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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 94

by Rosie Sams

  “That sounds lovely,” Melody said. “I was passing, and I just thought I’d see how you were doing.”

  Lulu put Smudge down and pointed at the table. Melody took a seat while Lulu prepared two lemonades. Once they were on the table, she sat down herself.

  Melody took a sip of the refreshing drink. “So, how are you doing?”

  “I’m doing okay,” Lulu said. “I have to work out how I can pay for my training, but I think I will be better off. Nancy helped, but not as much as I needed, and Amy did nothing but get me to sweep the floor, make drinks, and do the washing. I was never going to learn if I stayed at that shop.”

  “Maybe I can find someone to help you,” Melody said.

  “That would be amazing.” Lulu stood up and crossed the room, picking up an album and returning to the table. “Take this with you, and if you have anyone who is interested, you can show them my work… just so they know they won’t be wasting their time.” She opened the book, and Melody’s jaw fell open.

  “Did you do these?” Melody asked, staring at the amazing hairstyles.

  “Yes, I have also been taking a few people on the side. Mainly just my friends, I wasn’t cheating Amy.”

  “Oh, no, I didn’t mean that. These are amazing. You have every bit as much talent as Nancy had,” Melody said as she flicked through the book. Each hairstyle was the perfect one for the person in the photograph. “I wish I had come to you first, Melody said.

  “Well, on that note, as I said, I’ve been thinking about you.” Lulu took the album from Melody and turned to the back page. There was a clipping out of a magazine. The woman had red hair and facial features similar to Melody’s, and the hairstyle was just perfect. Shorter, sleeker, easy to care for, and stunning.

  “Wow, I love it,” Melody said. “Could you do this?”

  Lulu was nodding and smiling. “Anytime, for what you did for me, I can do this anytime, even now, if you want to.”

  Melody thought for a moment or two. Part of her wanted to run home and talk to Alvin, only that wasn’t possible, he was in court for the rest of the day. What could make this day more perfect than going home with a stunning hairstyle?

  “If you mean it, I’m in.”

  An hour and a half later, Melody walked out of Lulu’s. She was so pleased with her new hairstyle that she had agreed to sponsor Lulu’s training. It was something she would discuss with Alvin, but she knew he would be overjoyed, and it was a decision that made her feel good. Today was just the most amazing day, she couldn’t wait to get home.

  As she walked down the street, she got a phone call from Alvin. Should she give him the news, or should she wait to do it in person? Smudge yipped, and Melody could swear that the little dog was telling her to wait. It seemed the right decision.

  “Hey, Mel, I’ll be home in 20 minutes, you want me to cook or should I pick up takeout from that new Thai place?”

  “Thai sounds fantastic, I’ll be home just before you, and I can’t wait to see you.”

  They hung up, and Melody picked up her pace. “Come on, Smudge, let’s go home.”

  By the time Alvin walked in, the table was set, and two candles were burning on top of it. Soft music was playing in the background, and Melody had dimmed the lights in the dining room.

  Alvin walked in with the takeout bags, he got halfway past Melody, and his jaw dropped, his eyes opened wide. “Wow, just wow, that is amazing. I love it, Mel, I absolutely love it. In fact, I have to say that you are so beautiful you are just glowing.”

  Melody felt her cheeks flush, and Smudge rubbed against her leg as if to give her support. Taking the bags off Alvin, she put them down in the kitchen and then took his hands. Gently she guided him into the dining room and sat him down, still holding his hands.

  “What is going on here?” he asked.

  “It is nothing to worry about,” she said. “It’s just that I got some news today, some good news, I think you will agree.” Suddenly, her throat was dry, and she couldn’t seem to get the words out.

  There was a worried look in Alvin’s eyes, and she knew she had to tell him, but the lump in her throat just wouldn’t let the words past.

  “Mel, what is it, what is wrong?” Alvin asked, his face lined with worry.

  At that moment, Smudge appeared with her green squeaky frog. Giving it the most almighty bite, the frog let out a squeal that seemed to release Melody’s nerves.

  “Well, you know I’ve been feeling off-color?”

  Alvin nodded.

  Now Melody was beginning to enjoy herself, and she was going to drag this out. Putting a big smile on her face as she continued, “You asked me to go see the doctor after the incident with Amy.”

  Alvin’s face dropped. “Is there something wrong? Please tell me.”

  “No, no, there’s nothing wrong. But I know why I was feeling off-color. It wasn’t because I needed to solve a crime, it wasn’t because I needed a new hairstyle, can you guess why it was?”

  Smudge squeaked the frog once more and then dropped it at Melody’s feet.

  Alvin looked at the frog and then at Melody. For a second, a smile crossed his face, but then he shook his head. “I have no idea.”

  Melody laughed, she picked up the little frog and held it in her arms as one might rock a baby.

  “Really?!” Alvin said.

  Melody loved how he understood her so well that he knew what she meant. “Yes, really. We think I’m six weeks along.” Melody grinned as Alvin stood and pulled her into his arms. Before she knew it, he was spinning her around the room and shouting, “Yes, yes, yes. Oh, Melody, I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, but stop spinning, or I’ll be too sick to eat the Thai.”

  Alvin stopped and pulled her close, hugging her to him. They both felt a paw scratch at their legs. Alvin reached down and scooped up Smudge, then they hugged her between them.

  “I love you so much,” he said, “and don’t you worry, my little Smudge, you will still be loved just as much. However, Mel, I’m serious now, you have to take it easy.”

  “I promise I will,” Melody said. “Now, let’s eat, I’m starving.”

  Alvin stepped back and spun around the room this time with Smudge. The little Frenchie did her own spin when he put her down and then followed him to the kitchen barking and spinning as she went.

  Soon Alvin returned with two plates and popped them on the table. He pulled Melody’s chair out and helped her to sit down.

  “Tuck in,” he said as he disappeared to get something for Smudge.

  Once he came back, and they all had their food, he took her hands in his. “I love you so much, and I can’t wait for this new addition to our family. Now, eat up.”

  Melody looked down at her plate, which was piled high with more food than she could eat in two days. “I can’t eat all this,” she said.

  “You’re eating for two, I thought I should give you a bit more.”

  Melody laughed and rubbed her belly. “As little Hennessy grows, then I will probably need more, but this is enough for if I have a football team in here.”

  “Now, there’s a thought, what if it’s twins?”

  Melody gulped. Seeing Alvin so exciting was fabulous, but what had she let herself in for?

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  The Murder in the Motel

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter Two Hundred Forty-Eight

  Sunlight glinted off the sidewalk as Melody Hennessy and French Bulldog, Smudge, strolled towards Decadently Delicious, the famous Port Warren Bakery. They were both in an amazing mood. Up above, the sun seemed to be smiling down on them, birds sang and the cooling breeze was just perfect.

  “The girls are going to be so excited,” Melody said to Smudge.

  The little Frenchie waggled her blue-grey butt, spun in a circle, and gave a little yip. It seemed she agre

  Melody knew she would struggle to concentrate on baking this morning. It was her late start so her friends would already be working. The three partners took one day each week when they turned in just before opening. It meant that they could have a lie-in. Of course, Melody had been too excited to stay in bed this morning. A dreamy smile crossed her face as she remembered the day so far.

  Alvin Hennessy, Port Warren’s handsome sheriff, and her amazing new husband, had woken her with a breakfast tray. They had been married just 6 months now but every day felt so new and exciting. On the tray, there were muffins, a cup of tea, a red rose, and a butter cookie for Smudge.

  “I wish I could stay here all day,” he said as he kissed her lips. “But I have to get in early this morning.”

  Smudge gave a little yip.

  Alvin pulled back, winked at Melody, and scratched the Frenchie between the ears. “Yes, I want to stay with you too, Smudges.

  Melody had groaned at Alvin’s attempt at a nickname for Smudge. He kept trying, and she had to keep teasing him about them. It was all just for fun. Chuckling at Alvin, she rounded the corner and walked the last block to the bakery. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her two friends' faces.

  The bell above the bakery door tinkled as Melody and Smudge walked in. From the back room, Kerry Porter-Smedley rushed out. Her messy blonde hair was pinned under a pink hairnet, but strands were falling loose already. By the look in her eyes, she was not on her first coffee.

  “Hey, Melody you’re early,” Kerry said as she tucked the hair behind her ear with a flour-covered hand that left white streaks across her cheek. “It was your late morning? Wasn’t it? I sometimes get mixed up but we’ve got everything sorted, so you can go home if you want to. Hey, Smudge, how you doing?”

  Melody laughed and raised a hand to stop Kerry. It looked like she had consumed 3 or 4 coffee’s already by the speed of her speech. “I couldn’t sleep,” Melody said, “besides, Alvin had to be in early.”

  “Oh, you two love birds are so cute… but I know what you mean. The bed is not so enticing without my Bradford.” Kerry let out a sigh and stopped speaking for a moment.

  Melody took the opportunity to go around the counter and through the door into the back. “I have something to tell you,” Melody said as she nipped into the kitchen.

  Leslie Mathers was busily placing a selection of cream cakes into trays for delivery. A small exotic looking woman, she was concentrating hard and did not hear Melody come in.

  “Morning, Leslie. It looks like that order is nearly finished,” Melody said as she walked across to the counter.

  Leslie turned and flashed a cheeky grin. With her black pixie haircut secured in an almost invisible black hairnet and her exotic dark eyes to match, Leslie could grace any stage or movie set. She had once had a go at some acting, but for now, she seemed to enjoy her work at the bakery.

  “Yes, they are complete.” Leslie looked up to check the clock. “A good ½ an hour early. Talking of which, you’re not due in for another hour.” Leslie took the completed tray of cakes and placed them near the back door. Hiram Green, from the Happy Frog, would be collecting them soon. He had a party this evening and always got his sweet treats from their bakery.

  Leslie washed her hands and turned around to see Smudge sitting in front of her. With a chuckle, she knelt down and rubbed the Frenchie between her ears. Smudge grunted her appreciation, causing another chuckle from Leslie.

  “I have something I want to tell you both,” Melody said.

  “Okay.” Leslie stood, walked over to the jar on the counter, and pulled out a butter cookie.

  Knowing the routine, Smudge went to her bed in the corner. It was pink and fluffy. The little bulldog sat on the bed, her ears up, her eyes open wide as she waited for the treat.

  “Here you go,” Leslie said as she tossed the cookie to Smudge.

  The Frenchie jumped in the air, grabbed the cookie, and curled up on her bed so quick it was hard to see.

  “We have plenty of time for a break, you want a coffee?” Leslie asked as she washed her hands again before walking to the break room and crossing to the coffee machine.

  Melody followed and chuckled. “I would love one, I’m not sure we should let Kerry have another though.”

  Leslie chuckled too but she was already pouring out 3 cups. On the side, she had a plate waiting with three cookies. “I wouldn’t want to be the one who tried to stop her.”

  “Good point,” Melody said as she took a seat.

  “Stop who? Has someone been up to no good?” Kerry asked as she bustled in from the shop.

  Leslie and Melody couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Hey, you two? What have I missed? Have you been talking about me again? I haven’t had that much coffee. I’ve only had three cups. Ooh, it looks like I’m getting another one.” With that, she flopped down into one of the chairs and picked up the coffee mug. It was the biggest of the three mugs, bright pink, with the words World’s Biggest Coffee Drinker on it. Along with a cartoon picture of a highly frayed woman who looked remarkably like Kerry. The cartoon’s messy blonde hair was all on end, and the woman’s eyes were nearly popping out of her head.

  The mug had been a gift from Leslie for Kerry’s birthday. When she had seen it, Melody had worried that Kerry would take it the wrong way. After all, the two girls hadn’t always got along. However, Kerry had loved it instantly and took advantage of filling it every opportunity she got.

  Now they were all sitting at the table, Melody felt nervous. It was ridiculous, she had worked with these two ladies for some time now. Originally, they had been her employees for the bakery was hers. Last year, however, after they had solved a murder together, Melody had seen how badly some employers treated their staff. It changed something in her. The bakery was one of Melody’s three loves, the other two being Smudge and Alvin; she wanted it to be a joy and everyone in it to be happy. For that reason, she had given Leslie and Kerry a percentage of the business and they were now partners.

  “What is it?” Leslie asked, “you look worried!”

  Melody swallowed. It wasn’t worry that had her stomach all tied up in knots but excitement. Part of her couldn’t wait to share the good news but another part knew that her life was changing. It would be a change for the better but even so, it was a change. Why was she being so silly?

  “Now you’re starting to worry me,” Kerry said. “Has something happened? Is there something we need to know? Do I need to do something? Has Leslie done something wrong again? You really are starting to worry me now…”

  Melody let out a nervous laugh. She could see the worry on her two friends' faces and that was the last thing she wanted; this was a joyous moment, not a worrying one. “I have some really good news to share with you both.”

  Once more her nerves took over and a lump rose into her throat stopping the words where they were. Before she could say any more she felt a scratch against her leg. Looking down, she could see Smudge sitting there. Her big amber eyes were full of so much love. Melody reached down and picked the puppy up cuddling her close.

  “I have to tell you, that I’m pregnant,” Melody said.

  Kerry let out a squeal of delight while Leslie gave her congratulations. Before Melody could say anymore she was engulfed by her two friends as they shared a celebratory hug.

  Once they were all back at the table, Kerry picked up her coffee and took a big swig. “We have so much to organize. The baby shower, patterns for the nursery, the gender reveal, shopping for maternity wear… Don’t worry, I will organize everything. Let's just hope there isn’t a murder!”

  “Kerry, don’t say that. Now you’ve jinxed things.” Leslie shook her head, her mouth dropping open, her eyes wide.

  Melody couldn’t help but chuckle. Though part of her just wanted to be left alone to enjoy this, to enjoy being with child and to let it all come at its own time, she knew her friends would want to be involved. Of course, she would let them and they woul
d relish this special time together. For once the thought of an adventure didn’t excite her, maybe it was time to hang up her sleuthing hat and concentrate on becoming a mom?

  Before she could think on it further, the bell in the shop tinkled and the day’s work began.

  Chapter Two Hundred Forty-Nine

  The first hour after the shop opened was always busy, but the atmosphere was different today. Customers came and went on their way to work and in between Melody and her friends spent most of their time chatting. Well, if Melody was honest, Kerry did most of the talking, and Leslie and her listened.

  Melody could hardly contain her excitement and was so pleased to see that her friends were joining in. They were already taking bets on what gender the child would be, with Kerry wanting a boy, that looked just like Alvin, and Leslie wanting a girl. As soon as Leslie made her choice, Kerry became even more excited. All she could talk about was bows and dresses and sweet little hats.

  “Booties, booties are the cutest things ever. I can just imagine little pink ones with little silk ribbon. Now, I don’t know whether I want you to have a girl or boy…” Kerry’s words came out all in a rush.

  “Stop!” Melody called in mock horror. “We have months of this, let’s take things easy.”

  “But there’s so much planning to do,” Kerry said.

  Luckily for Melody, the sound of the doorbell heralded a customer. Looking up she felt a smile come to her face and her heart was full of joy.

  “Jake, it’s so good to see you.”

  Almost immediately, Smudge ran out into the shop, yipping and crying in a way that only a Frenchie could do. It was a mixture of excitement and frustration as she raced to get to her friend.

  Jake was a veteran who was once homeless. He had been a favorite of Melody’s and Smudge’s and had once helped exonerate Melody of murder. Now, he looked a lot different. A tall and broad man in his mid-50s, his brown hair was touched with silver but he was always smiling.


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