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Page 18

by S. A. Stephenson

  Sinclair put a hand over hers. ‘Families are never the easiest of situations.’

  ‘Nothing seems to be easy at the moment,’ Evie said. ‘But if there’s another strike happening against Volt then at least there’s some action happening, which is what I can deal with.’

  ‘Yes,’ Sinclair agreed. ‘The strike will be a good distraction for us while we target Hawk, your job will be to locate her and remove her.’

  ‘You mean…kill her?’ Evie asked.

  ‘Yes,’ Sinclair replied, then looked at Evie. ‘You’re not having second thoughts are you?’ She asked.

  ‘No ma’am,’ Evie said quickly. ‘It’s just killing people is a strange thing to prepare for.’

  Sinclair nodded. ‘Indeed,’ she agreed. ‘But sometimes in our line of work it is often necessary and we cannot falter when the time is called. This will do great things for America, and you will set the country on a new course.’

  Evie wanted to share Sinclair’s optimism, she wanted to believe that America could be restored to the country it once was but it was hard to imagine a future when nothing like it had existed before. ‘What’s the latest reports from America?’ She asked.

  Sinclair was quiet for a moment. ‘Hawk has declared war on Genics,’ she said. ‘There’s a bounty on your head and a virus has broken out, so Hawk is offering people sanctuary in Volt.’

  Evie’s stomach fell. ‘It’s happening again,’ she said. ‘The war to end all wars.’

  ‘And we’ll meet it head on,’ Sinclair told her. ‘There’s no room for cowards when it comes to being victorious.’

  Evie didn’t say anything, the swirling motion of nausea lingered in the pit of her stomach but there was no time to rest. One of the soldiers came over to Sinclair and whispered something in her ear.

  ‘They’re ready for us,’ she said.

  ‘Now?’ Evie asked.

  ‘We’ve got to have a final briefing then get ready to leave, none of us have been to America before so you’re going to be our guide,’ Sinclair told her as she got to her feet.

  Evie followed and found herself having mixed feelings over being the one expected to lead. Her whole life she had followed, she had been the one to fall into line. Now she was being handed the reigns and it was as though she was making it up as she went. Pushing away the conflicting feelings she followed Sinclair through the building and out to the hangar. It looked like they weren’t the only ones who had been summoned, around her Evie saw men and women dressed in combat gear ready to join a war they had been preparing for.

  They made their way to a large room and Evie took a space at the back with Sinclair. Lawson was on stage and waited for a moment while the room filled.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he said and a hush fell over the room. ‘You are gathered here because you have agreed to serve your country and to join us as we steer our land into war. The courage this takes is not lost on me and I thank each and everyone of you for your sacrifice and loyalty.’

  Evie looked around the room, the young faces of the men and women gazing at the podium, all with a sense of duty and a sense of pride in what they were doing. Evie wondered how many of them had actually seen battle before. How many could come back alive and if they really believed there was a place in this world for Genics.

  Lawson continued. ‘We’re entering an arena with new challenges. Many of you are aware of the transgenic humans who reside in the US, they are not our target,’ as he spoke, Evie sensed eyes glance over in her direction. ‘Our objective is to liberate the state of Volt and eliminate the threat of power from their remaining government. Dr Evelyn Fox is taking the lead on removing Hawk and will be supported by a small group of my elite forces,’ Lawson indicated to Evie as she cheeks flushed red and her heart raced. ‘Our job is to make sure that she can succeed, everyone will have their orders. If there are no questions, it’s time to make your way to the planes.’

  Evie had expected there to be protest, to be some form of resistance but as the soldiers went past her they nodded at her, some even patted her on the back. There wasn’t a word or note of anger, just encouragement which made Evie’s heart settle just a little bit.

  ‘Lets get you to the plane,’ Sinclair said.

  ‘How can everyone be so calm about what’s going to happen?’ Evie asked quietly as they followed the crowd out.

  ‘Because they’ve been waiting for this moment their whole lives,’ Sinclair said. ‘Most of them will have grown up hearing stories about America, about its past and joined the army knowing that one day they may have a chance to take part in a historic moment that we’ve only been able to dream of.’

  ‘Why would they want to sign up for something when there’s no guarantee of their survival?’ Evie asked.

  ‘Because they want to do what’s right, they want to fight for freedom and justice and if that means sacrificing their lives, then they’ll do so without hesitation,’ Sinclair said. ‘And not through training or because it’s been demanded of them, but because they want to, because it’s in their nature as humans.’

  Evie’s heart softened in that moment, she had always believed the worse in humans, that they were the ones who were determined to kill and hurt one another, that they believed in nothing but power and strength over those who were too weak to stand up for themselves. For so long she couldn’t imagine being human because she couldn’t imagine living her life in a way that negatively impacted other people. Yet here she was being shown something different, she was being shown that humans still had humanity and they were capable of something other than hatred. In that moment, Evie sensed a shift inside her that gave her the resolve she needed to do what she had to. If these strangers could fight for her and her people, then she could fight for them.

  Stepping out into the airfield, Evie was amazed by the range of planes, from the large ones that were being filled with soldiers to the fighter jets that were being manned two at a time. ‘You’re going to be on a striker,’ Sinclair told her. ‘You’ll be up front with the pilot and act as a second pair of eyes, it won’t surprise me if we come across some of our intergalactic friends in the air so we need to be alert and ready to respond.’

  ‘They’ll likely be hostile,’ Evie said. ‘If they’re working with Hawk then they’ll be ready to hit us without hesitation.’

  ‘We’ve not received intelligence that they’re working together,’ Sinclair said. ‘From what we’ve determined, we’re fighting two enemies.’

  Evie was about to say something when she saw Garrett coming towards them through the crowds. ‘He can’t be in the plane with us,’ Sinclair said quickly.

  ‘Garrett,’ Evie said as he joined them. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I had to see you,’ he said. ‘To let you know I’m joining your fight.’

  ’That’s good to know but you can’t distract us right now,’ Sinclair said. ‘You’re to remain here.’

  ‘I can fight,’ Garrett argued. ‘I know them better than you do and have I not proven my loyalty as much as these men and women?’

  ‘Let him fight,’ Evie said. ‘He deserves to be part of this war as much as we do.’

  Sinclair narrowed her eyes and Evie saw she was about to say something before she stopped herself. ‘Fine,’ she hissed instead. ‘But he’s on your watch,’ she said.

  Evie nodded and looked at Garrett. ‘You do anything that puts us in danger, I’ll kill you myself, you got it?’ She asked.

  ‘Yes boss,’ Garrett said.

  They made their way to the plane and Evie stepped up behind Sinclair. The noise of the engine was almost deafening and Sinclair motioned for Evie to go up front, she sensed Garrett was going to follow her so turned round and motioned for him to stay put. She entered the cockpit and saw a young male pilot in the main seat and he handed her a pair of headphones.

  ‘Good morning ma’am,’ he said. ‘It’s a pleasure to be your pilot today.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Evie said tentatively, finding it stra
nge that he was acting like a friendly barman looking for a tip. ‘You do know where we’re going and what we’re doing…right?’ She asked.

  ‘Affirmative ma’am,’ he said. ‘We’re about to go whoop some American arse am I right?’ He asked.

  Evie chuckled, the sound of him trying to sound like people she knew back home with a posh English accent didn’t work well at all. ‘Sorry,’ she said as she composed herself. ‘Yes, that’s sort of what we’re going to do.’

  ‘Then buckle in, I have the coordinates, flight time will be approximately seven hours, but we will try and increase speed wherever possible,’ the pilot said.

  Evie fastened her seatbelts. ‘What’s your name?’ She asked.

  ‘Corporal Lane ma’am,’ he replied. ‘Freddie,’ he then added when he saw Evie look at him.

  The pilot was young, he couldn’t have been over twenty-five and Evie was certain that around his normal squaddies he’d be packed full of personality and was restraining himself in front of her. It wasn’t something she was used to but guessed it was part of his protocol and training. Yet behind the modest bravado she could see fear glisten in his light green eyes. ‘Well Corporal, we’re in your hands,’ she said. ‘But I’m here to help.’

  This seemed to put him at ease and as he began to steer them towards the runway, Evie found her resolve as she prepared for her return to America.

  Kit had managed to pull herself up from the floor and went to find Lil and Rook. Out of everyone in her life, they were the two that were her constant and she needed them now more than ever. She walked along the corridors till she came upon a route that was familiar and found her way to the computer labs. She looked through the glass window and saw it was empty. Rook was sat on a chair and Lil was holding her in a silent embrace. Kit looked at them puzzled for a moment before opening the door.

  ‘Hi,’ she spoke quietly, not wanting to startle them. When they turned round to her she saw they had been crying. ‘What’s happened?’ She asked.

  Lil sniffed and wiped away tears on the back of her hand and walked over to her. ‘We were going to find you,’ she said. ‘But it took us a little by surprise.’

  Kit looked over to Rook who looked like she had the wind knocked out of her. ‘Something’s happened, who’s died?’ It was the only thing Kit could think of that was wrong.

  She saw Lil gulp, she knew her friend didn’t want to break the news to her and instantly Kit’s stomach plummeted. ‘Evie?’ She whispered.

  ‘No!’ Lil quickly told her. ‘Not Evie.’

  ‘Adam,’ Rook said quietly. ‘In the riots in New York.’

  Kit’s knees buckled and Lil caught her and took her to a seat. ‘I thought he’d gotten out of New York?’

  ‘He was trying to find a way to locate Jack and Canaan but got caught up in what was happening on the ground. Gia was with him and our contact informed us that she died as well,’ Lil told her.

  Kit’s body became numb, it was as though she couldn’t function anymore. Grief raced through her and tore through her heart. Adam had been her friend since she had first escaped Volt and had been the reason why she had escaped, and Gia… Her ex had been complicated and had left Kit wondering if she could let anyone back in her life again. She couldn’t think about that now, she wiped her eyes and leant into Lil’s hug. She pulled out the vial in her pocket and handed it to Lil.

  ‘Someone in London gave this to me,’ she said. ‘In the folds of some fabric.’

  ‘Is this what you want to talk about right now?’ Lil asked pulling away from her.

  ‘Yes,’ Kit said getting to her feet and forcing herself to find some strength again. ‘Because we’re on the brink of a war, and I might have something that can help us from losing someone else.’

  ‘What is it?’ Rook asked, taking the vial.

  ‘Nano-technology, highly advanced,’ Kit said. ‘It was in the clothing I was wearing when I came back and I think it interacts with my abilities, it makes them stronger, gives me something I can control.’

  ‘That’s incredible,’ Rook said. ‘What do you want to do with it?’

  Kit took a breath before she replied as she anticipated their reaction. ‘Implant it in me,’ she said. ‘This thing has power, and right now I’m certain it’s our key.’

  ‘You want to implant something in you when we don’t even know what it is?’ Lil asked.

  ‘I can find out,’ Rook said as she turned round to her computer deck. Kit had learnt by now that whenever anything happened, they needed to keep busy and Rook seemed grateful for the distraction. Kit watched as she flipped switches and saw a large metal arm swing out from by the side of the wall.

  ‘It’s not a robot is it?’ Kit was suddenly remembering her encounter with Albert in Fort Isa.

  Rook gave a small smile. ‘No, it’s a magnifying glass. Go put this under the viewfinder and we can get a good look at what it is.’

  Kit took the vial from her and went over to the machine. She carefully extracted the wire and looped it onto a petrie dish that was under the viewfinder. She went back to Rook’s screen and could see the metallic wire up close. It was a computer chip but not one she had seen before, she could see faint blue strands of light flowing through it and she looked at Rook and Lil curiously. ‘Does this seem like anything harmful to you both?’

  Rook took it from her and looked at it closely. ‘It’s hard to tell,’ she said. ‘It’s definitely not technology I’ve seen before. You say it has changed your abilities? How?’

  ‘I don’t know the science,’ Kit admitted. ‘I just know something is different and if it’s related to that or something else, then there’s a chance it can help us.’

  ‘What do you want to do with it?’ Lil asked.

  ‘Implant it into me, see what it does,’ Kit answered. ‘If it works then it’s something we can use, if something bad happens, then we get the sucker out.’

  ‘You really want to take that risk?’ Rook asked her.

  ‘I don’t think we’re in a position not to,’ Kit said as she took off her jacket. ‘Question is though, which one of you has the steadiest hand?’

  Kit watched as Rook and Lil looked at each other and Rook caved first. ‘Fine,’ she said. ‘Guess I’ll play doctor. It’s best if this goes in your back, there’s less damage it can do there.’

  ‘Close the blinds,’ Kit said to Lil as she took a seat and removed her top. Rook took a seat behind her and gently lowered Kit’s left bra strap to reveal a bare shoulder blade.

  ‘If I hurt you, you only have yourself to blame,’ Rook said as Lil handed her the supplies she needed.

  Rook had been as careful and precise as she could be but Kit couldn’t hide the amount of pain the incision caused her. Rook did her best to be as quick as she could and was sealing up the wound less than ten minutes later. She wiped away the blood around the cut and placed a dressing over it. ‘You’re all patched up,’ she said as Lil helped Kit pull her top back on. Her arm was stiff and the pain was throbbing through her. ‘This was a bad idea,’ Rook said.

  ‘Give it a minute,’ Lil told her and slowly Kit’s back returned to normal as the pain lessened. ‘Want to see what it can now let you do?’ She asked.

  Kit could taste metal in her mouth, her face was tingling but as she raised her arms she could see the light swirling round them, she held a sense of power in her that she hadn’t experienced before and it was hers. She let the power build, it rose inside of her like a force that she was meant to have, and that she could finally yield. The energy spread out into the room and blinded them, the glass in the windows cracked and the machinery around them splintered and as soon as Kit released the thought of having power, it died away from her and the room returned to normal.

  She tried to catch her breath as she opened her eyes and saw Rook and Lil looking around them stunned.

  ‘Well you’ve never done that before,’ Lil said.

  ‘Guess that little thing does something after all,’ Rook added.
r />   Kit had never been more powerful than she was in that moment. She finally had a tool, a weapon that she could use. ‘And it’s going to help us win this fight,’ she said. ‘Once and for all we’re going to bring this to an end.’

  Chapter Nineteen

  After Rook had stitched her up, Kit flexed her shoulder. The small piece of wire rubbed gently against her muscles but after a while it was like it dissolved into her. All the pain that had whirled around her after Evans’ betrayal seemed to melt away with it. She took a deep breath and looked up at Lil and Rook.

  ‘You okay boss?’ Lil asked.

  ‘Better than ever,’ as Kit answered, it was as though she wasn’t having to lie about how she was for the first time in ages. ‘We need to get to Volt,’ she said to them both. ‘Can we get there on our own?’

  Lil and Rook exchanged a wary glance. ‘We’d need a plane, we’d need supplies,’ Rook said. ‘We’d need to know how to fly and which direction to go in.’

  ‘We’re good boss, but we’re not that good,’ Lil added. ‘Why would we go on our own?’

  Kit sighed and ran her hands through her hair. She hated this, she hated being in a world where she constantly felt like she was questioning everyone, like she couldn’t trust anyone but the two women stood in front of her. ‘Because we’re going to end this,’ she said. She couldn’t tell them the truth, she couldn’t see them hurt the way she was hurting. ‘And it’s going to be our victory, no one else’s. God knows we’ve been through too much to let someone else come in and say it was all their hard work. I’m not going to let them think that they could have won this without us.’

  She saw Lil’s brow furrow. ‘This isn’t like you,’ she said. ‘You care about doing what’s right, you’ve never cared about whether you receive credit or not.’

  ‘And look where it’s got me, look where it’s gotten us,’ Kit said. ‘No one takes us seriously, no one thinks that one day one of us could be the President of this country because no matter how hard we fight, or how many promises are made, the winners will always be them. Human, Americans, who have the god given right to be here. Well, this time we’re going to be the winners in this war and we’re not going to be written down as the enemy any more.’


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