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Accidentally Met Him (Accidental Marriage Box Set)

Page 48

by Lauren Wood

  Colt stayed for a few minutes and I congratulated him about the baby on the way. He seemed happy and I had a feeling that Anna was going to do the same thing for me. Colt had always said that once I found the right one, I’d know. It was a raw conversation we’d had after a business meeting and it had taken a turn of truth.

  “It’s good to see you happy, Scott. She’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I wish everyone was as happy for us as you are.”

  “I heard.”

  I left it at that for a minute. I knew what he’d heard, so I didn’t ask him to elaborate. I didn’t want to hear what was being said, because there was no telling. It all depended on Lexie’s mood.

  “Well, life sneaks up on you, much like love does.”

  He put his hands up. “You are speaking to the choir. I never thought I’d find someone to love and then it just happened. You know how I was before.”

  Colt was much like me and I knew that he’d changed. I could already feel myself changing, but I also knew that there was a lot that I didn’t know. I didn’t know how to make it work with her. It was confusing and the more I tried to play it out in my head, the further it got from the truth. I wanted to pull her in like I did most women, but Anna was reluctant. If she was anyone else, any other woman, I would have already had her in my bed. It was hard to wait when I wasn’t used to it.

  “I do, much like I was.”


  “Yeah, the changes are already starting.”

  He smiled and slapped me on the back. “Welcome to the next stage. I promise you that it’s much better than all of that running around. It never was enough for me and then I met my wife, and I realized why it wasn’t enough. I hadn’t met her.”

  His other party was there, and Colt went to go greet him. His words stuck with me the rest of the night and it just pushed me to want her more. I was going to wear her down, if that was what I had to do. She only had to say yes once. I was willing to ask a hundred times if I had to. Eventually she’d give me what I wanted, what we both wanted, even if she doesn’t know any better yet.

  Chapter 118


  “Sorry that took so long. I hadn’t seen Colt in a while.”

  “You guys seem close.”

  “We used to be. Went to college together. There was a few of us that were close, but life gets busy and we drifted apart a little bit. He just got married too, not too long ago.”

  I smiled at him, unsure how to take it. They’d walked off together, and I knew that he was talking about me, because Colt looked back at me several times. I wondered what they said, but knew that it was best not to ask. I was the one that had ran away from him in the car after all.

  The kiss was still lingering on my lips. It was a surprise, but not a bad one at all. It was where it was going to lead that worried me. As he sat across from me, smiling in that way that he does, I knew that I was in trouble. How was I going to keep denying the feelings that were running through me? I couldn’t do it forever.

  “So, what’s on your mind Anna? What happened in the car?”

  I shrugged and looked away. “I don’t know Scott, I really don’t think we should talk about that here.”

  “Where would you like to talk about it?”


  “Maybe when we get back to your place, we can talk about it if you want to. But we really don’t have to.”

  He snickered, but didn’t comment why. Everything was funny to him all of a sudden and I was lost for what to do. I knew that he wanted me, but to what end? Not to mention all of the secrets about his dad. It was just a big mess and, in the restaurant, full of people was the last place that I wanted to talk about it.

  “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

  That had my attention. “No, why would you ask something like that?”

  “Because you kind of act like it. Are you that afraid of having sex with me?”

  He was speaking low, but I was still sure that everyone was hearing our conversation. I looked around, convinced that there were going to be eyes on us, but no one was looking.

  “Shh. Why are you saying that?”

  “That’s what I mean. You can’t even talk about it, but you…”

  He stopped but I knew what he was going to say.

  “It was work. I could compartmentalize it. I didn’t care about those people, so I didn’t really think about it. Just went through the motions, kind of thing.”

  Now I was saying too much. I didn’t want him to know that I had feelings for him. He was my husband, but not in that way.

  “People you like huh?”

  I sighed out loud and rolled my eyes. He caught it.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I guess I do. So, because you like me, it makes you shy?”

  He was killing me. Why did he want to talk about this?

  “A little. We barely know each other and whatever the stereotype of my past profession is, I didn’t do anything like that, so I like to take things slow. I actually haven’t dated in a very long time. It was just too complicated with everything.”

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated between us you know. I don’t want it to be. We’re attracted to each other, we like each other, why not make the best of the situation we are in?”

  For all of his smooth talking, I knew what Scott wanted. It was what every guy wanted, and it was one of those times that I wanted it too. But it was complicated when feelings got involved and sex was just going to intensify them.

  I was saved by the waitress and I loved the timing. We ordered and she brought drinks out pretty quickly.

  “I’m glad we came out tonight Scott. I don’t know about the charity event, but this is nice.”

  “Yeah, it is, but it could be a whole lot nicer, if you let me take you home for dessert.”

  “You’re relentless. We haven’t even gotten the appetizer yet.”

  “What can I say, I like to think ahead and be optimistic.”


  I don’t know what had gotten into Scott, but everything he said, had a sexual spin on it. It was hard not to smile back at him. He knew he was being naughty, and it was clear as well, that he liked it. Scott had me squirming across the table from him, and I was gagging for it.

  When it was time to leave, I almost balked at the idea of driving back to the house with him. I knew that we were going to be caught in a confined place together. I knew what would happen next. It was the only thing that could happen and even though he called me shy, it still didn't make it any easier.

  The thing about Scott was, he was one of those guys that I thought about, but never thought I'd really be with. I remember thinking when I first saw him, and his brother directed me over towards him, I had to wonder why he would be in such a place. He could have any woman he wanted and now he was mine.

  But he really wasn't mine and maybe that was the problem. I didn't want to just have him for a little while. If we went all the way and we had sex together, I knew that I would want him for keeps. But Scott wasn't the type of man for that.

  I didn't say much as we walked to the car, but I did say hello to Ernest as I got in. He had a smile on his face, like he knew what was going to happen next. That or I was just being paranoid and self-conscious of everything. It was most likely the latter.

  When Scott got in, he made sure that I had to scooch over, and I was basically on the door, but our legs were still touching. It wasn't just our knees, but our thighs all the way up. I should have told him to scoot back over to his side, but I liked the feel of his warm flesh next to mine. There had always been something about Scott, ever since I met him and now it was overwhelming. The glass of wine had gone to my head as it were, and my mind was already on what was going to happen next. What I wanted to happen next.

  “You sure are quiet.”

  “Just tired, I guess. It's been a long day. I am sure you are tired as well. You were gone before I woke up.”

  “That is
my usual work schedule. though I'm starting to rethink that. I would like to see you all fresh-faced and sleepy like before.”

  He was talking about the morning that we had woken up together. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it was only last week. How could my life have changed so much, in such a little amount of time?

  Scott was one of those clients that all the girls at work talked about. He was a guy that could come in and sweep me off my feet and placed me in a palace. That's what it felt like. That all of a sudden, I was a princess.

  “Well I usually have class around nine for the first one. It would be nice to have breakfast with you.”

  “Dinner and breakfast?”

  Once again, there was an innuendo implied and I knew exactly where his mind went. Maybe if I wasn't thinking about the same thing, it would have been easier. Then I wouldn't have known that everything he was talking about was dripping with sex.

  “Too bad for you that there is no in between, huh?”

  You frowned at me and he had that look again. The look like he wanted to kiss me, and I was cornered in the back seat. As he started to come towards me, I knew that I could tell him no. Push back. He would stop immediately, but I did neither of those things. I actually leaned forward a little bit and pressed my lips against his. It was what I've been waiting for and he felt and tasted just as good as I remembered.

  His own taste mixed with the wine and his tongue moved into my mouth. I heard a slight whimper fill the air and I knew that it was from my own lips.

  The car stopped and it was only when Ernest opened the door to let us out, that I realized we were back at Scott’s place.

  We stopped kissing and I finally pulled back. I wiped my mouth, trying to fix the lipstick that I was sure had smeared all over the place when we were kissing, and I got out. I couldn’t meet the driver's eyes, but I thanked him before I walked up the stairs to the front door.

  “Where are you going in such a rush, Anna?”

  “I thought I might go upstairs and take a bath.”

  “Want any company with you?”

  It was said has a question, but his expression left no question as to what he thought the answer would be. I told myself that this was a bad idea. I kept repeating it in my head over and over again.

  This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. This is a really bad idea.

  “Yeah, come on.”

  His brow lifted. “Really?”

  I agreed with a shake of my head. I don't know if it was because he assumed that I was a virgin or that I was too shy, but I wanted to prove him wrong. At the same time, I wanted what his eyes promised.

  “Well if that is the case, then let's go into the upstairs bathroom. That tub has jacuzzi jets.”

  He took my hand and I let him lead the way. It really didn’t sound like a bad way to end the day. After all, it’s not like I had to do something with him.

  I would, but I liked the idea that I still had a choice.

  Chapter 119


  She was shaking, I could see it, but there was nothing that I could do to alleviate her mind. The fact that she was thinking about it, was enough for me. She’d invited me for a bath. With any other girl, I knew exactly what that meant, but not Anna. I was still clueless to it all, when it came to her. Pleasing women like Anna was a mystery, because I had never met anyone like her before.

  I took her up to the bathroom that I spent the most time in. The bathtub was big enough for four people and it had jets all around it. A lot of lady friends liked to come up here and they thought it was romantic. I just saw it as a good way to get them naked quicker.

  “Wow I didn't even know this was up here. What other little tidbits of the house are you hiding?”

  “If I remember right, I asked if you wanted a tour and you said you did not. I tried.”

  She blushed and looked away. If I could have anything, it would be to know what she was thinking at that moment. It must have been something good, because she could barely look at me when it was over.

  “I remember. I think it had been just a big day and I wasn't up for it. Maybe I will have to take you up on that tour one day soon.”

  “Not right now Anna. We have more important things to do. It is time to have our first bath together as husband and wife.”

  She was blushing again, and I don't know why I liked it so much. It was even brighter because of how bright her white her dress was. Everything popped out on her and I was dying to see what was underneath it.

  I went to the shower and started the water. It wouldn't take long to fill up and I was about to start getting undressed, when I heard my phone ringing. I had left it in the other room, and I was waiting on an important call. I had to take it, even if I didn't want to. It was one of the worst times for this to happen, but I didn't want to mess up an opportunity for a little bit of tail. Even if I had been waiting for that tail, for a very long time I felt like.

  It wasn't the call that I was waiting for it, but it kept me busy for a couple of minutes. When I got back to the bathroom, I didn't see her at first. Then I saw that she had added bubbles to the jacuzzi, and it was filled to the brim with suds.

  Anna was hidden amongst the froth and I wasn’t able to see her like I would have liked to. I was cursing the assistant for giving out my cell phone number. She would hear about it later, because I’d lost the first looks of Anna as she was getting undressed. I wasn’t going to be able to get that again for God only knows how long.

  I tried not to let my frustration get the best of me, but it was hard not to. “Are you going to get in, or just stand there frowning in a towel?”

  I smiled at her question and made my way towards her. I didn’t even think about the fact that I was about to be naked in front of her. I’d never had much in the way of modesty. It just wasn’t something that I was very interested in.

  “I am getting in, trust me. There is nowhere else that I would rather be.”

  That got a smile on her face. “This is just a bath. Nothing more. I am going to wash your back and you’re going to wash mine, okay?”

  It was going to start out that way, but we both knew that it wasn’t going to end there. She could say all she wanted, but I knew what was going to happen. I was not going to leave this bathroom, until I’d made her cum as much as I wanted her to. She didn’t have the choices that she thought she did, though I thought it was cute that she was trying to pretend that she was in control.

  “Whatever you say wife.”

  I needed to remind her who she was. She wasn’t just a girl. She was my wife and it was about time that she started acting like it.

  I moved towards her and stopped in front of the tub. The water was turned off and it left it so quiet in the room that I could hear the last few drops hitting the water as it came out of the tap.

  Taking the towel off, I watched her expression and I liked that her grin got a little bit bigger. It was good to know that there was a big part of me that wanted her now. I could see the lust in her eyes, and I knew that it was going to be exactly what I wanted. This wasn’t just about washing each other’s backs. There was a pull between us, and I wanted to know where it was going to lead. I was dying to know.

  I got in and was a little surprised at how hot it was. It was certainly not the temperature that I’d started with. I wanted to add some cold, but sank down next to her instead. She moved over a little bit, giving me wide berth. I wasn’t going to let it bother me. She was just trying to prolong the inevitable for one reason or another. I didn’t really care about anything, but the inevitable. That was all I was thinking about at the minute.

  “Don’t look at me like that Scott, you’re getting ideas in your head.”

  “It’s not just all in my head Anna. It’s in your eyes as well.”

  “That may be, but I know that it’s a bad idea and I’m not going to do it. I have better control then you Scott. I can curb my animal cravings.”

  I shivered a little bit with her words and my
manhood jumped under the water, not even the heat was able to slow me down.

  “Is that right?”

  She agreed, but backed up when I moved a little closer. The tub was big, but it wasn’t that big. I knew that she was going to be cornered momentarily and there was nothing that I would change about it. I didn’t want to. I was about to have her right where I wanted her.

  “It is right. Bath, remember? No funny business.”

  “I want to make you scream Anna, not laugh.”

  Her face paled and I knew that I was getting to her. I don’t know what had her so shy, but it didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to let that change anything. She was just going to be even sweeter when she finally agreed.

  “In horror?”

  I grinned and stopped advancing. “I thought I was in here to wash your back. Why don’t you turn around and let me?”

  Hesitation was momentary, and then she finally sighed out loud and turned around like I asked her to do. She was now facing away from me, but she was close to one of the jets. I wanted to show her the many benefits of the tub and I turned the jets on.

  She immediately gasped and tried to back away, but my hand was steady on her back. “I can’t very well wash your back if you are moving around, now can I?”


  I leaned in. “I know. It feels good, right?”

  I knew that it did, because she was shaking in my arms and scrambling desperately to get away. There was nowhere for her to go though. I started to wash her back slowly, letting my fingers play on her slickened skin. I pushed her closer to the jets and moved her a little until she finally whined. I knew then that she was right where she needed to be.

  “How’s that?”

  I think she started to talk, but then something stopped her, and I was sure that it was the beginnings of an orgasm. My hand snaked around and touched one of the bubble-covered breasts that were right there. She whimpered and I pushed her a little closer.


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