all but naked in my shortie silk robe. Barefoot I was a scant 5’ 3” which gave Hart a good foot on me.

  “Can we address this tomorrow?”

  “Nope.” He scooped me off my feet, straight up into the air so our eyes were on a level. I’d have bruises tomorrow from the punishing grip of his fingers on my hips.

  “Let me down.” I kicked out, my bare feet flailing ineffectually in the space between us.

  He put his face right up to mine. I could feel the heat of his breath as the faint odor of beer wafted between us. “Don’t you get it!” His face was twisted with so many emotions my heart became twisted as well. “We all love you. We would die if anything happened to you.” His grip softened. He pulled me against him and rested his head in the crook between my neck and my shoulder. “We’ve all lost so much. We couldn’t bear to lose you, too.”

  Still suspended in the air, I put my arms around his shoulders and leaned into him. “You’re not going to lose me, Hart. I’m here for you. For all of you.”

  “Wrong! We almost lost you tonight.” He punctuated his words by tossing me through the air like a rag doll. I landed on the bed flat on my back, staring warily up at him as he stalked toward me. Before he reached my side I leapt to my feet, still disadvantaged by the sheer size of him.

  “Stop right there!” To my surprise he did as I said. “Good,” I said. “Better. Don’t forget who’s in charge here.”

  “Then act like it,” he growled. “The commander stays safe while the soldier goes to battle. The fire chief stays behind while his men fight the blaze.”

  “You’re right,” I said, softly. “I let my emotions get the best of me. I made it personal with the judge.”

  He resumed his journey toward me, slowly and deliberately, voicing one word with each step he took closer. “You. Can. Not. Get. Personal.”

  “You’re right.” I kept my voice placating. “Personal would be caring about one of you more than the others.”

  “No favorites,” he said.

  “No favorites,” I agreed.

  “And no more putting yourself at risk. Ever.” He turned away as if our conversation was finished.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  He faced me. “You were right. It’s late.”

  I shook my head slowly from side to side. “Not late,” I said. “It’s time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “Time for you and I to fuck.”

  He lifted his chin defiantly. “I don’t fuck on demand.”

  “Yes, you do. You do what you’re told. When you’re told. Now take off your pants.”

  I watched as he hesitated slightly before his hands went to the waist of his jeans. His eyes never left mine as he slowly unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his fly, and let the jeans fall to the floor with a muffled thud as the heavy buckle hit the hardwood. He kicked them aside.

  Hands flat against his chest I pushed him backwards onto the bed. It was like hitting a rock wall. My palms stung and my puny shove would have had no results if he’d resisted but he went along with me, landing on his back.

  “This is comfy.” He stretched his long frame, arms over his head, hands against the wood-slatted headboard.

  I moved fast. Before he could react I had handcuffs out of the bedside drawer and snapped into place, keeping his hands and arms immobilized.

  He glanced from me to the handcuffs then back to me. His grin grew cocky. “I can play if you can.”

  He didn’t intimidate me, especially now. “What shall we play?”

  “Play with yourself,” he said huskily. “That way I can watch.”

  “You’d rather watch than touch?” I asked. “There’s therapy for that.”

  “You’re wrong about that,” he said in a near growl. “I also like to touch.”

  “But you can’t right now, can you?”

  I liked it! Feeling renewed power and control, a surge of lust flowed through my limbs. I climbed over him and made my way to my feet keeping careful balance, one foot on either side of his waist.

  “Come a little closer.”

  I obliged. His hands might be cuffed above his head, but I knew he had an unobstructed view of the moist pinkness of my inner lips. “Like what you see?”


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