Book Read Free

Finding Out About Mr M

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by Matt Tims

  Finding Out About Mr. M

  Copyright © 2019 Matt Tims



  Chapter 1 – People Change

  Chapter 2 – Meet the New Neighbor

  Chapter 3 – Finding Out About Mr. M

  Chapter 4 – Temptation

  Chapter 5 – Cleaning Service

  Chapter 6 – Guidance

  Chapter 7 – A Second Hail Mary

  Chapter 8 – Sherbet

  Chapter 9 – Like Mother, Like Daughter

  Chapter 10 – The Shirt

  Chapter 11 – A Little Convincing

  Chapter 12 – Baby Steps

  Chapter 13 – How Rough is Too Rough?

  Chapter 14 – Daddy’s Girl

  Other Works & Contact Info:

  Chapter 1 – People Change

  Jen sat at the kitchen table with a visibly disgusted look on her face. Her contempt had been seventeen years in the making. What happened to her husband after their three-year anniversary? It was like he’d suddenly stopped giving a shit about everything in his life.

  Tom was a handsome, fit guy when the two first began dating. He possessed a thick head of brown hair, muscles everywhere, and a very low body fat percentage to match. Not only did the twenty-five-year-old stud have stamina for days, but he could get her going just by taking his shirt off. Things slowly started to change, however.

  His healthy diet was replaced by fast food, his gym routine was ousted by video games and hours of watching TV, his sexy five o’clock shadow was swapped out for a ragged-looking beard, and his thick hair was now thin and straggly. Sure, some things weren’t under his control. She couldn’t fault him for his thinning hair, but it was more a combination of everything. This current forty-seven-year-old version of her husband didn’t even slightly resemble the twenty-five-year-old man she’d fallen in love with.

  Crunch… Crunch… Crunch…

  God, it was so gross. The way he ate drove her insane. His mouth was always open, and it felt like a lack of common courtesy to her. Nobody wants to hear you chew your food! Close your goddamn mouth! She just wanted to scream!

  Crunch… Crunch… Crunch…

  Why was he eating cereal? She’d showed him how to make smoothies in her blender years ago. All the ingredients were in the refrigerator, and they were so easy to make. Kale, tomatoes, celery, throw in some fruit, add a little water, and blend it all up. It was a perfectly nutritious breakfast; but no, Tom was eating junk food cereal which he’d specifically bought for himself—just like he did every morning.

  Crunch… Crunch… Crunch…

  It was like he chewed that loud on purpose just to bug her. That wasn’t even the worst part though. There was milk in his already repulsive beard! She turned her attention to her coffee to hide her disgust. She never would’ve imagined calling this man her husband two decades ago.

  Tom worked in construction, and his job didn’t exactly bring in the big bucks—not that his lack of income was a problem. She valued personality, loyalty, and how a man could make her feel over finances; and Tom had all those things in the beginning. He was responsible, enjoyable to talk to, and his body could make her melt from the slightest of glances in his direction.

  He was by far the most mature and loyal of her post-college boyfriends, despite his lack of creativity and adventure. She knew that his looks wouldn’t necessarily stay the same twenty years down the road, but she hadn’t expected his personality to change the way it had. He just wasn’t enjoyable to be around anymore. He never made time to talk or ask about her day, he put off real responsibilities for selfish pleasures, and he spent his days glued to his phone or playing Xbox down in the basement. He was even busy fidgeting with his iPhone on the oak kitchen table at this very second! Twenty years ago they would’ve at least been having a conversation over breakfast; now, they weren’t even looking at each other.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  The brunette mother of one had no qualms about being the family’s primary breadwinner. She was an RN who made close to double her husband’s salary, but there wasn’t any resentment or loss of respect over their financial differences. She never looked at it as “her money” or “his money.” She saw it as “their money.” They were a team. The entire point of a marriage was to help each other out, but Tom wasn’t doing his part. There was no sex, no stimulation, and nothing he did resulted in her desiring to be in his presence.

  “Hey, Mom!”

  She loved giving head and she loved to please, but even the thought of sticking his dick in her mouth disgusted her. Where to start? There was his disgusting beer belly, his general lack of grooming downstairs, and that awful winded sucking-sound he made whenever they attempted something sexual. Receiving a blowjob was exhausting for him thanks to his incredibly low stamina, and his borderline nonexistent sex drive made those encounters few and far between. The most bizarre part of it all was she still tried. She still attempted to give him oral sex because she wanted to please him, but it was like he wasn’t interested.

  Jen worked hard to keep herself together—even if she didn’t exactly look like she had back in college. Her toned legs, slim figure, and impressive bust weren’t anything to scoff at though. She was proud of her appearance. Healthy eating, a solid gym going habit, and lots of hiking and yoga were her lifestyle.

  She was very fit and noticed plenty of guys checking her out wherever she went—especially at the gym. Young hunks, older guys, married men, single players: it didn’t matter. They all made time to at least look at her, if not go out of their way to make small talk. It’d gotten to the point where she was embarrassed to be seen in public with Tom. It wasn’t like that was a major problem or anything. He would never leave the house if it was up to him.


  Her eyes snapped to the left to find her eighteen-year-old daughter sitting at the table with a meal replacement bar in hand.

  “Oh, hey,” Jen smiled. “I didn’t see you there.”

  Ashley curiously observed her mother while unwrapping her breakfast. “What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing,” Jen smiled again. “Just thinking.”

  “Dad,” Ashley acknowledged her father.

  “Hey,” Tom responded with his eyes still glued on his phone.

  Just like her mother, Ashley had been blessed with long brown hair and striking chestnut eyes. The busty brunette was quite the looker and received her fair share of attention from the boys at her high school; and unfortunately, she also shared something else in common with her mom. It wasn’t something that she was happy with either.

  Her relationship with her mom resembled more of best friends type of vibe than your typical mother-daughter rapport, but that wasn’t necessarily her choice. She had to go to Mom with her problems and needs since Dad didn’t take much of an interest in her personal life. Maybe things would’ve been different if she was a boy? She really didn’t have too much in common with her father, but she didn’t allow that to bother her the way she had in the past—or at least she tried.

  “My soccer game’s at five,” Ashley announced. “You guys are coming, right?”

  “I’ll be there,” Jen nodded.

  Tom continued to play with his phone while noting, “Me too.”

  “Okay, cool,” Ashley said with a smile. “I’m gonna get going to school. See ya later!”

  “Have a good day, sweetheart!” Jen told her daughter as she watched her walk away.

  Tom raised his hand in the air and gave a quick wave, never breaking stride from the game he was playing on his smartphone.

  “Mom! Come here!”

  Jen left her seat and hustled to her daughter’s frantic voice. She found the front door open, and A
shley standing out on the concrete pathway after she arrived. “What is it?”

  Ashley pointed next door.

  “Holy shit,” Jen laughed. “Wow, they actually sold it.”

  “Didn’t you say that it would be for sale forever?” her daughter asked. “That it was way overpriced?”

  “I thought it would be,” Jen confessed. “I wonder if they got the asking price?”

  Their neighbors had put their house up for sale fourteen long months ago. Jen couldn’t believe how much they were asking even in this extremely hot seller’s market; and to be honest, she didn’t want them to move. The Tappins were perfect neighbors. The older couple mostly kept to themselves. There was no noise, no disturbances, and the sixty-something-year-old Italian couple was extremely nice whenever they encountered one another. Part of her dreaded what could potentially move in: screaming kids, loud music, or constant partying. She wasn’t sure about a lot of things these days, but there was no denying that their new neighbors wouldn’t be anywhere near as great as the Tappins.

  “Who do you think is moving in?” Ashley asked.

  “No idea,” answered Jen, still curious if they’d received the asking price.

  Ashley had different concerns. “Hopefully it’s someone cute.”

  “Is Mike aware of your boy crazy ways?” Jen inquired, a little jealous of her daughter. She would kill to be a carefree eighteen-year-old cutie again.

  “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with looking,” Ashley grinned. Her boyfriend couldn’t get mad at her for taking a peak at some sexy stud next door. That wasn’t cheating!

  Jen wouldn’t argue against having some eye candy around. There definitely wasn’t anything to look at in her own house. Maybe some cute high school boy wouldn’t be the world’s worst neighbor?

  “Oh my God!” Ashley dramatically stated. “What if Ryan Gosling moved in?”

  Jen burst out into laughter. “What?”

  “How awesome would that be?” Ashley smiled, staring at their neighbor’s house.

  “What would Ryan Gosling be doing buying a house in upstate New York?”

  “I don’t know,” Ashley answered. “Maybe he likes the mountains and the wilderness. Or maybe he’s in love with me.”

  Jen continued to laugh.

  “And he needs to be in my presence so he bought the house next door,” Ashley went on. “And we’re going to start dating, and fall in love, and we’re going to get married…”

  “Quite the imagination there, kiddo,” Jen noted.

  “Hey, a girl can dream,” Ashley smirked. “Okay, so I have permission to date Ryan Gosling if he moves in next door, right?”

  Jen nodded with a sarcastic smile. “Yeah, I think I’ll take my chances with that one.”

  “So, who’s your guy?”

  Jen’s eyebrows perked up at the sound of that question. “What?”

  “You have one guy to be able to do anything with if he moves in next door,” her daughter explained. “Who’s it gonna be?”

  There was no question of who held the sacred title of being her all-time celebrity crush. “Pierce Brosnan.”

  Ashley’s brow swiftly furrowed, confusion replacing her former grin. “Who?”

  “What!?” Jen exclaimed, stunned. “Are you serious?”

  “Never heard of him,” the teen admitted. “Is he an actor or something?”

  “Oh my God…” Jen groaned, reaching into her pocket to retrieve her phone. “He was super popular in the nineties.”

  “Jesus…” chuckled Ashley. “What is he like, sixty?”

  “Sixty-four,” Jen said while holding out her phone. “Here, take a look.”

  Ashley’s eyes lit up the moment they hit the screen. “Whoa! Yeah, I’d get some of that.”

  “Oh my God!” Jen laughed. “You’d get some of that?”

  “Absolutely…” the young brunette purred. “He was James Bond?”

  “Yep, and he was the best one too,” Jen said, moving past her daughter’s rather crude comment. Who was she to say anything? How many times had she fantasized about Pierce Bronson while in bed with Tom? Only like a million!

  “Oh yeah, I’m all over that” Ashley whistled as she continued to scroll through the pictures with her finger. “Oh wait, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I forgot, he’s yours. I get Ryan Gosling and you get Pierce Brosnan. Deal?” she proposed with her hand extended.

  Jen accepted her daughter’s handshake with a smirk. “You got yourself deal.”

  “Alright, I gotta get going,” said Ashley. “I’ll see you at my game later.”

  “Have a good day, baby!” she shouted while watching Ashley hustle to her car. She turned back to her neighbor’s house and grinned. Ryan Gosling, Pierce Brosnan, or just someone who gave the slightest of shits about their personal appearance would be a godsend at this point. She had no intentions of cheating, but her daughter was right: there was nothing wrong with looking.

  Chapter 2 – Meet the New Neighbor

  Forty-Two Days Later. October 27th. 5:43 PM.

  Jen was busy enjoying a novel on her Kindle while she relaxed on the swing in the backyard. There was an undeniable urge to savor every second of the remaining fall weather before an early winter storm rolled through next week. The forecasters were already calling for six to eight inches of snow, and it wasn’t even November!

  But there wasn’t any snow in the forecast on this sixty-two degree day. Nope, she was comfortably dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a purple tank top, and the entire backyard was hers. That wasn’t much of a surprise though. Tom had run downstairs after work to play some new video game he’d picked up on his way home—per usual.

  Her contempt for her husband had been growing by the day for the last decade, but it’d become exponentially worse over the past week. Why couldn’t she find any redeeming qualities in him? In fact, she found herself growing jealous of her girlfriends’ relationships.

  Sure, some of her friends were with assholes, but at least their men their shit together. The idea of Tom being an in-shape jerk with a high sex drive had become a fantasy. She didn’t even need for him to be in good shape at this point! She would kill for the sliding glass door to open that led to the backyard, and for Tom to waddle in her direction before grabbing a handful of her hair, and dragging her upstairs to their bedroom for a long overdue pounding. She wasn’t even asking to be seduced or talked to. She just needed to be fucked properly! And as disgusting as he was to her physically, she was more than willing to let him have his way with her if it resulted in some great sex. She desperately needed it.

  The sliding glass door opened, but it certainly wasn’t her dream guy.

  It was Ashley.


  “Hey,” Jen acknowledged her daughter, significantly less enthused than the tone she’d been greeted with.

  The teen pointed over at their neighbor’s house. “The movers are here!”

  Jen jumped to her feet, visibly excited. This moment had been on her mind for over a month. Who was moving in next door?

  She followed Ashley into the house, through the kitchen and living room, and out the front door. There, the two of them were met by a moving truck with what appeared to be college-aged boys unloading furniture and boxes.

  “Did you get a look at anyone?” Jen asked.

  Ashley shook her head. “Just the guys from the moving place. There’s a black BMW parked in the street though.”

  Jen attempted to look but couldn’t see anything.

  “The truck is blocking your view,” Ashley told her. “You know who would drive a BMW though? I’ll give you a hint. His name starts with an R.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll buy you a BMW if Ryan Gosling is our new neighbor,” Jen sarcastically proposed.”

  “Me and Ryan…” the young brunette smirked. “Cruisin’ in my BMW…”

  Jen shyly glanced down after one of the twenty-something-year-old hunks smiled in their direction.

  “I thin
k that one was for you,” Ashley teased her mother. “You want me to introduce you?”

  Jen rolled her eyes.

  “That’s all!” one of the movers shouted. Minutes later, several men piled into the moving truck, while three others loaded themselves into a car which was parked behind the black BMV in the street.

  “Come on,” Jen spoke up. “Let’s go say hi.”

  The two girls walked over the grass and onto their neighbor’s driveway, before journeying the pathway that led to the front door. Ashley turned and caught her mom’s attention before Jen could reach out to ring the doorbell.

  “Should we have brought something?” Ashley asked. “Like a housewarming gift?”

  “Shit…” Jen groaned. “Um…maybe…ah…it’s too late now. I’ll make cookies or something tomorrow.”

  The door abruptly opened before either girl could ring the doorbell, revealing a man with a particularly curious expression on his face. He greeted them, “Hi.”

  “Hello,” Ashley smiled. “We came over to say hi.”

  Their new neighbor continued to give them an inquisitive look.

  “We-we live next-next door,” Jen struggled to expound on what they were up to. “The white house.”

  Jen couldn’t believe that she was nervous. It wasn’t from meeting their neighbor either—that wasn’t a big deal. It was his appearance that had made her giddy. The mystery man’s brown hair was styled in a falling quiff cut, his face was chiseled and defined with the start of a five o’clock shadow, and his blue eyes were striking. She felt her daughter reach out and lightly elbow her, and she knew exactly what Ashley was referring to. Their new neighbor had a striking resemblance to a forty-something-year-old Pierce Brosnan.

  “Oh, hey, neighbors. I’m Ryan.”

  Ashley turned to her mother and smiled. Jen shot her a quick grin back before looking straight-ahead at this remarkably handsome man again. Ryan would certainly qualify as eye candy, alright.

  “I’m Jen,” she introduced herself, finally gaining her composure. “And this is my daughter, Ashley. We just wanted to come over and say hi. You probably have a lot of work to do so we don’t want to be a bother.”


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