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Red Hot Winter

Page 4

by K. Webster

  “I can tell your need for my cock is going to be a big problem, naughty Winter,” he says with a smirk. “So you’re going to get your pretty little ass on the pill so I can come inside your tight pussy every single time.”

  I laugh at his possessive words. “You think we’re going to do this again, huh?”

  He pulls me to my feet. “Over and over again. You’re stuck with me. Should have thought about that before you taunted your daddy so you’d get sent to me.”

  I recoil at his words. “I didn’t taunt him.”

  “Oh, come on, baby,” he says in a cold tone. “We both know your dad was a pussy. He would have never willingly let you go.”

  A swell of anger surges through me and I shove him from me. “Fuck you, August.”

  His eyes widen at my sudden outburst. “I just did, baby. Best fuck you ever had.”

  I shove him again, but the giant rock-hard statue of a man barely moves. Rage burns through me and I slap his chest. I slap and slap and slap. Tears burn in my eyes as I scream at him. A loud, embarrassing sob chokes out of me, which angers me further. My nails claw at him and that’s what sets him off. His hand goes to my throat, squeezing until he pushes me away from reach.

  “What. The. Fuck. Is. Your. Problem?” His words are punctuated and fiery.

  “I didn’t taunt him,” I choke out, my tears shamelessly sliding down. “I didn’t taunt him.”

  He releases my neck and yanks me to him in a crushing hug. I cling to him desperately, eager for the comfort. His fingers rake down my spine, sending shivers rippling through me.

  “Shhh, baby,” he coos. “I’m sorry. Tell me what happened.”

  When I don’t answer, he pulls away and takes my hand. I’m tugged behind him as he heads into his bathroom. He turns on his shower and then he brings me in with him under the hot spray. I stand under the water, crying pitifully and feeling sorry for myself as he dutifully washes me. It only makes me cry harder. Once he washes himself, he grips my jaw and tilts my face up. He rains sweet kisses down all over my face, soothing away the hurt in my chest.

  “Tell me what happened,” he murmurs, concern etched in his features. “Let me make it better.”

  My throat is hoarse from crying, but I manage to rasp out my words. “H-He was siding with Jackie, like usual, and I’d had enough. She’s a crazy bitch, August. You of all people know this.”

  His jaw clenches. “I do. I put up with a lot toward the end of our marriage for our daughter. Looking back, the affair was a shock, but the downward spiral of our marriage was not. She was a selfish bitch.”

  “Well, she hates me,” I tell him bitterly. “Ever since…”

  He frowns. “Ever since when?”

  “Not long after we moved in with her, she went spying through my phone. She, uh, found a bunch of pictures I’d stolen of you. It was silly teenage stuff. I drew hearts on the pictures. It was obvious, my crush on you,” I say with a heavy sigh.

  His brows deepen together. “Go on.”

  “She screamed at me. Dad wasn’t home from work and Callie was at cheerleading. She screamed and told me I was a whore. That now that you were divorced, I might as well go whore myself out to you. That you were just like any man, happy to fuck some young woman. I hated how she turned my teenage crush into something dirty and wrong. You weren’t like that, August. I watched you for so long. You were good and cared deeply for the people you loved. I wanted to be in that circle.”

  He pulls me tighter to him and kisses my forehead. “You are in that circle.”

  My heart stammers in my chest as I search his eyes. His eyes never lie and those few words that mean everything to me are absolute truth. It gives me the courage to continue.

  “S-She deleted everything. Then, she ransacked my room. There was a selfie of me and Callie that you photobombed. I loved that picture. Your smile was so big and handsome.” I swallow and look away. “She tore it up and told me I was disgusting.”

  He growls and presses me against the cold tile wall. “Look at me,” he demands. My eyes dart to his. “You are not disgusting. For her to shame you for crushing on an older man was disgusting. How she treated you was disgusting.”

  His lips press to mine sweetly and then he waits for me to continue.

  “Well, from that point on, we were always battling. Every little thing I did, she had an issue with. Dad tried to defend me, but she always had a way of manipulating him to see her way. Back when it was just Dad and me, we were happy. The moment he ruined everything, he ruined me.” I swallow back the tears. “The other day, I’d had enough. She was saying terrible things about you. About what a manwhore you were now, fucking anything that walks. That you were going through a stereotypical midlife crisis and she was embarrassed of you. She and my dad laughed. I was furious. How dare they destroy you and then continue to make a mockery of you?”

  He glowers down at me but not with fury at me. At them. It warms my heart.

  “I told them we were sleeping together.”

  His jaw unhinges. “What?”

  “I told them they needed to leave you alone because the only woman you fuck is me.” I let out a snort of laughter. “I went into some very graphic details of all the dirty things you do to me.”

  He cracks a smile and kisses the corner of my mouth. “Is that so?”

  “Let’s just say Jackie threw a fit. Broke all kinds of shit as she had a meltdown. Dad was furious, but I was happy for them to see how bad betrayal feels. It was all a lie, but, August,” I say, grinning evilly, “I made them believe it. I made them believe every word.”

  I guess I did provoke my dad like August said. Still, it hurts that he kicked me out.

  His growl makes me laugh and his lips press kisses along my jaw to my ear. The water continues to rain down on us. He nips at my earlobe before whispering, “Looks like I’m going to need to know every single dirty detail.” He bites my earlobe harder, making my nipples harden in response. “I need to know so we can reenact it all. I wouldn’t want my darling little Winter to be a liar.”

  He grips my ass and lifts me. His hard cock rubs against my clit in a teasing way.

  “You’re going to fuck me in the shower?” I taunt. “After your little baby fit earlier?”

  His teeth latch onto my neck and I cry out. “I did not have a baby fit.”

  “You kind of did,” I tease.

  “I’m looking out for your future,” he grumbles, nipping at my skin.

  “I thought older men had control.”

  At my newest taunt, it sets him off. He grips his dick, lining it up against my slick center, and then he slams into me. Not sweet at all.

  “August!” I cry out, my head knocking against the wall.

  “You play with fire, baby. It’s like you want to get burned.”

  “Yesss,” I groan.

  He bucks against me in a way that’s almost painful. But I love it. I love the way he consumes me completely.

  “Touch your clit,” he orders. “I want you coming and milking my cum right out of me. I’m going to come so deep inside of you you’ll be pregnant before your feet even hit the floor.”

  I grip his hair and pull him back, warning him with my eyes. He simply smirks. Asshole.

  “Touch it. Now.”

  I roll my eyes at his bossiness but then start massaging my clit. Our eyes are locked in a heated battle of wills. We both know he’ll pull out, but I like making him feel like he might lose control and forget. He apparently likes watching me squirm, knowing I absolutely don’t need to get pregnant any time soon.

  But one day…

  I stare at the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. He may have only recently grown attracted to me, but I’ve been utterly obsessed with him for years. I already love him. One day, I hope he can love me too. I hope we can evolve what’s sparked between us and keep it burning for years.

  And then…one day.

  One day we can have a baby.

  His green-eyed stare smolders
into me, but it’s as though he can see inside my head. It doesn’t scare him away. A mutual understanding.

  One day, but not now.

  My orgasm hits me by surprise and I shudder in his arms. He grunts before sliding his cock out. His fist jerks at his length and then his heat splashes my belly.

  “You pulled out,” I say, faux pouting.

  He laughs. “Bad girl.”

  “I do like you spanking me,” I tease.

  His features grow serious as he slides me down to my feet. He cradles my face with his palms and leans his forehead against mine. “You never let go of the idea of us together.”

  I shake my head. “Never.”

  “Good,” he rumbles. “Because now, I’m never letting you go.”


  “Promise.” He kisses me softly. “Is the hard, mean little Winter growing soft on me?” he teases.

  “Only for you.” I smile up at him.

  “Good girl. To hell with the rest of the world. I’ve got you now.”

  I’m barely able to stay awake in class. August has been keeping me up late into the night lately—not that I’m complaining—but damn does it make focusing on Coach’s lectures difficult. I cannot wait until we finish finals and I get a break for Christmas.

  I feel eyes on me and glance back at a girl I know as Jenna. Word on the street is she’s a foster kid. My dad kicked me out not long ago and I have been struggling with my emotions. I can’t even begin to imagine how she feels. She never had parents. It makes me miss Dad even more.

  Her brows furl together when she catches me staring. Quickly, I look away and back down at my phone. I’ve nearly forgotten about her as I try to take good notes I can study later when Coach starts snapping. It’s his favorite thing to do.

  “Detention, Miss Pruitt,” Coach growls out, his angry scowl for once not directed at me. “After school.”

  I turn to see Jenna gaping at him in shock. “W-What?”

  “You seem to think laughing in my class and then sleeping through it is acceptable. Not in my class,” he snarls before turning back to his lesson.

  God, he’s such a dick.

  Poor Jenna looks like she’s never had detention in her life. Her bottom lip wobbles as tears threaten.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper.

  She nods and bites on her lip to keep from crying. We’re thankfully saved by the bell. I scribble my number on the corner of my paper and rip it off. Her green eyes widen in surprise when I hand it to her. On my way out, Coach glowers at me. I refrain, just barely, from flipping his surly ass off.

  Coach needs a nap.

  Maybe I’m not the only one who has someone keeping them up late at night.


  I stare at my email. It’s from Tony. It irks me to hell that he’s reaching out to me rather than Winter. Despite her tough exterior, she’s hurting inside. Sure, she has me to help pick her up and keep her going, but the heartache from what Jackie and Tony did to her is still a fresh, bleeding wound. With a grumble of annoyance, I pop open the email.


  I know you probably don’t want to hear what I have to say, but I’m going to say it anyway. Please don’t hurt her. I know you hate my fucking guts for what Jackie and I did to you, and I understand that completely, but don’t take it out on Winter. Callie spilled the beans she’s staying with you. And despite what Winter said about you two having a relationship, I don’t believe it. She’s always been one to say something outlandish to get a reaction. I know she’s always crushed on you and probably wishes it were true. Your letting her come stay with you isn’t out of the goodness of your heart or a favor to Callie. It’s payback. And while Jackie and I deserve everything you want to dish out to us, please don’t hurt Winter. I beg of you. This will all cool off and when Winter apologizes to Jackie, I’m sure everything will go back to normal. Just don’t destroy my daughter in the process. She’s young and impressionable. Not at all like one of your fuck buddies. I beg of you.


  Fury rages up inside of me. There are thousands of things I want to say to him. Every one of them are hateful and cruel. Taunting even. And if it were anyone other than Winter, I’d let him have it. But something about her makes me want to protect her from everything…even a war between her lover and her father. She doesn’t deserve to even be spoken about as though she’s some fuck toy.

  She’s not.

  She’s mine.

  I quickly type out my reply.


  Winter has a roof over her head, food in her stomach, and emotional support. More than her father is willing to give. Don’t email me again, asshole.


  It would have been fun to tell him that she just left my office after visiting me for lunch and sucked my dick under my desk. Or how I took her hard in the shower this morning. But what Winter and I share is ours, not some insult to be slung at her piece of shit father.

  “Miller,” a deep voice rumbles.

  I look up from my computer and attempt to scrub the frustration from my face with the palm of my hand. “What?”

  Dane Alexander, my friend and partner at the firm, saunters in my office, closing the door behind him with a brow lifted in amusement. He’s used to me being a dick. For some reason, he continues to put up with my asshole ways.

  “What are you so happy about?” I demand, annoyed that he’s smiling when I’m pissed as fuck right now.

  He holds out his palms and chuckles. “Retract the fangs, psycho. Some of us are getting laid and pretty damn proud of that.”

  I perk up at the news. “You’re getting ass?”

  His cheeks tinge slightly pink. “I am.” It’s all he says, but I sense more.

  “Hmmm.” I steeple my fingers and lean forward, resting my elbows on my desk. “Care to share?”

  He smirks. “Nope.”

  “Then why are you in my office looking proud as shit?”

  “I’m saving you.”

  “Saving me?”

  “From Jackie.”

  I wince at her name. “What?”

  “She showed up just a few minutes ago, but I told her you were in the middle of a big case. Then, I came in here.” He shrugs. “You owe me.”

  Gritting my teeth, I lean back in my chair and tug at my tie. “Why the fuck is she here?”

  “Beats me.”


  It has to be something about Winter.

  The only time I talk to Jackie is through Callie. She has texted me a few times asking for money for trips and shit for our daughter, but I never respond. Just give Callie what she needs. I hate Jackie. There’s no reason she’d be here to talk to me other than to make me feel like shit over taking Winter in. I know my ex-wife well enough to know she’s jealous. I may not be hers anymore, but she still feels like she has a claim over me.

  “How’s Callie?” he asks as he texts with someone, his eyes on his screen.

  “Good. She’s been in Colorado with her boyfriend and his family.”

  “Teddy Englewood’s son Landon?”

  “Yeah,” I grunt. “He’s a good kid. Both the Englewood kids are.”

  Landon is the football player to my cheerleader daughter. They’re exactly the Jackie and I from back in the day. Difference is, my daughter isn’t a cheating cunt. And if Landon hurts her…I’ll kill that motherfucker.

  “How are your cases going? Since I’m here, we could actually work,” Dane says, setting his phone down on my desk.

  We spend the next half hour going over a couple of tricky cases. Once he’s decided that Jackie is no longer a threat, he leaves me to my work. Winter and I text throughout the day. Since it’s now Christmas break, she’s been binge watching old episodes of Criminal Minds and giving me a play-by-play on what’s realistic and what’s not. It’s cute how much she analyzes that dumb show.

  Five rolls around and I’m ready to get the hell out of work so I can take my girl to dinner. I pack up and throw on m
y coat before stalking out of the office. People don’t even bother waving anymore. I’m a dick to everyone. I don’t even care. I’m just exiting the elevator in the garage of the building when I immediately sense her.

  My hackles rise to see Jackie leaned up against my Jaguar like she fucking owns it. No, she took her precious Mercedes after the divorce and my Audi. Since her argument was that Callie needed a car, I caved. I ended up buying my Jag later, so I can’t say I’m all that mad about it. What I am mad about is the fact she’s here and fucking stalking me.

  “What?” I snarl as I storm toward my car, hitting the button on the key fob. “You have thirty seconds to say what you need to say.”

  She looks like the Jackie I remember. Sleek dark brown hair. Bright blue eyes. Full bought and paid for tits. High-maintenance as fuck. I hope Tony is enjoying every second of her awful ass.

  “We need to talk. You can’t rush off. This is important,” she snips.

  “About Callie?” I ask, turning my icy glare her way.

  She bristles. “Callie is perfect. As usual. It’s…her.”

  My brow arches and I grit my teeth. “Who?” I fucking know who. I want to hear her say her name.

  She purses her lips before letting out a huff. “Winter.”

  Her name sends a rush of hot protectiveness scorching through my veins. “What about Winter?”

  “She’s trouble, August.”

  I let out a harsh laugh. “She’s your husband’s daughter.”

  “It doesn’t change the fact that she’s trouble,” she bites back. “Listen to me. She has one of those creepy older man crushes on you. I’ve known it for years. That girl is the type to sink her claws in and go crazy if you don’t give her what she wants. If you fuck Winter, you’re going to get fucked. Mark my words.”

  “Is that all?” I growl, my words cold.

  “No,” she shouts. “It’s not all. I’m trying to warn you here. She’s going to obsess over you. More so than she already does. Next thing you know, she’ll be pregnant. That worthless girl will drain you for everything you have.”

  At this, I sneer. “Seems like her stepmother may be the best teacher for that. Although,” I say as I yank open my car door, “she may be too late. I already had one frigid bitch take me for everything I own.”


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