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Accidentally Met Him (Accidental Marriage Box Set)

Page 18

by Lauren Wood

  Craig’s mouth moved to my chest, his hands running down my side, as his mouth took a nipple in between his lips and then teeth. I could feel his tongue swirling around the sensitive area and I bit my lower lip a tiny bit so that I wasn’t calling out his name in pleasure. I didn’t want to, not yet, but I knew that it wasn’t going to be long at all. I knew that Craig was going to have me screaming soon enough.

  On the phone, he would tell me to touch myself and hear me orgasm, but this was different. The touch was not my own, but Craig’s and it was affecting me far more than it should have. I don’t know what he had done to me, but my mind was no longer my own. It was his.

  Now my body was his as well and I couldn’t stay still. I was writhing underneath him, becoming more and more unstable as he moved lower. I didn’t know if I wanted him to stop or to keep going. Either way, it was a lot for me to take on all of a sudden. It was all just too much. I wanted to explode and once I felt the heat of his breath on my core, I did.

  He hadn’t even licked on me yet. I didn’t need it. All I needed was his hot breath to do me in. It was all just too excessive and before long, I was fighting the urges that were taking over. My hands went to his thick black hair and my fingers wove in the mass, tightening up as I came from breath alone. I’d never came from air before, but it was just a testament to how damn horny I was or how good he was.

  He was already showing me more than I’d thought was possible. When we’d talked on the phone, he was very clear what he could and would do to me. I hadn’t believed it, not all of it, but I was starting to see that he had been right about everything.

  When his tongue finally touched me and slid in between my lower lips, I called out loudly, unable to stop myself. I didn’t want to and the more I tried to hold it in, the harder it was to do so. It was impossible really.

  I called out his name and he stopped, looking up at me from between my legs and I was lost in the dark eyes of his. They were glinting in the light and it was hard for me to look away. I was drawn to him and he told me to look at him.

  Craig moved back down between my legs and I knew then that I was lost. My eyes closed and only when he stopped again, waiting for me to follow directions, did he move back in between my legs. He kept eye contact the whole time and repeated the process when an orgasm was coming over me and I closed my eyes.

  Finally I whined and moved back. Craig just grabbed me and yanked me back to him roughly. I whimpered and was immediately tongue-lashed until I could no longer take it. My legs were taut and I tried to free myself from his grasp.

  “Stay still Jeanine, or I will think you are ready for something more.”

  “I am Craig, so ready. Please. I want to feel you inside of me, so badly. I can’t take your mouth anymore.”

  He grinned and asked me why I thought that his cock was going to be any easier to handle. I told him that I didn’t know for sure, but just that momentarily lapse was enough for me to at least get my breath back. He was driving me into a state that I had never been in before. I was already winded like I had ran the 100m, but he was trying to get a marathon out of me.

  Craig moved in between my legs and leaned down to give me a kiss. It didn’t taste the same, my flavor on his mouth, but that just seemed to turn me on more.

  “Are you ready my love?”

  It had been a while since he called me that and I couldn’t answer him. I just nodded my head a little bit seconds before he plunged deep. The long rod that I’d thought was too big, stretched me in the most amazing ways. It was nice and thick and I clamped down onto it before I realized what I was doing.

  That just made Craig feel bigger than ever before and it was his turn to stop because it was too much. He cursed under his breath and I giggled from the sound of it. I liked the idea that it felt so good to him. The noises he was making and the pained look on his face just made me want to do it more and harder.

  Getting himself together, he started to pull out, a bit of me going out with him, before he slammed back into me hard enough to take my breath away. I didn’t know what to say at this moment, but my screams could be heard throughout the house no doubt. I had pushed him over some edge of reason and he was pummeling my insides now. The wild look was back and all I could do was come and hold on for dear life. I felt like I was going to get lost in the vortex, never to be seen again.

  Chapter 39


  I woke up for the first time with someone next to me. It felt strange for a minute, feeling her warm body next to me, but then I remembered who it was, and all I could do was smile to myself. The night before had been amazing, just like I knew it would be.

  Jeanine was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful that way, and I laid there and stared at her for a while. I still couldn't believe she was here. I had so many dreams about her coming here, that for a moment I was afraid that this was just another one of them. I knew that it wasn’t, because she was right in front of me, but maybe this was a dream as well. If it was, I didn't want to ever wake up. If this was my dream, I wanted to stay here forever, with her next to me.

  It was like she could feel me watching her and she started to move a little bit, making small noises that turned me on and got me to the idea that I was ready for another round with her. I was already hard, just thinking about it.

  Her blue eyes popped open and they were as clear as the sea around us on the coastline. It was like just like everything else, it was so much better in person. I had seen her eyes in pictures, talked to her on face chat many times, but it was nothing compared to the beauty that was in front of me now. Now she was real and everything else was so vivid in color.

  She closed them up quickly and smiled. I could tell that she was still shy, even though I'd done everything to her that I could think of. While we had waited for a long time to be with each other, we had certainly made up for its last night. It was our wedding night, even if she didn't realize it yet.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Because you're beautiful.”

  Jeanine made a sound like she didn't believe me, and I wasn't going to argue with her. It was going to take some time for her to realize how beautiful she was, and I was going to make sure to make it my priority to do so. It wasn’t a chore that I thought I was going to have any trouble doing.

  She looked back at me and asked what we were doing today. I had taken a week off, all I could with my practice, but I was still sort of on-call. If something happened, they would call me and if needed, I would have to go. I was hoping that wouldn’t happen, but it most likely would. It seemed like when I wanted some time off, everything in the world happened.

  “Why don't we go down to the beach for a little while?”

  “That sounds good.”

  Jeanine had told me countless times how much she liked the water and I couldn't think of a better place to go. Not to mention I would be able to see her in a bikini, in all her glory. I had gotten my fill of her last night, but it was not going to be enough. I was starting to think that with Jeanine, nothing was ever going to be enough. I didn't think I was ever going to get my complete fill of her, not really.

  She started to get up out of the bed and I willed her back in for a kiss. The kiss somehow led to her sliding on top of me and we both moaned with the feel as she lowered herself down onto my rod. It just felt too good.

  Before we could even get out of the bed, we had to share each other one more time. I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the day, with her walking around in a bikini and not touch her. There was just no way.

  It was an hour or so later we finally crawled out of bed. Lisbeth had made something for breakfast and all I could do was watch Jeanine as she ate. I knew that I was making her uncomfortable, but I really couldn't help it. I was still pinching myself, trying to make sure she was really here. How has this woman got into my head so badly, in such a short amount of time? I had thought that I was the one in control, but I was starting to realize that I was not
in control at all. I was in control of her a little bit more than I was in control of myself. But that wasn't much at all.

  “You have to stop staring at me Craig, you're making me nervous as hell.”

  “How can you still be nervous around me?”

  She shrugged and told me that while it was still new, while it was something that we had planned for a while, being with me was still new. I could sort of understand it, but I was trying to make the best of every moment and I wanted to soak in her beauty. I wanted to burn it into my mind, so I'd never forget exactly how she look, every line on her face.

  “Well Jeanine, there is no reason to be nervous. You are mine now and over time you'll get used to it. Over time I will stop staring at you so much, though I probably will still want to. I don't think I'll ever get enough of you Jeanine.”

  “I sure hope not.”

  We got into the shower together and it didn't take long to see that we were never going to get out of the house if we didn't separate ourselves for a moment. I took her against the shower wall and it felt just as good as the first time. The insides of her were like silk and honey and I knew that it was another thing about Jeanine that I wasn't going to be getting used to any time soon. There was a lot of things to get used to, when it came to Jeanine, but some of them I knew that I was lost. How could anyone get used to a woman like Jeanine around them?

  As soon as we got out of the house, I wanted to go back in. To see her in the full sun, the sun’s reflection off of her golden hair, was enough to tighten my loins once more. I don't know what the hell this broad was doing to me, but she was driving me nuts.

  It wasn't but a couple of blocks to the beach and Jeanine had several admirers by the time we got there. I knew that was going to happen, but it didn’t mean that I had to like it. I didn’t and the thought of getting that ring on her finger was pushed to the forefront of my mind. I needed to claim her, sooner than later. I wasn't worried too much about Jeanine, I was far more worried about the dogs that were already sniffing around her, catching her scent and then circling back.

  “When I get back to the house Jeanine, remind me that I have something to give you.”

  “You didn't have to get me anything Craig.”

  “I wanted to, you deserve nice things.”

  She just smiled my way and didn't even ask what it was. I know that she was going to like whatever it was, she was just that sort of girl. While I was worried about her being a bit of a gold digger, after being around her for a day, and talking to her on the phone, I knew that she wasn’t that way. She was the type of woman that liked the little things, and I was going to make sure to give her all of them. I wanted her to be so happy that when she found out the truth, she wouldn't be so mad. I was already starting to feel guilty about it, something that I usually didn't feel.

  We got to the beach and the smile on her face was all that I needed to see. She was one of those women that couldn't hold her emotions in, and it was another thing that I liked about her. There was a long list of things that I liked about Jeanine, but her honesty was the biggest one for me. It was good to know that whatever reaction she makes, is the real reaction and not one that is fabricated. A lot of women would say one thing, but their body gestures told him another story.

  When it got time for us to have lunch, I was ready to get off the beach. If I thought she had gotten a lot of attention on the way there, it was in no way bad, compared to what happened when she was running around in a bikini. Me, as well as everyone else was trying very hard to keep their eyes off of her. It appeared that we all failed. She really did have a perfect body and she didn't even realize that everyone was staring at her. Knowing Jeanine, it was for the best. She wouldn't want that much, attention anyways. I know that I certainly didn’t like it.

  Chapter 40


  This was the prettiest place that I had ever been in my life. I had traveled a lot in the states, even going to Mexico and Canada on occasion, but this was something different altogether. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the beach wasn’t littered with a bunch of tourists in Hawaiian shirts. I don't know why I liked it so much better, but it felt more authentic than anywhere else I'd been before on vacation.

  We had lunch at a local place and like everywhere else we had gone, it seemed like everyone knew Craig. Someone was always walking up to him, telling him how somebody was getting better and it was all thanks to him. They were so positive, everywhere, that if I would have known it possible, I would have thought that he had paid people to say it. Everyone around here loved him, and I could see why, he was a very lovable person.

  My mind was so much more at ease now that the first night was over. I don't know why I'd been so nervous, it was sort of embarrassing to think about it now, but there was just something about him that maybe go a little crazy. It had been that way since we started talking on the phone and my face timing, but now it was something else altogether. Now I felt safer, and I knew it was real. In the beginning, that had to be a question.

  “What do you want to do now Jeanine?”

  We were done eating and we were back in the sunshine. It felt like the sun was bright, but it didn’t bake me like I thought it would. I didn't feel hot at all. There was a cool breeze coming in off the ocean and it seemed to cool everything off down around me.

  “I don't know Craig, what do you want to do?”

  He gave me this look and I instantly knew what he was thinking of. While I was all for that, part of me was super sore and I figured that a few more hours to heal up wouldn't hurt anything.

  “How about we go walk around a little bit and you can show me your town? You've always been so proud of it, so I figured that you want to show me all your favorite places. I would like to go where you like to go. See what you like to see.”

  In truth, I wanted to know everything about him and if I could pick his brain at this exact moment I would. I wanted to know how to make him happy, what his favorite food was, things that I learned before but now I wanted to see it in person. It was one thing to hear such things, but it was another thing to see the cliff that he'd go to when he needed time to think. Or the favorite restaurant that he went to everyday for lunch. There was no way that the experience that I just had with him, could ever be conveyed through words. Somethings you just had to see you something to fully appreciate it. And maybe I was stalling a bit.

  Craig seemed to like that suggestion and I could tell that he already had a couple of places in mind. He took my hand, something that he did regularly, and I really liked it. I don't know why, but it had been a long time since I’d had someone hold my hand and it just gave me all these feelings inside that I wasn't able to get before.

  It wasn't long before we were at our first stop, and I knew that it was the very bluffs that we had talked about before. It was his thinking spot, as he called it and I could see why he would come here. It felt like we were on top of the world, or more accurately, we were on the edge of the world, looking off into the abyss. It made me feel like I was just a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things and for some reason, that perspective made me think that everything that I was worried about didn’t matter.

  “So, what do you think of this Jeanine?”

  “I think it is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to Craig. You were right when you said that your country is beautiful. I have never seen a place like this before.”

  “There is so much more to show you Jeanine, but all I can think about is having my way with you in the sand. No one really comes up here. We would have some privacy.”

  That look was back in his eyes and I knew now what it meant. He wanted me, as much as he always did, and I couldn’t tell him no. More aptly, I couldn’t tell myself no.

  Our lips met, and I was instantly in love. Every time he touched me, it was like a reminder of how good things were with him. I didn’t want to stop, and Craig had a way of getting me onto the ground and underneath him before I could think twi
ce. His lips never left mine and he literally slid inside of me without breaking contact. I don't know how he does it, and when he's doing it, I really don't care how. Just that he is doing it to me was enough.

  Craig was the type of man that learned women very quickly. In less than a day he already knew exactly how to touch me and to make me feel. I don't know why, but I was a sucker for him. I knew that I was.

  He wanted me to talk dirty and Craig liked to call me his little girl. It wasn't something that I was used to, but pretty much anything he did at this point was turning me on. I couldn't believe that I had actually thought about staying home and never coming. I would have missed everything.

  The friction inside of me came quick and like always, I wasn't able to hold it very long. I really didn't want to. I knew that just one would never be enough for either one of us. Each time my body convulsed, and my brain went blank, I knew that it was just one of many.

  Craig was talking dirty through most of it. When he wasn't telling me how beautiful I was or how good it felt inside of me, he was telling me to come for him. At one point, he even told me that he loved me. It was something that we’d said on the phone several times, not every time but certain times. Craig had been the first to say it. But it was the first time that I'd heard him say it to me in person. He had said that he loved the way I feel, and that he loves being with me, but it was the first time that he’d actually said it to me.

  He said it again when we were done and I was still unsure what to say. It was harder to say it in person and I was still trying to get my wits about me.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just don't know what to say.”

  “You are supposed to say it back I think.”


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