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Elsie's Womanhood

Page 16

by Martha Finley


  "Oft those whose cruelty makes many mourn Do by the fires which they first kindle burn." --EARL OF STIRLING.

  "As crimes do grow, justice should rouse itself." --JOHNSON'S CATILINE.

  Jackson thought he read suspicion in the doctor's eye as the latter leftthe office; also he felt sure the physician would not ride far beforehearing of the attack on Viamede, and would speedily come at the truth byputting that and that together; perhaps return with a party of avengers,and hang him to a tree in the adjacent forest.

  "I must get out o' this before I'm an hour older," said the scoundrel tohimself. "Oh, for the strength I had yesterday!"

  "Why don't you lie down, sah, as Massa Doctah tole ye?" asked Nap,returning. "Massa always 'spects folks to do prezactly as he tells dem."

  "Why, Sambo, I'm too dirty to lie on that nice sofa," replied Jackson,glancing down at his soiled garments.

  "Sambo's not my name, sah," said the negro, drawing himself up withdignity; "I'se Napoleon Boningparty George Washington Marquis deLafayette, an' dey calls me Nap for short. If ye'll take off dat coat,sah, an' dem boots, I'll take 'em out to de kitchen yard an' clean 'em."

  "Thank you; if you will I'll give you a dollar. And if you'll brush themud from my pants first, I'll try the sofa; for I'm nearly dead for sleepand rest."

  "All right, sah," and Nap went to a closet, brought out a whisk, and usingit vigorously upon the pantaloons, soon brushed away the mud, which thesun had made very dry. A few blood stains were left, but there was no helpfor that at present. The coat was taken off with some difficulty onaccount of the wounded arm, then the boots, and Jackson laid himself downon the sofa and closed his eyes.

  Nap threw the coat over his arm, and taking the boots in the other handwent softly out, closing the door behind him. "Safe 'nuff now, I reckon,"he chuckled to himself; "guess he not trabble far widout dese."

  He was hardly gone, however, when Jackson roused himself and forced hisweary eyes to unclose. "As dangerous as to go to sleep when freezing," hemuttered. He rose, stepped to the closet door, and opened it.

  A pair of boots stood on the floor, a coat hung on a peg. He helpedhimself to both, sat down and drew on the boots, which were a little toolarge but went on all the more readily for that. Now for the coat. It wasnot new, but by no means shabby. He took out his knife, hastily ripped upthe right sleeve and put it on. It fitted even better than the boots.

  Nap had brought a bottle of wine and left it on the office table,forgetting to carry it back to the dining-room. Jackson took it up, andplacing it to his mouth drained the last drop. Then putting on his hat, hestole softly from the house and down the avenue.

  To his great joy a boat was just passing in the direction to take himfarther from Viamede. He signaled it, and was taken aboard.

  "Been getting Dr. Balis to patch up a wound, eh, stranger?" said theskipper, glancing at the disabled arm.

  "Yes;" and Jackson repeated the story already told to the surgeon.

  The skipper sympathized and advised a rest in the cabin.

  "Thank you," said Jackson; "but I'm only going a few miles, when I'llreach a point where, by taking to the woods again, I'll be likely to findmy friends; who are doubtless anxious to know what has become of me."

  "Very well, sir, when we come to the right place, just let us know andwe'll put you off."

  Evidently the skipper had heard nothing to arouse his suspicions. Jacksonwas landed at the spot he pointed out--a lonely one on the edge of aforest, without question or demur, and the boat went on its way.

  He watched it till it disappeared from view, then plunging into the woods,presently found a narrow foot-path, pursuing which for an hour or so hecame out into a small clearing. At the farther side, built just on theedge of the forest, was a rude log cabin. A slatternly woman stood in theopen doorway.

  "So ye did get back at last?" she remarked, as he drew near. "I'd mostgive ye up. What ails your arm now?"

  He briefly repeated his story to the doctor and skipper; then askedhurriedly, "Is my horse all right?"

  The woman nodded. "I've tuck good care on her. Now where's the gold yepromised me?"

  "Here," he said, taking out, and holding up before her delighted eyes,several shining half-eagles; "have my horse saddled and bridled andbrought round to the door here as quickly as possible, and these areyours."

  "I'll do it. Bill," to a half-grown youth who sat on a rude bench withinlazily smoking a pipe--"run and fetch the gentleman's hoss. But what's yerhurry, mister?"

  "This," he answered, pointing to the disabled limb; "it's growing worse,and I'm in haste to get home, where I can be nursed by mother and sisters,before I quite give out."

  "She's a awful sperited cratur, and you'll have a hard job o' it to manageher, with one hand."

  "I must try it, nevertheless; I believe I can do it too; for she knows hermaster."

  "She'll go like lightnin'," said the boy, as he brought the animal to thedoor; "she's been so long in the stable, she's as wild and scary as abird."

  Jackson threw the gold into the woman's lap, turned about and taking thebridle from the boy, stroked, patted, and talked soothingly to the excitedsteed, who was snorting and pawing the ground in a way that boded dangerto any one attempting to mount.

  His caresses and kindly tones seemed, however, to have a calming effect;she grew comparatively quiet, he sprang into the saddle and was off likean arrow from the bow.

  It was about that time the doctor returned to his office to find itdeserted. Nap was summoned.

  "What's become of the man I left here in your charge, sirrah?" asked thedoctor sternly.

  "Dunno, sah, Massa Doctah," answered Nap, glancing in astonishment fromside to side. "To't he heyah, sah; 'deed I did. Took he coat an' boots toclean 'em; to't he safe till I fotch 'em back; wouldn't go off withoutdem."

  The doctor stepped to the closet. "Yes, my coat and boots gone, bottle ofwine emptied, no fee for professional aid--a fine day's work for me."

  "Massa Doctah! you don't say de rascal done stole yer coat an' boots? Oh,ef I cotch him, I----" and Napoleon Bonaparte George Washington Marquis deLafayette looked unutterable things.

  "Better take care I don't get hold of you!" cried the irate master. "Goand tell Cato to saddle and bridle Selim and bring him to the door asquickly as possible; and do you find out if anybody saw which way therascal went. He must be caught, for he's a burglar and murderer!"

  Nap lifted his hands and opened mouth and eyes wide in surprise andhorror.

  "Begone!" cried the doctor, stamping his foot, "and don't stand gapingthere while the scoundrel escapes."

  Nap shuffled out, leaving his master pacing the office to and fro withangry, impatient strides.

  "What is it, my dear? what has gone wrong?" asked his wife, looking inupon him.

  "Come, sit down on the sofa here and I'll tell you," he said, his excitedmanner quieting somewhat at sight of her pleasant face.

  She accepted the invitation, and seating himself beside her he brieflyrelated all that he knew of Jackson and his attack on Mr. Travilla.

  He had hardly finished when Nap returned with the news that several of thenegro children had seen a man go down the avenue and get aboard a passingboat.

  "Ah ha!" cried the doctor, jumping up; "and which way was the boat going?"

  "Dat way, sah," replied Nap, indicating the direction by a flourish of hisright hand.

  At that moment Mr. and Mrs. Travilla rode up, and Dr. and Mrs. Balishastened out to greet them.

  "He's gone; took the morning boat," cried the doctor.

  "Good!" said Mr. Travilla, "we have only to head him with a telegram, andhe'll be arrested on stepping ashore; or on board the boat."

  "Unless he should land in the next town, Madison, which the boat, having agood hour's start of us, would reach before the swiftest messenger wecould send; probably has already reached."

n the best plan will be for me to ride on to Madison, give notice tothe authorities, have it ascertained whether our man has landed there, andif not telegraph to the next town and have them ready to board the boat,with a warrant for his arrest, as soon as it arrives."

  "Yes; and I'll mount Selim and go with you," answered the doctor. "Iprobably know the road better than you do. And our wives may keep eachother company till we return."

  "What do you say, Elsie?" asked Mr. Travilla.

  "That I will go or stay as you think best."

  "We must ride very fast; I think it would fatigue you too much; so adviseyou to stay with Mrs. Balis, and I will call for you on my return."

  "Do, Mrs. Travilla! I should be delighted to have you," urged Mrs. Balis;"and you can tell me all about last night. What a trial to your nerves! Idon't wonder you are looking a little pale this morning."

  "Thank you, I will stay," said Elsie; and instantly her husband, givinghis horse into Nap's charge for a moment, sprang to the ground and liftedher from the saddle. "Don't be anxious, little wife," he whispered, as thesoft eyes met his with a fond wistful look, "I am not likely to be indanger, and you know the sweet words, 'Not a hair of your head shall fallto the ground without your Father.'"

  "Yes, yes, I know, and will trust you in His hands, my dear husband," wasthe low-breathed response.

  Another moment and the two gentlemen were galloping rapidly down theavenue side by side. The ladies stood on the veranda, watching till theywere out of sight, then went into the house.

  "Now, my dear Mrs. Travilla, shall I just treat you as one of ourselves,and take you into my own breezy room?" asked Mrs. Balis, regarding Elsiewith an affectionate, admiring look.

  "It is just what I should like, Mrs. Balis," Elsie answered, with a smileso sweet that her hostess put her arm about her and kissed her.

  "I can't help it," she said; "you take my heart by storm with your beauty,grace, and sweetness."

  "Thank you, and you need not apologize," Elsie said, returning theembrace; "love is too precious a gift to be rejected."

  "I think Mr. Travilla a very fortunate man, and so does my husband."

  "And am not I a fortunate woman, too?"

  "Ah, yes, Mr. Travilla is most agreeable and entertaining, handsome too;and indeed I should think everything one could wish in a husband; as mineis," she added laughingly. "I presume neither of us would consent to anexchange of partners. Are you fond of children, Mrs. Travilla?"


  "Shall I show you mine?"

  "I should like to see them, if you please."

  Mrs. Balis at once led the way to the nursery, where she exhibited, withmuch motherly pride and delight, her three darlings, the eldest five, thesecond three years of age, the third a babe in the arms. They werebright-eyed, rosy-cheeked children, full of life and health, but toElsie's taste not half so sweet and pretty as Rosebud.

  Mrs. Balis next conducted her guest to her boudoir; a servant brought inrefreshments, consisting of a variety of fruits, cakes, and confections,with wine sangaree and lemonade. After partaking of these, the ladies hada long talk while awaiting the return of their husbands. The gentlemenwere gone much longer than had been anticipated, and I am not sure thewives did not grow a little uneasy. At all events they left the boudoirfor the front veranda, which gave them a view of the avenue and somehundred yards of the road beyond in the direction from which the travelersmust come. And when at length the two were descried approaching, in a moreleisurely manner than they went, there was a simultaneous and relievedexclamation, "Oh, there they are at last."

  The ladies stood up and waved their handkerchiefs. There was no response;the gentlemen's faces were towards each other and they seemed to beengaged in earnest converse.

  "Unsuccessful," said Mrs. Balis.

  "How do you know?" asked Elsie.

  "There's an air of dejection about them."

  "I don't see it," returned Elsie, smiling. "They seem to me only too busytalking to notice our little attention."

  But Mrs. Balis was correct in her conjecture. The boat had passed Madisonsome time before the gentlemen arrived there, had paused but a few minutesand landed no such passenger. Learning this they then telegraphed theauthorities of the next town; waited some hours, and received a returntelegram to the effect that the boat had been boarded, no person answeringthe description found; but the captain gave the information that such aman had been taken on board at Dr. Balis' plantation, and set ashore atthe edge of a forest half-way between that place and Madison.

  On receiving this intelligence Mr. Travilla and the doctor started forhome, bringing with them a posse of mounted men headed by some of thepolice of Madison.

  Dr. Balis had taken with him to Madison the blood-stained coat of Jackson.From this the hounds took the scent, and on arriving at the wood mentionedby the skipper, soon found the trail and set off in hot pursuit, thehorsemen following close at their heels.

  Our gentlemen did not join in the chase, but having seen it well begun,continued on their homeward way.

  "And you did consent to the use of hounds?" Elsie said inquiringly, andwith a slightly reproachful look at her husband.

  "My dear," he answered gently, "having been put into the hands of thepolice it has now become a commonwealth case, and I have no authority todictate their mode of procedure."

  "Forgive me, dearest, if I seemed to reproach you," she whispered, thesweet eyes seeking his with a loving, repentant look, as for a moment theywere left alone together.

  He drew her to him with a fond caress. "My darling, I have nothing toforgive."

  In the cabin at whose door Jackson had made his call and remounted hissteed, a woman--the same with whom his business had been transacted--wasstooping over an open fire, frying fat pork and baking hoe-cake. Bill saton his bench smoking as before, while several tow-headed children rompedand quarreled, chasing each other round and round the room with shouts of"You quit that ere!" "Mammy, I say, make her stop."

  "Hush!" cried the woman, suddenly straightening herself, and standing in alistening attitude, as a deep sound came to the ear, borne on the eveningbreeze.

  "Hounds! bloodhounds!" cried Bill, springing to his feet with unwontedenergy. "And they're a-comin' this way; makin' straight for the house," headded, glancing from the door, then shutting it with a bang. "They'reafter that man; you may depend. He's a 'balitionist, or a horse thief, orsomethin'."

  The children crouched, silent, pale, and terror-stricken, in a corner,while outside, the deep baying of the hounds drew nearer and nearer, andmingling with it came other sounds of horses' hoofs and the gruff voicesof men. Then a loud "Halloo the house!"

  "What's wanted?" asked Bill, opening the one window and putting out hishead.

  "The burglar you're hiding from justice and the hounds have tracked toyour door. A fellow with his right arm disabled by a pistol-shot."

  "He isn't here, didn't step inside at all; don't ye see the hounds areturning away from the door? But you kin come in an' look for yourself."

  One of the men dismounted and went in.

  "Look round sharp now," said the woman. "I only wish he was here fur ye toketch um: if I'd know'd he was a burglar, he would never hev got off soeasy. He jest come for his beast that he left with us four days ago, andmounted there at the door and was off like a shot."

  "Which way?" asked the man.

  She pointed in a southerly direction. "It's the way to Texas, ain't it?an' he's got four or five hours the start o' ye, an' on a swift horse;he'll be over the border line afore ye kin ketch up to him."

  "I'm afraid so, indeed; but justice can follow him even there," repliedthe officer, hastening out, already satisfied that the one bare room didnot contain his quarry.

  He sprang into the saddle, and the whole party galloped away in the wakeof the dogs, who had found the trail again and started off in full cry.

  The party had a hard ride of some hours, the hounds never faltering orlosing the scent; but at length they were at fault
. They had reached abrook and here the trail was lost; it was sought for on both sides of thestream for a considerable distance both up and down, then abandoned indespair.

  The wily burglar had made his steed travel the bed of the stream, whichwas nowhere very deep, for several miles; then taking to the open countryagain and traveling under cover of the darkness of a cloudy night, atlength, in a condition of utter exhaustion, reached a place of safetyamong some of his confederates; for he had joined himself to a gang ofvillains who infested that part of the country.

  But "Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished." Few ifany of them would escape a violent and terrible death at the last;and--"after that the judgment"; from which none may be excused.


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