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Angel Girl

Page 20

by Christine Michelle

  JoJo laughed at Sweet’s announcement before slapping me on the shoulder and walking away. I noticed my father, off in the corner, nodding his head in approval too. Sweet’s declaration was a long time coming for him.

  “Think we’ve been social long enough?” Sweet asked, holding his hand out to me. When I agreed with a nod of my head, he dragged me back behind the bar and down a hallway I hadn’t even noticed before.

  “I’m agreeing because I’m horny,” I managed to get out while laughing. “We still have a lot to work through though.”

  “I know, and I promise we will. First though, we’re going to work through a few more pressing matters.” As he said that he pulled me close so the fronts of our bodies lined up and I felt how hard he was against me. We walked, me backwards, him forwards, bodies touching as we made it through a door that he promptly kicked shut again. Sweet reached around me to lock it before he backed me up against it. “First, we’re going to work through these clothes, and how they’ll look far better on the floor.” As he said this he slid my kutte off my shoulders and tossed it onto a chair in the corner. Then his followed.

  “What did my clothes ever do to you?” I asked breathily.

  “They’re hiding your delectable body from me, Jamie, and I want to see every inch of you.” I shivered at the thought, but he wasn’t done. As my shirt hit the floor, followed quickly by my bra, his mouth found my jaw and planted a kiss there. Then he moved in closer to my ear, gave a tiny lick and laughed as he continued on. “Once I’ve seen everything I’m going to want to taste every inch of you, sweet girl.”

  My breathing was labored and my heart was pounding out a rhythm I couldn’t keep up with even if I tried. “You know what I’m going to do next?” I shook my head as he leaned down and pulled my pants down my legs, along with my thong, until they all hit the top of my still booted feet. Then he raised my right leg in order to free it from the mess I was tangled up in. “Once I get the rest of this shit off of you, I’m going to fuck you into sweet oblivion, and then I’m going to mark every fucking inch of your body with mine, Jamie. You’re going to feel me from the roots of your hair to the tips of your adorable little toes.”

  “Holy, hot fucking dirty talk!” I breathed out.

  Sweet snickered. “You like the dirty talk, sugar? Because I’ve got so much more stored up. I have nine years worth of fantasies involving you that I still need to work through. I’m going to take you in every way you can possibly think of, and when we’ve done them all, we’re going to invent some new ones.”

  “We should definitely do that,” I agreed as he finally got the last stitch of clothing free from my skin and took my foot in his hand and began kissing each toe, then my foot. He followed the trail of my body up to the apex of my thighs and then started all over from the bottom up on the other side. This was the mother of all anticipation, because my body was screaming for him to just put his face right where it counted. As soon as he hovered his mouth over me a sigh escaped my mouth causing him to chuckle.

  A gentle kiss landed at the top of my mound, and he glanced up, locking his emerald jeweled eyes onto mine when he spoke. “Not yet, Jamie, but soon.” Instead, he bypassed my pussy and started trailing hot, wet kisses up my stomach, stopping to lick my belly button, and then he continued up. When he got to my breasts he dipped his head so he could swipe his tongue right up the crease of my under-boob, then he palmed the weight of my breasts before planting more hot, wet kisses on my areola. He then sucked each of my nipples into his mouth in turn, teased them with a light grazing of his teeth, and let them slip from his lips with a gentle pop on each one.

  “Scott,” I cried out and he paused his ministrations stunned by use of his given name.

  “I like that, sugar.”

  “I liked what you were doing so you should get back to it,” I teased as my fingers ran through his hair tousling the gentle waves there. He just chuckled and then he got back to making me feel his presence in every part of my body imaginable. I had read in my books about women having their bodies worshipped by a man, and I’d never gotten it. Not really. Not until this moment when he reverently set about kissing, licking, and nipping even the places I never thought could possibly considered sexy before. My elbows, the knuckles on my fingers, the backs of my knees were all given equal time as he explored and catalogued by body with his hands and mouth. Then he moved back up my body until he was standing just in front of me. He pulled my left leg up and held it there as he entered me and I came apart for him having been overwhelmed by all the foreign sensation he’d made me experience. We weren’t done though despite the fact that I’d just shot off like a rocket in his arms against the door of his clubhouse bedroom. No, we were about to spend all night working through some frustrations and apparently several positions and fantasies that had been dreamt up over the years by the both of us. Not a bad way to start things off anew.

  Chapter 11

  Jamie, I need to know something.” Sweet spoke softly as we both settled back on the pillows of his bed in a post-orgasm induced bliss.

  “What do you need to know?”

  His fingers trailed lightly over my shoulder, then stopped abruptly as he moved to position himself so he could study my face. “Did you love him?”

  “What? Who?” I asked, completely shocked by his question.

  “The guy. The one who got you pregnant before? I know it’s a tough thing for you to talk about, but I need to know. I can’t even explain why I need it. I just...” His voice trailed off.

  I sighed then, and leaned my head down on his shoulder, needing some emotional support if I was going to delve into the most heartbreaking moments of our time apart. As if he understood, his arms came around me and he gave up his position of being able to see my face in order to hold me close to his body. “I told you I went wild for a while. Not even that disaster of a first time stopped me. I just kept hearing how great sex could be, and I was bound and determined to see why you would…” his breath caught and I paused my story a moment to explain. “This is what I thought at the time, Sweet, not what I know to have been true now.” He nodded so I continued on. “I thought if I could understand how good sex felt, I could understand why you couldn’t wait to be with me. Hell, we talked about going to Vegas after my birthday, and getting married, It was only a couple weeks out from the incident with Marisol. So, I thought, ‘I need to understand why.’ So, I literally worked my way through quite a few guys on Greek Row in those first few months of school. I still couldn’t wrap my head around why you’d do it, because to me, sex was just meh. It was something to do. I still had yet to have an orgasm with anyone, and I was actually about to give up on the whole experiment altogether when I met Derek at a party one night.

  “At first, I thought he was just another fraternity douchebag, but I later found out he was on the football team at the school. He was good too.” I could feel the tension in Sweet’s body as I spoke about Derek, but if he wanted to know about my history, he was going to get the entire story. “We ended up talking most of the night away, and didn’t even have sex. We exchanged numbers, and the next day he called to ask me out. I went. We dated for a few months. He was going into the Combine in February in the hopes to get drafted into the NFL. I found out in December that I was pregnant. I…” I felt the tears heating up my eyes and threatening to spill so I knew I needed to get through the rest of this quickly.

  “I had apparently gotten pregnant one of our first times together back in October. The problem was, by the time I realized it, he was gone home to visit family, and then he had a bowl game to play in, and he didn’t even get back to town until January. I didn’t want to tell him over the phone, so I waited. He was breaking up with me, on the advice of his soon to be agent, while I was telling him I was pregnant. He yelled and screamed at me about how I was a money grubbing whore looking for a free ride. He didn’t realize I literally had millions of dollars sitting in several bank accounts then, thanks to my grandparents. So, of cou
rse he would think that. When I tried to tell him that, he laughed and told me, ‘nice try, Sweetheart. I’m still not claiming that baby.’” I shrugged. “So, I figured I would do it myself then. I had the means, after all. Derek did well enough in the combine and with his performance over the past season to nab a third round draft pick in April. He got his good news the same day I was in the hospital trying to give birth to a stillborn baby.”

  “What the fuck?” Sweet grouched out. “You’re talking about Derek Moore?” I nodded my head, remembering Sweet had always been a football fan. He chuckled then. “Well, that fucker got what he deserved then, huh?” Last year Derek was sidelined with an injury to his knee, and his sidepiece, who claimed she was pregnant with his kid, ended up spilling the beans to the media. Derek’s trophy wife didn’t take too kindly to that news, and ended up stabbing him in the balls.

  “Yeah, he definitely got his. The baby turned out to not be his though. His marriage was lost, his career was killed, because the knee injury did him in, and I don’t think he can actually have children anymore. “I got an email from him a couple months after all that shit went down.”

  Sweet stiffened up at that news. “What the fuck did he have to email you about?”

  “I never told him what happened to our daughter. I figured he didn’t deserve to know since he walked away from us for his career. Hell, I would have been okay with him walking away from me, but not being there for his baby was unforgivable in my eyes. You know my history with Ghost.” He nodded his head and kissed the top of mine. “Anyway, he asked about the baby we had together, and told me he was interested in being a father.”

  “Did you respond to the asshole?”

  “I sent him the address to the cemetery where she’s buried and told him he was more than welcome to visit her.”

  “Jesus,” Sweet hissed out. His grip on me loosened a bit and I figured he didn’t approve of how I handled the situation.

  “You don’t agree with me?” I asked.

  “No, sugar, it’s not that. I completely agree with how you handled it. Hell, he deserved for you to never answer him, to be honest. I just realized you mentioned it was during the draft that you lost the baby.”

  “Peety was my therapy this year.” I whispered the words as I heard him curse.

  “Aww, sugar, I wish we’d had our shit together before then. Do you need to go see her?”

  I shook my head. “I spent far too many days in that cemetery afterwards. I don’t go anymore, because I don’t want to fall back into that level of sadness. When I’m missing what could have been with her, I just talk to her wherever I am, because she’s always with me in my heart, you know?”

  Sweet held me close for a while longer before he managed to speak again. “Do you think about having any more?”

  “I try not to,” I replied honestly.

  “Why not, sugar?”

  “Well, for the longest time it was mostly because I never found anyone I would trust to be good father to a baby. There’s also the fact that I had a lot of scar tissue from the surgery they did. They tried inducing labor for me, but it didn’t work for whatever reason, so they had to cut me open to take her out.” Sweet’s fingers dropped down and traced over the scar he never bothered mentioning earlier when he’d discovered it on his examination of my body.

  “The doctors don’t think you can get pregnant again, or that you can’t carry a baby?”

  “There’s doubt about both. Maybe one day I’ll go have a second opinion, but for right now, it hasn’t really been an issue.” I held my breath in and the comment I had been about to make, but he tapped my hip bone and asked, “what?” He had obviously felt the hesitating breath I took. “You should know that going in to a relationship with me. It may never result in biological children with me. I may never be able to carry a child for you.”

  “You think that would scare me away from you, sugar?” He leaned in then and kissed me sweetly on the lips. “I am yours. You are mine. If, one day, we manage to have babies then that will be a beautiful thing that we’ll both throw ourselves into wholeheartedly. If it doesn’t happen, I will still be yours and you will still be mine. Always, sugar.”

  That’s when I couldn’t hold back the emotion any longer, and for the second time, after having sex with this glorious man, I found myself ugly crying in his arms while he held and comforted me. My broken heart was healing in the best ways possible, and he was the one there applying the damned bandages to it.

  Chapter 12

  Loud banging woke me from one of the most peaceful nights of sleep I’d had in ages. A male grumble came from just off to my side and my night with Sweet, both the sex and the very real conversation, came back to me. “This shit better be fucking important,” Sweet groused out as he slung his naked ass out of the bed and stumbled to the door. I almost laughed when he pulled the door open, giving whomever was on the other side the full frontal view, but then I worried it was another woman and grew angry that he’d answer the door that way.

  “Fuck, dude, cover that shit up!” Quickshot’s very disturbed voice called out, and just like that I was laughing out loud. He must have heard me, because then he complained. “Ah, man, so much worse to know my little sis is in there when you’re answering the door naked.”

  “What do you fucking want?” Sweet growled out. He clearly wasn’t a morning person.

  “One of Jamie’s goons is here to see her. Says it’s important and he looks like he went a few rounds in a caged fight.”

  “Who?” I called out.

  “Dane,” Quick answered back. Dane was on security detail with MiMi, so that had me jumping out of bed, searching for my clothes.

  “Tell him I’ll be right out,” I called out. Sweet didn’t wait for confirmation from Quickshot, and instead shut the door in his face so he wouldn’t inadvertently get a glimpse of me running around, bare ass naked looking for my pants. As it turns out my panties were not salvageable in any way so I left them where they were discarded on the floor.

  “Why does Dane trigger your emergency flight response?” Sweet asked calmly while slipping into his own jeans.

  “He’s on MiMi’s security detail.”

  “She’s the one Winter’s Renegade’s had before, right?”

  “Yeah, and they damaged that poor girl in ways I hate to remember.”

  “You saw her after?”

  “I was with the team that found her and the others.”

  “Jesus. I know you can handle your own shit, but it kills me to hear you were in the mix when things went down.”

  I smiled up at him then. “I understand that, but remember, I do what needs to be done for my club just like you and my father do for yours. I’m not just sitting and delegating when shit hits the fan. Although, if it makes you feel any better, we rarely have shit hitting the fan. This Winter’s Renegades mess is the only thorn in our side, really.”

  “Noted,” he told me as he leaned in for a kiss then pulled a t-shirt over his head. Once I had my boots pulled back on we walked out to the main area of their clubhouse together. Dane was there waiting with Quickshot and Keys. Like me, Keys was wearing last night’s rumpled outfit and her curly red hair was tied up in a crazy mess on top of her head.

  I smirked at her then glanced at Dane’s somewhat swollen face and saddened demeanor. “Is she okay?” I asked. He nodded, wincing ever so slightly as something in his battered face pulled with the movement. “What happened?”

  “MiMi got a tip last night that one of the girls had been spotted being dragged from a house down on the outskirts of Blairsville. She went to check it out solo,” he spat out. “When I realized she was gone I activated the tracker I put on her bike – again.” He rolled his eyes at having had to do it for a third time. She kept finding and removing them. “I’m guessing she didn’t take the time to run a scan for it this time when she got the tip. When I got there two assholes were trying to stuff her into the trunk of a car. They’re both currently being held in ou
r special room back at Redemption Inc.

  “MiMi is in the hospital, and Paul is with her now. She has a broken arm, clavicle, some bruised ribs, and her face looks about as pretty as mine right now.”

  “She okay otherwise?” I asked hoping they hadn’t touched her in any other way.

  “She insisted there was no need for a rape kit, and her clothes were still intact.”

  “Okay, good. Let’s go see her.” On the way to the door I glanced back at him. “Any evidence either of the girls were being held there?”

  Dane shook his head. “No, it screamed set up to me. They were trying to lure her out.”

  “That’s not good. I want our security protocols re-checked. Make sure all the women, and the men, know why it’s important to be a part of the team and not a part of the problem.”

  Dane flinched at my words. They may have been tough, but they were necessary. MiMi acting alone could have cost us more than we were willing to lose, and gotten us no further towards finding our missing women.

  “Don’t say that shit to her when we get there,” Dane commanded. Something he had never attempted to do with me before. “She’s already heard it from me enough, and probably her brother too. Let her heal up before you lay into her about what she did wrong.”

  I just nodded, respecting Dane a hell of a lot more for looking out for her in that moment, and attempting to protect her from me while she was lying in a hospital vulnerable and hurting already. It wasn’t a necessary concern, because I didn’t believe in beating down people who were already broken, but I would be having that conversation as she healed up. There was no way I would allow her to put her life on the line for no good reason. If I had to scale back her access to information, I would in order to save her from herself.

  Seeing MiMi in the hospital, once again, was tough. The room had low-level lights on, and I assumed that was an indication that she had a concussion. Thankfully, this time she wasn’t hooked to as many machines as she was the when we rescued her from Winter’s Renegades before. As soon as she looked up and noticed I was standing in the doorway of her hospital room she sighed, and then quickly said, “please, no lectures right now.”


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