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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 98

by Rosie Sams

  Wilbur dropped his head hiding a sheepish glance but much to Melody’s surprise, Alvin continued in the same line.

  “You know me, Jake,” Alvin said. “I want to believe you are innocent, but you must understand that these questions have to be asked.”

  Jake nodded.

  “It is entirely plausible that you wanted to get your hands on Lola’s trust fund. You saw the altercation between her and Hodge at the luncheon. What’s to stop you from killing Elliott and depositing the body in Lola’s bed?”

  Jake was shaking his head and had defensively folded his arms.

  “You knew her well enough and understood her circumstances enough to know that she would probably take a sleeping tablet that night. You have the skills, the strength, the knowledge, and the motive… did you kill Elliott Hodge?”

  “You have to know that I’m no killer,” Jake said.

  “The problem is, Jake, I know you are a killer. You were a sniper, and you were special forces, taking out a low life like Elliott would be no problem for a man like you,” Alvin said, his voice cold and emotionless.

  “I was with Collin until… I don’t know what time but he can vouch for me, there’s no way I could’ve done this… no way I would have done this.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Alvin said.

  “Al, please, you know he didn’t do this,” Melody interrupted knowing that she shouldn’t.

  Only then, the door to the interrogation room burst open and they all turned around. Deputy Peterson stood behind Lola. Her hair was all ragged and her eyes bruised from lack of sleep. She almost staggered into the room and stood between Alvin and Jake.

  “It was me, I killed him,” Lola blurted out.

  “Lola, don’t say anymore,” Jake shouted.

  “Let her speak,” Alvin said and the look he passed around the room silenced everyone but Lola

  “You saw what he was like. He seemed to think that any woman would fall at his feet and yet I found him quite repulsive. I don’t know what time it was but he woke me from my sleep. I was half drugged, half-dazed as he forced his way into my room. I don’t know where the knife came from but it was in my hand and I struck out. I felt the warmth of his blood on my fingers and then nothing. The next thing I knew I was waking up screaming having forgotten what happened.”

  “Lola, be quiet,” Melody said, and as she watched, Smudge went up to the distressed woman and rubbed herself against her leg. Lola glanced down at Smudge, for once she didn’t seem afraid, instead she smiled.

  “Lola, Melody is right, don’t say another word until you have a lawyer,” Jake said. “I will source one for you now that I will be free, but promise me you won’t say another word until you have counsel.”

  “You won’t be getting out of here just yet,” Alvin said. “You both have the motive, opportunity, and means, you are both suspects and I will be questioning you individually from now on.”

  “Then Lola is asserting her rights to a lawyer,” Jake said.

  Alvin sighed and looked at Lola. “Is that correct?”

  Lola put her head on one side and said nothing for a few seconds, then she nodded. “Smudge agrees, I want a lawyer.”

  Melody watched the interaction between Smudge and Lola and it really did look as if the two of them were communicating. She had seen the smirk on Alvin’s face and realized that he thought Lola was setting up an insanity plea, but Melody thought there was more to it than that. “I still believe that you are both innocent,” Melody said. “What can I do to help?”

  “Speak to Colin,” Jake said. “He will get us legal representation. I thought he was sorting that for Lola this morning, and maybe he can help you fill in the gaps. Someone had to have done this and they had to be at that luncheon. Colin can give you the list of attendants and hopefully point you in the right direction.”

  With that, Wilbur approached Lola, her eyes flared as he reached out to touch her. “I will come with you,” she said, “just don’t touch me.”

  Melody so wanted to believe she was innocent as she knew Jake was, but if Elliott had pushed himself on her could she have snapped?

  Chapter Two Hundred Fifty-Eight

  “What now?” Melody asked.

  Alvin’s eyes followed Deputy Peterson as he escorted Jake back to the cells. Peterson was relatively new to the station, a bright and willing young man of color, he always had a smile on his face. Turning his eyes to Melody, Alvin smiled. “You did well in there. I know it was hard seeing me attacking your friend, but I did it for the right reasons.”

  Melody harrumphed and then gave him a smile anyway.

  “Trust me, I do understand how you feel. But, these questions have to be asked and it is better that I do them. In my heart, I don’t believe that Jake did this. Lola, I’m not so sure about. But either way, I have to follow the evidence, so, get out there and find me some.” With that, he kissed her cheek and squeezed her hands.

  That little vote of confidence spurred Melody on and she knew that she would find something to exonerate her friends. At her feet, Smudge whined and scratched at Alvin’s leg.

  “You did great too, my little Frenchiepoo.”

  Melody groaned and Smudge gave a little yip.

  “I’ll find the perfect nickname for you one day you see that I don’t. Oh, and there was something other than blood on the bed, the lab’s not sure what yet.”

  Chuckling to herself, Melody squeezed his arm before leaving the station. There was work to be done, clues to be hunted down and a friend to be saved.

  Melody knew she had to see Colin and so with Smudge in tow she set off to the VA center. Once there she found him in the little kitchen. It looked like he had been helping himself to some of the leftovers from the previous night.

  “Hi, Colin, I don’t know if you’ve heard but Jake is now also a suspect.”

  Colin scooped a little of the cheesecake with a spoon. As he took a bite, he dropped a little of the strawberry sauce onto the table.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” he said, taking another bite.

  “Don’t you worry, I know they are both innocent, we will get them free.”

  Colin slumped down into one of the chairs and pulled the cheesecake dish towards him. “Sorry, I eat when I’m stressed. I worked so hard to honor these veterans, to help them, and now I feel as if this is my fault. Elliott is dead and Jake and Lola are suspects, how many lives have I let get ruined? Why did I ever let Elliott Hodge come to that luncheon?”

  The question took Melody by surprise and as she pulled out a chair to sit down Smudge barked at Colin before pulling on her lead. For a minute Melody wondered what was wrong, and then she spotted some of the strawberry cheesecake on the floor. Perhaps Smudge was still hungry; either way, she would never miss out on such a treat.

  “Is there any reason you wouldn’t have invited him?” Melody asked. “After all, I’m sure there were disagreements between some of the other veterans.”

  Colin took another bite of cheesecake. “Yes, there are, but I knew how bad things had gotten between Marcus and Elliott. I was hoping to keep them apart and yet I should’ve seen this coming.”

  Why didn’t he keep them apart? Melody wondered. For she distinctly remembered Colin walking Elliott across the room and past Marcus’s table. There had been trouble earlier, grumblings, Colin must’ve seen them. “Jake asked if you will sort out legal representation.”

  “Of course,” Colin said. “It’s already been taken care of, someone should be there by midafternoon.”

  That didn’t seem that quick and Melody wondered why Colin wasn’t there himself. “Are you thinking of going to the station?”

  “I don’t see what I can do to help,” he said taking another bite of strawberry cheesecake and wiping some of the strawberry sauce from his mouth.

  Smudge began to bark and Melody noticed the stains on his hands, red stains and she understood where the pup might have seen those things before. It wasn’t blood that Smudge had
licked at the crime scene, it was strawberry sauce.

  “Okay, Smudge, I’ve got it,” Melody said then turning her eyes to Colin. “Can you think of anything to help exonerate either Lola or Jake?”

  “No, I’m sorry, I can’t. They both have a temper, I really hope they didn’t do it, but who knows.”

  “You seem to like that cheesecake, I believe there were two left last night.”

  “You’re right, I’m guilty of having a sweet tooth, especially when I’m down.” He chuckled a little humorously.

  “Is the other one still there? I wouldn’t mind a slice myself.”

  “No, I took it home with me last night. I know I shouldn’t but your desserts are so delicious.”

  “Did Jake, Elliott, or Lola take any?” Melody was almost sure that they hadn’t. Lola had turned down the desserts and as much as Jake loved them he had eaten well at the luncheon. Elliott had been too drunk, the last thing on his mind was sweets.

  “I don’t think so,” Colin said as he took another bite.

  Smudge had crossed to the other side of the room and was pawing at a jacket that had been thrown across a chair. Melody recognized it as one that Colin was wearing last night. Smudge gave a bark.

  “What is that dog doing? Get it to leave my jacket alone,” Colin said.

  It! Melody noticed that there was a stain on the sleeve of the jacket. It looked sticky and could easily have been strawberry sauce but Smudge was looking at the pocket. Maybe the bulldog had found something.

  “I think it’s the strawberry sauce on your jacket,” Melody said.

  “What about it?”

  “We saw some spilled sauce at the crime scene.”

  Colin tensed and his eyes darted to the door. Suddenly, Melody realized what she had done. Once again she had warned a killer that she was on to them, and she had done so when she was alone with them. Now she had to talk her way out of here.

  “Well, thank you for all your help, Alvin’s expecting me so I better go now.”

  “Not so fast!” Colin stood and stepped between her and the door.

  Chapter Two Hundred Fifty-Nine

  Smudge raced across the room, her little paws moving so fast you couldn’t see them. She put herself between Melody and Colin. Standing square, she growled and Melody was surprised when Colin backed off.

  “I’m sure that Elliott could’ve taken some of that cheesecake. You know what he was like,” Colin said.

  “The problem is I saw you leading Elliott out before he had a chance to sample any of the desserts.”

  “Then it could’ve been Lola or Jake. Are you even sure it was strawberry sauce?”

  Melody hadn’t been sure, but she was now for she could see it in Colin’s eyes. There was guilt and a touch of shame, but there was also arrogance and she knew that he was dangerous. However, as always, she was curious and she wanted to know why this had happened and how he had planned the crime to frame her two friends.

  “I have to ask you why would you talk to Elliott in the first place if you dislike him so much?”

  Colin shrugged. “As the host of the evening, it’s my job to see that everyone is having a good time.”

  “Yes, but when the altercation started why did you lead Elliott past Marcus? You must’ve known there would be trouble.”

  “How would I know that something was going to happen? I mean… I had no control over what Elliott did... Who would’ve known he would make a pass at Lola?”

  Melody could see that he was rattled and he was rambling and spluttering as he tried to come up with an excuse.

  Smudge gave another bark, causing him to back off a little further.

  “You have no proof of any of this, I think I should be going now.” Colin suddenly seemed to regain control. Walking around her he headed for his jacket and Melody knew that it was a piece of evidence and she must not let him get it.

  “Smudge,” she called and pointed to the jacket.

  The little bulldog raced between Colin’s legs, across the room and jumped onto the chair. She grabbed hold of the jacket and dragged it around Colin and back to Melody. As she passed him, Colin reached out to try and stop her but she was too quick. As Smudge passed the jacket to Melody, a white card fell out of the pocket. Melody knew what it was instantly and she reached in her own pocket to get an evidence bag. Picking up the motel room key card with the evidence bag she placed it back in her pocket.

  “You have no proof that came from my jacket,” Colin said.

  “Actually, she does for I saw it,” Marcus Redfield said as he came into the room.

  “I found the card, I don’t know whose it is,” Colin said. “You two are spinning a pretty story but you have nothing to tie me to these murders.”

  “We’ve not spun anything yet,” Melody said and that was when she spotted a knife rack across the room, one of the knives was missing. It looked like the evidence was mounting up, now all she needed was a motive. Why would Colin do this?

  “I think it’s more likely that you took the card out of Lola’s pocket during the scuffle last night,” Marcus said.

  Colin looked as if he was about to run but Marcus held his hand up. “Don’t even try it, Sonny. I may be old, but I can still take down the likes of you. Apart from which I called the sheriff just before I came in here.”

  Colin seemed to sag and he sat himself down back at the table. “This is just a pretty story. So, I had the card, you have no proof I was in the room, and you have no motive.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Marcus said. “I just spoke to my lawyer and it seems that Elliott transferred his money into your care when he knew that I was coming for him. He was hoping that that way I could take him to court but I would get nothing. I imagine he was planning on framing me, but when Elliott made a pass at Lola, she became the perfect patsy. You were going to run off with the money, weren’t you?”

  Colin looked from one to the other of them and Melody thought he was going to confess. Instead, he jumped to his feet and tried to race for the door. Markus stood to follow, but he wasn’t quick enough, and it was Smudge who grabbed hold of Colin’s trousers forcing the man to trip as he tried to flee the room.

  Colin tried to scramble to his feet, Smudge barked and nipped at him, forcing him to stay on the floor.

  “Good dog,” Marcus said as he took off his tie and tied Colin’s hands behind his back. Just as Marcus heaved him up and put him in a chair, Alvin and Wilbur arrived.

  Smudge ran to them and then back to Colin, barking at the man before looking at Alvin for approval.

  “Way to go, Smudge,” Alvin said, reaching into his pocket and tossing the Frenchie a butter cookie.

  “Hmm hmm”, Melody cleared her throat.

  “You too,” Alvin said. “As always, it looks like your instincts were spot on.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Sixty

  With Colin arrested, Jake and Lola were released. The evidence against Colin continued to mount now they knew what they were looking for. The keycard had his fingerprints on it. The strawberry sauce was not only all over the room, but it was also all over his jacket. The financial evidence also pointed towards Colin.

  Alvin had had Lola tested, and the lab thought it doubtful that she would be awake at the time of the murder. She had taken a heavy dose of sleeping tablets and they were still in her system the following morning.

  All in all, Melody and Smudge had once more hunted down the real killer and saved the day for two of their friends.

  Melody and Smudge were both there when Lola and Jake were released. Jake was over the moon, hugging Melody and picking Smudge up and planting kisses all over her little blue-gray face.

  “I’m sorry,” Alvin said to both of them. “You have to understand this was not personal.”

  “We know it was not your fault,” Lola said.

  “No hard feelings,” Jake said as he reached out to shake Alvin’s hand. “However, I need coffee, real coffee. Why don’t we go to the little diner acr
oss the road? My treat.”

  “No, it’s my treat,” Alvin said. “Wilbur, I’m on my radio if you need me.”

  As the friends all walked to the café, Melody noticed that Lola was staring at Smudge. The little bulldog was trotting along ahead but every now and then she would turn around to look at Lola. It was almost as if she was encouraging her.

  When they got to the diner food and coffee were ordered in vast quantities and the conversation gradually turned to the future. Slowly, Lola was getting used to them and she had started to open up just a little bit.

  “What now?” Melody asked her.

  Lola shrugged. “I have no idea, I guess in some ways I had resigned myself to being in prison. Part of me feels I deserve to be punished because of what happened.”

  “No, no, you do not,” Jake said. “I’ve read reports on what happened. You were never to blame. In fact, your quick action saved lives. It’s time to stop blaming yourself and time to move on.”

  As if an agreement Smudge sat in front of her and gave a little yip. Lola stared for a moment and then smiled. “I could swear that dog is almost human.”

  Smudge spun in a circle and gave another bark before returning to Melody. But she kept her eyes on Lola as if encouraging her for something.

  “I have an idea,” Jake said. “Why don’t you come and stay with me for a while? There are some new things I want to try with you and I think Isabella will help you a lot.”

  For a moment, Lola looked panicked but then her eyes found Smudge and she smiled. “Okay, if you really don’t mind?”

  “I not only don’t mind, but I look forward to the company,” Jake said.

  The conversation gradually drifted away, and a call on Alvin’s radio took him back to the station.

  “I have things to do as well,” Jake said. “If you want I can get you settled first?”

  Lola looked at Smudge and then at Melody. “Do you have time for another coffee first?” she asked.

  “Absolutely,” Melody said. “You get off, Jake, I’ll bring Lola back later.”


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