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The Celtic Symbol

Page 21

by V M Jones

  “It’s really not excess materials. We ordered extra for a backup system,” replied Dr. McNamara as he looked over the tower wall. “We just want to be sure we can get back from the netherworld. I don’t want to stay there.”

  Dr. McNamara stood contemplating as he stared at the stack of materials. “Since we have some extra time, let’s start building the backup generator,” said Dr. McNamara as he turned to Brody. “It may take some extra time but a backup wouldn’t hurt.”

  “How much extra mesh wire is there?” he asked as an idea popped into his head.

  “I don’t know, enough to fill a small room I guess,” replied Brody. “I sure hope the team is able to persuade the king and the witch to enter the portal or we will have to go to plan B.”

  Dr. McNamara looked at Brody then stood deep in thought.

  “Yeah, Plan B,” he repeated slowly.

  He and Brody began putting together the backup portal generator.

  It was early evening when the adhesive plugs arrived. Dr. Ryan made sure that IPP team got them immediately.

  Dr. McNamara and Brody got to work attaching the plugs to the stone walls and ceiling on the doorway down in the tower supply room with Aine keeping watch for any paranormal activity. After the plugs were in place, they went to work attaching the cage and wires. It took a couple of extra hours longer than originally planned for the additional cages but they were able to complete the assembly of the portal.

  Dr. McNamara and Aine made their way up the narrow spiral stairway back to the tower deck. He made sure that everything remained connected to the console and generator. Brody made sure that all the wires were connected down the stairway to the portal cage below.

  Brody called on the radio, “Maybe we should to do a quick test to be sure everything is working properly.”

  “OK, but just a quick test. Get yourself back up as quickly as you can. The generator may catch the attention of the dark creature. Trust me you don’t want to meet it,” said Dr. McNamara sharply.

  “I’ll take your word for it,” the young man replied as he finished attaching a wire.

  Dr. McNamara started the generator and had Aine flip a switch on the console. Brody watched as the cage began to light up at the base of the stairs. He could see a small, blue light begin to appear in the middle of the portal area.

  “Looks good. You can go ahead and shut it down,” said Brody as he stepped back from the portal.

  Aine cut the switch on the console. Dr. McNamara shut down the generator. Brody quickly made his way up the spiral staircase to the tower deck and closed the door to the stairs.

  It was now late evening as Dr. McNamara made his way to the back door of the Murphy home followed by Aine and Brody who lagged a little behind. He noticed they were holding hands. They met up with the rest of the group in the house.

  “We’re all set. It looks like the portal equipment is working fine,” reported Dr. McNamara as he gave them a thumbs up.

  “Thanks to you and your team, we can now go get Tevan and Father Fahey,” said Dr. Ryan as he gave him a pat on the back.

  “We want to thank all of you for what you have done for us,” said Patrick as he shook each of their hands.

  Ansley nodded in agreement.

  Patrick and Ansley provided the group with a late dinner in the backyard on makeshift tables set up to accommodate the large group. Conversation seemed shorter than usual as everyone seemed more anxious.

  “Let’s review the plan one more time and make sure we have everything in place,” suggested Dr. Ryan. He continued, “The EMP devices are in place and ready to activate in the other three towers. We have printed maps of the castle generated from the DRD software. We have the shields and swords ready. We have two CO2 dart guns,” reported Dr. Ryan as he counted on his fingers.

  “We have the portal generator in place and ready to go. We have a spare set up in case we need it. The rope and bell communication system is in place. Brody set it up after finishing the cage and wiring of the portal generator. We wanted to be sure it didn’t get tangled in the wiring around the center of the spiral staircase in the tower,” reported Dr. McNamara gesturing with his hands.

  “Once I get the signal from Patrick that they are ready to enter the portal, I will turn on the generator and detonate the three EMP devices in the other three towers,” said Brody proudly. “Once they are through, Patrick will signal me to turn off the portal. Then I wait until Patrick signals me again to turn the portal generator back on for everyone to return."

  “Patrick, are you ready for this?” asked Dr. Ryan as he turned to face him.

  “I am,” he said confidently.

  “Once inside the netherworld Dr. Ryan and I will take the swords and shields and hide them in the supply room. Then hopefully we’ll overpower a couple of guards and take their clothing for disguise. We’ll make our way to the lower dungeon where we think Tevan and Father Fahey are. Hopefully we will find Prince Nuallan and get his help by providing him the swords and shields. With his protection we will make our way back to where Patrick is hiding in the supply room where he’ll signal Brody. Brody will turn on the portal generator and bring everyone back. Hopefully the king, Faelan, and their guards will follow us to the supply room and through the open portal,” said Dr. McNamara taking a breath.

  “If they don’t follow or anything else goes wrong, Father O’Brian will attach the metal Celtic symbol back above the tower loophole and pronounce the ancient curse to re-seal the castle. This has to be done before the lunar eclipse is complete. No exceptions,” said Dr. Ryan wagging his finger.

  “I understand,” said Father O’Brian with a nod.

  “Good then, let’s all get some sleep,” said Dr. Ryan as he gestured with his head.

  Everyone agreed and headed off to bed.

  No one slept very well that night. Tomorrow night was the lunar eclipse and the tension could be felt by all. This would be their only chance to attempt the rescue. If they failed, there would be no other choice but to re-attach the protective symbol and recite the incantation, condemning all who remained inside to the netherworld.

  Patrick and Ansley were the most anxious of all. They longed to see Tevan again. Any thought of losing him forever was unbearable. Ansley cried herself to sleep as Patrick lay awake wondering what he would encounter.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he told himself with a determined look on his face. “I will do whatever it takes to get Tevan back.”

  He finally drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

  When morning came, the three rescuers, Dr. Ryan, Dr. McNamara, and Patrick met together with Father O’Brian for a devotional. The meeting seemed to take the edge off the tension they were feeling.

  “I think we should call Garda Bracken,” suggested Dr. McNamara as he pulled the policeman’s card from his pocket. “I promised him we would keep him informed. He needs to be here to see what happens.”

  “Alright,” said Dr. Ryan with a nod. “Give him a call.”

  Dr. McNamara dialed the number and asked the policeman to meet him at the Murphy home around noon.

  They spent the rest of the morning preparing themselves both physically and mentally for the rescue.

  Dr. McNamara and his team rechecked the portal equipment to be sure there wouldn’t be any glitches.

  Dr. Ryan reviewed the map of the castle and their route of escape once they rescued Tevan and Father Fahey. There were just so many variables affecting the success of the rescue. He hoped everything would come together as planned.

  Around noon, the group met to embark on their incredible journey into the netherworld.

  Garda Bracken arrived and was briefed on what was about to happen. He stood near the tower watching intently.

  Patrick knelt down and hugged each of the kids. He stood up and embraced his wife then pressed his forehead on hers.

  “I will bring Tevan home,” he promised as he looked deep into her eyes.

  “Please be care
ful,” she pleaded as she gave him a hug.

  Dr. McNamara gave some last minute instructions to Aine and Brody, “Be sure all the wire connections are secure. If anything happens to the generator, use the backup generator. If time runs out, be sure to signal Patrick with a tug on the rope so he can get out before the curse is pronounced.”

  “Don’t’ worry boss. We’ll take care of everything,” said Brody eagerly accepting the responsibility.

  Aine nodded in agreement.

  Dr. Ryan turned to Father O’Brian with a stern look and said, “No matter what happens, you replace the metal seal on the tower and pronounce the curse prior to completion of the lunar eclipse. Under no circumstances can King Dubhshlaine and Faelan be allowed to complete their plan.”

  “I understand,” said Father O’Brian a little irritated at being told repeatedly.

  Dr. Ryan and Dr. McNamara took stock of everything they were to take with them. They had the C02 dart guns. They each had a map of the castle. They had the shields and swords. They were ready to go down into the netherworld. The equipment was stacked next to the opening ready to be lowered into it.

  The sun was about mid-way across the clear blue sky. The three rescuers looked at the sun and felt its warmth on their faces. They hoped it wouldn’t be the last time.

  Dr. Ryan pulled on the handle of the door and laid it open over the tower deck. He looked down into the stairway then looked at Patrick.

  “You go down ahead of us and wait for us in the first room,” instructed Dr. Ryan pointing down into the opening.

  Patrick had been given the responsibility of carrying the swords. He entered the top of the stairs. As he cleared the opening, Dr., Ryan handed him the long leather pouch. Patrick followed the long rope and trail of wires down the stairway and disappeared. He was a little scared watching the sun disappear as he headed down the steps. He paused at the top room as he waited for the others to come down. The sunlight from the tower loophole was bright enough for him to get a good view of the room. He looked around the room in awe at the stone walls and artifacts. He couldn’t believe this was behind his house.

  Father O’Brian and Brody held each end of the pole holding the shields. The long blanket strip dividers did their job of keeping the shields quiet as the pole moved. Dr. McNamara stepped down onto the stairway as Brody handed him his end of the pole. Dr. Ryan turned the shields at an angle and pushed each one through the opening. Dr. McNamara made his way partway down the stairs as he waited for Dr. Ryan. Father O’Brian held the end of the pole until Dr. Ryan’s head was only visible on the tower deck door. He placed the pole on Dr. Ryan’s shoulder then handed him a tan tarp.

  “See you soon,” said Dr. Ryan and he looked at the group on the tower deck.

  Dr. Ryan and Dr. McNamara moved down the stairway and passed the top tower room. Patrick left the room he had been waiting in and followed them down. They made their way down the stairs to the bottom of the tower.

  Dr. Ryan checked the old tan tarp which he placed on the end of the pole. They would need the tarp to conceal the weapons once they placed them in the supply room.

  Dr. McNamara looked at Patrick and instructed, “Once we enter the portal, be sure to hold onto the end of the rope and keep a good hold on it. It’s going to be our only method of communication.”

  “You bet I will,” he chimed in obediently.

  “When the portal is opened, we will have to move quickly,” said Dr. McNamara as he looked over his shoulder at the other two. “Dr. Ryan and I will carry the pole holding the shields through the portal and put it in the supply room at the bottom of the tower.”

  He walked to the bottom of the stairs and turned to Patrick, “You can signal Brody to start the generator and open the portal.”

  Patrick pulled on the rope. He could hear a bell ringing at the top of the stairs.

  Dr. Ryan could hear the generator start up. Within a few seconds, he could see a blue light start to glow around the wires of the portal. Within a few more seconds the blue light filled the entire area of the portal.

  Dr. McNamara adjusted his grip on the pole and moved forward as he disappeared into the blue light. Dr. Ryan followed holding the other end of the pole. Patrick stood ready with the end of the rope to follow them.

  As Dr. McNamara entered the portal he could feel a tingle run through his body. He heard a low thud as he continued through the portal. On the other side of the portal, he found himself in the supply room at the base of the tower which now was lit and no longer in decay. He was in the netherworld.

  Dr. Ryan came through next followed by Patrick. Patrick looked around with surprise and a little anxiety. As soon as Patrick was through the portal he tugged on the rope to signal that they had made it through.

  The blue light began to dissipate as the portal shut down, however, there was still a small blue light surrounding the rope where it disappeared into thin air where the netherworld portion of the rope met the real world portion. Dr. McNamara was somewhat fascinated with the phenomenon and was grateful it worked.

  They turned their attention to the shields. They quickly laid them down in the middle of the supply room.

  “Gentleman, welcome to the netherworld,” said Dr. McNamara with his arms outstretched.

  16 the rescue

  Faelan was sitting in the great hall when the crystal on her staff began to glow red. She looked at the crystal intently.

  “There seems to be something happening in each of the corner towers,” she said somewhat perplexed. “Have the guards report back to me after checking each tower,” ordered Faelan to the captain in a gruff voice. “Three-Face,” she said, pausing for a moment then continued, “Take yourselves and check the southeast tower.”

  Something strange was going on which made Faelan very nervous. She decided not to alert the king. She would investigate and take care of whatever it was. Nothing was going to stop them. She had waited too long for anything to go wrong now. She could almost feel herself in the warm sun again.

  She made her way down the dungeon steps and walked to the last cell at the end of the hall. The guards were close behind her. She stood at the door while one of the guards fumbled with the key to get the door open. As she walked into the prison room, she could see the priest and the boy over against the corner of the room.

  “Priest,” she commanded arrogantly, “Tell me what your plans of rescue were for this lad. There was a disturbance at each of the towers a few moments ago. Something strange is going on. Tell me or I will destroy the lad.”

  “First of all, I know you’re bluffing. You won’t harm the lad. If you do anything to him you will have to answer to King Dubhshlaine,” said Father Fahey defiantly. “However, I have no problem telling you what the disturbances were. It is the beginning of your demise. I also know you won’t harm me since I am your only way out of here.”

  “True,” said Faelan as she glared at him. “I’m going to prepare a little surprise for you later. I need your body, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make it painful for you while wrenching your soul out of it,” she said with an evil smile.

  She quickly exited the room. The guard closed the door behind him as he followed her.

  “He knows more than he is willing to tell,” thought the witch to herself.

  She called for the captain of the guard. “Bring me word of anything you find out of the ordinary. Something is happening and I don’t want it stopping the king and me from our plans.”

  “Aye Faelan,” said the captain as he bowed and exited the room.

  Patrick stood near the portal entrance with a hand on one end of the rope. He was fascinated with the illusion of the other end seeming to disappear into the air through the portal entrance.

  “We need to move quickly,” said Dr. Ryan with urgency in his voice. “The guards should be coming soon. Patrick, stay back against the wall away from the door. Attach the end of the rope to that iron torch holder behind you. Dr. McNamara and I will hide beside the door from th
e supply room. Once the guards arrive, we’ll knock them out with the tipped darts. We’ll tie them up and use their clothing for disguise.”

  After about ten minutes, they heard movement coming from the soldier’s hall. Dr. McNamara and Dr. Ryan readied the dart guns as they pressed themselves up against the wall on either side of the supply room door. As the footsteps entered the supply room, they leaped from either side of the door. Dr. McNamara quickly closed the door as Dr. Ryan aimed for the neck of the first guard where the dart found its mark. The guard’s knees buckled as he slumped to the floor. He was followed by the second guard as Dr. McNamara’s dart also hit its mark.

  The third guard raised his sword but fell backwards as a fist hit him in the face. Patrick smiled at the other two as he shook his injured hand.

  “Nice hit,” said Dr. Ryan as he gave Patrick a nod.

  Dr. McNamara reloaded his dart gun and shot the third guard already on the floor. Dr. Ryan and Dr. McNamara dragged the three guards over to the south end of the supply room and tied them up. They hid them behind a stack of wine casks near the wall.

  “I like your new look,” said Dr. McNamara with a grin as he put on the guard’s clothes.

  “Give it a twirl so we can get a better look,” replied Dr. Ryan making a circle with his hand.

  “Enough of the beauty pageant,” said Patrick somberly. “Go get my boy.”

  Dr. McNamara turned to Patrick and said, “If we don’t get back in time, make sure to get back through the portal before the curse is pronounced. Aine will tug on the rope when they are ready to pronounce the curse. Brody will restart the portal.”

  “I’m not leaving without Tevan,” snapped Patrick as he stood with his fists on his hips.

  Dr. Ryan and Dr. McNamara turned and each took an end of the pole carrying the shields. They moved slowly over to the back end of the supply room. They carefully laid the pole down on the ground. Patrick removed the long leather pouch from his back which held the swords and handed them to Dr. Ryan. Dr. Ryan placed the swords on the ground next to the shields and covered them all up with the tan canvas.


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