Murder Lifts the Spirits
Page 14
"That's what Zeke says. Who knows what Cullen really thought?"
I was amazed that Cullen was smart enough to fool Zeke and Xara into believing they had exclusive relationships with him. "You had no idea Cullen had other lovers besides yourself?"
"Tell me who the other lovers were!" She grabbed my arm and whirled me to face her. "You knew Cullen had other lovers. You said others."
I wished she'd let me go. "I don't know anything specific, except he had a thing with Dawn at one point."
"Dawn?" Xara shook me. "Cullen could not have had a beautiful, soulful relationship with that frumpy, uneducated drudge."
"Dawn is my friend." I wanted my arm back. "You need to calm down."
Jake placed his hand on her back. She released me and turned to him, her fingers bent into claws.
When he cupped both hands on her shoulders, she exclaimed, "I need a break from her."
A break was fine with me. I wanted to think. Xara's revelation about Cullen had stirred up Zeke to reveal his special relationship. I hoped that others would join in and disclose secret entanglements with Cullen. Motives would emerge. Cullen was the best source for a full account of his A-list lovers. Marco needed to stabilize Cullen so he could talk.
During my session with Zeke, I fumbled through spells with the cards. He performed with flawless accuracy but rejected all my prodding into his relationship with Cullen. I was frustrated when we finished since I wanted to know more about Zeke's feelings for him. Although not a Master Wizard, Zeke performed magic skillfully and was a possible suspect.
I had a chance to get relationship details from Cullen himself since Carlotta told me my next session was to be with him. She directed me to a room labeled Library.
The floor-to-ceiling shelves along one wall were empty, which was a sad thing for a space intended to hold books. I focused on Cullen, whose mask was displayed on a shelf beneath the windows that extended the length of the room. With his eyes closed, Cullen's face had no expression.
"Carlotta will have instructions for you." Marco's voice came from a framed photograph on the windowsill a few feet from Cullen. Light sparkled around Marco's image. The picture showed him seated cross-legged before a campfire.
"Once more onto the beach," stated Loki, who was next to the mask. I thought of letting Blaze out to be with Loki, but I worried my familiar would be a distraction if the scene with Cullen became intense, so Blaze stayed on his tattoo.
"I thought it was breach," I said.
Carlotta came into the library accompanied by Adrian, who strode over to study the mask.
I tugged at her sleeve. "You shouldn't stand so close. It might not be safe." If Cullen had stabilized enough to talk coherently, he might also be able to do magic, but it might be erratic.
"Marco," announced Carlotta, "has examined the mask. He says it's safe. He's held mind-to-mind communication with Cullen, who assures us we can trust him. Marco had Cullen do some spells, which he did with perfect control. Marco wants you two to persuade Cullen to speak out loud."
I sidled three inches closer to the mask, disappointed Cullen wasn't ready to talk. "So what are we supposed to do? I mean, it's not like I'm a ghost whisperer."
Carlotta levitated two claw-footed overstuffed chairs over to face the mask. She gestured at us to sit. "No special skills are required. Marco believes Cullen will join in if friends just start talking naturally. Marco and Loki will be here if you need help. And, Marco updated Cullen on recent events." She hurried out into the hallway.
I'd try to encourage Adrian to gossip about Cullen, hoping that would get his attention. "So after Xara and Zeke made their public declarations, did anyone in your training session make new disclosures about Cullen?"
Adrian kept her gaze focused on Cullen. "No, except I overheard Vidoc tell Ira he's worried people would exaggerate his friendship with Cullen into a romance."
I knew Vidoc had been friendly with Cullen but didn't think they had a romance. Vidoc was gay, and Cullen would flirt with anything alive. I regarded Adrian. "What's your take on Vidoc and Cullen?"
"Friends, I thought, but then I didn't guess about Xara and Zeke. I did notice Xara was always touching her hair when Cullen was around, but that's all."
I watched Cullen for a response to our gossip. His face stayed blank. I'd have to do some follow-up on Vidoc later, although I hadn't been considering him as a top suspect.
"What fools these mortals be," commented Loki.
Adrian poked my arm. "Hey, did Xara give you any juicy details about Cullen?"
"She and Cullen had a platonic relationship. No lurid sex scenes. When I brought up Cullen's lovers, Xara went postal. Cullen was apparently kind of a spiritual Casanova, a Don Juan of soulful love."
Still nothing from Cullen. I walked over to the photo of Marco by the campfire. "Look, Marco, Adrian and I haven't gotten any reaction from Cullen. I know we've only talked briefly, but I think we'd get faster results if we had somebody like Zeke in here. If he did have a strong bond with Cullen, Zeke could awaken powerful feelings."
Marco stood up in the photo. His bright black eyes shone as if he liked my idea. "You may be right. I observed Zeke's outburst in the training session. I'll have him fetched."
After a brief wait, Zeke marched in and stood in front of the mask. He held himself rigidly, a coiled spring full of repressed energy. I moved over to Zeke so I could encourage him to talk about Cullen. Adrian joined me, hands on hips, looking determined.
Marco's voice came from the campfire photo. "Zeke, we're trying to get Cullen to speak. You said you were very connected to him. Let's see if he responds if you start talking."
Zeke's scowled. "Why should I?"
"He was your friend," I reminded him. "He was murdered. If we can talk to him, he can tell us about his relationships."
Zeke scorched me with a look. "He won't tell the truth. He lied to me about us having an exclusive relationship."
"Okay, Zeke, I get it that you're mad." I understood Zeke's anger, but if only he'd calm down and talk about something besides his fury. "At first I thought Cullen had light, flirty relationships. Now I'm finding out there was more to him—he was quite manipulative. That makes me think he might have some insight into his dealings with others."
Cullen's eyes popped open. They were the greenish blue of a sun struck ocean. His lips moved stiffly. "Don't understand."
Adrian and I exchanged smiles. It had taken the insult of being called manipulative to get a reaction from Cullen.
"Understand?" Zeke cried out. "I understand all too well. Cullen, you won't admit you did anything wrong."
Zeke was being excessively negative and abrasive. His intensity might be too much for Cullen. "I think we should give Cullen a chance, Zeke. Let's not overinterpret two words. You must have some good feelings about him."
Zeke's scowl faded. His face resumed its normal stern lines. "I just want Cullen to say he's sorry."
We all stared at the mask. The lips opened and closed. Cullen sputtered, but no words emerged. I was irritated at Zeke for demanding an immediate apology. From what I knew of Cullen, he liked to waffle rather than give a specific answer. I hadn't realized it would be this hard to get Cullen to talk normally so I could question him about his relationships.
Cullen gazed at Zeke. "You are not the one."
"What?" demanded Zeke, who looked confused.
Cullen's lips moved more naturally. "You aren't the one I want to talk to. Leave."
Zeke clenched his fists. I moved closer to the mask, afraid Zeke would strike out at it.
Zeke backed up. "Damn you to hell." He strode out of the library.
Cullen didn't respond to Zeke's dramatic exit. Although Zeke had been brusque and angry, he deserved some sympathy. He hadn't had time to recover from his hurt. I stepped into the hall and asked Carlotta to alert staff to his issues. It felt like everybody I talked to ended up needing extra counseling.
When I retur
ned, Adrian was frowning at the mask. "What do you want, Cullen? Don't expect us to read your mind."
Cullen smiled. "Hailey would fulfill me perfectly."
I wondered how many demands he'd make before he'd agree to talk to us. I stood close to Adrian so we could present a united front. "I understand Hailey is a terrific counselor, so it makes sense you want her to help you deal with your trauma. But she's probably busy with sessions."
Marco called out, "She's scheduled all day to be working with residents. I'll ask her to fit you in."
"I'm the person who got killed! She should see me now!" Cullen's voice raised in pitch.
Adrian nodded at the mask. "Of course Hailey will see you. But she has other commitments. Why can't you talk to us now?"
"I want Hailey." Cullen opened his eyes wide and made a circle of his mouth. A rush of air hit Adrian and me, causing us to fall backward on the floor in front of the chairs. As Loki flew off the counter, a flash like lightening darted out of Cullen's eyes and into Adrian's.
Adrian went limp. I scrambled over to her. What kind of spell had Cullen hit her with?
Loki perched on her forehead. "Release her!"
I didn't know what Loki meant. As I desperately tried to find her pulse and see where she was injured, I gasped when the words, "I have to see Hailey," came out of her mouth in Cullen's voice. "If you won't bring her here," he continued, "I'll go to her."
When Adrian rose to her knees, Loki cawed at me, "Get assistance!"
I ran to the door and called to Carlotta to find help. I didn't know what Cullen had done, but it was bad.
Back in the library Marco emerged from his picture as a full-sized but partially transparent figure. He stood over Adrian, who was on all fours, head down like a dog. He held his hands over her shoulders. "Cullen, you must not inhabit another person. We can't allow that. Release Adrian."
This was terrible. Ghosts could damage living humans if they inhabited them. It was forbidden by the Wizards Council. We had to get Cullen out of Adrian. He could steal her mind by inhabiting her.
"Cullen," Marco demanded, "return to your mask. Don't make us do an exorcism on Adrian to remove you. It will be traumatic for her and destroy you."
"We can't help you," I pleaded, "if you're hurting someone else. You know Hailey will never forgive you if you hurt Adrian." I was sure Cullen had acted impetuously without a thought for consequences. "Don't make Marco punish you."
Marco's eyes narrowed. "Cullen, you have until the count of five. If you don't leave Adrian, I'm sending Hailey out of the building forever. You don't have the ability as a ghost to leave Pioneer House. One—"
Adrian crumpled onto the rug. I feared she'd be traumatized by Cullen's invasion.
She sat up, clutching her knees. "I'll be okay," she said, even though tears streamed down her flushed cheeks and she breathed in gulps.
I looked over at the mask. "I think he's returned. The eyes are open, and he seems to be focusing on us."
Jake and Wyatt rushed in. They'd arrived within minutes, but Marco had already solved the problem. They helped a trembling Adrian to her feet.
I put my arm lightly around her waist, prepared for her to brush me off. Instead, she leaned against me.
"How do you feel?"
"Weird." She blinked and rubbed her forehead. "It was over so fast he didn't have time to do anything. Him just being in my head was strange."
Jake squeezed her shoulder. "I'm sorry we didn't get here faster. Hailey sent Wyatt and me to help Marco. I think Cullen's invasion was too brief to be harmful, but Wyatt will spend time with you. Leave Cullen to us. Some other part of Pioneer House would be more comfortable for you."
As Adrian tottered out with Wyatt holding her arm, my heart raced when I realized how much trouble Cullen was in. For inhabiting Adrian, Cullen could be punished by termination—his ghost would be exorcised, broken up, and released as the elements of air, water, fire, and earth.
I watched Jake send three text messages, his face grave as he read responses.
Not wanting Cullen to overhear, I pulled Jake across the room. I had time for only a brief flash of irritation at Hailey for dumping the problem on Jake and Wyatt instead of handling it herself.
"What's going to happen?" I asked.
Issues about ghosts could be handled by the Wizards Council or the regular court system, depending on complicated jurisdictional matters. I tried to avoid appearing before the Wizards Council, since I wasn't trained in their specialized legal practices.
Jake's face set in stern lines. "The Wizards Council has reached a decision. Marco has been authorized to fashion the consequence today for Cullen's attempt to inhabit Adrian. He will resolve the issue immediately. Petra, you'll be Cullen's lawyer."
This was going way too fast. "I have no experience in representing a ghost on a charge like this. I need more time to prepare."
"Public safety demands immediate action," responded Jake. "We have to protect our residents. Please accept the challenge. I know you and Marco can handle it. I need to get back to the residents in my training session." He left after trying to give me a reassuring smile.
I moved to stand between Marco and Cullen's mask. "I still say I need more time. The consequences can be severe. You could terminate Cullen, kill his ghost, or force him to inhabit one object forever."
"Petra." Marco waited until I focused on his black eyes. "I understand your concern, but we begin now. Cullen, do you admit you inhabited Adrian's body without her permission?"
"I admit," blurted Cullen. "But—"
"Wait!" I waved my hands at the mask. "I need to talk to my client alone before he makes a possibly incriminating statement."
No need to go off to the side, sounded Cullen's voice inside my head.
I gaped at him, surprised that he could speak to me internally. Not all wizards had the talent to talk in someone's head since it required highly skilled powers to direct one's voice to selected targets. I looked at Marco. "You can't hear him, can you?"
Marco shook his head.
The person who tried to kill me hasn't been caught. I had to see if I could escape the mask if the murderer tries to destroy my spirit by an exorcism. Adrian is my friend, so I tried jumping to her. I had no idea it would be so traumatic. I had planned to sort of ride along, not haunt her.
I addressed Marco. "My client does admit the charge, but he pleads the defense of necessity. His killer is still loose and might try to finish him off by an exorcism. Cullen didn't intend to harm Adrian."
Marco crossed his arms over his chest. "Does he claim he was being actively pursued by his killer when he invaded Adrian?"
"No," I had to admit, "not exactly, but since his killer is unknown, he has to always be vigilant to escape."
"This is ridiculous!" Marco exploded. "Cullen had a tantrum and wanted to use Adrian to get to Hailey."
I thought he was right, so I didn't argue that issue. "As a new ghost, Cullen is confused and distraught. He needs mercy."
"You've made a point," said Marco. He didn't say it was a good one.
"Judge not lest ye be judged," contributed Loki, who perched on the mask.
Marco glared at us with his lips pursed for several minutes before he spoke. "Cullen is a difficult case. The internees who returned to Pioneer House as spirits gracefully entered into our life here. Not one of my ghosts has ever tried to inhabit a living human."
Loki bobbed his head. "Already with thee! Tender is the night."
I braced myself for Marco's decision.
Veins popped out in Cullen's forehead. "I must see Hailey. Don't keep me from her."
Marco stepped closer to my position in front of the mask. "Petra, I accept your argument that Cullen deserves mercy." Marco kept his voice low and calm. "But for the protection of others, I will enmesh Cullen in the mask so that he can never leave it."
"Wait," I implored. "Give me a minute." I had to put off asking Cullen why he insisted on seeing Hailey until this enmeshing issu
e was resolved. Cullen could be irritating, but I didn't want him to suffer. "Is it painful when you enmesh him?"
Marco gestured at me to move aside from the mask. "Most families have their ghosts implanted permanently. They don't want ghosts darting all around the house interfering in their private moments. It's very quick."
Marco pointed his finger at the mask, which bobbed around so much he couldn't get a steady bead on it. At a nod from Marco, Loki clutched the mask firmly in his claws, holding it steady on the shelf.
"No!" Cullen shrieked.
A red line of light flashed from Marco's finger and hit Cullen's face. It enveloped the mask in a crimson cloud. Cullen's piercing cries ceased.
I stared at the swirling red mist, wanting it to go away. "How long will it take to tell if Cullen's ghost is still there?"
"Of course he's still there," Marco snapped. "I didn't exorcise him. I spellbound him to the mask."
The crimson cloud faded completely. Cullen's eyes sought me out. Petra, now I'm frozen in place, an easy target for my killer if he wants to finish his destruction of me. You have to protect me.
"Remember," I urged, "we have to keep Cullen safe until his killer is caught."
Marco smiled, but he didn't look amused, more sarcastic. "Petra, Cullen attacked a resident, so they need protection from him just as much or even more than he needs it. I'll have Carlotta establish a boundary to keep people ten feet away. That should prevent him from using magic on residents. Loki will continue as his guardian, plus me and my fellow spirits."
"Heal yourself," ordered Loki.
"I need to talk to my client," I insisted.
"I want to be alone." Cullen shut his eyes.
I had a fifteen- minute break before my next session started. Wandering around the hallway watched by Carlotta, I paused at Pioneer House's shrine for the Mother of Mercy. On a table underneath the stone-cast bell, someone had arranged a bouquet of daisies in a red vase. I touched the flowers and discovered they were lovely origami artwork. Perhaps Ira had fashioned them. He liked to make pretty things. I wanted to spend some time with him. After all, he needed nurturing. He'd seen Linc shoot himself.