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Sexy Dare

Page 5

by Phillips, Carly

  “Come on.” He followed her out the door, waited as she locked up, and together they headed for his car.

  She settled into the plush seat, the sweet scent he’d come to associate with her filling the air around him. Little by little, in the smallest ways, she was making herself a part of his life. He broke into a sweat because despite how hard he was pushing her to move in and be safe, he was breaching his own defenses in the process.

  She’d be living in his house, a room apart from him. And though he wanted her in his bed, he had a gut feeling once he tasted her, touched her, had her, she’d burrow so deep inside him, he’d never get her out. He’d never felt this way about any of the women he slept with before. There was something different about Faith and it shook him to his core. The core he was determined to protect from more pain and loss.

  He cleared his throat. “So I have a doorman who won’t let anyone up who isn’t cleared on a list,” he said into the silence that had overtaken them as he drove.

  “That’s good.”

  “I’ll drive you to the store in the morning, and I can work from there during the day.”

  She froze, turning slowly in her seat. “You don’t need to be by my side twenty-four hours a day.”

  One hand on the wheel, he glanced at her. “Do you want to be alone in the shop when your brother shows up?”

  She sighed and shook her head. “No.”

  “Then me working from your store it is.”

  Before she could say another word, he turned into the parking garage beneath his apartment building. In silence, he guided her up the elevator, taking her silence as nerves.

  They walked down the bright hallway, a stark contrast from where she lived. He unlocked the door and unset the alarm before letting her step inside.

  “So here we are. I’ll give you the code and a set of keys, but you’re not going out alone. Not until your brother is behind bars. Speaking of, did you tell the police about him?”

  He rolled her luggage inside, closed and locked the door.

  “No. I didn’t. If it wasn’t Colton, I didn’t want to send them after him and anger him even more. Besides, we have no proof it was him. If the police find fingerprints on the brick, they’ll have evidence then. Can we stop talking about this?” She turned away and he stepped closer, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  “Hey. It’s going to be okay. Let me show you around the place,” he said to distract her from her problems.

  She perked up at the subject change. “Show me the palace,” she said.

  Grinning, he mock bowed and walked her through the overly large apartment he’d rented. When the nightclub was starting up, he and the guys shared an apartment for the first six months until they realized they might kill each other. They’d spread out to their own places, and since the club started earning right away, with the addition of Jason’s trust fund from his errant father, he’d moved into this gorgeous spread.

  “The kitchen is fairly new and large for a Manhattan apartment,” he said as they passed the entryway.

  “Wow,” she said, peeking inside. “This is amazing. Do you use it much?”

  He shook his head. “Not my thing. I’m not home for meals very often. But while you’re here, consider my kitchen your kitchen.”

  “You know I will. This is a great apartment. Big for Manhattan.”

  He nodded. “I rented this place because there were two extra-large bedrooms and my family is from Florida. This way my mom can come visit, and up until a few months ago, my sister would come by, too. Now she lives in New York City, as well.”

  “You mentioned your mother. What about your father?” Faith asked, as he walked through the living area with his large-screen television and ultra-comfortable oversized sofa.

  “That is a long story for another time.” One he wouldn’t be getting into now. “But my mom insisted on flying up and helping me match colors so I could impress any women I brought home,” he said with a grin. “Typical mom, she wants her kids married and settled.” Savannah Dare might have gone the nontraditional mistress route herself, but for her children? She wanted the best.

  “And will she get that?” Faith turned to him, looking up at him with those curious, gorgeous green eyes.

  “Well, let’s see. My sister went the untraditional route, getting pregnant first, but there’s no question she and her husband, Ethan, are head-over-heels in love. Alex is married to a great woman and they had a baby girl recently.” No point getting into the half-sibling thing now. He hoped she’d end the conversation there.

  “And you’re the eternal bachelor?” she asked, dispelling that optimistic thought.

  “Something like that.” Winking at her, he grasped her elbow and led her to the far side of the apartment, where the two bedrooms were located. “Come. You can check out your room.”

  He led her to the bedroom beside his, one his mother had decorated to her taste, with a – cough – bright floral comforter and matching valence above the window.

  “Oooh, it’s so pretty!” she said, grasping her suitcase from his hand and pulling it inside.

  “I’ll be sure to let my mother know you like it,” he muttered. He’d never forgiven her for the flowered room, but he loved her anyway.

  “Wouldn’t that be admitting you brought a woman to your apartment?” she teased him before sitting down on the bed, her shoulders hunching over as she finally let herself relax.

  “I was going to ask if you’re hungry but you look beat.”

  She lifted her head. “I’m both. Would you mind if I shut my eyes for half an hour before we eat?”

  “Of course not. I’ll order us something. Do you want anything in particular?”

  She shook her head as she kicked off her shoes. “You choose.” She swung her feet up onto the bed, closed her eyes, and if he wasn’t mistaken, she was out before she her head hit the pillow.

  Jason headed to his bedroom, completely aware of the woman sleeping in the next room. He changed into a pair of sweats and a tee shirt, ordered a large pizza, and settled onto his couch, watching Sports Center on television.

  He wasn’t surprised to see a clip of his brother, Alex, on the screen. Once an NFL football player, he had been forced, on doctor’s orders, to retire due to a severe concussion. He couldn’t take the chance of another head injury without risking permanent damage. Seeing an opportunity, their half brother Ian, president of the Miami Thunder, ironically the opposing team to the one Alex had played for in Tampa, had offered him a job teaching players about preparing for the future beyond football. The program had been adopted by the NFL, and Alex did a lot of promotion and training around the country, including television interviews like the one Jason had just seen.

  He lifted his glass of soda to his brother. “Go, you,” he said to his sibling on TV.

  A few minutes later, dinner arrived. He placed it on the table and walked back to where Faith slept. Cute little snores sounded in the room and he grinned.

  Although she’d said to wake her, he didn’t have the heart. She must have been so wiped out to fall asleep so fast, the stress of handling her brother alone for so long catching up with her.

  He walked in, picked up an afghan blanket and covered her, standing like a creeper and watching her sleep. What was it about this woman that got to him?

  Obviously she was beautiful, but Jason had been with his share of gorgeous women over the years, and he’d let them go when their time together came to an end. But Faith was more than pretty. Clearly she was strong. She’d picked up and left her home, coming to a big city and making her own way without help. She also hadn’t lost her sense of humor during a difficult time, nor was she willing to give up her independence easily. All of which he admired. But there was so much more to Faith than any of that, and now he’d have the chance to see exactly what made her tick.

  He’d wanted a date, and instead he had her under his roof, in the room next to his. He didn’t like the reasons for their forced togetherness, but
he sure as hell couldn’t say he minded it. And that was a first for Jason Dare.

  Chapter Four

  Faith made candy in the back of her shop alone since Kelsey had looked dead on her feet and Faith had sent her home early. She finished up and rushed to the counter, where she could be the face of Sweet Treats, selling her candy. She needed to hire another employee, but she had to make sure she could afford the expense. As long as things continued as they were, no more incidents like the vandalism, and she’d be okay.

  She and Jason had had a frustrating discussion on the way to work about who would pay for the cleanup. So far she hadn’t won, but she didn’t want to be indebted to him any more than she already was. The man was giving her a place to stay in addition to fixing up her business. She wanted, no, needed to pay her own way.

  Speaking of Jason, he had created an office for himself in a corner, out of the way but where he had a good view of the entrance and behind the counter. There was a back door leading to the alley off the kitchen, and he’d made sure she locked that tight, not letting her open it up for cool air to come inside. She knew better than to argue when he was right.

  He’d set up his laptop, plugged it into the wall, had his iPad, his cell phone, and had been making and taking calls and FaceTiming with his partners all morning long, not seeming concerned in the least that he was doing business out of a candy shop and not his own nightclub.

  Faith had called his cousin’s wife, Isabelle, and she was coming over to talk about what she wanted for her son’s birthday party. This would be branching out, another way to get her candy into new people’s hands, and she was excited about the prospect.

  This morning, with her new door and clear window, business was brisk, walking traffic bringing people inside, but by lunchtime, things slowed down, which worked for her because she could get off her feet.

  Just as she was about to sit down across from Jason, a beautiful brunette walked into the store with a little boy in her arms.

  “Uncle Jase!” the little boy yelled, wriggling in his mother’s arms to get down.

  She placed him on the floor and he ran to Jason, who swung the boy into his arms.

  “Hey, champ!” How are you doing?” Jason asked, lifting the boy into his arms and hefting him up on one hip.

  “Good. Mommy said candy for my birfday.”

  Jason chuckled while Faith grinned at the adorable child.

  “Sorry I’m late,” the woman who must be Isabelle said. “I took him for lunch first, hoping to curb his appetite before we hit the candy store.”

  “It’s fine. This is the first lull I’ve had all morning anyway. I’m Faith,” she said.

  “Call me Izzy.”

  “Tell you what,” Jason said. “How about I take this kid for a tour and we’ll handle any customers who come in while you two talk?”

  “Are you sure?” Faith asked.

  “It’s fine. We’re going to check out the candy.”

  “Candy!” the boy said with a fist pump.

  “Not too much, Noah,” Izzy said, eyeing Jason warily. “I have to deal with the sugar rush,” she warned him.

  Jason’s grin was not to be trusted and Faith had a vision of him with his own kids one day. Oh, he’d insinuated he wasn’t into bringing women home to his mother, but seeing him with this little boy, she had a hunch he’d want to change his mind one day. A wistful feeling curled inside her belly at the notion and she pushed it away. He was her friend doing her more favors than she had a right to expect. Thinking of him as a sexy man she desired would do nothing helpful in her current situation. Considering him as a potential father was an ovary-exploding way to get into trouble.

  “Well, that expression tells me a lot,” Izzy said, breaking into Faith’s thoughts.

  She blinked to return herself to the present. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  Izzy grinned. “Basically that you have it bad for Jason. Not that I blame you. Those Dare genes are potent. I ought to know.”

  Faith’s face flamed in embarrassment. “I don’t… I didn’t…”

  “Oh, you so do.” Izzy pulled out a chair and sat down at an empty table.

  Faith joined her, still mortified she’d been caught daydreaming about and staring at Jason.

  “But it looks to me like that attraction goes both ways. He’s basically set up his office here. Gabe told me Jason’s helping you out. No specifics, of course. But I can look at him, see how he keeps checking you out to make sure you’re okay, and put two and two together.”

  “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” Faith asked, liking Jason’s cousin by marriage already.

  “I figure life’s too short not to go after what you want. I took the long route to my destiny. I thought maybe I’d help you speed yours up,” Izzy said with a grin.

  Faith didn’t want to burst her bubble, but the truth was a lot more boring than whatever Izzy was conjuring up in her mind. Although the chemistry was sizzling and the desire was mutual, he was taking care of her out of pity and a fear that something would happen to her that he’d have been able to prevent. She wanted to be more than an obligation to a man. That is, when her life calmed down enough to allow for her to let people in.

  “Jason and I met by chance. He helped me with a slashed tire. It’s been one situation after another since, and he’s been nice enough to help me out. That’s all that’s going on between us.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when things take a turn. Okay, so let’s talk candy. That basket you gave Jason was delicious. The kids will go nuts for it and the moms will wish they’d thought of it. I’m having a party for Noah next weekend and I’d love it if you could make them up as party favors.”

  “I’d love to! If you want me to do something special for the kids, I could do that. If he has a theme for the party? I could work around that and do something more like the baskets for the adults.”

  “Paw Patrol. And I love both ideas.”

  Faith figured she’d be researching children’s characters. She thought some more, then said, “I’d be happy to deliver them to the party and set them up on the table. Take some of the burden off of you. I’m sure you’ll be busy enough that day.” She could get Kelsey to run the store while she made the delivery and handled the decorative setup.

  “You’re so sweet! But Jason’s coming to the party. Why don’t you come with him and stay?”

  “But I couldn’t. It’s family and friends…” She didn’t belong there.

  “Great idea, Iz,” Jason called as he walked out from behind the counter. Noah had chocolate on his cheeks and a pop stick in his hand. “I was going to tell you I didn’t want to leave Faith alone, and I wasn’t sure if I could make it.”

  Faith rolled her eyes at his way of thinking. “It’s over a week away.” For all she knew, the police would link the break-in to Colton and pick him up before then. She didn’t want to discuss the specifics in front of Izzy and her son and frighten them away. Colton was too big of a coward to come after her with people around.

  “We’ll both be there, Iz. Thank you. And here’s your little sugar fiend. I kept it at two.”

  “I had free, Mommy!”

  Izzy nodded and mock glared at Jason. “You listen well,” she said, her tone full of sarcasm. “Come to Mommy, baby. I’ll clean your face.” She pulled wipes from her purse and began cleaning the child’s cheeks.

  When she finished, she stood. “I’ve got to get this one home for a nap. Sometimes I still get lucky and he’ll lie down … although thanks to his uncle, I’m guessing today won’t be one of those days.” She turned to Faith. “It was a pleasure meeting you. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the party. Oh, maybe we can get lunch one day soon. Bye!”

  Izzy left in a hurry and Faith shook her head, her smile wide as she thought about the other woman’s fun personality. “I like her.”

  “Gabe likes her, too. Love at first sight, to hear them tell it, although it took year
s for them to get together. It was after Gabe’s brother, Decklan, arrested her for grand theft auto. Long story,” Jason said, chuckling. “I’m sure you’ll hear it at the party.”

  She blinked in surprise. Not at his crazy family stories but about the party. “You were serious? You want me to come to a family event?”

  He nodded, his hooded eyes taking her in.

  She knew why he was dragging her along, and despite the practicality of the idea, it hurt her feelings at the same time. “So you can keep an eye on me and make sure I’m safe?”

  She didn’t know why that suddenly bothered her so much when that was the basis for their relationship … friendship. Whatever it was between them. But thinking on Izzy’s words, how he looked at her, how she studied everything about him, from his easy stride to the way he took control with his partners, expressing what he wanted just forcefully enough to get them to agree with him without disagreeing first … Jason Dare was a strong man she could come to rely on.

  And as much as that scared her? It made her desire him, and she wanted him to feel the same way about her. Just temporarily. Because eventually, she would get back on her feet, Colton would be arrested, she hoped, and she’d go back to building her life here in New York. But while she was with Jason, was there anything wrong with acting on the simmering attraction?

  She stepped closer to him, taking in the chocolate stain on his cream-colored shirt. “I can stay at your apartment and be perfectly safe there.” If she was going to stay at that party beyond setup, he had to want her there.

  “You’re not staying home.” A low growl made its way up his throat.

  Her nipples puckered at the sexy sound. “Why not?

  “Because.” He moved in, his big body hovering over hers.

  Body heat and his musky scent surrounded her, warmth and a tingling sensation dancing over her skin. “Because why?” He needed to say it. Needed to tell her he wanted her there.


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