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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 47

by Rosie Sams

  “Oh, Jake! It is so lovely here! And look at you!” She took a step back to take him in. His hair was clean and trimmed, and he wore new clothes that actually fit him. “You look fantastic!”

  Jake was grinning from ear to ear. “I owe all of this to you and Sheriff Hennessey. Without all of your help, I would never have been able to get into a place as fine as this one. Thank you, Melody.”

  “It’s me who should be thanking you.” She took the man’s hand in hers. “If it wasn’t for the information you provided to the police about the Swan murder, I may still be in jail. It was because of you that I was set free.” She gave the man a warm hug.

  Smudge looked up, offended at having been forgotten, and let out her best howl.

  Laughing, Jake bent down and gave her a scratch. “Thank you too, little one! I owe a lot to you as well. In fact, I have a surprise for both of you!” Standing, he let out a long whistle. Just a second later, something big and yellow came running from across the open field. “Come here, girl! Come and meet your new friends!” A big, lumbering golden retriever stopped, panting, at his feet. “I would like to introduce you to Isabelle. She is my new support dog and she has been helping to take care of me and to keep my spirits up!”

  “Oh, Jake! She is beautiful!” Melody reached down and gave Isabelle a good scratch behind her ears. It caused her back leg to thump uncontrollably and made everyone giggle.

  “Go on, Smudge. Say hello!” Jake urged the pup, who immediately ran over and gave the retriever a lick on the nose. The two were fast friends and within seconds, were chasing each other across the field.

  “I’m so happy for you, Jake. Everything seems to finally be working out for you.”

  Jake nodded, then looked shyly at the ground. “Once I get a little bit of money saved up, I’m going to make a trip to the bakery and stock up on my favorite treats. It’s been so long since I’ve had them. The food you gave me got me through a lot of hard times, Melody. It’s going to be a few weeks before I get my first paycheck from the rehab center, but my first stop, after the bank is going to be Decadently Delicious!”

  Melody felt tears brimming at the back of her eyes. The humble man wanted to do everything that he could to repay her, and he knew how much her business had been suffering lately.

  “There’s no need, Jake! Oh, I almost completely forgot!” Melody popped her trunk open and pulled out a giant white box. “These are for you! I’ve stocked you up on all your old favorites! Plus, there are some new recipes I want you to try out! You have to let me know what you think!” As she handed the desserts to Jake, he now had tears in his eyes.

  “Thank you for everything,” were the only words he could muster.

  Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

  Alvin, Melody, and Leslie waited eagerly at the arrival gate at Warren International Airport. Kerry and Bradford’s plane had just landed and they should be walking through the gate at any moment. As the crowds of people pushed through, it was difficult to see and Melody had to stand on her tiptoes, peering above the masses.

  “I think I see them,” She called out to the others, who were searching the passing faces as well. “Yes! Here they come!”

  Kerry and Bradford were waving excitedly and trying their best to push their way towards the others. Their faces were tanned and glowing, and they looked better than ever. The sand and sun and time away had obviously done them good.

  They all greeted each other with hugs and kisses, high-fives and handshakes. Everyone was giddy with laughter.

  “Geez! You would think that it’s been a year since we’ve seen each other and not just a couple of weeks!” Melody giggled.

  “Well, from what I’ve heard, it’s been two weeks filled with a lot of excitement,” Kerry replied. “I can’t wait for you to fill me in on all of the gory details! I’m going straight home to change, then I’ll meet you at the bakery!”

  True to her word, an hour later, Kerry arrived at the bakery. She was ready to be filled in on everything that had happened in Port Warren while she and Bradford were away. Melody took her time and explained it all to her. Right from the Swans moving in across the street and the rest of the town flocking to them for their healthy baked goods, to the murder of Alexander Swan and his body being found out the back and his blood being planted on Melody’s hands.

  Kerry, although having been given quick updates from Leslie during her trip, was speechless. Being home and hearing it all first hand, in detail, from Melody was almost too much to take in at one time.

  “I can’t believe the people of this town!” she finally said after taking a minute to ponder everything she had just heard. “I can’t believe that they would all turn their backs on you so quickly, Mel. After all that we have done for them over the years and then drop our business and move on like it’s nothing!” She crossed her arms and scowled.

  “Well, Swan’s Sweets did offer something that we never have. I’m actually wondering if it might be best for business if we change our menu and start offering the people of Port Warren healthier alternatives to our regular goodies. Murder and mayhem aside, Drusilla’s goods were what people wanted most.”

  Coming back into the kitchen, Leslie smiled at her boss and coworker. “Now that things have finally returned to normal and we have our entire team back, I just know that today is going to be a good day.” She winked at Kerry. “We’d better get these desserts in the display case; I have a feeling we are going to be very busy today!” She took a tray of white chocolate cheesecake brownies out of Melody’s hands and left. Just then, the front door chime rang. And then it rang again and again and again. Looking at each other confused, Melody and Kerry ran up to the front to see what was going on.

  The shop was filled to the brim, and there was a parade of customers lined up outside. Dorinda and Ernest were in the lead. Melody was in shock. Leslie walked over and put her arm around the girl.

  “These people are all here to show their support for you, Mel. Take it as sort of an apology for their recent actions.”

  Dorinda and Ernest approached her next. Ernest hung his head as he addressed her. “I’m terribly sorry for what happened at the business fair, Melody. I should never have said the things I said in front of all those people. As the organizer of the event, I am supposed to remain unbiased, and the first opportunity I had, I put down your business while promoting the Swans’. Drusilla knew how to push my buttons by talking about my weight. I hope you can forgive me.”

  Dorinda stepped up beside him and threaded her arm through his. “Ernest and I are going out on a dinner date tonight, Mel. I think we have all learned a lesson or two after what’s happened. I think that Port Warren is more than able to deal with a few extra pounds since all of your treats are prepared with so much love.” She gave Earnest a playful poke in the tummy, and the couple giggled.

  The rest of the day was spent trying to keep up with the orders that continuously streamed through the door. The ovens never stopped that day, and Melody was sure that every single resident of the town had made a visit to the store. It was by far their busiest day in recent memory and although the girls were tired, they never stopped smiling. Decadently Delicious would be just fine.

  Melody was elated with the success of the store and took a quick break to share her excitement with Smudge, who had been helping out by greeting customers.

  “Oh, Smudge! This is just fantastic! I’m so happy that the people of this town are finally coming back through my doors. It’s wonderful!” She squeezed the pup. “There was only one thing better that came out of this whole ordeal,” but her words were cut short when Alvin walked through the door.

  Smudge wriggled free from her owner’s grip and ran to the sheriff. He picked her up and let her slather his face with kisses before putting her down and planting a kiss of his own on Melody’s cheek.

  “Are you feeling any better now?” he asked, looking around at the full bakeshop.

  “Honestly, Al, I started feeling better the moment
that you told me you believed in me above all else.”

  He placed a hand on each of her cheeks and tilted her face up to meet his. “I swear to you, Mel, that much will never change.” He kissed her on the mouth, sealing his promise to her.

  Gently pulling away, Melody regained her composure. “Actually, Al, remember that new recipe I was working on? Well, I was thinking that I still want to try it out, but I thought that maybe it should be saved for a special occasion.”

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Alvin agreed. “What occasion were you thinking of?”

  “I thought that it would be perfect for a wedding.”

  Alvin smiled at her and scanned the room, looking for Kerry and Bradford. They had been exuding nothing but pure bliss since they had arrived home. When he turned back to face Melody, her eyes were locked intently on his. He swallowed hard, trying to figure out exactly what she was trying to say. “Mel? Are you…” He cleared his throat. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  She smiled shyly. “I know it defies convention, but it just feels so right.” Taking both of his hands in hers, she looked him in the eye. “Alvin Hennessey, will you be my husband?”

  “Yes, of course!” He kissed her sweetly. “Mel, I have been ready to say yes for years!” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  Melody let out a sigh of relief. She was so full of joy after everything that she had been through. It was like her entire life was finally falling into place.

  Smudge danced and barked excitedly at their feet.

  “Looks like someone is happy for us!” Alvin laughed and, bending over, clipped Smudge’s leash to her collar. “Come on. Leslie and Kerry have everything under control here. Let’s get some fresh air.”

  Taking Melody’s hand, he led her outside, onto the darkening streets of Port Warren. The sun was just finishing it’s decent, and the sky was turning a light shade of indigo. It was the perfect evening for a romantic stroll. The couple walked aimlessly, hand-in-hand, thankful that bars no longer separated them and that they had a whole bright new future ahead of them. Hopefully, they would have some peace for a while. A time to relax. That was, as long as there were no more murders.

  The Stabbing at the Inn

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty

  Melody Marshall walked to Decadently Delicious, her pastry shop and now Port Warren’s only destination for high-quality sweets and treats. It seemed like the birds were singing the sweetest notes Melody had ever heard, and the sun was shining just for her. Sunbeams bounced off her engagement ring, and the world just seemed brighter.

  Smudge, her beloved French bulldog, seemed to agree as she wagged her little tail as they walked along. They strutted down the street, heads high, but both stopped briefly to look at the dismantling of the Swan Sweets marquee.

  Melody was glad that things were returning to normal after she had been cleared of such an awful and senseless crime the week before. Alvin Hennessy, Port Warren’s sheriff, and Melody’s fiancé had worked so hard to clear her name. To celebrate, Melody and Smudge had taken a short trip to Alvin’s family cabin. It was a chance to clear their heads and bask in the glow of their newly betrothed status. The engagement was the type of news they wanted everyone to know, but they also wanted to take some time for themselves, to savor the moment.

  Melody and Smudge had enjoyed taking long walks in the woods. It helped to calm Melody’s nerves and return her mind to serenity. Smudge loved all the sights and sounds that the woods offered. It hadn’t all been plain sailing, though. Melody had suffered with a few nightmares. Ones where she was still trapped behind bars and unable to hold Smudge. She shook her head, that was all over now. Smudge ran back to her and jumped up at her knees, she whined a little and looked up with her big brown eyes. “I’m okay,” Melody said and scratched the little blue and white Frenchie under the chin. Smudge grunted her approval and set off on her walk again.

  Melody had asked Leslie Mathers, one of her trusted assistants, to run the bakery for a few days while the soon-to-be family bonded. It was the first time Melody had trusted Leslie with such an enormous task, especially right after Melody had returned to Port Warren’s good graces. At least the customers were returning in droves. Still, Melody knew Kerry Porter, her second assistant and the one who had been with her the longest, would have returned from her short break while Melody was at her cabin retreat. The team would soon all be back together, and she wanted to be ready with a clear head for the next phase of her life with Alvin.

  Smudge let out a small growl as they walked by the building of Melody’s former competitor.

  “C’mon, Smudge, we have to share our good news with Kerry and Leslie.”

  Smudge wagged her tail in agreement. Melody looked around for Jake, her homeless friend, who was recently able to get off the streets and get his much-needed therapy dog. She reminded herself that his luck had turned around, too. That he no longer needed to wait on the streets for handouts.

  When Melody walked over the shop's threshold, Leslie was writing labels for the day’s specials and rearranging them on the display table. Her trusted assistant smiled at her and was about to pat Smudge on the head when the ring caught her eye.

  “What is this?” Leslie asked her eyes wide as she grabbed Melody’s newly adorned ring finger.

  “Well, I know it is a little crazy. I asked Alvin if he would be mine forever before we took our trip.”

  “Kerry, get over here and look!” Leslie shouted.

  Fresh from her own break and looking gorgeously tanned, Kerry ran from the back. Leslie raised Melody’s hand. Kerry squealed in delight. Melody shared how she had been so overcome with relief when she had been cleared of Alexander Swan’s murder. How it was all thanks to Alvin’s hard work, and that she knew they were meant to be together forever. It was a bit unconventional for the woman to ask for a man’s hand in marriage, but the circumstances were so exceptional that Melody felt compelled to ask. Leslie squealed when Melody told her assistants how Alvin said he had been ready to get married for years. Kerry let out a whoop and hugged her boss tightly.

  “Oh, this is so amazing! We have to celebrate with a toast!”

  Kerry ran to the back and got the sparkling apple cider the bakery used for their fall doughnuts and year-round sparkling pound cake. The trio raised their glasses in unison and cheered.

  “You know, Bradford and I were thinking about having our wedding at this great venue. I’ve dreamed about it for years.”

  “Where is it, do tell?” Leslie asked.

  “We want everything to be so special. Wouldn’t it be great if we did a double wedding, Melody?”

  Melody stopped admiring her ring and squirmed in her seat. She loved that her friend wanted her to be part of her special day, but ultimately, Melody wanted to be a time bride on her own.

  “I really love the idea. It would be great for another life event, but I just want the big day to be about Alvin and me… about our love. I think you should want the same, make it really special for you two.”

  Kerry seemed a bit hurt but nodded.

  “Just think of a whole day to yourself for everyone you love to know just how much you love Bradford. Wouldn’t that be so amazing?” Leslie asked, wanting to help her boss and friend.

  “Okay, but how about we go on a double date instead and check out my venue?” Kerry asked.

  Kerry shared that the venue she loved was Bronwyn’s County Inn, a popular Port Warren destination for rustic weddings. Ruth Bronwyn had recently hired Chef Coleman Urquhart to much acclaim. He had graduated from an exclusive culinary school in Italy and was a rising star in the region’s restaurant scene. Ruth had been lucky to hire him before word got out about his classic yet inventive Italian dishes.

  Melody nodded, she had heard some wonderful things about the inn and knew Ruth, the friendly but fierce proprietress who insisted on picking up the wedding ca
kes Melody crafted for her excited brides. Ruth was exact in everything she did and expected the same from her staff. A few of Ruth’s employees stopped in for a Danish and coffee before driving the 20 minutes it took to get to the outskirts of town where the inn was located. They always dragged their feet at the thought of going to work and being scolded by Ruth for infractions such as unpolished shoes and slamming doors. Melody could only imagine what would happen if any of the inn’s employees made a real mistake.

  “I actually have never been up there,” Melody said. “My cakes have, but I haven’t. It couldn’t hurt to check the place out. Name a time and place to meet. I’ll work the schedule so the four of us can have a great couples’ night out

  “I’ll take Smudge so she and I can have an overnight date night as well,” Leslie added.

  Smudge woofed and wagged her tail, seeming to love the idea of a sleepover with her master’s assistant.

  The bell rang, announcing the first customers of the day.

  “We have been back here celebrating. I completely forgot to look at the time!” Melody said.

  “Don’t worry, Melody. We’ve been taking care of everyone and everything all week. We already set up the displays and made two pots of coffee. We knew you were trusting us with your business and took that responsibility seriously.”

  Kerry and Leslie smiled at their boss. Melody fought back the tears. She had been through so much with her friends that she forgot how much they valued her in return. They all scrambled to the front and greeted their customers. A few minutes later, Leslie motioned for Melody to look at the line forming outside.

  “Has it been like this all week?” Melody asked.


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