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Forever Finn

Page 5

by Delta James

  Finn was grateful that Croft now included himself in her rescue of Christian. “What are we going to do?” she asked.

  “We aren’t going to do anything. You are going to give me the GPS coordinates and your locator, and I will go deal with whoever it is they sent to kill you.”

  “You don’t have time to take me back, and I won’t go.”

  “I didn’t expect that you would. You will, however, stay put. This is as good a place as any. I’ll take Jasper with me …”

  “You aren’t going to strand me without a mount.”

  “How the hell were you planning to get Christian out?” he asked.

  “I thought I’d put him up on Jasper and lead them back.”

  “In the middle of the day in the highest heat here in the canyon. You know, maybe they weren’t planning to kill you. Maybe they just thought they’d let your own foolishness do you in for them.”

  “Nobody asked your opinion or invited you along,” said Finn defensively.

  “Lose the attitude, Finn. You’ve already got yourself in enough trouble. I’m not taking you along and letting them use you for target practice. You’re going to give me the coordinates, give me the locator, and then sit your ass down here and wait for me.” Croft stopped speaking for a moment and seemed to be thinking.

  He continued, “You’re going to wait until a certain time, which I will figure out once I have the coordinates and can figure out how long it should take me. If I’m not back by that time, you will get on Jasper, head back to Phantom Ranch, and call the authorities.”

  “I thought you were taking Jasper.”

  “You made a good point. I don’t want you stranded if something goes wrong. If Christian’s there, I can put him on Sam and lead him back. You’re going to be my backup.”

  “Bullshit. You just want me out of the way. I’m going with you.”

  “No, baby, you’re not. I have no idea what I’m going to find. It’s better if I can deal with the situation as it emerges and not have to worry about you. You could get yourself hurt, or they could use you against me to get what they want and kill us both. But if things go sideways, you can get back to the ranch or …”

  “That’s a day’s ride …”

  “Or you might run into a park ranger, and he’ll have a satellite phone.”

  “Why don’t you have one?” she accused softly.

  “Because this wasn’t supposed to be a rescue operation, simply seek and find. We figured either, like I said, he’d gone off with some girl and didn’t tell his little sister, or something had happened and we’d be retrieving his corpse. Neither of which indicated a need, in my opinion, to take a sat phone. In either scenario, communicating with the authorities could wait until we were topside.”

  “Is there a faster way to someplace I could call for help?”

  “Yes, but you won’t like it. You cross the river and head back upriver. You’ll find a steep trail, about like the one we came down. Jasper knows it as well. It’ll get you to a ranger station at the trailhead in probably four hours.”

  “That’s still too long if something goes wrong. You’re better off to have me along with you. I can shoot.”

  He smiled and kissed her, hugging her close. “No, I’m better knowing you’re safe as would be Christian. Our dinner is cooked, and I’m done arguing with you. I suggest you make up your mind that you’re going to do as you’re told.”

  “What if Christian isn’t there? Or if he is there and he’s dead?” she whispered, finally speaking aloud her worst fears.

  “Then we’ll find out who did this and bring them and their whole operation crashing down around their ears. Baby, if you’re a bad guy, you want to avoid tangling with the Wild Mustang Security Firm. We’ve haven’t been in business that long, but Mac can already cherry pick the cases he wants. We’re considered to be the best at what we do, and one of the things we do is K&R.”

  She nodded. She had heard the moniker — Kidnapping and Ransom.

  “That’s what this is — only they want this flash drive instead of money. Remember what I told you … every guy who works for Mac has special-ops experience; most were in the US Marshals after that. Hell, even Avery, our pilot, was attached to my SEAL team in the same capacity. Come on. Let’s have supper and then you and I have a few things to settle.”


  “I don’t believe for a minute you didn’t know you were going to get spanked hard and loved even harder when I caught up with you. It’s been a long day, and we’re looking at the same for tomorrow.”

  Chapter 5

  Croft watched a small shudder wash over Finn. He wasn’t sure if it was dread for the spanking he meant to give her or desire for the loving that would come after. He’d been surprised not only at the intensity of his own feelings as he paddled her bottom last night, but that she had reciprocated them. He’d never experienced a woman coming as he drove into her the first time; he was looking forward to seeing if she’d do it again. And there really was very little in life that could match the feel of your woman’s ass, heated from you spanking it, as you bumped up against it, plunging in and out. He smiled as he felt his cock beginning to get seriously hard.

  He ran his hand possessively down her flank and drew her against his body to kiss her temple as he fondled her. There was no doubt about it, he had developed serious feelings for Finlay Reid. Those tender feelings were offset by knowing that she had lied to them from the get-go. Had she not, he could have had a team assembled and ready to go. As it was, he doubted very much that Christian would be at the meeting place. He hoped, at least, that he still breathed and that he could bring him back to his foolish little sister … the woman to whom he was rapidly losing his heart.

  He retrieved the foil packets from the fire while Finn fished out the plates and eating utensils from his saddlebags. She spread out a blanket for them to sit on to eat. He’d been happily surprised to find, when he’d returned from the river, that she had made a single bed for them to share.

  “How did you end up being a cowboy?” she asked.

  Croft knew she was making small talk to cover her nervousness. She had plenty to be nervous about — Christian’s disappearance, what he would find tomorrow, but more imminently, just how hard she was going to get punished for her little stunt today. The first two he wished he could offer her some kind of assurances that everything would be as she wanted. He couldn’t; he could reassure her that whatever happened, she did not have to face alone. He liked the fact that she was concerned about being put back over his knee to be disciplined. Perhaps that would help her make better choices in the future.

  “As you know, I come from an old and distinguished naval family. I was the first to become a SEAL. I saw way too much and too many things that could have been avoided or could have been done better to preserve the lives of innocents. I lost faith that those who were giving the orders gave a damn about what was right, moral, or honorable. When I finished my last tour, I was done. I wanted out and needed a place to go. I came out here to see the Grand Canyon. I felt my soul start to heal and decided I didn’t want to leave. I found I was good with animals, and the Rocking R took a chance on me. I started cowboying for them, got involved in rodeoing on the side, and never looked back. I needed something simple, something real, something I could hold onto in the middle of the night.”

  “And now I’ve reopened those old wounds,” she said sadly.

  “On the contrary. You reminded me why I became a SEAL in the first place. Mac and John did that a couple of years ago when I helped them with the apprehension of Simon Eastwick. It felt good to be part of something for the greater good. So, when Mac left the Marshals to found Wild Mustang, he persuaded John to leave as well. I was their first hire. Now, when I find myself under fire or going into hostile situations, at least I know I’m on the side of the angels. As I said, babe, this isn’t our, or even my, first K&R operation.”

  “I should have trusted you.”

e nodded. “You could have, but there was no way for you to know that. A bunch of scumbags beat your brother up and tell you they’ll kill him if you don’t do exactly what they tell you to do. So you do it. Foolish? Perhaps, but also courageous, loyal, and loving. Not the worst three traits I could have in my woman. They help to offset the foolish part, which I mean to teach you not to give in to.”

  “I’m not your woman,” she said softly.

  He chuckled. “Yes, you are, and we both know it. I’ve been thinking that with everything that’s going to happen tomorrow and all the things that could go wrong, I might be willing to postpone the spanking you’ve got coming until we’re both back up on the rim and know what’s what.”

  “And I suppose you expect me to thank you for that?”

  “I do indeed. I want you to note that I said postpone, not forego.”

  “You can’t just waltz into my life and take over.”

  “Not only can I, I’m pretty damn sure I already did,” he said, laughing at her. “Give it up, Finn. We both know you’re mine … and that I’m yours. I make a really good living working for Mac …”

  “I don’t need you to support me.”

  “I didn’t say you did. But I also know you come from a shitload of old money. Your family makes mine look like paupers. My point was that I don’t need your money, either. I have an excellent pension from the Navy, live pretty minimally so haven’t spent a lot, and get paid well for what I do. I figure if we combine that with what I guess you make as a renowned photo journalist, we can build a good life together. We’re going to have to talk about some of the places you stick your nose into …”

  “It’s my job.”

  “And you’re at a point you can pick and choose what assignments you take. I’m not telling you to go take pictures of sunshine and rainbows. That’s not who you are, but going behind the lines in Fallujah and into some of those remote places where they really hate women in general and uppity American ones like you in particular is something we’ll have to negotiate about.”

  “I suppose we’ll negotiate while you beat my ass?” she said, trying hard not to laugh.

  “Depends on whether or not you’re willing to be reasonable. But I will tell you this: you lie to me, go behind my back, do something as stupid as this or flat-out disobey me, and you can expect to find yourself facedown again getting your fanny turned bright red.”

  “You expect me to agree to that?”

  Croft laughed again. “Baby, did you miss the part where you already did?”

  “It’s not funny.”

  “It is. Not forty-eight hours ago, I thought you were a major pain in the ass and couldn’t wait to get rid of you. Now, I can’t imagine how I lived this long without you or what I would do if I ever lost you.”

  “I don’t get you. One minute you’re this all macho, over-the-top alpha male, and the next you’re this sensitive guy who is as in touch with his feelings, and more willing to express them, than anyone I’ve ever known.”

  He grinned at her. “I know, babe. I’m complicated.”

  She laughed and looked as though some of the tension had left her body.

  He stood up. “Why don’t we get Jasper and Sam and take them and our dishes down to the river. You can hold the boys while I clean up or vice versa.”

  “My choices are wash dishes or hold mules? I’m holding the mules.”

  “Fair enough,” he said, helping her to her feet.

  They gathered their things and headed down to the river. Both mules had impeccable manners, and he had no concerns turning them both over to her while he washed their things. He grinned. It seemed Jasper had become fond of Finn and was as interested in interacting with her as he was in getting a drink. Once Sam realized he was missing out on her attention, he began to demand his fair share.

  Croft leaned back against a rock by the bank and enjoyed just watching her in the moonlight. She looked up to see him smiling at her.


  “Nothing, sweetheart. I’m just enjoying watching you.”

  “You like looking at me, sailor?”

  “I’d like looking at you a whole lot better if you were naked.”

  She gathered the two lead ropes in one hand and splashed water at him, causing him to dance away from the river’s edge. Finn came out of the water, leading the two mules on one side and wrapping her arm around his waist with the other. He stopped and picked up two pieces of dried wood.

  “Do I dare ask what those are for?”

  “To upend your boots on so they’ll dry better overnight.”

  “Are you planning to get me out of my boots, sailor?”

  “And everything else you have on,” he said as they reached the rock overhang and returned the mules to where they’d set up for them.

  He watched her place the things they’d used to eat close enough to the fire that they would dry. She glanced over at him but seemed to become shy when she saw he was watching her intently.

  “What’s bothering you?” he said as he walked over to her.

  “This. You. What’s going to happen tonight, tomorrow, for the rest of our lives. It’s just a lot, Croft.” She pulled away as he reached for her. “I don’t even know your damn name, and I’m letting you order me around, rearrange my life, and tell me how things are going to be.”

  He snaked his hand out and caught her arm with surprising strength and drew her to him. “First, you don’t pull away from me. Not now, not ever. Second, I’m not telling you anything you didn’t already know. Third, I’m going to put you on your back and make your cries of passion ring throughout the canyon. Fourth, I’ve been pretty clear about me. I would remind you that I’m not the one who wasn’t forthcoming with the truth about who she was or the situation she put herself in to the company she hired. And last, William Emerson Crofton, Junior. My family calls me Billy, which I hate, and Emerson isn’t any better, so from the time I entered Annapolis, I’ve gone by Croft. Anything else?”

  “You’re not going to spank me?” The relief in her voice was almost palpable.

  “You don’t think you deserve to get spanked for slipping out of our bed, creeping out of the room we were in, and running off pretending to be some kind of fucking superhero? I won’t lie to you, Finn. I’m going to blister your ass when we get topside. But I need for you to be able to ride out of here, so I’m going to settle for just fucking you so hard you’ll remember why you fell for me and which one of us is calling the shots.”

  “But, Croft, I could be of assistance to you tomorrow …”

  “You can be of the most help staying where I know you’re safe and going for backup if I don’t get back on time.”

  “He’s my brother,” she said stubbornly.

  “You’re my woman,” he said heatedly. “And that, Finlay Reid, tops all other concerns. Finn, seriously, I need to know you’re going to do what I tell you.”

  “You think he’s dead, don’t you?”

  “No, I don’t. I don’t think they’ll kill him until they have this flash drive. That’s why you’re taking it with you.”

  “No. They’ll kill you and Christian both if you don’t give them what they want,” she cried.

  He shook his head. “Given what you said, this is not the first rodeo for these clowns. They know what they’re doing. I wish I could tell you I’ll bring Christian back tomorrow, but I won’t lie to you. I’ll be shocked if he’s even there. Tomorrow is about them knowing that you aren’t in this alone, that you have hired a professional team with a solid reputation to represent you. The firm has already established the fact that when we negotiate, we represent the family or the individual. We don’t give a rat’s ass if the hostiles ever get apprehended. Our only concern is bringing the hostage home safe and sound. If we can do that by paying them whatever asking price we settle on, we’re good. We’ll hold up our end. But if they fuck with us, if they kill us or the hostage after we’ve paid in good faith? We will rain a level of hell down on them they
never knew existed.”

  “Why don’t I know all this?” she asked fascinated.

  He grinned. “Because we’re that good. All the firms that offer K&R insurance know who we are, and most have us on retainer. A lot of guys at Interpol and law enforcement people know as well. As I said, Mac has been very successful.”


  “Yes, babe?”

  “Will you take me to bed and fuck me?”

  He laughed. “On one condition.”

  “Seriously? Now you want to negotiate?”

  “Nope, not a negotiation. More like either this or that.”

  “All right, I’ll play.”

  “You need to get that through your head — I’m not playing. Not now, not ever.”

  He looked at her sternly and was relieved when he saw her entire body lose the tension it had been holding and her eyes soften.

  “I hear you,” she said quietly. “What’s the condition?”

  “Either you acknowledge once and for all that you belong to me” — he said shaking his head to silence her protest before she made it — “and I belong to you.”

  She smiled seductively as she ran her finger down the middle of his torso. “What’s the or side of that statement?”

  “Or,” he said, wrapping her in his arms, “I’ll beat your ass until you do.”

  She laughed. “You’re such a jackass.” She held up her finger and placed it against his lips. “But you’re my jackass.”

  He grinned. “Yes I am. Now, Ms. Reid, I believe I told you I preferred seeing you naked.”

  “First, help me with these wet boots and then I’ll get completely naked and you can have your way with me.”

  She sat on the flat rock by the campfire, and Croft bent down and pulled her wet boots and socks off. He laid the socks on the rocks that formed the campfire ring and then set up the two sticks close to it and upended her boots onto them. By the time he had finished, Finn was, as promised, completely nude.

  He knew his smile had to be predatory in the extreme. That was how he felt — as though he were the predator and she his prey. Only the screams he intended to elicit from her would not be those of fear or pain, but rather of repeated ecstasy as he took her long and hard. He wanted to ensure she forgot, at least for a while, her fear and concern for her brother and thought only of the amazing future they would create together.


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