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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 63

by Rosie Sams

  Coleman looked at the clock, his face visibly frustrated at how fast time was flying. Melody stepped a little closer to him. “Perhaps, softening your tone might help with some of the staff that are trying hard. It looks like they are starting to fear you, Coleman, rather than respect you,” Melody said.

  “Honestly, I have no time for any level of incompetence. Even the best of intentions does not make a successful event. It’s all in the execution, as I’m sure you know well. Now, if you’ll excuse me, we’re running late.” Coleman headed for the refrigerator, where the chef was chatting up Leslie. “Chef! Let’s get a move on! Afternoon, Leslie.”

  Leslie, who had been sharing recipes with the Chef, bade her farewells to him and Coleman. Melody watched as the staff filed back into the kitchen for round two of prep training. Coleman barked more orders.

  She sighed. The service business could be a tough occupation with a solid team, let alone without.

  “C’mon, Smudge. Time to head out,” Melody said as Smudge followed her out of the kitchen. Leslie had gone ahead to start the van.

  As Melody and Smudge walked past the large parlor where the rehearsal dinner would be held later that night, Melody paused. The double doors were open, and from the corner of her eye, something caught her attention. Quickly, she back peddled and tucked herself against the wall. Smudge saw Melody’s reaction and tucked behind her legs. Melody held a finger against her lips, hinting for Smudge to be quiet.

  Inside the parlor, Jared and Liza were in deep conversation. While Melody couldn’t hear what their whispered voices were saying, their body language told the story loud and clear. Liza leaned against a wall. She looked up at Jared with a coy expression, her fingers caressed the top of her phone, and she bit her bottom lip suggestively. Jared had a palm against the wall Liza was leaning on, his body directly in front of hers, and somewhat blocking her path. They flirted mercilessly.

  When it appeared that Jared was going to lean in and kiss Liza, Melody knew she had to confront them!

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Two

  “Mel! Come! Meet my cousin!” Bradford Smedley spotted Melody flattened against the wall near the parlor entrance. He hadn’t realized she was snooping on Jared and Liza through the open doorway, but his voice was loud enough to break up Jared and Liza’s flirt fest inside the parlor.

  She witnessed them separate quickly. Liza looked around to see if Coleman had spotted them, and Jared immediately pointed his nose at his cellphone to give the appearance that he had been texting. Melody made a mental note to confront Jared at the first opportunity. She wouldn’t let him misbehave at Kerry’s wedding, thereby jeopardizing her happy day. At his own wedding, he had made a scene that had Kim in tears. He was rude, obnoxious, and drunk, flirting with one of Kim’s bridesmaids. Kerry couldn’t help but think their marriage was doomed from the very beginning.

  “Nice to meet you, Bradford’s cousin,” Melody said as she walked toward them. Smudge trotted along at her feet.

  Bradford couldn’t wait to introduce them. “Maxwell Smedley, meet Melody Marshall. She’s one of Kerry’s best friends and her business partner. She also made the wedding cake, so when you gain a few pounds from the wedding, you’ll know who to thank.” Bradford turned to Melody. “Maxwell flew in all the way from Las Vegas to be here!”

  Maxwell was a bit older than Bradford. He was well dressed, with a look that was somewhere between a lawyer and a casino manager. Melody couldn’t quite tell which was more appropriate, but he looked like he had money to invest in his clothing. He was a sharped dressed man with a designer suit and designer shoes. He was also naturally jovial and had a contagious smile that showed off his perfectly capped teeth. His skin was tanned from the Las Vegas sun.

  Bradford had often spoken of Maxwell whenever their group of friends got together. He felt Maxwell was more like a brother than a cousin. Due to both of their work schedules, it was difficult for them to visit with each other. This made Bradford all the more excited that his cousin had come to the wedding.

  “That’s wonderful! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maxwell. I hope your flight was pleasant enough. That’s a long one, isn’t it?”

  “Indeed it was, but lucky for me, I can sleep anywhere, and I slept the whole way here. The stewardesses also kept me well hydrated, if you know what I mean,” he said with a wink.

  Smudge yipped a greeting. Always excited to meet new people, her stubby little tail wiggled, and her paws tap-danced against the stone floor. Her little wet nose sniffed toward Maxwell.

  “Who’s this cutie-pie?” he asked as he pointed at Smudge.

  “This is Smudge, my little sweet-face.” Melody scooped up Smudge in her arms so Smudge could get a good look at Maxwell. Smudge gave Melody wet kisses along her chin then sniffed at Maxwell again.

  He reached out to pet Smudge, but then pulled his hand back quickly and politely as he asked, “May I? I can tell Smudge is a friendly girl, but I don't want to take liberties.”

  Smudge answered by kissing his fingertips. Melody nodded with an approving smile.

  “Oh, yes. She’s quite friendly and smart as a whip!”

  “She’s great. What a beauty! Gorgeous coloring, too.” Maxwell scratched Smudge’s ear. “And you’re quite a beauty, too!” He playfully flirted with Melody.

  “C’mon, now, Max. Mel is engaged. Leave the woman alone,” Bradford interjected with a grin then went on to brag, “You know, Smudge is a bit of a celebrity here in Port Warren. So, is Mel. She and Mel have helped the Sheriff’s Department solve some tricky crimes on several occasions!”

  Melody nodded with a smile and brought her hand up to show off her engagement ring confirming Bradford’s engagement news then blushed when he mentioned their sleuthing talents.

  “Darn it. All the good ones are taken. Speaking of good ones, I think I’ll grab a drink before all the good liquor is gone. I suddenly feel quite thirsty, and if I stick around here too long with these two, they just may consider me a suspect in their next case! See you at dinner, Bradford. Nice meeting you, Melody – and Smudge.”

  Smudge barked a goodbye as Melody lowered her to the ground. Maxwell headed off, and Melody’s eyes followed him curiously. That’s when she noticed the reason he was suddenly in need of a beverage. Liza Summers was serving cocktails on a silver tray to arriving guests. Maxwell didn’t hesitate to chat with the pretty blond whose hair was now pulled back in a neat bun. He introduced himself and made it a point to let Liza know he’d be in town for a few days.

  Liza flashed Maxwell her best smile. By the looks of him, perhaps she had finally found a suitable prospect. After all, Maxwell had no ring on his manicured finger, and Liza could no doubt smell the money burning a hole in his wallet. Melody watched them flirt with each other for a few moments.

  “He seems like a character,” Melody said to Bradford as she watched Liza coyly pass Maxwell a flute of champagne. He sipped it and put on a show, acting as if it was the best champagne he’d ever tasted … because it came from Liza.

  “Max? He talks a good game, but really, he’s harmless.”

  “Do you think he’ll cause any trouble at the wedding? Does he drink too much? Get rowdy? Does he handle rejection well?” As far as Melody could tell, Maxwell was laying it on thick to Liza. What if she spurned his attention?

  “He’s not going to cause any trouble. He’s just being Maxwell. He’s a lover, not a fighter. If she’s not interested, he’ll peacefully move on to the next pretty girl. He just enjoys flirting.” Bradford laughed at the thought of Maxwell being aggressive, unlike Kim’s husband, Jared. He knew Melody was protective of Kerry and the wedding. He knew she wanted her friend to have the most magical day possible, but Maxwell wasn’t one to worry about. Melody, however, couldn’t shake her concern.

  “Somehow, trouble does seem to find us, so let's just keep our eyes open. Kerry is already stressed out about her sister and Jared. I don’t care much for him. I almost wish he stayed home just so Kerry wouldn’t
have to stress.”

  “She and her sister have not been close in a very long time,” Bradford said. “I was hoping the wedding would help mend their relationship, but Jared is still in the picture, and he’s still a loser, so most likely, it won’t. I wish she would drop that bum. She could do so much better.”

  Melody sighed, thinking about Kerry’s concern for her sister.

  “I better get going if I’m going to make it back in time for dinner. Alvin is picking me up at seven o’clock.” The two hugged briefly, then Melody led Smudge out the front doors. As they headed toward the van, Melody noticed Kim sobbing on a stone bench like the ones scattered around the gardens. She sat with her face in her hands, her shoulders shook softly.

  Smudge whined as she looked up at Melody, her soulful eyes urging Melody to investigate. Melody nodded at Smudge feeling the same way. They couldn’t just leave Kim sitting there crying all by her lonesome.

  “I guess I’m going to be late for dinner.”

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Three

  “Kim? Are you all right?” Melody spoke to her from a few feet away. She didn’t want to startle the woman.

  “Yes… I’m fine. I’m just having a moment. It’s not every day your baby sister gets married.” Kim sniffled and quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. She looked over her shoulder at Melody.

  Melody didn’t believe Kim was crying over Kerry. The two women hadn’t been very close over the last few years. Melody suspected Jared had something to do with these tears. Slowly, she approached Kim.

  “Mind if I take a seat? We could talk… if you want.”

  “Sure, it’s a free country,” Kim said offhandedly. She shrugged her shoulders. She couldn’t very well tell Melody to leave her alone, and yet part of her wanted someone to listen. Kim had known Melody as “her sister’s friend,” but Kerry had always spoken very highly of Melody. Kim envied them both their close friendship and successful business relationship. Kim missed that type of connection in her life. She certainly didn’t have it with Jared, her own husband.

  Melody sat on the bench next to her. Smudge followed and sat at Melody’s feet. For a moment, they all sat there in silence. Kim struggled to get control of her emotions. Finally, she spoke, and when she did, the words just poured from her like a broken dam lets the waters run.

  “My marriage is a mess, and there’s nothing anyone can do to help. You know, I told Kerry that I hope she and Bradford are as happy as Jared and me. What a joke! After everything she has seen me go through, how could I say such a thing to her? I might as well have cursed their wedding with that kind of ‘wish.’” she said sarcastically between tears. “All I really want to tell her… is to run as fast as she can.” Kim stared off into the distance, extending her arm in the direction farthest from the inn. Her line of sight followed, and Melody could tell Kim wished she had done the same.

  Melody gently touched Kim’s arm, guiding it back down to her side.

  “Have you ever told Jared how you feel? Maybe, it’s time you two had a solid heart to heart. You’ve been together so long. There’s nothing wrong with needing a change.” Melody tried to console her. “Kim, something has to change.”

  With a dark laugh, Kim shook her head hopelessly. “If you’re suggesting we divorce, that’s not a solution, Melody. I know you’re not married yet, but it’s a lot more difficult than it looks – especially years later. I know everyone thinks he’s a bad guy. He wasn’t always that way. We’ve had a lot of good years in between, and no one knows him the way I do. No one could love him the way I do. But something has changed for the worse. I don’t know how we’ve gotten so disconnected from each other, and now we’re beyond talking, you see how he is. He’s rude, and he has such a high opinion of himself, I’m not sure his ego can hear me all the way up there. We can barely stand to be in the same room as each other, and yet, he will not let me leave. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

  Kim sniffed again and wiped her eyes. Her tears were done for the time being, and she made an effort to get herself visibly together. “Right now, I just need to get through the next few days for my sister. I miss her so much, Melody. I truly wish I could have her back and be close to her again… like how the two of you are.” A few straggling tears fell from her eyes.

  It was at that moment that Melody noticed Kim had the same eyes as Kerry; only hers were sad and forlorn. Silently, Melody hoped Kerry’s eyes would always stay bright, hopeful, and loving.

  Melody took Kim’s hand in hers. It was a bit awkward since they weren’t really friends, but the woman needed one desperately, and Melody was at a loss for words. She let the touch speak for her. Something Kim had said struck a chord in Melody. It was true, she hadn’t been married yet, but she liked to think that she and Alvin had a better relationship than what she was witnessing with Kim and Jared. Alvin was nothing like Jared, and Melody couldn’t imagine Jared being nice even in his earlier years of marriage to Kim despite what Kim had said. As far as Melody could remember, Kerry disliked Jared and never had a nice word to say about him.

  Kim pulled her hand from Melody’s and wiped her eyes again.

  “I better let you go. You’ll be late for the rehearsal dinner.”

  As Melody rose from the bench, the Decadently Delicious van pulled up at the curb. Leslie waved from the driver’s seat. She gave Melody a concerned look and asked, “Everything ok, here?” Kim forced a wave back at Leslie as she rose from the bench. She took in a deep breath and held it a moment as she turned her face to the sky. The last rays of the day’s sun warmed her stinging cheeks. Kim knew she had to get her act together to get through this wedding without ruining it.

  “I’m going to see if I can find Jared. I want to clear the air before the wedding. Thanks for the chat, Melody.”

  Melody had an odd feeling. Typically, when someone unloaded in an emotional outburst, they appeared relieved – like they had gotten their concerns off their chest. But Melody noticed Kim still had that dark, hopeless gaze in her eyes. It was a look that gave Melody a bad feeling about Kim, Jared, and the wedding.

  “What was that about?” Leslie asked as Melody loaded Smudge into the van. “Kim looks a little crazy, don’t you think?”

  “She’s having a really hard time with Jared. I think their marriage is finally at a dead end. I just hope they can manage to keep it together until after the wedding. It’s the least she can do for her sister and Bradford.” Silently, though, Melody wasn’t confident that Kim would be able to let her sister have her day. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Four

  “Here you go, Smudge.” Melody settled Smudge in her large doggy bed along with her favorite stuffed purple elephant. Melody called the elephant “Nelly.” Smudge, the brilliant pup she was, knew the toy by name, and when Melody told her to retrieve it, Smudge always got the correct toy. “I’ll be back in just a few hours. You be a good girl and watch the house.” Melody dropped a kiss on Smudge’s little wet nose affectionately. Smudge snuffled at her master, then smothered her face in wet kisses. She turned her attention to Nelly, the elephant, as Melody headed downstairs, where Alvin waited.

  “Ooh, la, la! Lady in red!” Alvin’s eyes lit up as Melody descended the staircase. Her red dress fit her figure perfectly. It showed off her curves with classic lines and off the shoulder short sleeves. Her gold slingback high heels accented the dress, and in her hair, she wore a red flower with gold flecks on the petals. Alvin looked equally sharp with his gray suit and black shoes.

  “And you, Sheriff Hennessey, are quite dapper!”

  “Kerry may not let you sit at her table looking this pretty,” Alvin teased. Melody was the most beautiful woman in the world to Alvin. Especially tonight, polished like a ruby, his heart pounded for her. As soon as Melody was within arm’s reach, Alvin pulled her in close and dropped a soft kiss just below her ear.

  The kiss sent a fantastic shiver down her spine and made her painted toes cur
l. Yep, Jared was nothing like Alvin, and Melody knew how lucky she was to share her life with a partner like him.

  She draped her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled his nose. “Are you going to look this handsome on our wedding day?” she asked with a dreamy look in her eyes.

  “It won’t matter what I look like on our wedding day. Everyone will be too busy looking at you, Mel.” He pressed his lips to hers and held them there for a long, sweet kiss. “But you know I will make every effort to look my best for you.”

  They shared a second kiss, then drove to the inn. Alvin shared his day’s highlights with Melody, such as how Mrs. Caruthers’s cat got stuck in a tree again. Melody filled him in on what transpired during the cake delivery.

  “I don’t understand why the woman keeps letting her cat out. It keeps going up the same tree. Then we keep rescuing it. She should just put a treehouse up there for the cat.”

  Melody laughed.

  “At least, it keeps us busy during downtimes. Maybe she’s just lonely and likes the company.”

  “Not to change the subject, Al, but I’m worried about this wedding. When Leslie and I dropped off the cake this afternoon, Kerry was really stressed about her sister.” She took his hand, holding it as he drove down the roadway toward the inn.

  “Kim and Jared actually showed? I thought they were estranged.”

  “They haven’t been close in years, but it’s because of Jared. Kim basically told me their marriage is over. She was really upset. I don’t know how she could possibly get through this wedding without causing a scene. I also saw him flirting with one of Coleman’s new hires, a pretty woman named Liza, and it was so blatantly obvious that they were flirting. Then, when they heard Bradford call me, they split up quickly. They looked so suspicious. Between his flirting and Kim’s instability, I’m really worried that they’re both going to ruin this wedding for Kerry and Bradford.”


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