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Page 12

by Caroline Clemmons

  Adam said, “Well, that’s a chapter in our lives I’m not sorry to see end.”

  “I’m relieved but incredibly tired. Having them here took the starch out of me. Guess I’ll go back inside to work.”

  Adam accompanied her. He’d seen Wells Fargo had received a canvas money bag. Surely his reward was included.

  His future depended on that reward. He’d wasted too many years traveling hither and yon chasing ruthless men. When he’d said Lawson was his last chase, he’d been dead serious.

  What would Garnet say when she learned his plans?

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Adam and Joey returned from the livery to find Aubrey and Cordelia waiting in the kitchen. That perked up Adam. He hung his coat and hat on a peg. Joey did the same.

  “Cordelia, Aubrey, nice to see you. Did Garnet abandon you?”

  The swinging door opened and she glided in. “I did and my backup helpers were also gone.”

  Cordelia waved a hand dismissively. “Folks come here to eat and you have to feed them. Besides, we came to see you, Adam.”

  Joey tugged on Adam’s sleeve. “May I be excused to go to my room?”

  “You may.”

  Joey ran up the stairs.

  Adam chuckled. “He had to sleep on the parlor couch while his grandparents were here. Obviously, he’s eager to get his room back the way he wants it.”

  “Don’t blame him.” Aubrey pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket. “I’d wired about you catching Lawson and his buddies. Reward came in on the stage. I figured you’d like to have it as soon as possible.”

  Adam accepted the envelope. He wouldn’t insult the sheriff by counting it in his presence. Instead, he shoved it inside his pants pocket. He’d count it later.

  “I appreciate it. Also appreciate knowing you two. Glad to meet honest law officers who are also nice people.”

  Garnet carried in a load of dirty dishes then came to the table. “Would you like a dish of peach cobbler?”

  Cordelia groaned. “You know I can’t resist your peach cobbler.”

  Aubrey chuckled. “I won’t even try to refuse a portion.”

  Adam rose to help Garnet. When they’d all been served, he and Garnet sat at the table.

  Cordelia spooned in a bite and closed her eyes. “You are the best cook I know, Garnet.”

  “Thank you. I hope to continue here for many years.”

  Aubrey swallowed. “You folks glad to be shed of the children’s grandparents?”

  Adam met his gaze. “I think ‘glad’ is an understatement. We’ve been walking on egg shells while they were here.”

  Garnet twirled her spoon. “I was afraid they’d get snowed in and we’d be stuck with them all winter. You’d have had to arrest me in that case because I’d have strangled Harold Miller.”

  Cordelia chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about a custody trial, do you?”

  Garnet shook her head. “No, they agreed Adam and I are a better bet as guardians.”

  “I think Hyacinth’s bath on Sunday clinched it.” Adam told them about the incident.

  Aubrey and Cordelia laughed and laughed.

  Cordelia caught her breath. “I think you exaggerated.”

  Garnet looked at Adam. “Unfortunately, he didn’t. Although, I must admit he’s better at telling stories than I am.”

  Adam stood and bowed to his wife. “Why, thank you, Mrs. Bennett.” He picked up his bowl. “Anyone for seconds?”

  Aubrey pushed his dish toward Adam. “I wouldn’t turn one down.”

  Cordelia thought for a couple of seconds. “I can’t refuse.”

  Garnet looked at Adam. “Why not just bring the pan of cobbler and serving spoon to the table? And the coffee pot.”

  After the children were tucked in that evening, Adam ushered Garnet to the parlor instead of downstairs.

  “Now that we have the parlor to ourselves, let’s enjoy the softer furniture.”

  She sat on the couch and yawned. “A good idea. I think it will take me a week to get over the fatigue of the kidnapping and the Millers.”

  Adam sat beside her. “At a minimum. I know you have to serve disagreeable people sometimes in the café. At least now we don’t have to be around people we don’t enjoy up here in our home.” He hoped he could include himself in that scene.

  She wrung her hands until he held them. “Adam, what do you plan to do now? Frank’s no longer a threat and the Millers have gone.”

  “You eager to get rid of me?”

  “No, of course not, quite the opposite. For one thing, the children adore you.”

  “I guess I’m more interested in how you feel about me.” He twined his fingers with hers.

  She half turned toward him. “Does that mean you’re considering staying? That we’ll be a real family?”

  “Well, I have all this newfound wealth. Maybe not a lot of money for some, but a nice stake for me. I wired my brother to tell him he can buy my half of the ranch and that will increase my fortune. I thought I might buy interest in a business.”

  Her heart rate sped. “What kind of business?”

  “I’ve recently learned I enjoy the café business. Do you know where I could buy a half-interest in a nice one?”

  She grabbed his shoulders. “Are you serious? You’d really stay here?”

  He caressed her hair and held her face between his hands. “Don’t make me leave. I’ve fallen in love with you and I’d hate to part with the children.”

  “You love me?” She threw her arms around his neck. “Oh, Adam, I love you so much. You’re the man I’ve always dreamed of finding. Yet, you found me.”

  “I don’t plan for us to be apart, not if you’ll let me stay.” He kissed her.

  When they eventually broke apart, he caressed her face. “The kiss we shared at our wedding was sweet temptation. I’ve dreamed of holding you as your husband ever since. Lying beside you each night but not making love to you has been torture.”

  “I confess I’ve thought about that kiss many times. Not turning to you at night has been difficult. You’ve been such a gentleman, I thought perhaps you didn’t desire me and the wedding kiss was just for show.”

  “From the first evening I met you, I’ve thought you were the kindest, prettiest, and most perfect woman I’d ever me. Every day has reinforced my opinion.”

  He stood and took her hand. “Come to our room and let me show you how I feel about you.”

  “I long to know, Mr. Bennett.”

  “I’ll spend our lifetime showing you.”


  June 1885

  Garnet helped Hyacinth with her new pink dress. When it was fastened, she brushed the little girl’s golden curls and anchored a wide pink grosgrain bow.

  “There, you look like a real princess.”

  Hyacinth twirled around her room. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise, remember? You’ll know soon enough.”

  Today she’d hired someone to operate the café. Adam and Joey came to the door.

  “My, you gentlemen look especially handsome today.” Her husband resembled a Norse god. Joey’s sandy hair was darker than Adam’s, but close enough they could have been father and son.

  Adam bowed. “We did our best because we’re escorting two beautiful women. Shall we go?”

  Joey held Adam’s hand. “I like surprises but I sure wish I knew where we were going.”

  Garnet held Hyacinth’s hand as they strolled. “We’re heading to the mayor’s office?”

  Hyacinth tugged on Garnet’s hand. “Maybe you got me a pony.”

  Adam laughed. “No pony, Princess Hyacinth.”

  Eyes full of question, Joey asked, “What is this about?”

  Adam chuckled. “You’ll see soon enough.”

  Joey couldn’t stand the mystery. “You never let someone else run the café. Why we’re going must be important.”

  Garnet said, “Very much so.”

  At the mayor
’s office, Owen Vaile waited for them behind a desk. “Well, this is a fine looking family. Come in and have a seat.”

  When they were seated, Owen looked at Joey and Hyacinth. “Children, would you step up to the desk, please?”

  Both looked at Garnet. She smiled and nodded.

  Owen held a sheaf of papers in his hands. “Children I have to interview you to see if this meets with your wishes. Garnet and Adam Bennett have petitioned to adopt you.”

  Joey glanced over his shoulder with a wide smile before he took his sister’s hand. “Did you hear, Hyacinth? Garnet and Adam want to adopt us. That means we’d be theirs forever and no one could take us away from them.”

  Hyacinth ran to hug Garnet’s neck.

  “Thank you, dear, but go back and listen to Mr. Vaile.”

  Owen cleared his throat. “I take it this meets with your approval. Do you agree that you want to be adopted by Garnet and Adam?

  Joey stood very straight. “Yes, sir, I do.”

  Hyacinth stood beside him.

  Joey whispered to her, “You have to say you want to be adopted.”

  She said, “I want to be ’dopted.”

  “What name do you wish to use, Chandler or Bennett?

  Joey appeared to think a few seconds. “Can’t I use both?”

  Owen chuckled. “Yes, I see no reason why you can’t be Josiah Chandler Bennett. Is that what you want?”

  “Yes, sir. That’s perfect.”

  “Miss Hyacinth, do you want to be Hyacinth Chandler Bennett?”

  “If I get to say, I want to be Princess Hyacinth Chandler Bennett.”

  Garnet and Adam smothered their laughter.

  Owen coughed to cover his. “I don’t have the power to officially designate you as Princess, but I’ll add Bennett to your name. I believe your new parents already treat you as a princess.”

  “I get new parents? I want to stay with Garnet and Adam.”

  Owen spoke patiently. “Your Aunt Garnet and Uncle Adam are now your new mother and father because of the adoption.”

  Hyacinth leaned forward. “Want to know a secret? We’re gonna get a baby pretty soon. If you ask, Garnet might let you put a hand on her tummy and feel the baby kick. Can you believe the baby is right there inside her tummy.”

  Garnet pulled her daughter back to her. “I think Mr. Vaile guessed we’re going to get a baby soon.” Being seven months pregnant was hard to hide.

  Adam paid Owen and received the adoption papers. “Thank you for all your help.”

  Owen gave a broad smile. “You have your work cut out for you. The four of you make a nice family.”

  Adam opened the door. “That we do, a large part in thanks to you.” He closed the door behind him.

  The four of them walked down the street toward the café.

  Adam gestured ahead. “How about stopping at the Sugar and Spice Bakery and getting a treat?”

  Garnet headed for the bakery. “I’ll enjoy the change of being a customer instead of cook.”

  Adam scooted his chair close to Garnet’s. “There’ll be more of this kind of outing now that you have part-time staff to step in when you want off.”

  “I can’t help worrying.”

  “I know, but try. I want us to do things as a family—go on a picnic, go up to Angel Springs, go visit friends.”

  “Sounds lovely, Adam. I’m so lucky you came to the café when you were hungry.”

  “I’m grateful you were kind and compassionate. I’ve found the perfect place to spend my life. I’ve never been happier.”

  “I never dreamed anyone could be this happy. If I didn’t feel the size of a barn, my life would be perfect.”

  “You’re the most beautiful barn I’ve ever seen. You can park in my pasture any time you wish.”

  “Adam Bennett, you say the sweetest things.

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  The Widows Of Wildcat Ridge Series

  Sweet western historical romances



  Release Date


  Charlene Raddon

  September 15, 2018


  Caroline Clemmons

  October 1, 2018


  Zina Abbott

  October 15, 2018


  Christine Sterling

  November 1, 2018


  Linda Caroll-Bradd

  November 15, 2018


  Kit Morgan

  November 30, 2018


  Charlene Raddon

  December 15, 2018


  Pam Crooks

  January 1, 2019


  Caroline Clemmons

  January 15, 2019


  Tracy Garrett

  February 1, 2019


  Kristy McCaffery

  February 15, 2019


  Kit Morgan

  March 1, 2019


  Charlene Raddon

  March 15, 2019


  Zina Abbott

  April 1, 2019


  Linda Carroll-Bradd

  April 15, 2019


  Margaret Tanner

  May 1, 2019


  Charlene Raddon

  May 15, 2019

  Read Caroline’s western historical titles:

  Mistletoe Mistake, sweet Christmas story set in Montana

  Blessing, Widows of Wildcat Ridge, set in Utah, sweet

  Loving A Rancher Series (sweet)

  Amanda’s Rancher, No. 1

  The Rancher and the Shepherdess, No. 2

  Murdoch’s Bride, No. 3

  Bride’s Adventure, No. 4

  Snare His Heart, No. 5

  Capture Her Heart, No. 6

  Loving A Rancher, No. 7

  Patience, Bride of Washington, American Mail-Order Brides Series #42, sweet

  Bride Brigade Series: sweet, set in Texas

  Josephine, Bride Brigade book 1

  Angeline, Bride Brigade book 2

  Cassandra, Bride Brigade book 3

  Ophelia, Bride Brigade book 4

  Rachel, Bride Brigade book 5

  Lorraine, Bride Brigade book 6

  Prudence, Bride Brigade book 7

  The Surprise Brides: Jamie, sensual, released simultaneously with three other of The Surprise Brides books which are: Gideon by Cynthia Woolf, Caleb by Callie Hutton, and Ethan by Sylvia McDaniel, each book is about one of the Fraser brothers of Angel Springs, Colo

  The Kincaid Series: Sensual, set in Texas

  The Most Unsuitable Wife, Kincaids book one

  The Most Unsuitable Husband, Kincaids book two

  The Most Unsuitable Courtship, Kincaids book three

  Gabe Kincaid, Kincaids book four

  Stone Mountain (Texas) Series:

  Brazos Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book one, Free, sensual

  Buy the Audiobook here

  High Stakes Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book two, sensual

  Buy the Audiobook here

  Bluebonnet Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book three, sensual

  Tabitha’s Journey, a Stone Mountain Texas mail-order bride novella, sweet

  Stone Mountain Reunion, a Stone Mountain Texas short story, sweet

  Stone Mountain Christmas, a Stone Mountain Texas Christmas novella, sweet

  Winter Bride, a Stone Mountain Texas romance, sweet

  McClintocks: set in Texas

  The Texan’s Irish Bride, McClintocks book one, Free, sensual

  O’Neill’s Texas Bride, McClintocks book two, sweet

  McClintock’s Reluctant Bride, McClintocks book three

  Daniel McClintock, McClintocks book four, sweet

  Save Your Heart For Me, a mildly sensual romance adventure novella set in Texas

  Long Way Home, a sweet-ish Civil War adventure romance set in Georgia

  Caroline’s Texas Time Travels

  Out Of The Blue, 1845 Irish lass comes forward to today Texas, sensual

  Texas Lightning, sweet, 1896 woman rancher comes forward to today

  Texas Rainbow, sweet, 1920s flapper comes forward to today

  Texas Storm, sweet, WWII WASP comes forward to today

  Caroline’s Contemporary Titles

  Angel For Christmas, sweet Christmas tale of second chances, sweet

  Texas Caprock Tales:


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