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Elsie's Womanhood

Page 7

by Martha Finley


  "She was the pride Of her familiar sphere, the daily joy Of all who on her gracefulness might gaze, And in the light and music of her way Have a companion's portrait," --WILLIS' POEMS.

  Elsie had fallen asleep thinking of the dear mother whose wealth sheinherited, and whose place she was now filling; thinking of her assupremely blest, in that glorious, happy land, where sin and sorrow areunknown. Thinking, too, of Him, through whose shed blood she had foundadmittance there.

  The same sweet thoughts were still in the loving daughter's mind, as shewoke to find the morning sun shining brightly, a fire blazing cheerily onthe hearth, and Aunt Chloe coming in with a silver waiter filled withoranges prepared for eating in the manner usual in the tropics.

  She had gathered them the night before, taken off the peel, leaving thethick white skin underneath except on the top of each, where she cut itaway from a spot about the size of a silver quarter of a dollar. She thenplaced them on a waiter, with the cut part uppermost, and set them wherethe dew would fall on them all night. Morning found them with the skinhard and leathery, but filled with delicious juice, which could be readilywithdrawn from it.

  At that sight, a sudden memory seemed to flash upon Elsie, and starting upin the bed, "Mammy!" she cried, "didn't you do that very thing when I wasa child?"

  "What, honey? bring de oranges in de mornin'?"

  "Yes, I seem to remember your coming in at that door, with just such awaiterful."

  "Yes, darlin', de folks allus eats dem 'foah breakfast. Deys jes' lubly,Miss Elsie; massa say so, lubly and delicious." And she brought the waiterto her bedside, holding it out for her young mistress to help herself.

  "Yes, mammy dear, they look very tempting, but I won't eat with unwashedhands and face," said Elsie gayly. "And so papa has stolen a march upon meand risen first?"

  "Yes, darlin', massa out on the veranda, but he say 'Let your missus sleeplong as she will.'"

  "My always kind and indulgent father! Mammy, I'll take a bath; and thenwhile you arrange my hair, I'll try the oranges. Go now and ask papa whenhe will have his breakfast, and tell Aunt Phillis to see that it is readyat the hour he names."

  Chloe obeyed, and an hour later Elsie met her father in the breakfast-roomso glad, so gay, so bright, that his heart swelled with joy and pleasurein his child, and all fears that she had overfatigued herself vanishedfrom his mind.

  She was full of plans for the comfort and profit of her people, but all tobe subject to his approval "Papa dear," she said as soon as their morninggreetings had been exchanged, "I think of sending for a physician toexamine Suse and tell us whether there is reason for her complaints. Shemust not be forced to work if she is really ill."

  "I think it would be well," he replied. "There is an excellent physicianliving about three miles from here."

  Elsie was prompt in action by both nature and training, and instantlysummoning a servant, despatched him at once on the proposed errand.

  "And now what next?" smilingly inquired her father.

  "Well, papa, after breakfast and prayers--how some of the old servantsseemed to enjoy them last night--I think of going down to the quarter tosee what may be needed there. Unless you have some other plan for me," sheadded quickly.

  "Suppose we first mount our horses and ride over the estate, to learn forourselves whether Mr. Spriggs has been as faithful as he would have usbelieve."

  "Ah yes, papa; yours is always the better plan."

  Their ride in the clear, sweet morning air was most delightful, and bothfelt gratified with the fine appearance of the crops and the discoverythat Spriggs' boast was no idle one; everything being in the nicest order.

  They took the quarter on the way to the house, and dismounting, enteredone neatly whitewashed cabin after another, kindly inquiring into thecondition and wants of the inmates, Elsie making notes on her tablets thatnothing might be forgotten.

  Everywhere the visit was received with joy and gratitude, and an almostworshipful homage paid to the sweet young mistress whom they seemed toregard as akin to the angels: probably in a great measure because of herextraordinary likeness to her mother, of whom, for so many years they hadbeen accustomed to think and speak as one of the heavenly host.

  Spriggs' victim of the previous day was in bed, complaining much of amisery in back and head and limbs.

  "De doctah hab been heyah," she said, "an' leff me dese powdahs to take,"drawing a tiny package from under her pillow.

  Elsie spoke soothingly to her; said she should have some broth from thehouse, and should be excused from work till the doctor pronounced herquite fit for it again; and left her apparently quite happy.

  It was the intention of our friends to spend some weeks at Viamede.

  "I want you to have every possible enjoyment while here, my darling," Mr.Dinsmore said, as they sat together resting after their ride, in the wideveranda at the front of the house, looking out over the beautiful lawn,the bayou, and the lovely scenery beyond. "There are pleasant neighborswho will doubtless call when they hear of our arrival."

  "I almost wish they may not hear of it then," Elsie said half laughing; "Ijust want to be left free from the claims of society for this short time,that I may fully enjoy being alone with my father and attending to thecomfort of my people. But excuse me, dear papa, I fear I interrupted you."

  "I excuse you on condition that you are not again guilty of such a breachof good manners. I was going on to say there are delightful drives andwalks in the vicinity, of which I hope we will be able to make good use;also, we will have a row now and then on the bayou, and many an hour ofquiet enjoyment of the contents of the library."

  "Yes, papa, I hope so; I do so enjoy a nice book, especially when readwith you. But I think that, for the present at least, I must spend a partof each day in attending to the preparation of winter clothing forhouse-servants and field hands."

  "I won't have you doing the actual work, the cutting out and sewing, Imean," he answered decidedly; "the head work, calculating how muchmaterial is needed, what it will cost, etc., may be yours; but you haveservants enough to do all the rest."

  "But, papa, consider; over three hundred to clothe, and I want it all donewhile I am here to oversee."

  "Have not some of the house-servants been trained as seamstresses?"

  "Yes, sir, two of them, mammy tells me."

  "Very well; she knows how to run a sewing-machine. Send for one when youorder your material; both can be had in the nearest town. Aunt Chloe cansoon teach the girls how to manage it; Uncle Joe, too; he has had noregular work assigned him yet, and the four can certainly do all withoutanything more than a little oversight from you; yes, without even that."

  "What a capital planner you are, papa," she said brightly; "I neverthought of getting a machine or setting Uncle Joe to running it; but I amsure it's just the thing to do. Mammy can cut and the girls baste, andamong them the machine can easily be kept going from morning to night.I'll make out my orders and send for the things at once."

  "That is right, daughter; it pleases me well to note how you put inpractice the lesson of promptness I have always tried to teach you. I willhelp you in making your estimate of quantities needed, prices to be paid,etc., and I think we can accomplish the whole before dinner. Come to thelibrary and let us to work."

  "You dear, kind father, always trying to help me and smooth the leastroughness out of my path, and make life as enjoyable to me as possible,"she said, laying her hand on his arm and looking up into his face witheyes beaming with filial love, as they rose and stood together for amoment.

  "A good daughter deserves a good father," he answered, smoothing with softcaressing motion the shining hair. "But have you the necessary data forour estimates?"

  "The number to be clothed, papa? I know how many house-servants, how manybabies and older children at the quarter, but not the number of fieldhands."

  "That will be easily ascertained. I will s
end a note to Spriggs, who cantell us all about it."

  Mr. Dinsmore's plans were carried out to the letter, and with entiresuccess. This was Saturday; the orders were sent that afternoon, and onMonday morning the work began. Aunt Chloe proved fully equal to thecutting of the garments, and Uncle Joe an apt scholar under her patient,loving teaching, and a willing worker at his new employment. There wasscarcely need of even oversight on the part of the young mistress. Shewould drop in occasionally, commend their industry, and inquire ifanything were wanting; then felt free for books, rides or walks, music orconversation with her father.

  But she was often down at the quarter visiting the sick, the aged andinfirm, seeing that their wants were supplied, reading the Bible to them,praying with them, telling of the better land where no trouble or sorrowcan come, and trying to make the way to it, through the shed blood ofChrist, very plain and clear. Then she would gather the children about herand tell them of the blessed Jesus and His love for little ones.

  "Does He lub niggahs, missus?" queried one grinning little wooly head.

  "Yes, if they love Him: and they won't be negroes in heaven."

  "White folks, missus? Oh, dat nice! Guess I go dar; ef dey let me in."

  But we are anticipating somewhat, though Elsie found time for a shortvisit to the sick and aged on the afternoon of even that first day atViamede. The next was the Sabbath, and as lovely a day as could bedesired. The horses were ordered for an early hour, and father anddaughter rode some miles together to morning service, then home again.

  As the shadows began to lengthen in the afternoon, Elsie was sitting aloneon the veranda, her father having left her side but a moment before, whenan old negro, familiarly known as Uncle Ben, came round the corner of thehouse, and slowly approached her.

  Very sweet and fair, very beautiful she looked to his admiring eyes. Sheheld a Bible in her hand, and was so intent upon its perusal that she wasnot aware of his coming until he had drawn quite near. Ascending thesteps, and standing at a respectful distance, hat in hand, he waited tillshe should notice and address him.

  Glancing up from her book, "Ah, Uncle Ben, good evening," she said. "Whatcan I do for you?"

  "Missus," he answered, making a low salam, "all de darkies is gaderedtogedder under a tree 'round de house yondah, and dey 'pint me committeeto come an' ax de young missus would she be so kind for to come an' readthe Bible to dem, an' talk, an' pray, an' sing like she do for de sickones down to de quarter? Dey be berry glad, missus, an' more dan obliged."

  "Indeed I will, uncle," Elsie said, rising at once and going with him,Bible in hand; "I had been thinking of doing this very thing."

  She found a rustic seat placed for her under a giant oak, and garlandedwith fragrant flowers. Aunt Phillis, Aunt Chloe, Uncle Joe, and the restof the house-servants, gathered in a semicircle around it, while beyond,the men, women, and children from the quarter sat or lay upon the grass,enjoying the rest from the toils of the week, the quiet, the balmy airladen with the fragrance of the magnolia and orange, and all the sweetsights and sounds of rural life in that favored region.

  Every one rose at the appearance of their young mistress, and there weremurmurs of delight and gratitude coming from all sides. "Now bress deLord, she read the good book for us." "She good an' lubly as de angels.""Missus berry kind, de darkies neber forget."

  Elsie acknowledged it all with a smile and a few kindly words, thencommanding silence by a slight motion of the hand, addressed them in aclear, melodious voice, which, though not loud, could be distinctly heardby every one of the now almost breathless listeners.

  "I shall read to you of Jesus and some of His own words," she said, "butfirst we will ask Him to help us to understand, to love, and to obey Histeachings."

  Then folding her hands and lifting her eyes to the clear blue sky above,she led them in a prayer so simple and childlike, so filial and loving inspirit and expression, that the dullest understood it, and felt that shespoke to One who was very near and dear to her.

  After that she read with the same distinct utterance the third chapter ofJohn's Gospel, and commented briefly upon it. "You all want to go toheaven?" she said, closing the book.

  "Yes, Miss Elsie." "Yes missus, we all does."

  "But to be able to go there you must know the way, and now I want to makesure you do know it. Can you tell me what you must do to be saved?"

  There were various answers. "Be good," "Mine de rules an' do 'bout right.""Pray to de Lord," etc., etc.

  Elsie shook her head gravely. "All that you must do, and more besides.What does Jesus say? 'God so loved the world, that He gave His onlybegotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but haveeverlasting life.' We must believe _in_ Jesus--believe all that the Bibletells us about Him, that He was very God and very man, that He came downfrom heaven, was born a little babe and laid in a manger, that He grew upto be a man, went about doing good, and at last suffered and died thecruel death of the cross; and all to save poor lost sinners.

  "But even that is not enough: the devils believe so much; they know it isall true. But beside this, we must believe _on_ Christ Jesus. He offers tobe our Saviour. 'Come unto Me ... and I will give you rest.' 'Him thatcometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out,' And you must come, you musttake the eternal life He offers you; you must rest on Him and Him only.

  "Suppose you were out on the bayou yonder, and the boat should upset andfloat beyond your reach, or be swept away from you by the wind and waves,and you couldn't swim; but just as you are sinking, you find a plankfloating near; you catch hold of it, you find it strong and large enoughto bear your weight, and you throw yourself upon it and cling to it forlife. Just so you must cast yourself on Jesus, and cling to Him with allyour strength: and He will save you; for He is able and willing 'to saveto the uttermost all that come unto God by Him.'

  "He will wash away your sins in His own precious blood, and dress you inthe beautiful robe of His perfect righteousness; that is, set His goodnessto your account, so that you will be saved just as if you had been as goodand holy as He was. Then you will love Him and try to do right to pleaseHim; not to buy heaven; you cannot do that, for 'all our righteousnessesare as filthy rags,' and we cannot be saved unless we trust only in Jesusand His righteousness."

  Something in the faces before her caused Elsie to turn her head. Herfather stood with grave, quiet air, but a few feet from her.

  "Papa," she said, in an undertone, and blushing slightly, "I did not knowyou were here. Will you not speak to them? you can do it so much betterthan I."

  She sat down, and stepping to her side he made a brief and simply wordedaddress on the necessity of repentance and faith in Jesus, "the onlySaviour of sinners," His willingness to save _all_ who come to Him, andthe great danger of delay in coming. Then with a short prayer and thesinging of a hymn, they were dismissed.

  With murmured thanks and many a backward look of admiring love at theiralready almost idolized young mistress, and her father, who had won theirthorough respect and affection years ago, they scattered to their homes.

  "You must have a shawl and hat, for the air begins to grow cool," said Mr.Dinsmore to his daughter.

  "Yes, massa, I'se brought dem," said Chloe, hurrying up almost out ofbreath, with the required articles in her hand.

  "Thank you, mammy, you are always careful of your nursling;" Elsie said,smilingly, as the shawl was wrapped carefully about her shoulders and thehat placed upon her head.

  Her father drew her hand within his arm and led her across the lawn.

  "There is one spot, very dear to us both, which we have not yet visited,"he said, low and feelingly, "and I have rather wondered at your delay inasking me to take you there."

  She understood him. "Yes, sir," she said, "I should have done so lastevening, but that you looked weary. It has hardly been out of my mindsince we came, and I have only waited for a suitable time."

  "None could be better than the present," he answered.

  On a gently sloping hill
side, and beneath the shade of a beautifulmagnolia, they found what they sought: a grave, with a headstone on whichwas carved the inscription:

  "Fell asleep in Jesus, March 15, 18--, ELSIE, WIFE OF HORACE DINSMORE, and only remaining child of WILLIAM AND ELSPETH GRAYSON, Aged 16 years, and 2 weeks. 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.'"

  They read it standing side by side.

  "How young," murmured the daughter, tears filling her eyes, "how young tobe a wife, a mother, and to die and leave husband and child! Oh, papa, howI used to long for her, and dream of her--my own precious mamma!"

  "When, my darling?" he asked in moved tones, drawing her tenderly to himand passing an arm about her waist.

  "Before I knew you, papa, and before you began to love me so dearly and befather and mother both, to me, as you have been for so many years," Thelow, sweet voice was tremulous with emotion, and the soft eyes lifted tohis were brimming over with tears of mingled grief and joy, gratitude andlove.

  "I have tried to be," he said; "but no one could supply her place. What aloving, tender mother she would have been! But let us forget our loss inthe bliss of knowing that it is so well with her."

  It was a family burying-ground; there were other graves; those of ourElsie's grandparents, and several of their sons and daughters who had diedin infancy or early youth; and in the midst uprose a costly monument,placed there by Mr. Grayson after the death of his wife. The spot showedthe same care as the rest of the estate, and was lovely with roses andother sweet flowers and shrubs.

  "My mother's grave!" said Elsie, bending over it again. "Papa, let uskneel down beside it and pray that we may meet her in heaven."

  He at once complied with the request, giving thanks for the quiet rest ofher who slept in Jesus, and asking that, when each of them had done andsuffered all God's holy will here on earth, they might be reunited to herabove, and join in her glad song of praise to redeeming love.

  Elsie joined fervently in the "Amen," and rising, they lingered a momentlonger, then wended their way in sweet and solemn silence to the house.

  They sat together in the library after tea, each occupied with a book. ButElsie seemed little interested in hers, looking off the page now and then,as if in deep and troubled thought. At length closing it, she stole roundto the side of her father's easy chair, and taking possession of afootstool, laid her head on his knee.

  "I have my little girl again to-night," he said, passing his handcaressingly over her hair and cheek.

  "I almost wish it was, papa."

  "Why? is anything troubling you, dearest?" And he pushed his book aside,ready to give his whole attention to her.

  "I am anxious about my poor people, papa; they are so ignorant of thetruths necessary to salvation; and what can I teach them in three or fourweeks? I have almost decided that I ought--that I must stay as manymonths."

  "And that without even consulting your father? much less considering hispermission necessary to your action?" Though the words seemed to conveyreproach, if not reproof, his tone was gentle and tender.

  "No, no, papa! I must cease to think it my duty if you forbid it."

  "As I do most positively, _I_ cannot stay, and I should never think for amoment of leaving you here!"

  "But, papa, how then am I to do my duty by these poor ignorant creatures?how can I let them perish for lack of knowledge whom Christ has put intomy care?"

  "Procure a chaplain, who shall hold regular services for them everySabbath, and do pastoral work among them through the week. You will notgrudge him his salary."

  "Papa, what an excellent idea! Grudge him his salary? No, indeed; if I canget the right man to fill the place, he shall have a liberal one. And thenhe will be a check upon Mr. Spriggs, and inform me if the people areabused. But how shall I find him?"

  "What do you do when in want of something you do not know exactly how toprocure?"

  "Pray for direction and help," she answered, low and reverently.

  "We will both do that, asking that the right man may be sent us; and Iwill write to-morrow to some of the presidents of the theologicalseminaries, asking them to recommend some one suited for the place."

  "Papa," she cried, lifting a very bright face to his, "what a load youhave taken from my mind."


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